
29 de octubre de 2017

the chakras



When at first you individualized, and said, feeling "I AM" began early life magnetize and radiate forward; this has been the result of what one is today. Each is provided with power magnetizing (attracting what is desired) and the irradiation power (to irradiate, issue); this should be under the conscious control of the individual at all times. He should be a radiant light and power focus. 

The present condition of the bodies of mankind is that they are negative and absorbers, which accept and take upon themselves the qualities that surround them , instead of being positive and irradiating light bulbs and only accept desirable.

The seven centers or chakras are connection points lower bodies with one another, through which the life energy flows. It is through these centers at these points, the internal energy or force flows from one body to another. The centers are usually described as wheels, denoting action, rotation; however, they are spherical and not flat like a wheel. These centers in the etheric body of the individual are spiritually underdeveloped declines, concave in shape, which suck instead of being outgoing and convex in order to radiate ... vibrating with the essence and vital power. It is within these declines that are rooted sins of man -the different qualities and destructive activities.

These can be removed with the assistance of the Ascended Beings, particularly the Elohim of Purity and Astrea, Archangel Michael, and the beings that belong to the Seventh Ray, Lady Kwan Yin and Prince Oromasis. One can observe himself , and at first vibratory action of any of these qualities, invoking the "I AM" and some Ascended Master, to remove it It is the same as starting a cap rubber suction of an object. There is a tendency to unconsciously grasp them-so ... Let go! 

These centers should be positive and radiate the qualities and colors of the Seven Rays. They should magnetize the qualities and activities from the Seven Elohim, Archangels and Chohans and irradiating them .

Fire Kundalini awakening under the Occult Law was dangerous without the assistance of a visible Master. One should not dwell unnecessarily on the lower centers but can concentrate on the heart center, throat and head and make them glowing light. The heart center is Divine Love radiation with pink and gold. Throat, the center of power is bright white with blue radiation. 

The door to the mental world is through the pituitary gland; The solar plexus is the door to the emotional world from the outside world. The five senses are connected to the world outside; touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight; ear being the highest. 

"The Law of Life" Vol. 2 by ADK Luk, p.133, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



Now, part of the task assigned me to include in the service this morning is a brief explanation of the centers "chakric" in your bodies. It is that everything that happens here in this "force field" -the Central Heart of Our New business- affects every individual who belongs to this movement. We offer one of these four-monthly classes, some individuals are fortunate enough to feel a real need to get under our direct presence to receive the gifts that we have to give. While some feel that it is totally unnecessary to have me come and bring their physical bodies here to receive the blessings of those classes directly from us, they too benefit from them to some extent, since in such cases radiation flames from this "force field" to all who are interested in us. This morning, all the kind readers of our literature (especially bridge and Bulletin) on every continent of this planet are receiving assistance from Ourselves.

When we strive to reunite in a place like this, it is to give our bodies, minds and worlds of feelings ... a definite service. 

Consider for a moment the centers "chakric" in your etheric body, that correspond to your ganglionic nerve centers in your flesh. As you know, the word "chakra" is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel".

As I said, the Seven Rays of the Seven Mighty Elohim are anchored in front of all fitness and by expanding these, we are able to achieve in your worlds to help you, if we permit him to do. Of course, we never meddle in any way, for your God-given gift and privilege of using your own free will always deprived. It is that, from the outset, the intention of the Elohim, Archangels, Chohans of the Rays and Angelic Host were in a constant daily association with mankind, as they are on Venus and other planets had; and as they have been throughout the ages. However, the 'Veil of Maya " (Effluvia of discord) was gradually becoming so thick around the Earth and other bodies of people who could not spend more to their consciences. I do not think there has been registered on this planet where the Elohim and the archangels have spoken to people on Earth in consecutive order time, as has been done here recently. I think the Chohans have done so.

In the etheric body are seven centers who are called according to the terminology Oriental- "chakras" They should take positive, constructive and clear colors representing the colors of the seven rays of the Chohans, Archangels and ourselves. It was determined that these "centers" were convex shape and irradiating foci of the qualities of perfection of the Seven Rays. Instead, on behalf of the centuries lived in jarring vibrations, these centers have become concave, declines in the etheric body. Therefore, instead of radiating centers of God's perfection, over long ages of human experience these declines have been filled with destructive and qualified humanly vibrations, and have become the roots of the "seven deadly sins capital " with multiple branches. I will gladly help you root out the causes and cores of these destructive vibrations; and attracting these centers from the sunken so that at present have, Convex them again. When this condition has been corrected, I can then recharge these centers with positive radiation than they should have. So instead of being so negative and so easy access to the anxieties in particular that you alter individually, you can be positive irradiation centers for the qualities of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Rays ... if what you escogéis! No one needs to accept this help unless you want to have it! attracting these centers from the sunken so that at present have, Convex them again. When this condition has been corrected, I can then recharge these centers with positive radiation than they should have. So instead of being so negative and so easy access to the anxieties in particular that you alter individually, you can be positive irradiation centers for the qualities of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Rays ... if what you escogéis! No one needs to accept this help unless you want to have it! attracting these centers from the sunken so that at present have, Convex them again. When this condition has been corrected, I can then recharge these centers with positive radiation than they should have. So instead of being so negative and so easy access to the anxieties in particular that you alter individually, you can be positive irradiation centers for the qualities of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Rays ... if what you escogéis! No one needs to accept this help unless you want to have it! instead of being so negative and so easy access to the anxieties in particular that you alter individually, you can be positive centers irradiation to the qualities of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Rays ... if you escogéis well ! No one needs to accept this help unless you want to have it! instead of being so negative and so easy access to the anxieties in particular that you alter individually, you can be positive centers irradiation to the qualities of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Rays ... if you escogéis well ! No one needs to accept this help unless you want to have it!

Previously we have not conversed with you about these "centers" because, under the law of the New Day and the activity of Ascended Master Saint Germain, the students' attention should focus only on the top three centers of the body. But when he went up the call from your this morning 'As for what you take out of you, all who were under this radiation and of all humanity, causes and cores of the "seven deadly sins" - through the intercession with the Karmic Grand Court of the Beloved Kwan-Yin (Goddess of Mercy), have received permission to speak briefly about these "chakras" today.


Each "chakra" should be like a wheel moving quickly toward clockwise; and the faster the vibratory action of these centers "chakric" in your four lower vehicles, the less they recorded discord. This is one of the services provided by your quickly pronounced and rapid time your music decrees. Please remember, however, that we must not confuse this with the idea of ​​"trouble". All distance requires students to use their discernment-is actually style "knife edge". The "trouble" in itself is destructive and must be avoided at all costs by sincere students. However, a quick and positive vibration accelerates the energies of the four lower vehicles, and it makes one fends off feelings of depression, doubt, fear, lethargy, and all the various sins of man; except, perhaps, by the qualities of pride and rebellion, which move at a very fast rat and are more subtle than some of the others. These negative vibrations can enter the world of student either from within their own accumulations of discord which are engraved in his own etheric body, and sometimes are brought to the surface by external awareness by recordada- memory or they can be floating in the atmosphere in which the individual moves, or you may find them consciously directed him and his world by others who have been captured by destructive activities. by the qualities of pride and rebellion, which move at a very fast rat and are more subtle than some of the others. These negative vibrations can enter the world of student either from within their own accumulations of discord which are engraved in his own etheric body, and sometimes are brought to the surface by external awareness by recordada- memory or they can be floating in the atmosphere in which the individual moves, or you may find them consciously directed him and his world by others who have been captured by destructive activities. by the qualities of pride and rebellion, which move at a very fast rat and are more subtle than some of the others. These negative vibrations can enter the world of student either from within their own accumulations of discord which are engraved in his own etheric body, and sometimes are brought to the surface by external awareness by recordada- memory or they can be floating in the atmosphere in which the individual moves, or you may find them consciously directed him and his world by others who have been captured by destructive activities.

These "chakras" in the etheric body are supposed to be like soles of their particular color, magnetic centers to attract in the world of individual radiation perfection of the qualities they represent the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of the Seven Rays . In the Hebrew religion and other religions that are used in the Seven Jewels of Light on the altar, these jewels represent not only the Seven Rays but these centers within the etheric body and thus the physical body as well.

The lowest of all "chakra", which is at the base of the spine, is the focus of lust and passion in being spiritually asleep. This is the negative side. In the "awake" is the positive focus of Purity. The Gd by the "chakra" is the Gd Purity (vg clarity); the archangel should pour its radiation Resurrection Flame through the same is Gabriel; and the Ascended Master Serapis Bey is (who, when he is allowed to fly the purity of his Ascension Flame through this "chakra", assists the individual to the Victory of the Ascension). Please do not put undue attention to this chakra.

The "chakra" center, located in the spleen, is the focus of greed, gluttony, greed and fear in its negative aspect. That is why you feel "beaten" in the solar plexus when you repentinamene that fright. People are greedy and greedy because they fear not getting or will not receive their fair share of good they deserve. The positive quality of this "chakra" is peace, and it is this focus that I am in charge as the Elohim of Peace. Archangel radiates through this center is Uriel, and Ascended Master is Our beloved Lady Nada. This is one reason why, early in your study of these Laws of Life, I was asked to visualizarais the luminous presence of Jesus in a sparkling white light surrounded by gold on the front and on the solar plexus of you and others. When this "chakra" has been completely cleansed, and You keep the solar plexus in a fully controlled manner, feeling radiation PEACE Ascended Master from my humble self, Uriel and nothing, then you will have full protection against both fear as destructive desires of other human beings and complete protection of the "gripper" nature of your own physical appetites.

The "chakra" at heart level, in its negative aspect, representing lethargy, laziness and laziness. If your heart is not in something you do not give him much of your life. Positive radiation of this center, of course, is pure and selfless Divine Love. His Elohim is the Beloved Orion; the archangel, Chamuel; and Chohan Paul the Venetian, who represents tolerance and "his brother 's keeper." 

The "chakra" at the height of the throat is the power center of the body where, in its negative aspect, rests envy and desire for personal power. Their positive activity is the power to create perfection in doing the will of God. The charge here is Elohim Hercules; Archangel, Lord Michael; and Chohan is Beloved El Morya.

The "chakra" at the height of the forehead is the focus of the power of reason and its negative aspect manifests itself as pride and intellectual arrogance. It's where the doubt is allowed to enter the mind. The positive aspect is displayed in early mythology as the "Eye-all-avizor of God" and the power of concentration. The Elohim whose name is Vista (whom you have known over the years as "Cyclopean") is being in charge of the center. Archangel in charge of this "chakra" is the Rafael Amado, who is the Archangel of concentration and consecration. No current life devoted herself anything until both your mind and your body are not convinced of the effectiveness of the service that can deliver on behalf of such efforts. Ascended Master Hilarion also represents this focus. That is the reason why this Master, as St. Paul (formerly Saul of Tarsus), he experienced the tremendous mental development of the Fifth Ray (Ray which he is in charge today).

Thank God that the "head center" of the body (at the very top of the head) has not been destructively touched, and that no negative vibes there. In most people, this center is totally undeveloped, but diligent students, when attention is rhythmically turned to his own Beloved Presence "I AM" anchored within his own heart, this heart begins to pulsate and eventually forms a halo or halo of light around the head. Eventually it reaches a point where, with the internal view at first, you can see a flaming halo of light around the living head of the sincere student. This is the "chakra" headed by Amado Cassiopeia, Elohim of Enlightenment; its Archangel is the Beloved Jofiel, and is our beloved Ascended Master Koot Hoomi.


Now, although we have given much this morning, you have to have this information and knowledge if they have to move within in more Light! In the Name of God, my dear people, after you have received this instruction ... Please, use it! You are going to be the Doctors of Spiritual Philosophy, and you should all that is essential for such service just the "tip of your fingers" if you are going to help your "patient". You should be fully conversant with the names and activities of Elohim and Divine Complements; Archangels and Archeiai, the Chohans (Sirs-Lords) of the Seven Rays, also representing their activities the positive functions of the ganglionic centers, the "chakras", which we have just referred; the use of the various activities of the Sacred Fire; most important powers and-magnetization and radiation all- The ability to do it yourself! ....

Elohim Tranquility "The Seven Elohim speak", p.120, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



THE BASE OF THE SPINE is the center of lust and passion in the sleeping be (spiritually). In the waking being, this is the center of Purity. The Elohim in charge of this is the Elohim of Purity; the archangel pouring through them is Gabriel; and Flame, the Ascension of Serapis Bey. He did not devote much attention. The flame color is white. SPLEEN is the focus of anger, malice, hatred and mild dislike. Their positive activity is in the Power of Invocation. His Elohim is Arcturus, the Archangel is Zadkiel, and Saint Germain is Chohan. The color is Violet Flame. 

SOLAR PLEXUS is the focus of greed, gluttony, greed and fear . Their positive activity is peace and harmony. The Elohim of Peace, Archangel Uriel and Lady Nada Chohan, govern your color Flame Gold-Ruby.

CARDIAC CENTER negatively represents laziness, lethargy, laziness . The positive radiation here is that of love and tolerance. Elohim is Orion, the embodiment of love; Archangel is Chamuel, and is Chohan Paul the Venetian who commands her Flame Rosada . 

THE CENTER THROAT is the center which are, on the negative side, the desire for power, envy and jealousy . On the positive side is the power to create perfection and do the will of God. Power Flame is blue and is governed by the Elohim Hercules, Archangel Michael and Master El Morya. 

THE CENTER OF THE FRONT, as no one needstell him,It is the power of reason, pride, spiritual arrogance and doubt in the negative. On the positive side we find concentration, power of visualization, and brings the qualities of Elohim Cyclopea (all sharp eye of Vista), Archangel Raphael and the Chohán Hilarión. The color is green. Flame of Truth. 

CROWN CENTER ; Thank God, it has not been touched by negativity, but is 
underdeveloped. When developed, it will be the center of Divine Wisdom. Yellow color radiates from the heart of Elohim Cassiopeia, Archangel Jophiel and Chohan Lanto. 

"The Book of Life", p.119, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama 

Chakras in a New Light from Serapis Bey Tvon Vimeo .

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