
8 de julio de 2017

13 Dollar USA and other symbols of the Empire - "Illuminati Conspiracy" Conspiracy Masonic-Liberal-Luciferian New World Order (1111)

Jean Jacques Rousseau, Diderot collaborator in the French Encyclopedia, published (1762) "The social contract" that proclaims the right of the strongest, covering despotism and totalitarianism: Capitalism, Socialism, Nazism, etc.

George Washington in his inaugural address as the first president stated flatly: "The US government is not based on Christian truth but in power." When the first stone was placed Capitol was presented as Masonic emblems bearing his portrait showing the background the Capitol under the eye that sees everything. In dollar bill (USA) on the left is a pyramid of 13 steps under the eye of Shiva-Horus. Furthermore, to the right of ticket displayed Imperial Eagle embracing the arrows 13 in its claw.
Resultat d'imatges dolar
Interestingly, in the shield of the Rotschild there is a fist with five arrows. For the Masons, thirteen is the number of the transformation towards the light of knowledge.The most important symbol is on the other side of the ticket on the right, right number 1, upper corner is a tiny almost imperceptible owl, nocturnal bird of prey, main symbol Illuminati. It depicts the goddess Minerva Roman (Pallas Athene of the Greeks). Christian tradition defines the owl as esoteric and luciferin.

In a letter to Queen Elizabeth I of England, who presided over the most powerful closed society of English merchants, the heading of the "S" introduced in a circle and crossed by a slash (such as the dollar sign) next appears a triangle.

The symbol $ is a talisman of Egyptian origin, used by the early Gnostic worshipers of the serpent, which has been perpetuated to modern Theosophists. It is similar to "Crismón" emperador Constantino legalized Christianity while trying to refer to the gnostic arrianismo to achieve unity with the Byzantine Empire. The Crismón is a monogram formed with the initial Greek letters of Christ's name (X = ji, P = ro) superimposed disappeared from Christian iconography when the Gnostic Church noticed the deception, especially in the churches of the Cathars heretics.

The dollar sign (money, wealth) is an esoteric representation of the god Mammon, similar toGreek god of death Pluto, which St. Tomás de Aquino mentioned in "Summa Theologica". Mammon is also one of the protagonists of the apocalyptic poem "Paradise Lost" of Milton, right arm Cromwell (1608- 1658), inspiring the Masonic gnostic enlightenment.

$ Symbol was used by Craft Masonry, funded by those who created the London City, the bankers who introduced Christianity usury.

Masonic mark on the foundation of USA is spelled out from the beginning in all its iconography. The stars of the flag are the same as those shown in light blue vaulted ceiling of Masonic lodges. In the original design of the flag, the stars formed a circle with the Masonic eye in the center, radiating light rays into bars. General Gates told the British general defeated at the Battle of Saratoga (1777) the meaning of "Stars and Stripes" (Stars and Stripes) flag: "The thirteen stars in a circle symbolize the perpetuity of the Union, the ring as the serpent Egyptians circular represents eternity. "

USA is the greatest symbol the Statue of Liberty, designed and built by French Freemasons, Bartholdi and Eiffel. It was commissioned by the Sultan of Egypt lighthouse on the Suez Canal. It represents the goddess Isis, daughter of earth and heaven, worshiped in temples of the Nile as queen of darkness and evil, where he offered initiatory rituals of lust and perversion.The Egyptian government rejected the statue by its malefic symbolism, so it was given by the French Freemasons to New York City.

The USA Anthem was inspired by a blasphemous song of the cuarteleras taverns. Key lawyer used the musical background for one of his poems during the attack on the fort of Baltimore (1814). It was adopted as the national anthem by Congress under President masón Hoover (1931).

Washington wrote to the Reverend Zinder (1798): "There is sufficient evidence that Iluminatti many companies have been established in this land in order to undermine Christian institutions". And they are clearly linked with those of the same order in Europe " .

English occultist historian Helen Webster, a friend of W. Churchill, in his book "The World Revolution" (1921) wrote: "At the time of the French Revolution in 1789, the New World was being illuminated by Masonry; since 1786 the loggia of the "Order Iluminatti" had settled in Virginia, followed by fourteen others in different cities. "

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