
20 de julio de 2017

Of the 20 leaders of the G20, 19 are slaves of the banksters and support fraud


(Translation: CNN News: "President Trump questioned Putin about Russian hacking during a productive two-hour" Donkey / Democrats think. "There has to be a false news")

The G20 meeting last weekend called world leaders was very revealing that 19 of 20 of them publicly supported the scam  
of global warming based on fraud  known as the Paris agreements. This happened despite the fact that global warming is carbon - based legal and scientifically tested as a fraud.
Michael Mann, author graphic "hockey stick" global warming that is used by the IPCC endorsed by the UN faces a jail sentence after rejecting the  request  of a judge to show how it obtained the data  that  supports  their claims that the world is warming rapidly. Meanwhile, another scientific study showed that most of the warming in recent years is the result of temperature data were increased  after measurement .
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Ignoring the facts and  promoting  fraud of global warmingbacked by the Rothschilds , both President Xi Jinping Chinese and Russian President Vladimir Putin showed they were lackeys Rothschild. The only leader who has publicly renounced the global warming fraud is US President Donald Trump and why the media controlled by the mafia  Khazar describe it as isolated.
However, things are changing at a deeper level, according to the CIA, the Pentagon and other sources. Military and intelligence Russia, the United States and China are cooperating apparatus despite the hostile attitudes of politicians in these countries, sources say.
This may be the reason why Pope Francis felt the need to call a reporter last week to issue the following statement:
"I'm afraid there is very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: the United States and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria."
Remember it was Pope Francis who gave Trump a document of 260 pages that supported climate change fraud when they met in May.
The other thing to consider is that the G20 is calling for a global governance focused on the IMF. Please remember that the IMF chief is not selected by the people on the planet, but by the same lineage group  jázaro that selects the head of the UN, the World Bank, etc. Remember that the IMF and its supporters have been building  doors  and l temple of Baal, also known as Satan, at its meetings.
Note that the "very dangerous alliance" to which the Pope refers includes Russia, China, United States, North Korea and Syria.These countries are moving away from control l os  lín ajesblood, although Russia still has a president Rothschild as  afigurehead. All f real Russian ources  that  this writer has contacted, however,  coin CIDEN that is not Putin the Russian Orthodox Church and the  directing Russia.
Pope Francis co  probably is  well  intentioned , but he is deluded if you think a person like Marco Di Mauro, selected by the Masonic lodge P2,  will be anointed the leader of a government  world time controlled or blood lineages .
In any case, Francis is being disturbed by another scandal Vatican, in this case a gay orgy fueled by drugs was interrupted by police after neighbors complained about the noise. This could lead to another Cardinal is dismissed, CIA sources said.
Pope should concentrate its efforts on fighting the real threat of Satanists who were, until recently,  poised to dominate  the world. However, another former Satanist has presented testimony on large - scale human sacrifices and other atrocities carried out by these people. This  video clip nine minutes  is  very disturbing  to hear , but it is definitely  knock to  action.
Of course, it is n conducting  action or is The  últim to was Germany's announcement last week that  it had intervened one  circle  pedophile involucr to  87,000 people. You can be sure that many of the people who make sacrifices of children were COGID to s at is a raid .
In the United States also continues the final cleaning of theKhazars . In the past, the lawyer of former President Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch has been giving detailed testimony about the crimes of his former Clinton / Bush heads, according to the CIA and other sources. As a result, Barack Obama sought political asylum in Indonesia last week, but was refused, according to sources of the White Dragon Society in Indonesia.CIA sources in Europe confirm this and say that Obama will have to return to the United States for questioning about who really controlled his presidency. Remember when Obama was first elected,  he said several times "thank you , Satan" in reverse speech.
Speaking of Obama, the video clip 40 seconds below shows clearly how different  it was his personal chemistry with Russian Vladimir Putin of  the chemistry between  Trump and Putin
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Pentagon sources say the change in the chemical reflects a campaign Trump regime to entice Russia to join her in an alliance against Chinese control and  Khazar .
"In a blow  against the cabal  and the deep state, the political novice Trump was" honored " with a meeting  with the elder statesman Putin where Putin's plan  to  make Russia great again with the symphony of church and state will undoubtedly be the model for  that  Trump Make  America  great  again ,"Pentagon sources say.
"Trump emerges as a defender of Western civilization of the Jewish destruction [Satan], and is well attended by Putin and Pope to form a super Christian bloc containing China and the holocaust of global Jewish mafia," says a source the Pentagon.
The  SDB  makes it clear that no collective punishment and the only people who are being attacked are those who have been involved in mass murder through biological warfare, terror ism nuclear, human sacrifices, illegal war, etc.
However, it is clear that the administration Trump represents a generalized reaction against the control jázaro  could go is control  with  an attack against Jews in general. On his trip to Poland, Trump refused to visit the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Memorial. In his speech in Poland, when Trump mentioned threats from the inside and from the south and east, was referring to Saudi Arabia, Israel and its fifth column in the US, Pentagon sources say.
In addition,  to  the  eocons HR McMaster and Jared Kushner  were prevented from  attending the meeting between Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with their counterparts Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Russian.At the meeting the United States pushed for a restoration of relations between the US and Russia to counterbalance China, according to the Pentagon. Americans also proposed a unit of Russian-US cybersecurity aimed at preventing Israeli piracy, Chinese piracy, kidnapping and other electronic cyberattacks ", sources say.
Russian sources, meanwhile, continue to say that the sudden distrust of American friendship because of the long history of US aggression against Russia. The Russians say they are against forming opposing blocs and prefer a world where everyone is friendly.
However, recent Chinese aggressive moves against India clearly appear to have  had an impact  against China. el-fraud / "Russia  is very concerned about the Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and the Indian subcontinent, so the Vietnamese Prime Minister was invited to the G20 , " Pentagon sources say. For its part, the US Navy sent a message joint naval exercises with Japan and India recently.
The Chinese now appear to have receded after a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20.
Another interesting thing about the G20 is that the Saudi king "and the warrior Prince Salman Bin Mohammed Salma were declared person  non grata in the G20 to be a os agents ofIsrael", Pentagon sources say. They say that Qatar is on the winning side in their dispute with Saudi Arabia and the deposed crown prince Nayef still can be refitted.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, meanwhile, was offering bribes in exchange for protection in the G20, according to sources close to the right Japanese emperor. Abe's party suffered a crushing defeat in the recent municipal elections in Tokyo and is likely to be forced to hold elections this year, which will be diverted from national politics, sources say.
What is undeniable is that there is significant at the top of the structure of Japanese power division. This is reflected in opinion polls in newspapers in Japan, where the national newspaper Sankei right shows support for Abe in one  86% while the left Asahi newspaper shows its support by 14%. Regional Newspaper centrist Tokyo Shinbum shows its support by only 5%. The following link is in Japanese, but the percentage signs show the incredible gaps in opinion polls newspaper.
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Sources of the Japanese right say the nationalist faction Tanaka is preparing for regime change in Japan and this will lead to the elimination of  agents Koreans who have been outsourcing  the domain  of Japan for  Khazar s since the end of the Second World War.
The fact that Abe was creating a research center of mass chemical and biological warfare disguised as the Veterinary College Kake Gakuin has exposed him and his regime as genocidal war criminals. Several sources have drawn the right to inform the writer  about that Abe was not expected to live more than three months.
While the warmongers are evicted  from power around the world, the signs of a construction boom are emerging. Sources l SDB  in Indonesia said that the Indonesian government is planning to build a new capital to replace the overhead gives sinking process and  city of  Jakarta.
Japanese underworld, meanwhile, expects a bonanza as the Chinese government prepares to move many basic functions to a new city 150 kilometers from Beijing. Japanese underworld boss says that Japanese companies are getting lucrative contracts for waste disposal and other environmental work in the new capital because the Chinese want to know how Japan creates clean megacities. The Mxxxx there and someone has to clean it.
Once the domain Khazar ends in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine, the world will be ready to enter a new golden era

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