
19 de abril de 2017

Washington's benevolent mask is disintegrating

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Paul Craig Roberts
 March 9, 2017
d the Website  ForeignPolicyJournal
Translation  Adela Kaufmann

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts attended four of the top universities, he studied under two Nobel laureates in economics, he authored 20 peer - reviewed articles in scholarly journals, and public or peer -reviewed four books Acadé micos press,
including Harvard and Oxford,
and seven books published commercially.
His most recent book is

 Vladimir Putin
answering questions from Russian journalists
d fter the BRICS Summit,
October 2016.

And when you have your news
the media mainstream,
you are being indoctrinated
for war with Russia (and China)
and therefore it is being prepared
for his funeral.

Within weeks of the presidency of Trump are sufficient to make it clear that there will be no change this time either.

Normal relations with Russia are in the background, if not the stove. The material needs of the military / security complex for an enemy to justify their budgets and state police powers and the ideological needs of the neoconservatives by the global hegemony of the United States are considered to be more important than confidence among thermonuclear powers .

As for the left / liberal / progressive, they consider that works to preserve life on earth as a mere pretext for being soft on the Russians and those who commit treason to promote friendly relations with Russia.

The US working class has found that between the government of Trump no longer have larger constituency with the Russians.

As I have said for businesses, they are spending thousands of dollars to buy back its own shares, they are too poor to pay the salaries of the United States, Trump has found that the road to economic security for the workforce it is to reduce corporate tax.

Identity politics to open up the borders for Muslims and Hispanics, as well as health services for transsexuals, not for bread nor peace, and wants to be accused Trump because he is not yet at war with Russia.

The Trump rusofóbicas elections, such as McMaster ,  Mattis , and  Fiona Hill  are actually worse than Obama , Victoria Nuland , Samantha Power  and  Susan Rice .

Like Hillary and Nuland brought regime change to Ukraine, Tillerson in the State Department has signaled a change of regime democratically elected government in Venezuela. Ecuador and Bolivia will not be far behind ... 

Washington has never supported governments to put the interests of their people ahead of the interests of those who rule the US

Africa to South America to Indonesia to Cuba to Vietnam to Iran to Egypt, Washington has always misrepresented the forces of change, as a communist.

Washington  overthrew the first democratically elected government in Iran, the first  in the Congo , and many others.  
Washington opposes with an iron fist for democratic change.

Now  Marine Le Pen , the favorite for the French presidency in the next election candidate, is in the process of being destroyed by Washington.

Marine is not on the list 'approved' of Washington.

The reasons are:
  1. She speaks French interests, not Washington or the EU
  2. She opposes the Trans-Atlantic Partnership, which gives us the overall immunity of corporations to French law against GMOs, and French labor, safety and environmental standards
  3. she supports French opinion that the French are French and not "European" and wants to leave the European Union
  4. she wants France out of NATO, which uses France as a tool for US aggression
Washington Marine first attacked through their surrogates in the press and the French government, who managed to annul his parliamentary immunity. With this achievement, now it stands accused of "misuse of EU funds."

These charges, of course, are a hoax, a monitoring framework.

The charge, if successful, will be based on the interpretation of  media communication prostituted  French Navy as a "fascist" to represent French nationalism.

Nowadays, if a European person is loyal to his own country and not the EU, the person is considered a "nationalist", a term that has merged with "fascist". The consequence is that anyone in France who wants to represent the French is a "fascist".

Marine Le Pen lost his parliamentary immunity because she posted pictures of the victims on Twitter ISIS.

Published the photos were accurate and correct, just the truth. But the charge is to tell the truth about ISIS means that you are anti-Muslim, who today is like being anti-Jewish, anti-black, anti-gay and anti-transgender.

Protection of identity politics now extends not only to Muslim refugees from the US wars that are invading the Western world, but also for ISIS. Precise and accurate photographs violate identity politics.

The consensus of those few in Europe who reside outside the Matrix created for them by Washington and the mass media prostitutos US is that the CIA will not allow Le Pen to become president of France. She is a threat to the rule of Washington.

If it can not be destroyed with scandals and false accusations, as  Dominique Strauss-Kahn , she will be killed.

Democracy can not function without an honest means. Nowhere in the Western world it does exist an honest means. There are relatively few places in the Internet media that are independent of the ruling elites and tell the truth to the extent they can find.

But the same shadowy  web page PropONoprobably a product of  the CIA or  George Soros, told those who understand that good relations between the thermonuclear powers are essentially "Russian agents." 

A dozen Satan ICBM 2 is  sufficient to destroythe United States. One is enough to destroy France, the UK, or Texas. 

Why are Washington's puppets European, Canadian and Australian puppetry inviting such a result with continuous false accusations against Russia (and China)?

Anyone with a little intelligence can possibly consider the three times elected president of Russia as a "new Hitler", "a gift from the mafia", "a bully". By orchestrating the Russophobia in the West, Washington he has put all humanity at risk.

Russians have seen false accusations against Washington,
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Syria
  • Somalia
  • Libya
  • Yemen
  • Pakistan
  • Iran
  • against Russia itself - "invasion of Ukraine"
False accusations in the 21st century have always been launched by Washington in the country target for intervention or bombardment.

These provocations issued daily by the Western press idiot, idiots Western governments, and idiots commentators have paved the way for a misunderstanding that could result in a thermonuclear war and the end of life on earth.

When you read the  New York Times , the Washington Post , or listen to CNN, NPR, MSNBC, or British media, Canadians, Germans, French, and Australian media, you are being indoctrinated to war with Russia  ( and China) and, therefore, you are being prepared for his funeral. 

Accustomed to look for hope from within their own country, Americans get depressed when faced with these facts. While the US oligarchy is too strong change, the situation in Europe is more hopeful.

The EU is a group of countries that have little in common. The British have concluded that submerge his identity in something called "Europe" is not of interest. 

Other countries - Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece and Portugal - are realizing that capitalists are more rapacious than commissioners and could seek salvation in the recovery of its sovereignty.

The output of the European Union, an organization sponsored by the CIA, could gain momentum.

NATO could also come off as European populations realize that the threat is not Russia.The threat is that Washington is forcing Europe to conflict with Russia, a conflict in which Europe has nothing to gain.

For Europe, the conflict with Russia means the death of Europe.

A few Europeans have gained enough awareness to start asking:
"Why die for hegemony of Washington?"
This is the question of Marine Le Pen, and is currently being questioned by a few in Germany.

As Europeans become aware of the folly of Washington, the issue will grow. The millions of Muslim refugees from the wars in Washington that are flooding Europe with problems, are bringing them home to the heedless European price of accepting the lordship of Washington. 

Privatizations, which have wrecked the prospects of Latvia, Ukraine and Greece, which have raised costs and lowered standards in Britain and France as the concentrated income and wealth at the top of the income distribution are a European lesson that partial socializations of Social are more acceptable than the looting system now ruling.

The mask of  benevolence  Washington is falling, revealing the face of greed and evil that is his true face. This face is much scarier than the orchestrated "Russian threat".

If more Europeans may be aware, the threat of thermonuclear war would collapse with the rule of Washington ...

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