
24 de abril de 2017

Unthinkable happened - France ties with the US and outperforms SPAIN in estulticia and will be governed by the TRASH WORSE


In this article, we will not make any analysis of the outcome of the first round of the French elections; just a short reflection on the grotesque to the French people, who represent these elections, whoever finally wins.
As we noted in Article ATTACK IN PARIS WHO FAVOR recent attacks Islamists? The terrorist attack benefited the two main candidates
It is: Le Pen and Macron (finally the candidate Rothschild seems to end up being the biggest beneficiary, although as shown Trump has actually given both).
This is what we said in that article:

(this attack is) exactly what I needed Le Pen, from the hands of his alleged bitterest enemies, the "malvadísimos radical Islamists" ...

(...) the attack, who most benefit is not just Le Pen, but particularly harmful to Mélenchon, the outsider who was coming up from the rear and intended to fight against the oligarchy.

And before the possible rise of Le Pen, it is possible that many people end upconvinced to vote the agent Rothschild, Macron, being a useful vote (since it is tied in polls with her) to  "fight the right - wing radical" .

And indeed, that's what is happening: Macron, the banker who worked at the Rothschild Bank, has collected the  "useful vote"  driven by fear of the extreme right and seems to be fired at the Elysee Palace, then in the second round , you will collect lots of votes of the candidates who have fallen by the wayside and ask their voters to give their vote to Macron, to  "prevent the rise of most dangerous populism" .
So, for most horrible that could be the other candidates, you will win safely one of the two worst, turning the French elections in a parallel with what happened in the US.
And it is that what is happening in France has no name.
When it seemed that human stupidity could not reach new heights after the victory of Trump, the French have broken all possible barriers.
With these elections, they are building the Eiffel Tower estulticia.
It's so heartbreaking! The French, who have always been presented as a people so apparently worship and freedom-loving, leaning into the arms of these two wastes of the worst kind.
Da grossed out, there are no words to describe it in all its magnitude.
Here we have a genuine far - right bitch of the worst race, (anyone has forgotten the rubbish that is your father and what he represents, even though she has built a clever smoke barrier to hide their political nature?), presenting itself as  "the true representative of the people" .
And millions of people have believed!
It must be so darn stupid to believe that a far - right "is representative of the people" , as to believe that a billionaire tycoon is an  "anti-system" , as has happened with Trump.
Burradas believe this magnitude is a clear symptom of intellectual disability, literally.
But it all stays very, very short, next to the level of stupidity that must have a citizen to vote Macron.
It seems inconceivable that anyone "street", ie, someone other than a banker, a tycoon or a great entrepreneur, to reach a level of bullshit so marked as to vote Macron, without being directly considered a oligofrénico.

Also carries the look painted on the type of "person" is ... is that nobody has instinct?
Have they been brainwashed? Have they been hypnotized?
Honestly, you're left stunned and speechless at such massive stupidity.
It is so incredible that even becomes hard to believe that it can be real. It seems like a bad dream, like a nightmare.
A banker who has worked directly for Banca Rothschild, who has been Minister of Economy catastrophic Hollande government, and is presented as (drumroll) ¡¡¡Antisistema BANKER AND ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT !!!
'And get millions of votes !!
Can you believe it?
Frenchmen Bravo, lideráis the ranking of the world stupidity! That will give the cup now!
When it seemed that the Spanish stupidity was already insurmountable, the French have broken all records!
The Trump Teasing is a child's play next to this!
What of  "anti - banker and anti-establishment"  far exceeds all bounds of existing insult to intelligence to today and is a demonstration of how deeply sick she is, not only French society, but all Western societies.
As mentioned in the article  A WORLD OF GOOD AND EVIL , the masses are being manipulated with simple mechanisms such as  "counter programming" ...
It is a mechanism of regular programming, we see reflected constantly around us.

Unlike hatred, which has been classified in the mind as an "enemy" itself, he leads many people to act "to against" without realizing the tremendous manipulation that are subject to such an attitude.

For that struggle "against something" blindly he leads them to enter the ranks of the opposition, without stopping to analyze who this opponent and what their intentions are. 
That allows big economic powers who really control everything from the shadows, continue their activities without anyone who opposes them because all the energies of the population are dispersed in the alleged confrontation between left and right.
How can it be possible that they always work handling mechanism so obvious and so simple?
Now, the old paradigm in which this manipulation mechanism, traditionally based on the confrontation between "progressives" and "conservatives", is being transformed into a kind of element deformed manipulation, based on the confrontation between labeled "was based pro-establishment "and" anti-establishment "... and it turns out as" anti-establishment "or" anti-system "may present a Rothschild banker, serving a corrupt elite financial magnate and the complex industrial- military, or right-wingers, lovers of the most antiquated methods of handling the dough (for them "rabble") based on tradition bitch, bitch bitch homeland and religion.
And everyone works for them!
Because the level of stupidity of human beings seems to be growing exponentially over the years, to the point that soon, human stupidity we can consider as a new force of nature, capable of deforming not only the minds but space itself time!

The parallel party in Spain to that shameful political scam called  "En Marche"  (receiving the pompous official name of  "Partnership for Renewal Political Life" ), is the party created and supported by banks and elites IBEX -35:  Citizens , possibly the biggest political scam in Spanish history, led by the emetic pijo called Albertito Rivera (falangito alias) and his henchmen dirty, most notably Javier Nart the infecto and failed pseudo-player Toni Cantó, between other national pearls.
As a funny note, see that tomfoolery, and shameless demagogue named Javier Nart Tertullian, making the most absolute ridiculous with his jefecito Rivera, as they tried to publicly present themselves as the friends of trinfador Macron (chosen by the master Rothschild).
A ridiculous epoch-making ...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...