
19 de julio de 2017


The continent of Lemuria,
The lost continent of Lemuria - Map of MU - hermandadblanca.orgAdama a quartz crystal -

Age  Lemurian  took place roughly between 4.5 million years  BC . and near some 12,000 years  BC . Until the sinking of the continent of Lemuria and later of Atlantis, there were seven major continents on this planet.
The territories belonging to the gigantic continent of Lemuria included geographical areas that are now under the Pacific Ocean as well as Hawaii, the Eastern Islands, Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. Also it covered territories in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar. The eastern coast of Lemuria also extended to the State of California, in the United States, and part of  British  Columbia, Canada.
For a long time, before falling on your level  conciencial , the  Lemurians  lived in a  fre - cia corresponding to the Fifth Dimension ( 5D ), and were able to change / de- move towards Lante  or backward, from the fifth to the third Dimension, and vice versa, at will and without further pro- Blema . This could do it whenever they wished, with the intent and the energies of only  cora - zon .
Race  Lemurian  was a mixture of beings who originally came mainly from  Sirius , Alpha Centauri, although a smaller number of them came from other planets. Finally, is- tas races mixed together on the face of the Earth and forming civilization ended Lemurian . To put it briefly, it was an amazing mix of races. Actually, Lemuria was the cradle of civilization on this planet, was the "Motherland" that helped the eventual birth of many other civilizations. Posteriorly, Atlantis was formed as another continent.
The lost continent of Lemuria - Ascension LemuriaThe continent of Lemuria thrived greatly to reach a few million years -for a paradise and magical state. Finally, as a result of wars among the largest continent on the planet, large devastations occurred in these two continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. about 25,000 years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria constitute the two highest and greatest civilizations of that time, in spite of which, were battling each other on the prevalence and validity of each of their own ideologies.
The  Lemurians  and the Atlanteans had two different ideas about how they should conduct themselves other existing civilizations on the face of the Earth. At that level, the  Lemurian  believed that those other civilizations with a less evolved cultural level, should continue its evolutionary process by themselves, at their own pace, according to their understanding and pursuing the path chosen by themselves.
For its part, the Atlanteans believed that all the less evolved cultures should pass dominion and control of the two most advanced civilizations. This caused a series of thermonuclear wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. Later, when wars were over and all of these conflagrations dust had settled, there were no winners.
During these devastating wars, people who were highly civilized, lowered its advance at very low levels, until finally, they realized the futility of their warlike behavior. Ultimately, Atlantis and Lemuria became the victims of their own and mutual aggression, and thus, the birthplace of both continents became greatly weakened because of those wars.
People, through the clergy Priestly was then informed that within less than 15,000 years, the two continents (Lemuria and Atlantis) would go completely sink into the sea. The Lemurian  and Atlantean those days, due to the lifetime of the people of those  tiem -pos was usually 20,000 to 30,000 years, understood that many of the people who had been responsible for the havoc resulting from military conflagrations,  vivirí - an in those years the announced collapse precisely to experience the destruction of these continents.
In the times of Lemuria, the current State of California in the United States, it was part of the territories  Lemurian . When the  Lemurians  realized that their land was destined to perish, they asked  Shamballa  -the head (capital city) Network  intraterrestrial  of  Agartha - permission to build a city beneath Mount  Shasta , intending to preserve their  cultu - ra and records.
As condition that they would be given the permission to build a city and form part of the network of underground cities of  Agartha , they-  Lemurian - had to prove they had learned their lessons regarding disposing of wars and aggression. They also had to prove this to other bodies such as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. Should demon- strate therefore learning such lessons in order to be readmitted as  mem - bers  of the Galactic Confederation.
When it was granted permission to build their city, it was understood that this area  survived -ría the cataclysms that occur on the face of the Earth. To do this it had a dome - shaped cavern large that existed inside Mount  Shasta .
The  Lemurians  built their city which they called  Telos , a name that, at that time,  tam - WELL  represented the name of the whole area, including California, and most of this-dos States is now known as the  Sud - American west. Thus, the original area of  Telos  also included the territories located north of Mount  Shasta , and all the region along the western coast to a part of  British  Columbia, now part of Canada.
The name  Telos  means "communication with Spirit", "Unity in the Spirit", "Understanding the Spirit."
When  Telos  was constructed, it was designed to accommodate a population of 200,000 people, maximum. However, when the cataclysms began in Lemuria, only 25,000 people were able to reach the mountain and be saved. This is an approximate number of what remained of culture  Lemurian  in the Third Dimension ( 3D ).
By planning ahead, they had moved the records and files from Lemuria to the underground city of  Telos , where they had built the corresponding Temples. The  mani - festation  of the explosion that destroyed this continent, came a little earlier than expected, and that is the reason why many people could not arrive in time to Mount  Shasta . It is known that Lemuria, the beloved Motherland, sank in overnight, from one day to another.
The continent sank so quietly that nearly all  Lemurian  were full-mind oblivious to what was happening. Practically all were sleeping when the collapse occurred.
At that time there were no unusual weather conditions, according to a transmission by Lord Himalaya given through Geraldine  Innocenti , in 1959 (the Twin Flame Master El Morya ), a large part of the priests who had remained faithful to Light and its  sagra -two called, they remained at their posts and no major signs of fear, until the end, as if they were captains of a sinking ship. These priests remained singing and praying as they sank beneath the waves.
According to him, "long before the continent  Lemurian  sank, Priests and  Sacerdo - TISAS  of the Temples were warned about the coming cataclysmic changes and, thus, several lights or torches Sacred Fire were transported to  Telos while others were transported to other areas they would not be affected. Many of these Flames were taken to the continent of Atlantis to a specific location, and were maintained and supported there, for a considerable period of time by daily spiritual applications. "
Just before Lemuria sank, some of these priests and priestesses, who  ini - tially  had been moved to Atlantis, they decided to return to their homes in Lemuria and voluntarily decided to go down to the depths of the sea, together with the territory and its people, thus providing the necessary assistance with energy radiation, and extending the  sufi - enough comfort and fear the loss of all the people who sank together with Lemuria.
They offered this help to counteract the fear, which usually emerges simultaneously-mind cataclysmic action. These loving benefactors, by the radiation energy received from the source, managed to control the energies and their sacrifice, making literally wrap the auras of people sinking. Thus, in a blanket of peace, they attended creating freedom from fear and, thus, the bodies  etheric  of those streams of life were not severely affected by fear. That was the way in which the bodies  etheric  of these people are  pre - servaron  for future reincarnations, exempting from having to experience greater tragic consequences ".
In the Book of Lord Himalaya entitled "A Bridge to Freedom , " released in 1959, it is stated: "Many members of the priesthood, located strategically in small groups at several areas, once the collapse began, they began to sing and pray,  medi -da which inundating water. The melody they sang was the same as today is pussy - cide  as " Auld  Lang  Syne " (Translator 's Note: I do not know the translation of the title of this can- tion , it is not possible to translate, because these words do not exist in the Dictionary). The idea of this action was to free these people the impact that each of these ordeals,
Through action and the sacrifice of those priests who had chosen to stay together in groups, singing in the final hours of Lemuria, he could be alleviated much of the fear emerge-you at that time, and thus able to maintain a certain level of harmony Between people. Thus, the damage and trauma to the souls of those who perished in the sinking were greatly diminished. It is said that those priests, along with the musicians, sang and prayed until the waves and the water reached the level of their mouths. Only then it was when they  pere - they cieron .
During the night, while the masses of the  Lemurian  slept under a starry blue sky, it was over; the beloved Motherland was submerged beneath the waves and waters of the Pacific Ocean. None of the priests had left his post, and none of them had exposed  mie any -do. The Lemuria went down with dignity!
Auld  Lang  Syne " was the last song you heard on the territory of Lemuria, at the time of the sinking. The song they sang was again putting  mani - Fiesto  by some people on Earth, specifically through the Irish people and, in this song, very prophetic words were introduced: "Should old acquaintances stop being forgotten ".
Really, we are these old acquaintances, coming together again. It can say, those of us belonging to this physical realm, meeting with those other ama-two beings of a higher dimension, our old friends and our family members of  Telos , "yet invisible" to our current sense of sight though, with a little luck, for a short time.
My friends, listen to these next two phrases very well in their hearts:
- Before our Lemuria Amada completely sank, had prophesied that one day, in some distant future, many of us were going to gather again as a group and they would sing this song again, with the absolute knowledge that Victoria Earth had earned this song. The time we are now living means nothing to celebrate this long - awaited day, and the consequent fulfillment of this amazing pro- fecía . We are now starting the long - awaited "reunion".

- almost with tears in my eyes, I want them to know, from the Master Adama that many of you who are reading these words were among those brave souls who sacrificed-ron their lives for the great benefit of the collective that humanity  Lemurian . So applaud your courage back then, and let us rejoice because we are facing together once again , this return mission to continue our great  Lemurian  to help the Earth and its humanity in the process of his glorious ascension.
One aspect of the mission of the  Lemurians  in  Telos , has been to maintain balance and  ener - gies  of consciousness ascension for Planet Earth, until a certain time in which its inhabitants can do this for themselves. Now the time has come for our two civilizations, the  Lemurian  intraterrestrial  and surface humanity, can do together as "one heart".
EARTH after the collapse of the two continents

At the same time Lemuria was sinking into the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, Atlantis began to shake and lose parts of its territory, which continued for about 200 years until a final stage where the rest of the continent completely sank.
In turn, for a period of 2000 years after the disaster occurred  Lemurian  and Atlantean, still shaking continued Planet. In a situation where the earth had lost two bodies / territories within a period of 200 years, and the fact that the planet was still witnessing the consequences of the use of thermonuclear weapons, Planet Earth was shown as a stage who had suffered a major setback and trauma, which had to sue her, many thousands of years to achieve a new balance and so again be hospitable.
For hundreds of years after the destruction of both continents, they continued throwing himself into the Earth's atmosphere, a lot of waste, why, Planet never again glow with more daylight. Also, the atmosphere became very cold because the sunlight could not penetrate properly through the thick and dense atmospheric waste and consequently could only sow very little food. Thus they perished a large percentage of animals and plants.
lost continent of Lemuria - glyph - hermandadblanca.orgWHY IS THERE SO LITTLE EVIDENCE TODAY Remnants these two great  CIVILI - sations ?
The reason is that cities on the planet that did not sink, were shaken to  conver - Tirse  rubble. Failing that , they were swept away by earthquakes or tidal waves  gi - gantescos  that in some cases, could enter -land inside- tens of kilometers, un- truyendo  on its way, most cities and other living quarters. Human conditions in which the civilizations that survived those cataclysms unwrapped, were very hard and difficult, because of this constant activity on Earth.
Under these conditions, people became very frightened, contributing to the quality of life of these civilizations deteriorate very quickly. However, those who survived such calamities were mainly legacy, hunger, poverty and in- fermedades .
The original height of mankind on this planet was approximately 12 feet (about 3.50 meters). Thus, for example, the Hyperboreans were, and still are about 12 feet high, though, at this time, none of them live on the planet's surface.
In those years when Lemuria sank, the  Lemurians  were downsized to just 7 feet (about 2.10 meters high) and, at present, still maintain the height of about 7 to 8 feet (2.30 to 2.40 meters). In addition, there was a greater decrease in the size of Earth humanity and therefore most of us who live on the surface of the Earth, are about 6 feet (1.80 meters) or less.
However, to the extent that our civilization evolves, it will be restored height or estab- Tura  original humanity. Even now, people on the surface of this planet is au-menting its height gradually and significantly, mostly in relation to the height that people -for example about 100 years ago had.
In  Telos  there are two forms of government. King and Queen of  Telos ,  Ra  and Rana  Mu are Ascended Masters, who are also twin flames, who form an aspect of the government of Telos. They are the leaders who take the final decisions on  Telos .
The second form of government is the Local Council called: The Council  Lemurian Light of  Telos , which consists of 12 Ascended Masters, 6 of whom are men and 6 women, who serve from the Council, balancing the male deity with divinity female. The thirteenth member (13th member) is Ascended Master Adama, at this time, the High  Sacer -dote of  Telos , who officiates as Leader of the Council and takes the final decision when there is even a sort of -Vote or empate- in the resolutions taken by the Council.
Council members are selected according to the level of spiritual achievements attained-dos, their inner qualities, maturity and area of expertise. When a  Mem - bro Council decides to take another level of service, the vacancy is known for our people and those who wish to cover that position in the Council, may apply.
All proposals are carefully studied by the Council, members  Sacer - Docio as well as the King and Queen of  Telos . Indeed, the Kings of  Telos  are the ones who have the final say about who should be the person chosen from all applicants to be incorporated into the Council.
Telos  is a fairly large city, where we lived about a million and a million and a half of us. We also live in several other areas, but we are not divided into  diffe -rentes populations. However, among all we share the same local government. The city of Telos  is divided into 5 levels, which cover several square miles in area, all located beneath Mount  Shasta .
A large percentage of our people live beneath the dome of Mount  Shasta , in the so - called First Level. At this level are also administrative and public buildings in the city as well as several temples. In the center of this level it is erected our main temple, called the Temple of  MaRa , characterized by a pyramidal structure. Its interior can accommodate while about 10,000 people. This temple is dedicated to Priesthood  Melquise - dek .
The pyramid is white, with a "capstone" (Translator 's Note: Item  arquitectóni -co placed as a "crown" that is placed on top of the Temple) called the "living stone" we was donated from Venus .
This level is where all production and manufacturing of all elements necessary for the people and the city is done. This is also an area where are located several schools for attendance of children and adults. Many of our people also live here at this level.
This level is entirely devoted to the location of our hydroponic gardens where all the food supply is grown in an area of approximately 7 acres of land, an area that perfectly meets our needs more than enough, to grow rich-mind, a great amount of foods that allow us to provide the amount of food needed for a million and a half people who live in  Telos . These kinds of foods allows  grew I lie a strong population with healthy bodies do not age.
Hydroponic gardens are able to produce crops permanently. We can grow food much faster, using advanced hydroponics technology, based on a very small soil and plenty of water for which we do not need to use chemicals, such as you do on the surface. Our food is completely organic, which has the highest vibration. We incorporate organic minerals in the water, so feed the plants.
Our crops are also increased and accelerated by the large amount of light, energy and love vibration existing in  Telos . This is the magic result of living in a Fifth Dimensional level of Consciousness, which you will soon discover, most probably in this decade or early next.
4. The fourth level:
This level contains some hydroponic gardening, some manufacturing facilities and a large area for nature and parks, as well as small lakes and fountains.
5. The fifth level:
This level is entirely dedicated to Nature. In it there are very large and tall trees, lakes and different types of atmospheric parks and this is where we keep all our animals.
At this level of nature, many plants and animals have been preserved, many of which you already can not see them on the surface. Our animals are all vegetarians and do not eat each other. They live, from one side to another, in harmony, without much fear or aggression to people, and even less between them. Actually,  Telos  is where the lion and the lamb lie side by side, sleeping together in confidence.
The lost continent of Lemuria - Piramides - hermandadblanca.orgFor all who are reading these words, let us tell you that Lemuria was never  to -talmente destroyed, as has been perceived in your present times. At this time, this continent still exists in a position corresponding to the Fourth and Fifth Di- vibrational frequency dimensions , which are not yet visible for three - dimensional vision and perception.
To the extent that the veil between those dimensions continues to become a Cu- ered , increasingly, more and more thin, we want to assure you that in the not too distant future, your beloved Lemuria, in his new Splendor and Glory, will will reveal itself, in a very physical and tangible.
To the extent that you open yourself into a form of conscious higher life, and purify themselves in relation to all systems misconceptions and distorted taken in the last millennium, you will be able to perceive your beloved Motherland, again and Even- tualmente , they will be allowed to enter the region and be received by the Amada Lemuria, with all the Love and Splendor she can now offer them .
Again, you will be invited to join us in this heavenly place, in a very tangible way. At the time of the sinking, Lemuria and all that it represented to this planet, were elevated to a vibrational frequency of the Fourth Dimension. That way, she continued to flourish and evolve to the level of perfection and beauty that has now reached together, with all that humanity survived the catastrophe at that time.
If this information makes sprout tears from your eyes and open your hearts to Cu- rar those pains were buried inside  your  long, let them flow,  let - the flow. Allow your tears to flow so they can heal every part of your being.
Allow yourself to feel this energy flow healing and shroud him in their hearts with a deep breath inhalation. Let all your memories and pains  pue - they  become fully senses, without suppressing or destroying any of them.
This is the way in which-in a gradual and incrementada- you will achieve healing. To the extent that you breathe this air full of this energy flow healing, your I (Ser) Superior dissolve and heal forever, these sequels that they were registered since that time. Ask your I (Ser) Superior to assist them in discovering all those records that are holding and braking to advance your glorious new reality.
We ask you in your daily meditation should do this work faithfully until its completion so you feel.
Conéctense with us and with our Love heart to heart. They can ask for our help and we will be there with you, insofar as they do the most important inner work.
All of us in  Telos  are very eager to help all those who, in their hearts, try to communicate with us. We are a civilization that has achieved great heart openings, and our vibration beats at the same frequency as the Heart of the Mother (Earth) Divine.
Gradually, the deep-seated pain in his being, be diluted and safely, you will feel lighter. Cleaning this pain will also help them to perceive in better shape who you really are. This will help you to make giant leaps into your spiritual, emotional and physical resurrection.
New Day, the New World are very close to birth. Many of us have learned our lessons of Love in the New Lemuria, the Lost Paradise, which is soon to emerge again.
That part of Lemuria that remained faithful to the Light and their sacred calling, was elevated to the Fourth Dimension at the time of cataclysm. Truthfully, it was never completely destroyed, and only that aspect all belonging to the Third Dimension was destroyed.
Lemuria remained privileged and so, until today, was able to continue its evolution towards a level conciencial  Fifth Dimension, which currently exists in a higher dimension.
And  Telos , our beloved  Telos  and all the wonderful people who live there, are our "gateway" to this wonderful place.

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