
29 de octubre de 2017


ASCENSION II EXAMPLES OF CLIMBING The following questions come to mind of anyone who is interested in Ascension: What is Ascension? Is this something optional? What are the requirements for Ascension? Can I achieve Ascension in this incarnation? Are there examples of people who already ascended?


Many thousands of years, humanity consciously chose to incarnate on this planet. As you recall in previous lessons, the purpose of the incarnation is to expand the Kingdom of God in a lower sphere of vibration, becoming thus master of energy. We learned that this is a necessary planet in our spiritual development. In preparation for this task, it was necessary to go through a classroom called "The Seven Spheres". *

Only twelve ordinary individual life finally manage to incarnate on Earth. The rest either chose not embody or chose to remain in one of the Seven Spheres to serve God there. The plan of creation is to become a co-worker with God. We create with every thought, every action, every feeling. During this process, many of us believe evil without realizing it. This contributes to the effluvia of the planet and interferes with the way our Ascension.Accumulated experiences while inhabiting a planet has enable us to greater spiritual progress which made those who choose to have this experience. This is the way to agree on a Ascended Master a member of the Great White Brotherhood, a member of the Planetary and Solar Hierarchy, and oh yes, a creator of galaxies.

To recapitulate, our destiny is to become masters of energy and vibration and achieve Ascension, become Ascended Masters. It was expected that we managed this goal with seven incarnations on Earth. Due to misuse of energy by humanity, many of us have already incarnated thousands of times. We can postpone our Ascension by free will or bad choices, but ultimately we have to achieve this goal, because it is part of our Divine Plan. 


* The Man, His origin, history and destiny of Werner Schroeder (Panama: Serapis Bey Editores, SA 2000).


There is no death. Never existed! Everything is life and eternal expression and manifestation. 

Called death is only the silver cord removal giver of life "I AM". This leaves the inactive physical body. Although the bodies are still there as before, the eyes do not see, ears do not hear Ios and intelligence has been removed. The real self is then released from this habitat and is free to enter Scopes Superior Beauty, Harmony and Peace. The individual passes this physical realm expression greater freedom.

The call death is only a chance to rest and re-tune the powers of personal conscience. This frees us of agitation and discord Earth enough to receive an influence of light and strength, which enables the external activity of mind to face the work of physical experience again. Identity, individualized is eternal. When the external shape has become too jarring, life self-releases. Decrepitude and death are caused largely by the misuse and waste of sexual energy and uncontrolled emotions.

There is only one thing that always causes what the world calls death, and that is the lack of sufficient Liquid Light in the nerve channels. Light is the cohesive power that holds together the atoms that make up the body of flesh. This liquid is light and comes only from the "Mighty" I AM ". The outer garment is receptacle into which this "Presence" pour His Light, joined only to purpose and constructive use. When that purpose is continually hampered, the Light is removed and the body of flesh to be the Temple of the Most High Living God, disintegrates. 

Experience called death is a constant reminder of mankind's disobedience to the original Divine Plan, the Divine Way of Life.

The physical body is only a garment, and the individual is only changed as one changes clothes coats with changing seasons. Being in a thinner after the transition body, man is much more alive than before. 

The physical body should not be buried but cremated. The Mahá Chohán says: "By the purification process of cremation, a tremendous release and relief of consciousness (soul) etheric is given". This frees the individual to go to the higher realms of Light. Prior to cremation, the body must be maintained for seventy -two hours without embalming, ice or cold storage(morgue). In past eras, the body went into the sacred fire and was then instantly transmuted. The substance, having completed its mission, it was returned to the universal and this was done in compliance with the Act etherealization great.


To understand karma, we understand the Law of Reincarnation. To explain the Law of Karma, let's start at the beginning of creation. Just before incarnating, each is given the following words consoling by the Goddess of Liberty, "You are free, my beloved, to bring the pure and primal substance within the earthly plane. Are free, my beloved, to use life to his will in the apparent world. Are free, my beloved, to call each and every one us according to kindly to assist them when the momentum energy of his own world seems insufficient to handle the conditions and irradiating the light to fulfill your Divine Plan. "

"There was some discord during the period called" Garden of Eden ". Life in all its expressions only manifested itself in a perfect way. The man worked on the physical plane to self-improve, to bring the perfection of the heavenly realm at the lowest level of vibration. Since there was no disharmony, there was karma; and since there was no karma, no need for a Karmic Board.

It was only after the event called "The Fall of Man," which things changed dramatically and that man accumulated karma quickly. It should be understood that when we speak of "karma", usually used in a negative sense. This shows the impact by using energy in a jarring way. When we use energy constructively, we speak "well built" the which is stored in the Causal Body.

What the Great Ones say about the law that govern karma ?. To quote: "The glorious pure energy of God, each electron which contains the fullness of the Divine Plan, continues to flow for use of the individual, under the conscious direction of the" I AM ". For every electron that is rendered, the individual must give an account. Energy is for the man will command. Energy becomes power through their use -and either through handling or using a hammer Almighty Divine Power to build a momentum of victory to command the electronic light to show the completed form of a decree. "

To this Balancing Act is also known as the Compensation Law, as it is stated in the old axiom, "As you sow so shall you reap." It was not planned as a threat of punishment for him evil, but as an expression of precision mathematics of life, which must sow the seeds of perfection in concise mathematical accuracy;. that the harvest will be in exact proportion to planting proportion 

overall, humans do not understand that, as self-conscious expressions of life that are, Cosmic Law's responsible for every particle of this precious energy received from the heart of the Deity.

Every individual has created a certain amount of what is loosely referred as destructive karma in his earthly life since the fall of man. This karma acts in many places - for instance in the physical body to carry out acts of violence, they release a tremendous amount of energy misqualified that sooner or later binds the physical body. Similarly, acts of discord in the mental plane - such as mental cruelty crimes result that the mental element is loaded with dither and marks the individual. In the future these pressures will return to the mental body. 

Individuals who perform acts of emotional cruelty charge the substance of the emotional plane certain vibratory actions that occur in the emotional body of the individual.

When a jarring vibration is emitted from an individual distance it covers before returning intensity it depends on which screened in both its outward and return. This is because the Act Circle, and while away the aura of the individual responsible for its projection, draws to himself Vibrations corresponding to its own vibratory rate. So, while full circle and returns home, is accompanied by a number of vibrations of thought and feeling of the same quality with which it began. "


Now, there is karma commission and omission. A commission karma means using energy in a jarring manner while default karma means to omit something that really should be doing.

For example, if a teacher has given some instruction that is recorded in a book, and the reader puts this information in their own words, but insufficient study and preparation misinterpret the teacher's instruction, this is an example of karma default. Similarly, when the Dispensation of "The Bridge to Freedom" was granted to beloved El Morya, he was given the following warning: "If students do not return the power to the instructions by studying and Application, You're creating karma (default) for them, and Thyself have to correct that karma through the application or doing some construction project ". (It was only after agreeing with this provision that the Karmic Court granted the dispensation). It is also the reason that, in the East,

Here are some other examples of karma default given by the Great Ones: "Those of you who do not currently have a financial freedom, one day had a lot of wealth to contribute to the Plan of God, and retained or used freely for personal pleasures; others who have limitations in mind and body had a perfect day health and opportunity to serve God, but those minds and bodies used for trivial purposes. "


Under the action of the Occult Law, the redemption of misqualified energies, registered in the physical, mental or emotional body, it was through suffering and disease. Occult Act was repealed in 1930 by the Cosmic Victory, and this energy can redeem himself and delivered by the use of the Violet Flame. This is the Law of God's grace in action. 

Everyone has had over a hundred incarnations, and I have accumulated a lot of karma. Since we, as students of Light, know of the Violet Flame, the Cosmic Law expects us to use that flame, as the karma is coming back to students at a much faster rate, namely, at least once a day. Therefore use that FLAME OF MERCY at least twice, or even better, three times a day.

It is better to use the Violet Flame two or three times for a minimum of, say, five minutes, to use it for half an hour one day and then not use it all the next day. 

However, there are other ways to redeem karma. For example, Karma can redeem by Decree, individually or in groups. We can also invoke the Law of Forgiveness. When we invoke the law of forgiveness, we must try to do it right before using the Violet Flame.

At the end of each year is formed in the Royal Teton Retreat, a Lake of Fire Violet, called the "Cauldron of Violet Fire". This "Cauldron Violet Fire" is to redeem the karma of an unintentional act committed (without malice or unwisely) last year. The lake itself has three hundred meters in diameter. The last days of each year, everyone is put into the essence of "Violet Fire Cauldron" 

This "Cauldron Violet Fire" serves to redeem some karma, created by certain unharmonious actions during last year. Karma created without evil intent without malice and ignorance is examined, and much of that karma will be swept away as permitted by the subject inside the heart.


At the time when the soul is about to leave the physical body, the Great Being, the Mahá Chohán, representing the Holy Spirit to Earth, prepares to accept the final breath. Is he who inspires the first breath inside the body when the individual is born. While the Mahá Chohán accepts the final breath, silver cord is cut and an angel or Ascended Master awaits the soul which is now running in the etheric body to escort her to a beautiful field to "rest", which orthodox sky is the general belief of mankind. The average individual, waiting for a meeting with his family and friends, is given every opportunity to find and communicate with their loved ones.


After this period of adjustment, the "soul" is called the Karmic Board. Here, the experiences of the last incarnation you are shown the individual. It is made aware of lost opportunities and experiences feelings of remorse for the jarring use of energy. Sometimes this experience is called - and very wrong about it "hell" or "purgatory".


"Souls" are submitted to certain areas where vibration can better prepare for another earthly life. They are grouped with hundreds, or perhaps thousands at the same level of development. When more is being developed in consciousness, the more attention will receive the individual. Some training is given in classrooms. Individuals are given both the Laws of Life as they are able to understand and apply. By using the Violet Fire, they are also asks transmute karma thing of the past.

After the lifestream has completed this training period and redemption, again it is summoned to appear before the Karmic Board. the total amount of karma is examined, and a certain amount of it is allocated for the next incarnation. A lot of karma remains on hold, to be sent at a future time. Otherwise, return currents would be too to be managed by the current lifetime, so we could say that the average individual is kept in a state of protection in which ignorance is a blessing.

All they summoned before the Karmic Board are aligned in threes. One is chosen to embody, the other two are not. This procedure is repeated once again, and choose additional streams of life to achieve a balance, so that all Seven Rays have equal expression. (Each individual is primarily one of the Seven Rays).

What are the conditions for a chela which is close to Ascension? Generally speaking, the same conditions apply. However, there are some exceptions. This chela is eager to reincarnate, so it does not stay long with my relatives. Also it receives more attention from the Karmic Board. This chela immediately begins to expiate much karma as possible at inner levels, extensively using the Violet Fire to transmute such karma.

Then when the chela asks reincarnate, sometimes transmuting one extraordinary amount of karma. Then, when faced with difficult problems in his earthly life, he does not remember having made this request. Therefore, we do not judge anyone. We can not compare to an ordinary individual , which has a happy, serene and harmoniously life with a chela who, before incarnating chose a difficult and rough, checkered path. 

When incarnate, the chela has to rely most of the time in their own efforts to redeem his karma. There will be assistance from a teacher; But the Master will not allow itself to be used as a post to which recline.

In short, man must learn who he is, must recognize that he is a creator and as such, should become master of all who believe. As a creator, you must control conscious and daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Cosmic Law is strict teacher, and the law is not self-applied. All creation is a self-conscious effort, and if the individual to whom this great gift of life has been granted, refuses to take responsibility, experiences beating him mercilessly until he does. Spiritual progress of an individual is determined strictly on merit.


The beloved Hilarion says: "As often as I explained to the chelas, the process of Ascension is absolutely scientific. Each small electron moving around its core, Love forming atom, has to be freed from accumulation of self-created until these electrons are free to raise the human body to an area which has become discord suitable to inhabit. This can only be done by the free will of the individual who, in desiring such release of limitation, we invoked, and also invokes his own Holy Christ Flame and presence. "I AM" to raise the vibratory action of these electrons and hold, each, in Harmony, Peace and Love status. " 

Serapis BEYHe says: "We are now very happy because many of the currents of life in this great evolution scheme are taking advantage of great opportunities to reach, and individuals who incarnate on Earth within / os next twenty years will have opportunities never before available. Now, through the great kindness of Lord Michael (the request of the beloved Michael was approved, and members of the families of students who committed their lives to serve the Brotherhood will not have to reincarnate) (** see book Miguel for full text) has told us that many, many souls of varying degrees of advancement thousands will be prepared, at inner levels, for Ascension without the need to re-incarnate. In order to view, They are taking them to the great temples of the Ascension in each of the Seven Spheres. Apparently, all temples are white as snow, something like alabaster. In one of these temples will permanently be Brothers of the Ascension and Ascension Flame has been passed through the souls of the registered members, as well as through all their internal body until they reach the point where their consciences can absorb some understanding of the law. "

"You see, one thing is to take a consciousness that has an understanding of the law and develop it, and quite another to take an orthodox consciousness, one that has been given a grant of grace, and transmute the energies in your world. This can be achieved by the action of the sacred fire and radiation. It is my wish, at this time, seek volunteers who give of their time in the temples at night to pass the Flame through these souls, for whom the Archangel Michael has promised his release. This greatly accelerate the preparation of such individuals, and in the next six months would show the Karmic Court what a far-reaching Dispensation can do for the evolution of the world. "

"They're so close to me! I took them to the Halls of Karma! I stood before those vehement Judges and said; "Here, oh great Lords of Karma, it is one whose life records shine, whose heart beats really, whose soul awaits the triumphant cry of freedom, to enter the large scope of Immortality". Remember? I've stopped near you from the moment when they knelt before the Great Judge, when each member of the High Court, with one voice, gave consent to its embodiment in the form of meat, through which they are to write the last page in the history of their expression of life. "

"We now speak to the memory I move within you! Do not sleep more in this limitation of the external senses! You are Guardian Spirits who came to save a planet! They're here to turn a people and to raise who live the covered death of their own human creations "! 

" their names are written in the Book of Life and Light I, who have served on the same altars with you,! I, who passed through the energies of my world confirmation of initiations, I'm not happy to see more in the shadows fall behind in this time of global crisis, it is upon you. the contemplation, together with the action, it is my request to each of you "

"While continue teaching the doctrine of vicarious atonement (vicarious atonemente), humanity, largely expect someone else to " elevate them to a state of heavenly bliss. " It is complete nonsense to accept this awareness. No more than plane can be raised without using the necessary laws of this world to overcome gravity and move, can an individual achieve Ascension without agreeing with the spiritual laws that makes it possible that Ascension. The individual has to rely on the personal and impersonal service to achieve the right of victorious accomplishment. " 

The beloved El MoryaHe reads: "I've seen a lot of aspiring Ascension temporarily disillusioned when they see that Fleshing was (and is) necessary for divine realization. They are under the silly idea that you can rise to the Ascension on the garment enough of someone else instead of making individual and personal effort to win great service. 

"Think about the long journey of every soul - thousands incarnations, trials, errors, hopes and disappointments, karma always interwoven with every thought, feeling and action, chains and limitations waiting to enshroud the soul that enters through the the spirit which seeks to perform a portion of the Divine Plan and return to the Karmic Board with a harvest there, something of value. "

"Finally, comes the incarnation of the opportunity! The soul is accepted by the beloved Serapis Bey and the Brotherhood Luxor. The soul is sponsored by the Temple of Ascension examined by the Karmic Board, who meticulously scrutinizes both the strength of the individual as the amount of debt, unpaid remain on the books of it. If spiritual strength is such that it is even remotely possible that the embodied spirit can redeem, transmuting and purifying these energies set in motion so carelessly through so many ages, the soul is accepted. "Candidate for Ascension" is written through the etheric body, and an incarnation in which you are given every opportunity to balance that debt is fixed. There are also opportunities that are given to contact the instructor,

"Then the soul, self-balancing precariously between opportunities to light when external and apparent loads (disguised opportunities, the return of the energies seeking to be redeemed), becomes the" Field of Armageddon "personal, light and shadow, strength and weakness while the Godfather observes, waiting and praying. Light up on momentums interact well in the stream of life; astral field forces do about weaknesses. "

"Then one day, when the service has been adequate, sufficient purification, perseverance, loyalty and perseverance to the proven light (not days happy experience, but in hours and years of adversity), comes the Call:" well done, good and faithful servant! Come home in dignity, wearing the robes of Liberation, and enters the house. Spiritual your Lord! " 

"Each one of us who is now ascended, remembers that call and the raising of the heart, soul and spirit, when the chain of life and apparent death broke, and were invited to home."

"Until a spirit who returns home, the rocks, the trees, the Kingdom of Nature, sing a song of thanksgiving. The heavenly host joins also, and stirred within every human heart (although the cause is unknown) a small vibration of happiness and excitement that men often attributed to some personal experience, though this may be far from true reality. the Flame heart grossest of sinners sings freedom of his element .. . finally!"


Archangel Michael reads as follows: The Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host, all serving under the Law, in love, for a definite purpose: to free all mankind. 

"When the Book of Life of a chela shows enough energy balance constructively qualified to settle, seal and close the journal earthly pilgrimage, the Mahá Chohán places it in the Cosmic Library. Perhaps they would like to hear about this library.

"The Library of Mahá Chohán containing the FINISHED trip log on Earth every Ascended, is snow-white and the floor to ceiling color, see the books of which the Orthodox world took the idea of" The Book of Judgment " . These books contain the record of the life experience of each, from which the Divine Mercy, through one of the staff cut Lady Kwan Yin, removed all records of distress, leaving only those records as well.

When the final victory is achieved, being about to receive his ascension signs its internal name at the end of the final chapter. Then the Mahá Chohán also stamped his name, as does the Lord of the World. gold brooch closes, puts the key in his secret container and the Book of Life, among the general jubilation takes its place among the other representative volumes of all those who are free forever.

Some of the books are like little first communion manuals that children receive when they go to the altar for the first time to receive the Holy Spirit in grace (Holy Communion). They were the innocent who came with me (Lord Miguel), and returned home without blemish. Some books, like you, as Guardian Spirits, are as big as the great ancient Bibles, with their "grandparents" worshiped.

Contiguous to this Library Ascended Host is the great library that gets the Book of Life of the non chelas promoted at each earthly life. This time, you put your signature again, but bears the signature of the Ascended Masters and the key is in the lock. Any Ascended can enter this library, at his request and review the record of any individual whose services he wishes to enroll in a good cause. The own record of time and energy between incarnations also part of this book, which is extracted by the Lords of Karma, or one of his messengers, and studied prior to application or call to reincarnate to take place. Thus an Ascended Master is able to attract around Him certain currents of life particularly relevant for a given cause. These books are written the sins of omission and commission, as well as the good that everyone has, and it determines what they can do now and in the future.

You get up in the morning and write, with your thoughts and feelings, words and actions, a page, a chapter, and if you're energetic and vigorous, sometimes to a volume. At night, sign your name, you close the book, sometimes you just use the Cleansing Flame 'And then you lie down to sleep! This inconsiderate use of life is why you should use the Violet Flame Transmuting before bedtime.

My Beloved, do not return these books to the shelves of the Library of Mahá Chohán every night with some of the things that are written in them! When he opened, in the presence of his godfather, as they think they feel that great being? But, if you have used the Sacred Fire (Flame Violet), you not only have purified the record in the book, but to be transmuted into inner levels cause and core of their evil creations.

By using the Violet Fire, you can condense the story of his life when they are ready to return to the beginning of time. They do not require all the details, only flambé Violet Flame Purifying back through his entire life stream. That is our hope, when you get up and take advantage of the Sacred Fire, abandoning their feelings of despair!

What today is a pretty good idea of ​​what they have been century after century indication. We do not want to feel any sense of depression for not having done what your heart wants, according to the patterns of their own light. We have tried to show (relating simple and simple experiments that have been ours, and it can be yours) how we have used life constructively. We hope we have done this nice enough to invite us to visit them again choose. Meanwhile, we want to tell realized that you are the Bearers of Light, which led the Divine Enlightenment through many ages, it will be impossible not to download this momentum Safety, health, supply and confidence in complete mastery ,


Until the ' 50s, we had the choice to postpone indefinitely our Ascension. We no longer have that option. 

Teachers have said to embody the door has been partially closed.No longer exists action where, in any case, an individual is free to postpone his ascension until a future incarnation. According to the same source, for many, this is the last incarnation.

It was noted that all applicants embody three groups are formed. Now suppose that one of the three is a student of the Teaching of the Ascended Masters, but in his latest incarnation not fully used the opportunities that were offered. Let 's say the student did not study enough nor sufficiently practiced the Teaching Rules for Ascension, he was not offered to the impersonal service. 

In a case like this, the teacher would say: "If other candidates have not had the opportunity to have access to this teaching and living in areas where this teaching is not offered, these other two candidates will be given preference to embody. Hence, why not make full use of the opportunity at hand?

Let us now examine the question: "Is it possible to achieve Ascension in this incarnation?" First of all, we know it is much easier to achieve Ascension now than before 1930. As part of "Dispensation I AM", the Occult Law was abolished in 1930 by Cosmic Victory. Points of Law could now be directly. On November 8, 1938, the beloved Saint Germain made the announcement that there would be a new procedure available to all students on the path to Ascension. The most important part of this gift of grace is no longer at the end of this earthly life the physical body has to be transmuted by the rays of light -such which was necessary for Jesus and David Lloyd. From now on the atomic structure of the physical body can be left behind to then be cremated, making it much easier to achieve Ascension. Here we present an excerpt from a speech by Master Saint Germain:

"In all eras past, Ascension could only be carrying the purified physical body within Christ Self. Through the intercession of the Goddess of Light, Goddess of Liberty and the Mighty Victory, a gift of love it is offering humanity. " 

" There will be some among the students, who at the time of desencarnar, not being able complete so Ascension in this embodiment, the purified essence of the physical body is drawn into the etheric body. This will be allowed to Ascension while the external structure, the human form, stays here. This assistance is the wonderful thing life ever offered to mankind. "

"This assistance will enable thousands and thousands in America and elsewhere in the world -who otherwise would require another Incarnation being released from Earth, forever."


On rare occasions, the Great White Brotherhood is able to get a special award for his most devoted disciples. Such is the case at the meeting in the Tetons Retreat in December 1953, which the Archangel Michael could get a special concession from the Karmic Board. This award was given in consideration of the service of the student body, and this concerned the immediate families of the chelas who dedicated their lives in service to the Great White Brotherhood. Here are the quotes and references: 

1) Newsletter Book 1, speech Saint Germain, January 17, 1954:

"Before they started the evening activities, the Beloved Lord Michael made arrangements for members of their families who have passed through the veil, and all those who were given the award, were brought to" Tetón "and they were given news (below) while their hearts leaped upon receipt. It is a wonderful thing, My beloved something never been done before on this earth ". 

"The news is this: The Lord Michael has said Dispensation by which members of their immediate families are not allowed requires reincarnate, but will be allowed to complete his life 's work in the Octaves of Light." 

2) Journal bridge Book 4, January 4, 1959, speech by beloved El Morya, entitled La Victoria bridge.

"The Dispensation was granted was that all loved ones who pass better life, will be cared for , brought to the temples of the Ascension, prepared and finally receive their Ascension in the Light. This is a great gift ". 

3) Daily Bridge Book 4, March 4, 1960, speech by beloved Serapis BEY: 

" As you remember, the Great Archangel Michael said Dispensation in gratitude for the service of the student body, which releases to every lifestream belonging to any student who has given his life to this activity and has passed through the change called "death", or will in the future through this change, the need to reincarnate. We are aware of the gratitude that rose from their hearts.

"You have no idea, perhaps in detail of all this effort, all the thoughts and feelings that had to be put at inner levels in the preparation of these individuals to complete their own evolution." 

"The Brotherhood of Luxor and Brotherhood of the Ascension began the task of creating magnificent Temples of Ascension, within which these currents of life could be attracted. Magnificent temples, all white light is glowing. The doors are sometimes fifteen or twenty meters high. Silent Guardian of the Inner Spheres wears white board and each of those who have come under this dispensation, and are enrolled in active and conscious about the use of Sacred Fire instruction. "

4) Report of Lord Michael to the Karmic Board -31 December 1953 - Dictations 

"All chela and individual who has fully accepted our effort is having , as a gift from my current life - release of each member of the family it has passed through the "change" called death, the need to reincarnate on Earth. Each will be given the opportunity to complete their studies in one of the pure planets in the system, or the internal sphere that corresponds to their natural lightning. Hence, I have committed an addition to the Law service. This is my gratitude for your faith and acceptance of the reality of the Masters, and incorporating their own energies in spreading the word and radiation through their voluntary service, their talents and momentums in the Light. "

Ascended Master KUTHUMI (in Dictations, p.287) says: "Our beloved Archangel Michael, as you know, offered free their loved ones from the need to reincarnate. Arguably, this goes back three generations, 

"Each stream of life in this new effort, if he or she perseveres, know the Ascension at the end of this incarnation. 

What this means to "fully accept the Teaching of The Bridge to Freedom?" 

Simply put, it means that we must adhere to the original teachings of the Ascended Masters. WE CAN NOT mix with any other TEACHING and expect to get harmonious results. This involves: 

1.-Know and apply the laws that govern our planet. 

2. Mastering the qualities of the Seven Rays.

3. Achieve mastery over our four lower bodies. 

4. Invite and cooperate with the Ascended Host. 

5. Know about the I AM Presence, the Violet Flame 

6. Be willing to give a balance to life, giving some impersonal service (examples of this is the participation in the Service of the Transmission of the Flame, participation in group activities, volunteering, distribute literature Teaching of the Ascended Masters, etc.) 

Met Ascension through self-effort. Nobody can do it for us. It requires a lot of self-discipline, and there are no shortcuts. Nobody ever achieved Ascension without the assistance of an Ascended Master without the application of the above principles.

When 51% of all energy used during all our incarnations have been described harmoniously, we will achieve the victory of our eternal liberation. This is another gift of Grace. In earlier times, 100% of the energy given to us for all our incarnations had to be transmuted. 


* The term "new commitment" was repeatedly used by the Ascended Masters to identify the newly created group, "The Bridge to Freedom Ia".

EXAMPLES ascents before 1938


by the beloved Jesus 

THE ASCENSION OF ALMA sublimated, is the goal of all human experience. Men do not realize how to weave ascending the ladder of consciousness for all life on Earth, or how much energy from other streams of life is interwoven in its high radiation. 

Long before the time of my own Ascension, on the hill of Bethany, my dear mother had to walk the grassy path heading from the valley to the smooth rock that makes up the top of that hill. There, in deep contemplation and prayer, His own life force ascended to heaven, and a fluid stream created a power upon which my own natural spiritual path; spirit, in time, come home.

In that decisive, obedient to the call of Father day, I prepared for my final salute to the Earth and those with whom he had served and lived in all My very brief earthly lives. Only John and My Mother knew the nature of the experience I had.

Getting up early, I poured my love to the sweet land fragrant with the scent of a new spring, the purifying waters that had baptized purified my soul and my body; the air purifier that grace had inhaled into my lungs at the first breath so long ago in a stable in Bethlehem; the rising sun, whose example followed on this day of days. Send invocation of the Holy Comforter to come into the heart and conscience of My sincere disciples and devotees to keep them on the true path. To the top of the hill of Bethany walked the path made by the bright traces of the constant ninth of My Mother for my victory. My Mother and John, knowing my imminent initiation, gathered near the disciples themselves and loved ones,

Shortly before noon, they ascended to the top of hill, and when the sun reached its zenith, lovingly put them all in the hands of the Father, accelerate the vibratory action of my vehicles I sent the world a fond farewell. Since then, I have returned often in my immortal garments, whom I love and who love and serve, since there is no separation in Divine Love.

By knowing the crowning glory of that hour, I can not but urge each dear child of God to prepare for that day! When the time and the call of the Father of Light reaches reaches the heart, you also know the full purpose and true pair being individual. This is becoming a Sun of Light itself, free wheel of birth and death, and masters of energy and vibration but also servants of all that lives until all also free in God. 

SAINT GERMAIN RECALLS its latest incarnation 

Two of the finest experiences of spiritual ecstasy that touch the conscience of man, are the first moment of individual achievement as a self-conscious being, at the beginning of the way of life, and the first moment of realization termination at the end of that road.

For me, May Day (1 May) has always had a special meaning. In many incarnations on Earth, I enjoyed the active participation of the mystic festivals in May. I love the memory of those whose spiritual achievements were honored in each holding regular input to May, honoring the forces of spiritual nature and its great directors, whose rhythm of beauty and opulence are written on the face of the earth, for bring hope and fulfillment to the human heart.

Finally, there is the personal achievement of my own Ascension wheel of birth and death -¡todas them in the archive of my memory! All these remembrances, sweet as dew on the flowers of early spring, can be invoked at will and interwoven within each successive season May to add to the sweetness of the gifts of the Spirit of Mayo! Ah, sweet spirit, in your perfumed essence, many have risen to the Heart of the Father of Light House- -a not to leave anymore! 

Many have asked some personal reference pre My own call to Casa experiences. To his delight, I will count a few of those experiences in these pages.

I was born to the throne of England, but deprived of his authority, my soul wept with grief and frustration. It stirred within my consciousness was a "seed idea," born of the Father of Light, but still be nurtured and developed to the point where humanity could use it effectively. However, such is the confusion of external consciousness that often the effort of the human will, such ideas are disturbing or stillborn before their time. This wisdom to dwell in the Father's Will (who will ensure that the seeds ripen fruit at the right time), comes with suffering, enlightenment and grace. So, I learned that the worldwide brotherhood was not the result of a dynasty of human kings, but a spiritual link detached impersonal service and shared vision of a later day.

Suffice to say-after "the storm" came the calm. This is the experience of every soul that awakens the slumber of ages, grabbing the vision of the future and in his first excitement and immaturity, strives to bring that vision to shape before their allotted time. 

A great teacher and dear friend of mine, dear Jesus was tempted long before I accept a human throne in order to use the position of authority to advance his teachings. Wisely he rejected the intercessor who advocated the temporal power. Long before his ministry, another (Lord Buddha) gave up the throne he already had assured to find the heart of God incarnate the spirit of that heart for their fellow men.

Every man comes to him, at the time, the opportunity; give full power and authority at the hands of the Father of Light. When performing the great surrender - then comes VICTORY! 

I remember well, when it came my call I remember dreams, visions without realizing the hopes and plans resulting from communion with my maker, who remained still as ephemeral ghosts, some tissues within words that would last more than the raiment of meat used *. 

Leave all these dreams and plans without making was not easy but those much larger than I, seeing the future with eyes without bandaging, I was recommended to prepare me to go home. Other souls, strong and authentic promised interweaving their life energies to complete the pattern of my free star!

I still remember how, after concluding my personal affairs as best as I could, I left England crossed the Canal. Agitated and rough seas and heavy mists brought memory of another crossing. On that occasion, the only thing that held us was faith while traveling to the shores of a land that one day, my vision would become fact (Saint Gema incarnated as Colón).

The generous nobleman with spirited horses waiting on the coast of France, the long journey across the green countryside, small villages, the most difficult mountain passes leading to Transylvania -¡todos these are burned in my heart forever! The friendly welcome from my host and friend, the joy of peaceful forest, gentle birdsong, the first flowers of spring-all tie my heart even more dear "Mother Earth" and everything that lives in it.

Then came the final preparation of my soul to give up its last tabernacle, adopting a new State- and after is The CALL! This came several months after I passed the final test before the Karmic Board before it was able to finish my business and retire to the home of a dear friend in the heart of the mountains of Transylvania, and prepare for the ultimate experience of Victoria . There, I joined my spiritual master and, at a given instant, the Call Me "I AM", I left the arms of my dear friend and, with the help of my teacher, I went to the fields of Perfection, where I will continue my efforts to attend my brothers and sisters who still remain on earth until they also experience peace and happiness of this victorious achievement. I remember the breeze brought the sweet scent of flowers through open windows while I gave the answer, and my soul, freed from the flesh, flying that carrier pigeon back to the bosom of the Lord, O gratitude for freedom and the promised service to those left behind! My children, all life experiences that led them from the confusion of external life to the tranquility of the heart, where they can hear the call and respond, to the Victoria are nothing that stands before you! I know because I went through it! Gratitude for freedom and the promised service to those left behind! My children, all life experiences that led them from the confusion of external life to the tranquility of the heart, where they can hear the call and respond, to the Victoria are nothing that stands before you! I know because I went through it! Gratitude for freedom and the promised service to those left behind! My children, all life experiences that led them from the confusion of external life to the tranquility of the heart, where they can hear the call and respond, to the Victoria are nothing that stands before you! I know because I went through it!


* refers here to classical Shakespearian, Utopia Bacon, etc. Note The Bridge to Freedom. 



David Lloyd was the Lloyd family in London, England. When David was about four years old, his parents moved from England to Punjab, India. His childhood was very happy and harmonious. He was being observed from birth by a teacher, who appeared later. David was careful and directed by his Christ Self and the Master throughout his life. 

The non-ascended master told David that "a great mountain in North America find a man with a glass of Cristal, who would assist in gaining the Ascension."

Keeping in your consciousness the words of wisdom that provided clues to his Ascension, David buscó for fifty years. The long search was necessary to build the momentum of Victoria Ascension. This preparation enabled him to know the Lord in Mount Shasta Ballard in October 1930. Mr. Ballard was the only person through whom this service could be done. David Lloyd made the ascent to the bright light on the same day. Ascension was achieved in a similar manner to that Jesus used, namely, all the atoms of the physical body had to be transmuted into pure light substance. 

The following was reported by ADK Luk:

David Lloyd and Mr. Ballard had occurred that afternoon of the day of meeting with Lord David Lloyd Ballard, Mr. Ballard checked her out with the forest service, but the name of David Lloyd did not appear in the registry. Some years later, several people went to Florida Mount Shasta holiday. They met the warden of the town, and learned from him that there was a rescue team searching for David Lloyd for three weeks without finding a trace of him. Dutch Salaway was the Lord Chief McCloud Ranger him at that time. 

David Lloyd gave his first speech on March 24, 1937. Later in 1953, he volunteered godfather of Service Transmission of the Flame of The Bridge to Freedom, sponsoring the continent of Australia.


Here we present cases of individuals who rose under the new dispensation, where the physical body left behind, to be cremated later. 


Guy Warren Ballard was born in Newton, Kansas, on July 29, 1878. In previous incarnations was George Washington, Richard the Lionheart and Lotus Sieur Conté, the scribe of Juana de Arco. According to a source, you may have incarnated as Lancelot. In the time of Jesus, the Lord Ballard was incarnated as a Roman centurion who offered to help Jesus.

Beginning in 1900, Mr. Ballard was prepared at inner levels for the work that was destined to make 1930. It was not until 1915 that became aware of the existence of the Ascended Masters. According to Donald Ballard, his father had contact with the Ascended Master Kuthumi already in 1926. 

Before oriented to the Teaching of the Ascended Masters, Mr. Ballard had researched almost all metaphysical and occult teaching that existed at that time. 

Mr. Ballard did some healing work before entering this teaching. On that occasion, I felt it was necessary to be present with the patient. However, later he learned that it was possible to heal patients remotely. 

According to ADK Luk, Saint Germain was given in 1926 a dispensation twenty years to introduce new aspects of Cosmic Law. Mr. Ballard became an Authorized Messenger. He left Chicago in March 1929 bound for Los Angeles, California, where he established his residence. I had any connection with mining. A source said he had excavated tons of ore at the mine uncle, but was able to allow light to flow through your hands so that the hard work not affected. To be a man, she had beautiful hands. In 1929, Mr. Ballard was going through difficult times. In the latter part of that year, I was walking down Broadway, on the west side of the street between 6th and 7th, when suddenly he turned and emphatically said. "You've scared last You do not have power!

In 1930, Mr. Ballard did some work for the government in Mount Shasta. Sunday was long mountain walks. The first time I went up to Mount Shasta was 1 6 August 1930. Here he had a historic meeting with Saint Germain that is registered in Unveiled Mysteries. So far the report ADK Luk. 

Mr. Ballard stayed at the McCloud Hotel in McCloud, California while he was in the area of Mount Shasta.

When the Lord Ballard returned to his home in Chicago, he was giving private lessons. These were by invitation only. Some of those who attended later qualified as "delegated messengers" of Saint Germain. The names of the "Messengers Designates" were: Mr. Paul Stickels, Mr. William J. Cassiere, Mrs. Bliss, Mr. and señora Ferguson and Dr. Maxwell. Earl Thomas may also be a messenger "designated". Mr. Ballard called "delegated messengers." 

In 1932, Mr. Ballard had the experiences recorded in the Magic Presence On July 4 of that year, Saint Germain began to dictate the Discourses recorded in the book of an Ascended Master Instruction. *

Shortly before 3 October 1932, just for after dinner, Guy, Edna and Donald Ballard sat in the dining room, when Saint Germain across the table a beam of white light as a meter in diameter. Through this, they heard him say he would like to dictate a series of speeches, if they had to either cooperate. The dictations (recorded in talks of "I AM") began on October 3, 1932, and almost all occurred on Mondays and Thursdays. 

The Ray of Light and Sound is an activity of pure white light that replaces the physical dimensions of the human. You can talk, listen and watch at any distance. Many of the Discourses of "I AM" Speeches were given through the Ray of Light and Sound, only a few that were given by the Ascended Master Being present in his body visible and tangible.

Miss N. was a housekeeper who took care of Donald while Señora Ballard worked. Once he said he hoped to see in the house of the Lord Ballard Ballard, and instead saw a tall man, well trained and friendly, with great light. 

When Saint Germain first sent the Messengers to take the words of the Brotherhood, he told them to go to Philadelphia, the Cradle of Liberty United States. The first class gave October 10 to October 19, 1934.

When the Lord gave Ballard public classes in various US cities, I knew anticipate the theme of the conference nor the details of it. The only thing he was aware of was the indication of Saint Germain asking you rented a hall in a certain city a certain date. Saint Germain then dictated a speech through it.

Mr. Ballard had the gift of raising funds by precipitation. When the time of printing the book, Mysteries Unveiled, came the Ballard did not have the money, so they resorted to their "I AM" and visualized enough $ 100 bills to pay for book printing. Money for printing came from a student (Mary Cochrane) in the form of $ 100 bills Brother Bill (Wílliam Cassiere) had an incident in which he needed funds and Mr. Ballard turned, then opened his hand producing a ticket $ 50, which gave Brother Bill.

With very few exceptions, the Lord Ballard will not be granted special privileges. He had to transmute their own personal karma. Once, after passing through a particularly painful experience, he asked Saint Germain "Why the hell do I have to go through that?" Saint Germain just smiled and said, "Why not? You yourself have created. You're no different than anyone!"

Before his trip to Honolulu in August 1936, Mr. Ballard received messages through the Ray of Light and Sound. This way, I could hear the audible voice of the Master. But on his return from this trip, there was a change in the mode of receiving dictations. Destelladas words were now in the eyes of the Lord Ballard in letters of Living Light five centimeters tall. Brother Bill Werner Schroeder told the Lord Stickles saw those letters of golden light before the Lord Ballard like Brother Bill. Brother Bill saw those letters whether sitting in the front row or the back row, and regardless of whether he had his eyes open or closed.

In 1936, Mr. Ballard had given enough time to fully balance your life has service and may have risen then, but chose, of their own free will, stay and be the contact and channel Ascended Beings. Mr. Ballard said only amount "when I'm self-cleansed and purified enough, when you pour enough love and goodness, when it has been sufficiently humble and grateful, when you have served enough, then I'll go in to the house of my Presence ". Twenty thousand healings are attributed to Mr. Ballard. 

Mr. Ballard left the body on December 29, 1939, at 5:20 AM at Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, which was the home of Donald. He ascended December 31, 1939. He lectured until a week before his illness.

Guy Ballard Ascension made under the new Dispensation given in 1938. Under this dispensation, the purified essence of the physical body enters the etheric body, the etheric body meets the Christhood, and Christ Self merges with the "I AM "all it has done in full consciousness. The physical body is left behind to be cremated.

In outward appearance, Mr. Ballard looked like any other man in physical form, however it was different. Its internal bodies (vehicles) were purified. This allowed the light flow freely through it. Mr. Ballard used the pseudonym "Godfré Ray King". The meaning of this is: "God frees by the power of Light and Becomes King" - "God delivers the power of Light and becomes King." After his Ascension, he was awarded the honorary title "God of Obedience". Mr. Ballard was the canal, in human form, he used the Ascended Master Saint Germain to bring this teaching to humanity. He was the open door through which the Ascended Masters could work in the physical realm. Ascended Masters gave information and instruction to students through it. In this way, students learned how to cooperate with the Great Ones, and thus managed conditions of global importance. Mr. Ballard, a member of the Great White Brotherhood, became a godfather of service personnel Transmission of the Flame of the Bridge to Freedom, acting as a sponsor of the student focus on Denver, Colorado.


* Panama: Serapis Bey Editores, SA -1999 


Mary Lehane Innocente was the mother of Geraldine. He was of Irish descent. She was a founder and contributor to The Bridge to Freedom. He published articles in the journals of The Bridge to Freedom the pseudonym "DT Marches". He had previous incarnations as Aaron, high priest and brother of Moses, the prophet Isaiah, the Italian poet Dante Alighieri and George III, King of England. Mary Lehane Innocente left the earthly plane on March 4, 1960 at 11:13 P. and ascended on March 7. Twin Flame is the Lord Ling was Moses who in a previous incarnation. It is known now as the "Ascended Master Amanecer" (Dawn Lady) and as the "Goddess of Happiness".

Before winning the Ascension, she decided to continue to devote all his energies, from the Ascended state the cause of the Bridge to Freedom. Our love and gratitude go to Mary Lehane Innocente a dedicated member the Great White Brotherhood. 


Geraldine Innocente, the Messenger Authorized Bridge to Freedom, was born on 29 March 1915 (the year of his birth approximate). She was the daughter of Gus and Mary Lehane Innocente Innocente Gerry previously incarnated as Joseph of Arimathea and three times as a fortuneteller of Delphi. Possibly he was also Miriam (Moses' sister) and Sir Galahad (of the Round Table of Rey Arturo). Some students call now Ascended Master Lady Miriam.

Geraldine lived with his parents, who were co-workers in the Light. Until 1955 they lived in Halesite, Long Island. In 1955 they moved to Flourtown, Pennsylvania, and then moved his residence to Charlottesville, Virginia. 

Finally, in May 1961, the Innocente moved to Saint James, Long Island. The last registered address as PO Box 77, Saint James, Long Island.

In the 40s, in Long Island, Mrs. Mary Innocente had a small group affiliated with the "I AM Activity". One night, 1944, Geraldine and her mother were sitting at home in front of the fireplace. Suddenly, Geraldine became aware of a presence in the room. Then he realized that it was the Master Morya. He told his mother, who was not aware of this Presence "Master Morya is here." His mother said, "What do you want?" Morya suggested to Geraldine to make certain application daily. 

A year later, Morya told Geraldine that the Lord Mahá Chohán would like to give a series of speeches across it.

He thought about and then consented to receive dictations. The Mahá Chohán came to the group of thirteen -known as the "inner circle" - once a week to give instruction in an effort to foster spiritual development. Thereafter, Geraldine was in constant communication with the Masters. Geraldine was thus at least seven years of continuous training in the pipeline, before becoming the voice of the Great Ones of the "Activity of The Bridge to Freedom", which officially began in 1952.

Geraldine was a very humble person. The first time his name was mentioned publicly in the Journal of The Bridge to Freedom 1958, six years after its first publication. She used a pseudonym, when in 1952 he published some articles on the bridge. On one or two occasions, the Masters allowed questions to those who worked closely with Geraldine, and their staff. Thus, it was established that they were present at least five kindred spirits (Divine Complements) of the Ascended Masters, who at present all know. It was revealed that Peter, the disciple of Jesus, was one of the founders of The Bridge to Freedom.

Geraldine received many dictations between 4 am and 6 am Apparently, it was easier for teachers to give dictations at that time. Geraldine Innocente transition took place on 21 June 1961. Ascension service was made on 23 June. We are deeply grateful for his years of dedicated service and for their contributions in the preparation of the New Age Bible. 


William J. Cassiere paved the way for Guy Ballard and the Ascended Host in the same way Juan el Bautista prepared the way for Jesus. Attending Bible classes, explaining the meaning of the statement "I AM that I AM," and talked about biblical passages that can be interpreted as relating to reincarnation. Thus laid the foundations for a future visit of Mr. Ballard.

Brother Bill met Mr. Ballard just after his experience in Mount Shasta. Mr. Ballard put his arm around him, saying, "Boy Bill, have worked together (in previous incarnations) many times." "Brother Bill" (as they called students) first was a "courier appointed" by Saint Germain. After the December 25, 1934, Saint Germain did a "complete Messenger". In a dictation that the beloved Saint Germain gave through Mr. Ballard (which we have in our possession at the headquarters of the MTPJ), he says: "Dear Billy Boy, is my joy and privilege to become a Full Messenger in this Dispensation "Activity I AM." I congratulate you for the wonderful job you're doing. "

Brother Bill taught many classes. Sometimes he gave lectures to five different groups during the week. He said Werner Schroeder that "when the Lord Ballard and I were dictating conferences, almost never a class during which a greater miracle did not happen. Often people left their crutches at the meetings." About thirty of these "miracles" are registered in book Miracles Today Brother Bill. * He left all his possessions spiritual nature with MTPJ and we find additional records about twenty healings. He told Werner that about two-thirds of people requesting be healed, they were healed. He said the Lord Ballard had the same results.

In a private issuance of Saint Germain through Mr. Ballard, given the August 18, 1939, he was told Brother Bill who had won the Ascension (this document is also in our power) 

Annette and Werner Schroeder met Brother Bill his last public conference in Grants Pass, Oregon, in 1985. We became good friends. We visited several times in his last home, the Veterans Home in Yountville, California. He was very interested in the work of the MTPJ, and became a member. When the MTPJ printed the book Mysteries Unveiled in 1986, Brother Bill shouted with joy: "It 's about time!" (This book and others in the series of Saint Germain were not available in bookstores and the general public from 1940 to 1986).

Brother Bill had almost ninety years old when we met. When we talked about the Light and this teaching, his whole face glowed. Werner told him, "Brother Bill was the most sincere, humble, polite and erudite gentleman I have ever met in my life. It was truly a saint, an inspiration to all who had the privilege of knowing. Exhibited a total mastery over qualities of the Seven Rays and gave us many aspects of the activity of the 30s and the way it operated the Brotherhood ". Brother Bill ascended at the age of 90, in 1987. Members of the MTPJ Ascension did a service for him.


Beloved Masters Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Jesus and beloved Brotherhood of Luxor: 

flambé the Ascension Flame in, through and around me, my loved ones and of all humanity. Ascend any limitations in Harmony, every disease in perfect health, all affliction within Peace, any shortage in Opulence and all discord within the Perfection. 

This we ask in Your most holy name, "I AM"! 

"Metaphysics: 21 Essential Lessons" Vol.3, p.85, by Werner Schroeder, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

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