
16 de julio de 2017

Message from Sananda (Jesus) to North America

While holding the light and increase your knowledge in the following weeks, you will feel when entering the New Moon on July 23, the energy of wanting to rebel against authority in the spirit of starting something new. New Atlantis in the United States of America will be the Master Plan as had been marked in recent centuries. It is a time to contemplate your desires and actions need to take to achieve them.

As establish their intentions for the New Moon of July, consider that the Lion's Gate (lasting 8 days) begins on August 8. July 26 is the Planetary New Year. This is the time held by ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Remember, the earth revolves around the sun, which moves forward through space at a speed of 3,000 km per second and as the planets follow the sun, are making this huge spiraling through space. Our sun rotates around the Milky Way galaxy at 828,000 km / h. You're always standing on Earth, spinning through the galaxy at the Speed ​​of Light. It is a constant exchange of information with its backdrop challenging them every time to keep up with constant change. That is the spiral of new and full moons and swirling constellations and planets around Earth. July 26 is the New Year as the time when the planet begins a new spiral of galaxy evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun, the Sun behind the Sun: Alcyone.

On August 7 there is a Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon, which is a kind of final purge bad habits and old programming. Lion's Gate continues on August 8, for several days, and alignment with the Galactic Center, with the Cosmic Center, which allows rarefied energies bring change, as it does every year. Through these few days will be in phase alignment through the Light Codes that will be downloaded next year. For those who have done the inner work, it will be a relief to have spatial memory to write the next chapter. For those who fall behind in their duties to themselves, in making new knowledge and integrating cleaning made available from March to July, for those who are afraid of change, it will be an awkward moment. Other citizens of our Galaxy and Cosmos connect directly to Earth to help her everything she needs. August New Moon Solar Eclipse brings a Total. It is called the Great American Eclipse due to the way that makes through the United States where it will be seen, and where the shadow of the Moon will be screened.

(You can see the trajectory:  )

Total Solar Eclipse 2017 is very special. In the New Moon no moonlight to shine on Earth. Then the moon passes between the sun and the earth casting a shadow on Earth. Moon comes between the Sun and Earth for a couple of minutes. This suppresses the male / left brain power for a while, so that the female / right brain is flooded with instinctive and intuitive energy. This is your chance of a cosmic reset. For those of you who do not have much spiritual life, who do not believe in God, who do not meditate, these are the two special minutes to cancel your left brain and right brain allow to do what you do best. Just because you do not have a spiritual life, it does not mean it has to be left behind. It will be taken into account, but should be ready. Allow improvements as Light Codes their DNA load in moments of Total Solar Eclipse. You will be better after it. It is a great gift. Those of you who are well into their spiritual lives, let this time be inspired, where they can pass the fence limitation that prevents them completely go to several upper levels and into the New Earth. At this time we reach the next level, where the Divine Government and Complete abundance for all find their way to the Physical in due time. where they can go beyond the fence limitation that prevents them completely go to several upper levels and into the New Earth. At this time we reach the next level, where the Divine Government and Complete abundance for all find their way to the Physical in due time. where they can go beyond the fence limitation that prevents them completely go to several upper levels and into the New Earth. At this time we reach the next level, where the Divine Government and Complete abundance for all find their way to the Physical in due time.

This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 18, 2017.
© All rights reserved.
Translation: The Light Journalist.

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