
24 de julio de 2017

Catalunya will be entitled to its share of GOLD and DIVISES when it becomes independent.

I suppose a lot of people think that Spain, being continuously rescued, only has cobwebs in its Central Bank. 
For the truth is that you still have reserves in gold, foreign exchange and other financial assets

Beware, gold is very important, formerly the states followed the gold standard for their currencies. 
The gold standard is a monetary system that sets the value of the monetary unit in terms of a certain amount of gold. The issuer of the currency guarantees that it can give the holder of its tickets the amount of gold recorded in them. An alternative is the bimetallic pattern, in which the coin is backed by one part of gold and another of silver.  (Es-wiki)

Currently, all the countries of the world have abandoned the gold standard and their currencies depend on the confidence of the markets ...

But what nobody does in the world is to change their reserves of gold for its price in pieces of paper. 
A 16% (population of Catalonia) of the gold that is in the Bank of Spain must leave destiny to the Catalan republic.Without this premise there are no negotiations worth ...

Spain has 281.6 tonnes of gold , therefore,  45 tonnes are from the Catalan people

The same is true of the value of foreign exchange reserves:

Amounts calculated in dollars.
Here the whole list .

For, of those 54 and peak billions of euros in foreign exchange, 16% are also of the Catalan citizens. 
"Between us, with what became Spain, its reserves are miserable-

If we go to the website of the Bank of Spain we will see more detailed. 

The Bank of Spain tells us (and I suppose it is more reliable than wikipedia) that the reserve assets of the Spanish state are 57,015 million euros. 
9,122 million is the value that corresponds to Catalonia.

Well, when we are independent, Spain must give the Catalans 16% of it. And, again, it is not worth sending Monopoly euros that Draghi prints, it should be transferred in hard currency and gold.

Remember that Russia was left with all the debt of the USSR not to have to share anything with the ex-Soviet ex-Soviet.

It is already completely certain that the new Catalan State will not have to assume any percentage of Spanish debt, unless they want to see vans full of gold heading for Catalonia.

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