
8 de julio de 2017

Papa FRANCISCO is clear about it "Freemasonry is a serious problem to fight"

INFOVATICANA (05/5/2017): Pope Francisco does not tolerate the infiltration of Freemasonry in the Church and, in recent years, has sought expulsion of the masons of institutions such as the Order of Malta.

In a new article, the vaticanista Sandro Magister maintains that Masonry is the "black beast" of Francisco since he lived in Argentina and is convinced of his presence in the Order of Malta.

On September 9, 2014, as reported by Magister, the Pope handed over to Cardinal Burke as the Order's boss the priority task of eliminating "the secular spirit and, specifically, the Freemasonry of the Order of Malta."

In that same hearing, Francisco assured that he did not have an "accurate information" about the presence of masons among the Knights, but that "he was sure of his existence." This is what Cardinal Burke himself says in a report on the recent events of the Order, whose circulation authorized in a reserved way among the Knights of Germany.

In an interview with InfoVaticana last April, the American cartoonist stated: "The Pope was very clear to me about it, that a mason can not be a member of the Order of Malta. And he told me there are people who persist in their membership of Freemasonry, and that members of Freemasonry should be expelled. "

On June 23, 2016, upon receiving the then Grandmaster, Matthew Festing, and Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Francisco asked them about the progress made by Cardinal Burke "to clear the Order of masons."

On November 10, 2016, the pope ordered Burke to continue looking for those "lists of masons, which by force must exist," also announcing that he would include this mandate in an official letter. Shortly after, in a letter from December 1 to Cardinal Burke, Francisco asks to avoid belonging to associations, movements and organizations that are contrary to the Catholic faith or relativistic.

"If this happens, the Knights should be invited to be members of said associations, movements and organizations to withdraw their adhesion, since it is incompatible with the Catholic faith and belonging to the Order," he assures in the letter.

Magister concludes his article with the claim that "Jorge Mario Bergoglio is profoundly hostile to Freemasonry," despite the enthusiasm that masons have shown towards him.

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