
29 de octubre de 2017




September 30, 1954 

(September 1955) 

Serapis Bey

Candidates Ascension! 

How about the task of redemption? In this incarnation, you face the tasks for which they cry fervently just a few short years ago, when they were among those who sought to embody, and were chosen as likely candidates for Ascension. It seems like yesterday -a you I'm sure it seems a little farther, since in this task redeem the energies of life current era after era, century after century, the constancy of effort is likely to exhaust up to me great spirit incarnate. Those of you who asked for the opportunity to be eligible for their own ascension in an earthly life, volunteered to strive to attract back through the Law of Circle all energies sent by you since the beginning of time.

It is not a small task by the great Karmic Court to assess the worth of a soul and its capacity to assume the total return of karma in an earthly life. These currents of life which gives them so great opportunity, are strong and mature in spirit, able to bring back through the fires of purification, all the energies of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies before be honored with the name "Candidate for the Ascension."

In previous eras, few Ascension candidates who passed through the gates of birth in the course of a year, since there was no conscious knowledge of the Sacred Fire on the earthly plane outside the Withdrawals. Lifestreams whose vibratory action and spiritual natures were developed to the point where they could go to a retreat, were few and far between.


For example, dear Hearts, if you had asked for the opportunity to become "Candidates Ascension" and would have had to meet the minimum requirements that would have done in his spirit, soul and appropriate to consciously enter a retreat external bodies representatives (formerly it became clear knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Saint Germain) actually none of you would have qualified. In the eras that individuals who were to become Ascended Beings during an earthly life have passed, they had to be able to consciously enter Luxor, consciously able to enter other retreats Ascended Masters in the world, and receive there the secret and sacred knowledge Fires of Transmutation. When the Master Saint Germain received permission from the Cosmic Law to bring humanity on Earth in general knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Purification (Violet Flame), then the rating for "ascension candidates" dropped significantly, and any Life could flow through proximity to literature or lectures, learn about the use of the Violet Fire. That way, even though they had fully qualified to consciously enter a retreat, they could learn how to purify and redeem their energy. Without this fire Transmutation (this tremendous activity of the Violet Ray, as he presented the beloved Saint Germain), there were some life stream on Earth that was still tied karmically,


Long before the outer activity of instruction I AM come to the knowledge of mankind, Saint Germain had received the consent of the Karmic Board to try to bring out this knowledge. Long before the oldest of you were ready to earthly life, the Cosmic Law knew the Holy Fire would be available in the world it gives physical when they had reached their majority appearances, which would be exposed to that knowledge, and because of its internal vote, his desire to transmute and redeem the energies of his world would be attracted to this Act as it was presented to them, and experience? laugh with the use of this Purifying Fire.

Therefore, they are largely indebted to the beloved Master Saint Germain and all who are associated with bringing the knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Purification to the outside world. They are able now, dear Hearts, to call back the circle of his own ruling powers, these energy have flamed across the face of the Earth for millions of years, staying in the astral realm surrounding the earth continues It is part of their discord generated and imperfection, carrying the seal of your life (electronic pattern). This energy required is redeemed before they can shake the dust off your feet Earth and ascend to its free-to-dios State.


Now I am asked to speak to you on the subject of birth and death. The Court Karmic tells me that you are taking by assault the very gates of heaven, a great desire to help mankind to get rid of the need to resume again an earthly body, giving the tremendous release to complete its evolution Inner Levels. The Karmic Board wants you to understand some of the intricacies of the act of mercy that have been invoked, so they can intelligently prepare -in its applications for the granting of such a large request and blessing to free these souls need to reincarnate . One thing is innocently ask liberation of humanity from having to reincarnate, and quite another to know the pressures put upon themselves and the pressure placed on inner levels beings who! They must care for, guide, train, educate and redeem these rows each appear more numerous of millions and millions of current life.

Let me remind you now that every individual has created a certain amount of what is described as slightly "negative karma" in each earthly life from the "Fall of Man". This karma operates at many levels, determined by which body is the main offender in the case The physical body executing acts of violence, acts of physical assault, murder and the like download a tremendous vital energy within the elemental substance of the physical world. This substance remains part of elementary physical plane life imprisoned until the individual soul that created the return back in his own physical body in some future life. Hidden under the old law, this was done through suffering and disease. Now, through the activity of the Sacred Fire,

Life flows performed great acts of discord in the mental, mental cruelty crimes. The laden with dither and seal the individual, mental elements fill the mental atmosphere and must be redeemed by mental pressures returning to the mental vehicle of the same soul at some future time.

Individuals who carry out acts of emotional cruelty charge the substance emotionally I mean the great stratum of mass- certain vibratory activities, which are recorded primarily in the emotional body in the same stream of life at a later age. These various types of crimes-whether that occur in the physical, the mental or emotional return in your circle will be primarily the causes for diseases of mind, feelings and meat. Now, so that a soul receives its full release of any stage of development, we must redeem the energies which he described imperfectly. For that reason, it is required that soul that has a body in each of these planes including a physical form through which to redeem the physical elemental life. That was the Occult Law of the past, as it's known. This was the reason that Cosmic Law would allow individuals not finish their progress at inner levels until they had perfected and redeemed his physical energies on the physical plane.

When the activity of the Holy Fire appeared, and Start the large group work under the Ascended Master Saint Germain were given, they were established what may be called "Incinerators Cosmic" which, at inner levels, assumed itself unpaid debts physical energy that had been imperfectly described by some currents of life. These individuals, who had rendered great services in other eras, but still had some karma to consume, they are not required to return to Earth. They were the first individuals to enjoy the New Dispensation, and were allowed to go to Venus and other stars and systems to complete their developments. In the mass decrees invoke the use of the Violet Fire of Love Liberation,

We come now to the request of you that about three hundred million streams of life every year in all stages of obligation to life (absolutely no knowledge of how to repay their debts to this planet Earth physically, mentally and emotionally) are released additional obligation to use the Violet Fire of Love Liberation in a future life, helping to bring this earth back to the purity and perfection that mankind had when it set foot for the first time. This will mean, my beloved, -read the student body, conscious active groups that are making this request and proclaiming this powerful fiat in cooperation with Archangel Miguel will have to assume the debt, at least in terms of the physical world is concerned.

I mention this not to discourage them in any way. It is something magnificent that are interested in the liberation of humanity from the wheel of death and birth. It's great that they are interested in the progress of evolution on Earth. We hope to be granted at least partial dispensation, so that we can see what they will do group activities for even, say a hundred thousand souls in the course of a year. If even a hundred thousand streams of life that will leave Earth in this particular year, they were freed from the need to reincarnate, and student body were to take upon himself the karma of that amount, successfully dissolving, this cause would receive a greater consideration by the Karmic Board during next July. Does not mean, my beloved,

The requests are presented to the Karmic Board are always paid with someone's life. The great Archangels, the powerful Devas and the Masters of Wisdom, who requested dispensations to Karmic Board, always guarantee the service using their own lives for dispensations they receive. In their great wisdom, the Karmic Board always assesses the ability of diligent and earnest, who sees great plan and yet not have a full understanding of what is contained in the discharge of that benefit and blessing. The great Archangel Michael in person, as you know, has offered to accept all the karma of these currents of life, but in view of its service and employs more than most of his life, is not a question of justice or mercy allow you to take any further obligation in this respect. As for the mental and emotional crimes, they can be expiated the "other side" because you retain your mental awareness and emotional world, which operate within the etheric body.

The Tribunal MEET KARMIC

When souls leave Earth, they are in various states of consciousness. You may be interested to understand some of the details related to individuals passing judgments required by the Karmic Board and assignments at their respective levels. Of course, conscious chelas are immediately with their teachers or any member of the angelic host. They are almost always eager to appear once before the Karmic Board, with the harvest of the efforts of his life. These beings, these chelas and their sponsors appearing individually before the Karmic Board, generally within twelve hours after the transit. However, this "trouble" is not required. Mercy of the law is such that, after a soul leaves the body, you are given what is called a " and download some relief from the pressures that usually rises to a climax, while the stream of life is getting closer to the change called "death". The average individual, anticipating gather with family and friends, you are given every opportunity (if their loved ones are still at inner levels and have not reincarnated) vacationing with those loved ones for a certain period, to renew partnerships and have the happiness that they had anticipated. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light. and download some relief from the pressures that usually rises to a climax, while the stream of life is getting closer to the change called "death". The average individual, anticipating gather with family and friends, you are given every opportunity (if their loved ones are still at inner levels and have not reincarnated) vacationing with those loved ones for a certain period, to renew partnerships and have the happiness that they had anticipated. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light. The average individual, anticipating gather with family and friends, you are given every opportunity (if their loved ones are still at inner levels and have not reincarnated) vacationing with those loved ones for a certain period, to renew partnerships and have the happiness that they had anticipated. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light. The average individual, anticipating gather with family and friends, you are given every opportunity (if their loved ones are still at inner levels and have not reincarnated) vacationing with those loved ones for a certain period, to renew partnerships and have the happiness that they had anticipated. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light. However, the student usually dispenses as much as possible from anything that does not apply in fact to the progress of the soul. Mostly she wants to be brought promptly before the Karmic Board and receive the report on their service to the Light.


Beloved Hearts, the Karmic Board is not composed of beings who are waiting to impart punishment. Its unique service in this universe is to find ways and means to every soul receives the greatest opportunity possible (both earthly body as between incarnations) to balance its debt to life, learning to control energy and preparing to complete its evolution . The tremendous fear and disdain that the Orthodox world has planted in humanity concerning the Day of Judgment is really unfortunate. All this stems primarily from the fact that few individuals living according to their light and they, in themselves, are their own judges. What associates "cosmic judgment" with "discomfort" is the experience that such person has when freedom appear in the etheric body and looks back, seeing what I could have done; It's that sense of individual guilt, the feeling you experience when you see what could be done when the opportunity and the media had, and when he was in proximity to certain deserving individuals. 

The Karmic Board, at all times, acting for the good of the individual, unity and all evolution. The chela who appear before the Karmic Board greater freedom in the inner body, then scrutinizes the promises he made before incarnating, scrutinizes his causal body, and so does his best man and the Karmic Board. See the size, color and development of the Causal Body at birth and then (superimposed on it) sees the harvest in the body causes the well done in life that just ended. Sometimes Causal body expands very little in size and color in a mortality. That is the judgment that the Court Karmic and individual chela together make conscious -see what has been stored in heaven through conscious work according to life, talent, ability and votes of individual.


Conscious chela, after receiving some indications of the Karmic Board, immediately gets to work at inner levels, to expiate his karma much as possible in her mental, emotional and etheric fields. This mental, emotional and etheric effluvia is what you call "astral realm." The chela consciously unfold in this area, he gets to work with the Violet Fire and presents the same service at inner levels that you are struggling to pay while they are still here in their earthly bodies. the church has been called to that experience, "go to purgatory" or limbo. humanity feels it is a place of punishment ... but it is not! 

It is a place where individuals consciously mental and emotional expiate sins by free will and desire of the chela. Thus, when you receive a new earthly body, a lot of this karma will have been transmuted The more service pay here in these terms much less have to do there. Even you who are candidates for Ascension, when they enter the inner levels and when they are preparing for Ascension have to go through the mental, emotional and etheric of the various strata purification there is still jarring creation by consuming belongs to them. It is why the adjustment period that precedes the Ascension -even to those who receive their liberation sometimes takes months and even years. You are privileged among all human beings, they are using their fires of purification here and are not expecting to be in the freedom of the etheric body. They have been sent by the Karmic Board to redeem that imperfection.

When the average man goes through the change called "death" -as told them earlier-which usually takes some time to visit their loved ones and friends. Then kindly it summoned (often groups of such individuals are cited at the same time) to enter the Hall of Judgment and appear before the Karmic Board. This group sometimes includes hundreds or thousands of individuals. The higher is the soul, the more developed is your consciousness, the more individual attention receive the stream of life. In the case of the least developed, hundreds and thousands come together to the Halls of Karma. This merciful Court assigns these lifestreams a certain amount of expiation of their own qualified destructively on the astral level energies, and also assigns some training in classrooms for which they are prepared in which are taught both the law as they understand at the time. This period of actual application to atone for their sins takes place every twenty-four hours. Must scrutinize and dissolve the discordant ways of thinking and feeling, some of which may I have created them many, many hundreds of years ago. This is done by using Violet Fire and using both knowledge of the law as they understand and apply. Must scrutinize and dissolve the discordant ways of thinking and feeling, some of which may I have created them many, many hundreds of years ago. This is done by using Violet Fire and using both knowledge of the law as they understand and apply. Must scrutinize and dissolve the discordant ways of thinking and feeling, some of which may I have created them many, many hundreds of years ago. This is done by using Violet Fire and using both knowledge of the law as they understand and apply.


I refer now to the realm of the Sleepers. These individuals either do not believe in any life after death, or are very tired and heavy-minded who prefer to annihilation. The law is so kind and merciful to them are also given consideration. They do not wake up immediately after leaving their physical bodies. Lie-sometimes for many, many years in a state of somnambulism. This greatly slows their progress because they do not respond to the invitation of the Karmic Board to appear before the judges and receive their reports; They are not actively engaged in learning how to atone for their mistakes. Thus, they deny themselves the opportunity to reincarnate and progress on the ladder of evolution.


On the other hand, we have the currents of life that are tied-to-earth. They've heard a lot about them in occult literature. They are individuals with a strong love or hatred for the things of the earth and the people of Earth. They are fighting to the death, and after going through it, refuse to accept that they are no longer world of physical appearances. They cling to things they loved or more hated, and live vitality and magnetism of living organisms of embodied humanity. Of course, through the activities of the New Dispensation lot of these individuals they have been cut and released; and because of the tremendous Called applications that you have done, these souls have been drawn from the atmosphere of Earth, despite themselves. The reason that some individuals remain thousands of years in the astral realm is that they answer the summons to appear before the Tribunal Karmic He is a voluntary action. While not appear, do not accept assignments atonement for at least a measure of his own karma, and they are not willing to take a more apt bold and resolute stance in the area in which the Karmic Court finds that are to dwell, they may not have another earthly body. This is a state of consciousness very stubborn and nasty, however, such individuals have to personally ask for the opportunity to be escorted to the Karmic Board and depose the rebellion before having to clean their own worlds and learn the Law of Life.

Beloveds, when referring to the millions who are going through the change called "death" this year and every year, you have many thousands who fit into one of these categories, which just described for a reason. If you really want these people to be freed from the need to reincarnate on Earth, first of all, make the Call asking, in itself, take them the decision to enter the Halls of Karma without further delay and with dignity; and then, through free will, accept the opportunity to atone for mental, emotional and etheric creations that fill the astral realm. If you do this, We will strive to create for them the temples, homes and large areas should have to live,

Great detail I have addressed tonight at the great Builders of Form and the Angels Devas, who are directly engaged with the construction of these magnificent temples starting from early life. Some of these temples have already been created, and they are learning their loved ones beautifully Law. Hundreds and thousands of these Devas and Angels have already volunteered to assist me. Many, many thousands of people the fourth area are also willing to take action to create dwelling places for these people coming out of the earthly life. Major Legions of Lord Michael are willing to exhale their feelings of obedience to God's plan for those who leave the physical body without wishing any conscious activity of mind,

We are doing everything we can from our side. We present some of pattern and image they have against each other, so that henceforth every soul that leaves the Earth this year be exempted from the need to reincarnate. I do not like unduly recharge, you are so kind, so good, so enthusiastic, so magnificent, beloved children. His desire to serve is unparalleled on this Earth, outside the Withdrawals. The constancy of his endeavors is very pleasant our hearts, especially mine, since I appeared as his godfather when you said they wanted their Ascension.

I said: "There is enough light, enough strength vital fire in these souls through which they can do ... if you want!" You have proved that, for their perseverance over the years. 

You are busy now in a great new activity. His powerful appeals are coming forward to change the course of cosmic history. You are trying to invoke the power of mercy to change the laws of birth and death, to eliminate the need to reincarnate for an entire planetary evolution. It is without doubt one of the most ambitious and worthy projects that both we (we work with humanity) as the Karmic Board have ever witnessed. If the chains fall from even a stream of life, you will have done spectacularly well.

Now, my beloved, while persevered and as I continue with my efforts, I will create these Temples of Light, you will create these cosmic fires Violet Flame. Together they give the Lord Miguel what you ask, so that, in turn, may He give proof of interest and application of you to Karmic Board and they, seeing toward Earth, can say, "Yes Earth's Children! -each one- will be free! " Thank you for your patience and love. Goodnight. 


NOTE: During 1954, the "scope of the Sleepers" was voluntarily cleared by those who had been there for many centuries. This was done because the call of the students. Those who now enter the "Scope of the Sleepers" to rest between incarnations, as they are allowed to stay there in a year. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey", p.84, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(July 1956) 

Serapis Bey

All electrons orbiting the central nucleus of each atom in their emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies are intelligent. Moreover, these electrons have taken a vow to obey the mandates of the individual and create beautiful forms or otherwise. Given this premise, in assessing the condition of the vehicles themselves, the wise choose to speak to these smart electrons and composite whole, and ask for their cooperation to rule impurity substance accumulated over the ages. These electrons are more than willing to obey this order. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." With the conscious use of the Violet Fire,

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey", p.102, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(May 1957) 

Serapis Bey 

All vehicles man are composed of infinitesimal energy particles classified by the same individual during long ages of individualization, with some type of sensitivity to the various strata of thought, feeling, memory and activity . The development of these vehicles is progressing according to the free will choice of each individual in the use of life. As for the four lower vehicles, if they are slow, lethargic and uncontrolled, the individual has a "poor" reception when Divine ideas, Divine Grace and Divine assistance is concerned, although such an individual could have a particularly good "reception "in the sphere in which one or more of its vehicles found happiness, peace and satisfaction.

When Christ in man accelerates the vibratory activity of their vehicles literally "born again" to a new world where thoughts, feelings, memories and activities of a higher nature form the stimulus for their life and expression. It is the state of consciousness to which the beloved Jesus meant when he spoke of the "living and dead". The transmutation of energy particles, the use of vehicles individual for constructive purposes, experimenting with the power of thought, feeling, spoken word, remembrance of perfection as well as practical physical works in a constructive effort naturally elevate vehicles an upper layer of consciousness.

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey", p.119, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(April 1958) 

Serapis Bey

Of course, the most concerned is the Ascension of every lifestream I am, because, along with the Brotherhood of Luxor Temple in Me, I am the Divine Guardian of the Flame of Ascension on Earth; and all "candidate for Ascension" must appear before Me someday to receive assistance to achieve that glorious goal. That's my reason for being! Misconceptions external mass mind are undoubtedly regrettable. How can an individual (even a student) continue to allow their internal and physical vehicles are at liberty to do what they please as to the satisfaction of the senses of the outer (personality) -creating thus vibrations heavy and jarring that not only adversely affect their own world and aura, but also contribute to the capsizing of the world; and then in the "blink of an eye" ... suddenly they expect to be swept to victory Ascension? Those who accept the possibility of being promoted to our area also have to accept full responsibility for accelerating the vibratory activity of your four lower vehicles, while still holding and constantly expanding this acceleration for the rest of your service here on Earth.

Of course we give much more than an ordinary chela assistance to all wishing to participate in this self-discipline when it invites us to do so. Remember! The atoms that make up your four lower bodies are loaded with vibrations that are the result of their own use of life ... for long aeons. If those atoms are heavily loaded with discord, you require our assistance, primarily to help them change the pattern of their habits of thought and feeling, as well as an individual who is choking often is helped back to the beach lifeguards, who remains above the water line head who is in trouble.

Self-condemnation, self-pity or self-depreciation of the fervent chelas temporarily "fall from grace" must be deplored, because those feelings are exactly what we are striving to extract atoms and cells of internal and physical vehicles. Asuman jubilantly the process of personal redemption, family, national and planetary! Encaren impersonally temporary failures! CONSTANT EFFORTS ARE IN YOUR ... and succeed! All we require the dear and diligent chela is its persistence in effort. That's why the key word of the Brotherhood of Luxor is "TRY!"

There are many experiences that have to pass a "candidate for Ascension", so that such candidates may learn that the four lower vehicles are servants of the Holy Christ Flame ... not masters of energy! Sometimes these experiences seem to be very difficult, but anyone who stands firm throughout distressing condition, and follow "TRYING" ... will our help and victory last! They are only those whose souls are tired and looking for a respite from the self-discipline required to achieve mastery over its four domestic vehicles and allow the Holy Christ Flame freely express through them, with all kindness they must cease all further efforts until (at inner levels) can rekindle his enthusiasm for the task of redemption in their own worlds. At a later date, these people will be given another chance in the physical embodiment of become masters of their own energies and thus masters of all energies to contact. "Whoever is master of himself will be master of everything!"

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey", p.146, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(April 1959) 

Serapis Bey 

activity Ascension is, of course, first my service in the Fourth Ray. It is necessary for the individual to use the personal and impersonal service to get the right to victorious accomplishment. 

While the doctrine of indirect propitiation (Vicarious Atonement) is taught, humanity, for the most part , the person expected to rise to a state of "heavenly bliss". It is extremely foolish to accept this awareness. No more than a motor airplane could be raised without the use of necessary laws this world to overcome gravity and forward movement can an individual achieve Ascension without following the spiritual laws that make it possible.

In 1959, the lesson is primarily that of living in harmony with their neighbors, with the Kingdom of Nature and imprisoned angels. Impersonally lesson DIVINE LOVE (no feeling) is the aspect of the law that we teach in Luxor and purposely put into the orbit of each applicant. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey" pag.164, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(April 1959) 

Serapis Bey 

Dear friends seeking the path to eternal liberation, I have the privilege and honor to bring some levity of the Ascension Flame of flame that constantly is rising from the ground like a ladder of light and energy, on which when every man, woman or child climb - may amount to perfection, Divinity from whence it came.


What it is composed the Flame of Ascension? composed of magnetic powers they were attracted by beings who volunteered, when Earth first came to be- to stay on the planet and magnetize that Light as a ladder in the atmosphere upon which those who were ready, they could ascend. It consists, then, of the Powers of Invocation and Magnetization of many priests in every Golden Age that has taken place. Ascension Flame that is also composed of the buoyant energy of all prayers, decrees and fiats, all invocations and aspirations of every lifestream on planet Earth. It is hosted by the Brothers and Sisters of Templp Ascension, and the Silent Guardians of the various nations on this planet.

Hence the Ascension Flame is like all -double Flames and Rays in activity. Is the current energy conscious descent from the Godhead, which is attracted and held on the surface of the Earth through cooperation self-conscious of your Brotherhood of Luxor; and also is the rising power of humanity on Earth, the Angelic Host trapped here and all life that is sucking up.

The registration of each ASCENSION

Within this Ascension Flame is the record of all ascension has taken place on this planet Earth. That's why it is a flame so happy. You see, the Root Races First and Second and all its sub-races went home on that Flame. Then, the lower activity came with the "laggards" in other systems, but still, from time to time, there were individuals who persevered in the purification of their vehicles and used this Ascension Flame. Gratitude lifestream when it enters the "I AM" infinite and knows the eternal deliverance from bondage, limitation, fear and anxiety of all kinds, can not be described using ordinary words. That's the mark of the Ascension Flame. Anyone who has become free-to-God has used many of their loved ones who have gone through the change and amounted have used- and the energy is within the Flame. This Flame will buoyant not be treated with an awareness of fear and negative feelings.

The Fourth Ray, like the First Ray, is a very positive ray, and sometimes subject to adversely affect people; and because our disciplines in Luxor seem to be so severe, and that all of recorded history seems to show the weaknesses of non-promoted individuals, unfortunately not registered the joy of those who have used the Ascension Flame. 

Now, when a lifestream is ready for Ascension, he is summoned to Luxor in his subtle body (while his physical body sleeps), or a sponsor (one Ascended) goes to the person, enveloping the current of life a river that Ascension Flame.

The Ascension Flame is intelligent, beloved, and I have loved you for a long time. She can climb any condition in which you can find. You can climb the condition of limitation to harmony; affliction to peace; from poverty to affluence; of contention to perfection. It is one of the activities of the Divine alchemy student body, mostly have not thought of using.


If there is heavy conditions in your world, if your soul overloaded if there are depressions sometimes not even own in the group of people with whom you work, if there are financial depressions, come to their attention through the media, invoking then the Brotherhood of Luxor to send the Ascension Flame to inject life ancestry, liviandad Resurrecting depression and leads to a natural state of happiness and harmony.

The Ascension Flame, like the Resurrection Flame is a wonderful antidote to depression both individual and collective. Many of you are now directors of group directors sanctuary, and all of you will someday be instructors if not in this world of physical appearances, then they pass through change and achieve their ascension. 

Please remember when you are dealing with groups of people who do not always have the same quality of energy in their emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies. They have one in excellent physical condition, but mentally slow. They have another who is mentally alert but physically is very lacking. They may still have one that is emotionally stable, but with another vehicle that is broken.

They may have a conglomeration of people willing, the cream of the cream, because they are conscious students who seek the path to Ascension. But they get a room even Or a puñado-, and each has its own graphic; and it is fortunate, in most cases, you do not have insight, because it would give more than handle. But when together, if they can summon me and invoke the beloved Esperanza, the beloved Gabriel, Powers of Ascension, we will help raise the vibrational activity at a sustained happy vibration, which is one with the Music of the Spheres.


Now, my beloved, this is something that is much needed on the planet today. There is so much depression, so much fear, with world records talking about wars and atomic bombs and explosions and the end of civilization, and the etheric bodies of so many people supporting the excesses of wars which passed only in this incarnation, and the loss of loved ones, the suffering of atrocities in concentration camps and so on, the use of Ascension Flame in, through and around those areas devastated by war, and in, through and around people who has gone through these conditions will help a lot.

I refer in particular, of course, to Europe, Africa to the area around the Jordan; and China, Korea and all those places that war were razed during the last fifty years, and have suffered a lot. Now, that energy is intelligent. Energy Light of God is described by the thoughts and feelings of someone using the free will. Energy never stands still. Even science has proven that the above inanimate objects are constantly moving, and the electrons that make up the atoms that make seemingly inanimate objects, are striking and moving


Now, My Beloved, ethers are also in constant motion, and a man's voice can be heard and addressed around the world, especially when we speak We who dwell in the field of Ascended Masters, and that energy goes ahead through us, using the emotional world of you. We take a mass of energy of the whole class, the very best of their emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies - under the best of you-and use that as a great speaker; and through it we headed not only the truth of which we speak but also, and most important of all the feelings that we are and who we have become. And my feeling and virtue is immortality,

I come now load that consciousness of immortality, and charge the feelings of humanity, thoughts of humanity in the etheric consciousness of humanity, in the structure of meat humanity -¡la death does not exist. There is only eternal life!


If you are in the city of New York, go to Wall Street financial headquarters and, of course, do not make a show but silent as found at that site, and your physical body is there, invoke the Flame of Ascension. I talk about this for a purpose, because with the coming changes and global conditions ahead, you may look at the need to restore their values ​​as the currency is concerned. That is, my beloved, in the times ahead. They may have great food assistance quickly to feed attract large crowds. Mr. Ling will help, of course, in the same way as Moses gave the Israelites this service. But if they are surrounded by large numbers of people who need physical food, you can invoke the Flame of Ascension and make the substance has already multiply. It is a wonderful activity and can be used. You see, these flames are so ethereal that sometimes you do not realize what practices can be in ordinary things. Well aware that the Flame of Ascension until you can tune a piano or a harp. I bet they never thought of that!

Beloveds, these flames are as practical as fingers on this hand you can lift this sheet of paper. These flames there for you to use them. God, we have remained within the confines of the atmosphere of this planet and we guarded and sustained, the magnetised and we loved; and then when our Lord Mahá Chohán considered it appropriate, we've given you an understanding of them, and every thirty days are given a new sponsor and enter a new Retiro, and other flame is explained once again - and if a pretty good idea ... let's make PRACTICE NOW!


My beloved, ascend the substance in their worlds, everything and everywhere. I am more than willing to help and very glad to put it into action. For example, when traveling on a tram, if the Ascension Flame was put into each seat, think of what that would do for the atomic structure of each person to use the tram again. All I ask is that behoove them out eternally sustained, todopoderosamente active and ever expanding. One of the angels of Luxor will do that. The same applies to an airplane, a bus or a private car, or whatever they are, even using the chairs in their homes. Chorros from the flame center will flow forward in making the call you ... and they will be very grateful to be invited! As they have been told over and over again, the first activity-not only called the Violet Flame flames but all is gratitude for being called to action. The first activity of each hierarch and every Ascended Master in each Retiro is gratitude when someone utters His name invokes His service and calls for radiation assist you.

We are never too busy, because we give up the glory of Nirvana. We stopped at the top of the cone-like who he says when Ascension was achieved, and then the Karmic Board asked, "want to move on to the Cosmic Service, or want to be part of a planet?" And those of us who make up the Great White Brotherhood who are at that point, after achieving Ascension, speak voluntarily; no one coerced us what someone has coerced you to enter this room, and chose to return to Earth's atmosphere and working through non-ascended chela.


Now accept this Flame of the Ascension in the Most Holy Name of God. This may help them happily remind me of El Morya and I are alone in terms of severe discipline. Sometimes we are very lonely, but we can be very sweet and I know the Ascension Flame can do a lot for you. God only knows that I want you ascend more than what you, you do not know how important this is, and do not know the Gloria desire. But no matter how can I want you ascend, I wish the Kingdom of Saint Germain is established on Earth.

Therefore, as you can see how the Brotherhood works, My service life is up to humanity. Cosmic Law has decreed that the Golden Age will be established on Earth. ¿I swooped and shot anyone who has a chance of being promoted him out of the activity and taking it to the Ascension, leaving no one here to Saint Germain? DO NOT! That would be silly, do not you think my service is to cooperate with him, watching over each and every one of you when they reach a good point, praying to God to remain there for as much as they have volunteered to stay, from so that when he called, you have not lost merit and have to start all over again. But it is unity that must occur between chelas. The service time is the important factor, not the particular individual, Maestro, Deva, ángel o Chohán. I'm sure you understand this.

So I was the custodian of the Ascension Flame for a long time, as you know. Very good! If cincuentiún harmonize percent of its energy, they will be prepared. Sometimes it requires a long series of incarnations to lead an individual to that point, and we only see on cosmic graph you are ready; and then the Law, the great Saint Germain or Mahá Chohán may say, "Well, can not be that, as it would leave a hole and now we have no replacement" and, for the love of God, when I return to contemplate graphics, fell forty-eight percent. Now, that makes it my obligation is the same above and below.

If I need a man First Ray for a specific purpose, I can direct my attention and find it, but usually courtesy, I turn to the beloved Morya and say, "Look, I have some work here, say Korea. Will you have a good man first Ray in Korea? " Oh, He always has wonderful- people¡¯s everywhere! The Morya has the most wonderful chelas! He's always talking about them. The Mahá Chohán many smiles derives from this fact. So if I want a gentle to soften a situation person, I turn to the great Venetian and of course, he is very friendly and always says, "Of course!", Offering a lady or gentleman of great spiritual culture, and that I avoids having to go over all the people of the Third Ray, to comb their current life and open the books in the library of the Mahá Chohán. This is how we work together.

Thank you very much! 

Serapis BEY 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey" pag.176, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(March 1960) 

Serapis Bey 

Spirits of God! Spirits of Light! Chelas who aspire to Ascension! I make it please before you! I am a servant of his life, quoted by the magnetic pull of his sweet soul, which has demanded of the universal, immortal redemption and liberation. For this I am, for this I use the priceless gift of divine life itself, so that wherever a summons from heart flame is projected, may I, standing in the aura of that person, activate the Ascension Flame, transmuting the energy that for centuries has been called imperfectly, and opening the door to that glorious and eternal liberation that life, itself, wants and knows it is their natural habitat.


It is my privilege and honor to respond to the summons from the heart, when the opportunity by using this great, transcendent, glorious and intelligent Spirit of the Flame of Ascension, to raise awareness back to your Divine State natural. I would like to introduce the SPIRIT OF THE FLAME OF THE ASCENSION, a living intelligence and respirante that, when called to action, invoked from the electrons in every cell of your body that part of himself that is hidden within the own Light of you while the Ascension Flame expands within you and is with the Spirit of the Flame of the Ascension in His cosmic activity, the two become One ... and the mystical activity of Transmutation and ascension takes place !

Within every electron of Light that flows so freely and constantly from the source of the universal into hearts, is all rating of the Sacred Fire, is all the power of Fire in cosmic capacity remains contained within the atmosphere earth by spiritual intelligences; and when the Cosmic Being picking embody activity and hold it in the atmosphere of the earth as a radiating center, is cited for its life and magnetizes the sleeping quality within the electrons, placing clear, you will have the fusion of the individual and -whether cosmic transmutation by the presence of the Holy Amethyst; the resurrection by the presence of the mighty Gabriel ... or the activity of the Ascension Flame in the beautiful spirit of Luxor.


While you were singing that wonderful Ascension song - "Aloha" - which is the tonal key of the beloved Spirit of the Flame of Ascension, I'm sure they felt shuddering inside, the activity of the Flame, which, when you download it changes the quality of the meat; changes the quality of the etheric body changes the quality of the emotional body and mental well body and accelerating the vibrational activity in each cell and atom of its internal vehicles as well as in his flesh, raising them to another nearest vibrational activity that of free-to-God.

My beloved, I can not too strongly point out that within the electron, in the primordial essence of life that flows to you ... there awaits the Fire! Fire! The fire that becomes bread on their tables, the substance you saw, the fire becomes the transmutation of their transgressions to the harmonious energy, the fire for you becomes the elixir healing itself. Fire is that which becomes for you in the resurrection of the powers that once met at the Great Central Sun and internal areas; and here, even in the physical world, they were already passed-the fire that someday when his momentum has increased to a point, will join the Cosmic Flame and give you that wonderful experience,


Each electron, every heartbeat, every vital light cell responds to all summons and call you make it, kindly he says: "I can do this and more," when the appointment to get ahead in the same way that Jesus summoned Lazarus out of the grave. When you engage the Church from the depths of your being, that power of the Sacred Fire is the requirement that each time he answers. They are multiple opportunities! During all time of your life, there are opportunities to invoke peace or justice, harmony or restitution of Divine Perfection in a distorted form, or balance of mind and body ... or supply! How can the consciousness of students remain in appearances of high cost and limited time, within the essence of the electron,

In Luxor, my beloved, where you I have visited again and again over the centuries, hopefully aiming for redemption all of our discipline lies in returning the consciousness of the aspirant and the neophyte INWARDS a flaming heart, to that person can draw from that beating, even to the needs to nourish the physical body, in the same way that Jesus rained down manna ... and the clothing, the very wearing the initiate it approaches the altar are interwoven with the energies of his own early life! The Master and all are contained in the unit -so as cedar tree is within the acorn, and the chicken is in the egg. The smallest and insignificant seed contains not only the pattern of the entire flower, but also the means and ways to externalize this pattern, the required power and the magnetic pull of the elements self-developed. With equal certainty is the Divine Pattern in the heart of man, and life endowed with self-sufficiency, and requires no more than a realization that within the Light flowing, my beloved, in the countless millions and millions and millions of units within their world every minute, is the fullness of healing, liberation, illumination of each divine desire.


Those of you who have written on his chest, "Candidates for Ascension," are the blessed of all mankind embodied today! You have been chosen by one of the following three reasons, chosen in the great halls of Karma before they were given the privilege of assuming an earthly body. 


You are chosen because they have become harmless, whose energies have been redeemed almost completely, and which individualization cycle is ready to close; and because, over many eras of holy living, have transmuted most qualified imperfectly energy and therefore just that preparation of the ages, they have indicated to life through bands ce your Causal Body, there is an opportunity for you to write your name on the last page of the Book of Life, seal brown place forever in the records of eternity. 


Or, you those whose souls have awakened soul sleep so long, and recalled the glories, and powers Majesties other stars in other systems and in other universes are; and who, upon awakening, feel deeply and profoundly the loss of their powers, the loss of their release. And through that intensity, they have demanded the opportunity to quickly complete the cycle of its open expression, deciding to make the great sacrifice and take back in a short life no matter the personal cost or disciplinary irredentas all energies. They have been examined by the Law and were found able to make this sacrifice, and the Karmic Court has agreed to release their karma to you, knowing that they can maintain balance through its pressure; and if they endure to the end,


Or they are in the third -those category who have renounced liberation to come in this period of cosmic change when Sixth Ray hit the last chord, when the gentle opening notes of the Seventh Ray are sung in the cosmic body, and wish , love for God and neighbor, offer their bodies as conductors of these subtle currents as chokes, receive instruction directly from the Ascended Masters, and bring that instruction in a mercifully small way, to the conscience of humanity as Guardian Spirits volunteers.

KARMIC court filing

In any of these three cases, you were presented before the Karmic Board, and the colors of his Body Causal were evaluated by seven full members. Any individual who is past as a "candidate for Ascension" has to have a fairly well-balanced Causal Body. Strength concentric rings distinguish the Causal Body of an initiate, an adept and conscious chela, who can support the weight of a more-than-ordinary responsibility. These rings, much like the colors in the top figure of the sheet of the I AM, are rhythmically emitting light waves into the upper atmosphere. Internal areas where inhabit the Christic Beings, look as if they were in a constant state of greeting the sun on a bright dawn.



Therefore, the Brotherhood of Luxor and Ascension Brotherhood initiated the task of creating magnificent temples Ascension that could be attracted to these currents of life, magnificent temples all blazing white light -the doors sometimes have fifteen to twenty meters high. Silent Guardians of the spheres together and wear white to every one who has entered under this dispensation, and are enrolled in active and conscious about the use of Sacred Fire instruction. It is not this time on Earth, a cosmic moment between moments ?. I thank you feel this so deeply, and understand dear Hearts, that the conscious mind is often shaken by the truths that we bring, but all things is love, and us, we are free ... just we love to serve Life !

At this time of year, you have the meeting Flame of the Lord's Resurrection Gabriel and Ascension Flame of my own heart. Have the Christian Dispensation of Holy Thursday, rising in intensity until Easter Sunday, they have the Feast of Passover and all radiation of Elohim the angelic host, the beloved Moses and those governing the Jewish Dispensation, all focused together at the same time . Do you realize the powers that are focused through their bodies give? And may I say, because I've known for a while, I've seen your actions and reactions under stress and under pressure. In the name of God, keep SERENITY, hold your tongues and save energy, because you are able batteries, and once they begin to lose their energy through the tongue, these are escape. Each of you feel like you are in a private retreat, because they have all this internal activity magnificent to behold harmony within your own being, releasing the tip life of love, and can have a tremendous cosmic blessing.

I thank you for your many visits to Luxor, and I ask you now to remember that Ascension Flame is within the electron inside their hearts. I am your friend, your servant, waiting for his call to answer it , who has loved for centuries. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey" pag.187, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama




(March 1960) 

Maha Chohá 

Beloved Children of Light who aspire to Ascension: 

In the period of thirty days (from March 15 to April 14, 1960), when the saint temple of Ascension is the host of mankind, and really, also during the balance of his physical life, there are two things you need to know about the Ascension in Luz, his return to the field of Perfection: the Path to Ascension, and how to show this path to others.

The path to Ascension is the redemptive effort. A constant self-purification domain and the four - emotional, mental, etheric and physical lower bodies. This will allow up to daily sickness to health, supply shortages, from discord to harmony, ignorance of the truth to light. 

As to show the path to others, there is no better way than by example. Others let him see that you live and act as if they were representatives of an Ascended Master on Earth, and really be if they carry out the provisions of the "Code of Conduct for a Disciple of the Holy Spirit."

There is something else they can do, which will have a tremendous effect , if only they knew. Dedicate at least fifteen minutes a day to contemplate the glories of the Ascension in the Light. Look at all the people in their community, their nation, around the world active in self-mastery and Purification, and falling into account that death does not exist. Visualize yourself addressing invisible audience, convincing these facts. 

If you do this faithfully, honestly and promptly, you will surprise results. In a few days, they meet with friends on the street will be asked questions like, "Hey, do you think that there is life after death?" This will be the effect of daily contemplation of you. 

Know the path to Ascension, and muéstrenselo others. This is his highest calling.

Brotherhood of Luxor has this year a very important assignment, since the amount of ascents will be higher in 1960. My beloved son, Serapis Bey, and my humble self earnestly request personal presence in consciousness, in the Church of the Assumption, of all who read these lines. A word is enough for the wise. 

Love and blessings 


"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey" pag.193, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



I request the privilege, honor and opportunity to speak to the heart of every lifestream belonging to these developments and transmitted to the external awareness that the goal of life is Ascension! In the name of God, in the name of life, in the name of humanity on Earth and elementary imprisoned in the name of those Angels who have taken human forms, I make the Call tonight asking the Ascension at the end of this earthly life that exists on the planet, so that none are forced back into bodies of flesh every soul. I Called I make tonight asking the right and privilege of carrying the Living Flame Sword of the psychic and astral fields and buried within the heart of every man entity that is created there, forming the effluvia of the mass, pressure and mantle of human creation in which humanity develops. I request the privilege to disrupt the magnetic pull, created by schools of thought and feeling man, whom elemental life has been forced to obey, let every speck of elemental life within these forms BE RELEASED! BE RELEASED! BE RELEASED! You are allowed to return at this moment the heart of the Sun to be repolarized. I ask this for all thought-form of alcoholism, sex, lust, madness and every evil human creation that has adhered to any current life on the face of the Earth. also allow Espada bury that living within large and eclipsing entities created by the thoughts and feelings of humanity massive representing war, pests and diseases of all kinds. These dwell on cities, countries, continents, and even the very planet.

Arcange Gabriel "Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Serapis Bey" pag.219, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(January 1953) 


After countless centuries of slavery, they can imagine the joy you experience when the shackles of the earth, the limitations of the flesh and the veil of forgetfulness are eliminated once and for all of the lifestream .

Trying to describe those first moments of eternal liberation is as futile as trying to put words in finite proper description of the person of the Godhead. Suffice it to say that at the very moment when such release is experienced, the lifestream immediately faces a freewill choice as to whether it will rise by cosmic heights of Peace and Happiness ... or if, the shine the still fresh in the heart, release return back to centuries of slavery and voluntary effort with the limited consciousness of humanity through a charge on the Great White Brotherhood.

It should not be surprising that there are very few who choose this path of sacrifice and most well bequeath his momentum to the race, although individually choose to be free of any additional personal karma. 

"Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Hilarion" pag.6, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(July 1956) 


The awakening consciousness of the individual who wishes to realize his Divine Plan recognizes the truth that the Immortal Threefold Flame within your heart can expand (and expand) to direct the activity of each electron and atom of its four lower bodies (physical, etheric, mental and emotional). This is done by accelerating its speed as they orbit around the central core of its atoms. This acceleration causes the impure substance in the force fields around electrons is discarded, and allows electrons in each of its four lower bodies expand its light until the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies become self bright. This is the process of conscious ascension.

Beloved Hilarion "Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Hilarion", p.54, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(May 1957) 


In its original state, life is perfect but amorphous. A self-conscious intelligence is allowed by free will, shaping life in any manifestation that the individual wishes. Learn the lesson of using vehicles created by man to become a co-creator with God is the purpose for which the individual incarnated on Earth. At first, having no contaminating influence or bad example, the man used his creative design and precipitate only for beauty and perfection faculties, and that was all he knew; It was the era of the Garden of Eden (before the evil was presented to the conscience of man through the senses). After the imperfect designs of others (the "laggards") reached the outer consciousness of man,

The first state (the Holy Innocence) was not to be particularly credit for man, because it lacked incentive to consciously adhere to a divine design, not having there any other manifestation that might urge him to use his creative powers for demonstrations perfect. The real test came when the man was exposed to imperfections created by others. Some refused to allow their thoughts harbored these designs, their feelings enjoy their sensuality, their memories warned such impure manifestations, or that their bodies were motivated to similar actions, however, most humans responded to this stimulus impure, and the resulting chaos in the world-as well as individual on the planet Earth itself today-is the expression of such use of the creative powers of God given and used bad for him. Now, we have reached the point where these imperfect creations have to be eliminated root (in its nucleus), which is the encouragement to continue (even secretly) creating more anxiety. Then, instead of this "cause and core" previous training necessary to come man to use their vehicles constructively again. Having tried the "fruit of good and evil" man consciously choose to use their creative powers constructively. Thus, the second state will be even greater than the first, because man by his free will-has chosen "attune" with God's design ... and realize it! Such choice accelerates the vibratory activity of all its vehicles and the individual begins the process of Ascension; state that only God's will is done.

"Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Hilarion", p.89, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


ACHIEVE THROUGH ASCESIÓN transmutation of Imperfection
(April 1953) 

Ascension is a scientific experiment that a "mystical" experience. In the beginning, e Luz (which is itself intelligent body of God) took the vow of obedience to respond and become what any of the children of God directed them to become. Therefore, the very electrons that make up atoms of internal and physical individual vehicles, vibrate with the speed at which self-conscious intelligence has directed them to vibrate. The slower the vibration, the more vulnerable are these atoms to similar vibrations that fill the lower atmosphere of the Earth. The faster the vibration, the more sensitive and receptive become the grace and perfection of the higher realms. Thus, when a Chela is preparing for Ascension,

Throughout the centuries, some chelas have accelerated vibrations of one of its four lower much more than the other three bodies. Here, it is necessary that we emphasize that each Chela should self-examine and assess which of their vehicles requires further assistance. Then scientifically, without stress or pressure, it should endeavor to cultivate a positive and powerful vibration through recalcitrant vehicles and align its four vehicles. Of course, this is what we help Chela achieve a withdrawal of Ascended Master and when that individual requests the privilege of becoming a "candidate for Ascension," the beloved Serapis, scanning the four vehicles that person, prepares a schedule of events and conditions to be experienced by the Chela,

We want to warn the sincere Chela some measure of resistance of the vehicle which is not yet under control ever experience. The centuries when the body has gotten away with it have done so stubborn and resistant to divine direction. In the name and authority of your own beloved "I AM", lovingly order him to that vehicle to cooperate with you in the redemption of your world. This would undoubtedly sensible! 

"Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Hilarion", p.104, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(April 1959) 


RAISE YOUR vibratory activity

As is so often I have explained to the chelas, the Ascension process is absolutely scientific. Each tiny electron orbiting the core of love, forming the atom has to be released from the accumulation of self-created discord until these electrons are free to raise the human body to an area in which said individual has qualified to inhabit. This can be done by the free will of the person who, in desiring such release of limitation, invoked We also invokes -as well as his own Holy Christ Flame and the "I AM" - to raise the vibrational activity of these electrons and hold, each in a state of harmony, peace and love.

Spasmodic elevation of electrons through proximity to Divinity and His messengers often temporarily raises the consciousness of the Chela, but as the chela can not sustain (or hold) the Divine consciousness within it, can not remain suspended, or enter Perfection those areas which aspires to 

"Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Hilarion", p.111, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama Mother Mary TALKS ABOUT HIS ASCENSION (HONOR HIS ASCENSION oN 15 AUGUST oF EACH YEAR) ( August 1958)


After the triumph of his resurrection, my beloved son, Jesus, told me that at that time had the opportunity to do my Ascension in the same way that He had made his, which had then won me my eternal liberation to live in the Spheres Light in which he would dwell He, who throughout this incarnation was the most precious to me among all individuals. However, as they have told you in my memoirs? in that first "Friday" I climbed the hill of Golgotha ​​being mother of one, and came down for her being the mother of all. So you. Beloved children, and all mankind, I have become so dear as Jesus was then, it is now and always will be.

steadying influence

Naturally, the heart of a mother longed to accompany your child and enjoy their company continues without separation. However, with the sensitivity of a mother, I felt that within the heart of the beloved Jesus was hoping that I would have to temporarily give up the crown of immortality at the time, so I could stay here a little longer to comfort, protect and educate His disciples, apostles and followers, while My service was required here. Remember! I had prepared me for (and lived) all that incarnation almost exclusively to serve Jesus and to our God-Father who had sent him. Thus, the sacrifice of my immediate ascension was easy to do so,

Almost as well as blessed Jesus, I knew how much his disciples and apostles would require a stabilizing influence for the time immediately after in order to be firmly anchored in emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of Earth and its people, those roots of the Christian Dispensation who would form a foundation strong enough to last for the next two thousand years. The years that followed proved in works manifest His wisdom in wanting me to stay for a while, as this allowed a great Divine assistance is given to those who had so loved the blessed Jesus. This assistance allowed them to develop within herself-from those virtues and strengths to anchor, serve and expand that Dispensation.


Just like that you know, His handsome father, the beloved Joseph had left the earthly plane a few years before, so I had the great joy and humble privilege to recount again and again to the disciples, more intimate information (and, however, very relevant) concerning his birth, childhood and ministry, which only I had. This made it possible for the simple Gospels were written, which constitute the heritage of the Christian Dispensation yet to date, of which many humans have enjoyed, and which have received much benefit.

During the establishment of the first Christian community in Bethany, the demands on my physical energy (not to mention others) were tremendous and, at that time, was the daily requirement of exercising true understanding and divine patience with those who were striving so feverishly to harmonize and adjust the personal, spiritual and other differences, which naturally arise when they get together in one place many lifestreams not promoted, with personal idiosyncrasies and diverse history of previous experiences. However, I can assure you that I did achieve my ultimate victory, life was worth every hour of service joyously paid.


When I finally became aware of the fact that my service would be completed here, I was glad that my earthly pilgrimage would end soon, as the years had taken their toll on my physical shape. I called around at the disciples and apostles who then accompanied me and giving my personal blessing, I left them lovingly. Then in the glory of the blessed God's mercy, I met with my son in the heavenly realms where I stand now (as stays) as constant and faithful friend and protector of all those who want my help. Now I am also her mother, my beloved, and I urge you to summon me whenever you require assistance whatsoever. It's my joy to serve them, each and every one of you!

Remember, My children, those of us who have reached Ascension are your divine friends who, through sincere and persistent application of the very Laws of Life that are being taught today, we have reached our own individual victory of the Ascension, returning our own God Presence "I AM" individualized. Having walked victoriously along the paths of the Earth ahead of you, and knowing the Divine feeling of mastery over all human affairs, we are now able (and willing jubilantly it) to assist them to successfully complete their own pilgrimage -which one day also will end in the victory of their own personal Ascension. Recognition of his own beloved "I AM" (as well as their worship, devotion and service to it) is of the utmost importance for you ... and neither loved Jesus neither I myself nor any of the members of the Ascended Host want to be worshiped as a deity IN LIEU OF YOUR OWN "I AM" INDIVIDUALIZED! Rather, at all times, we want to be regarded as their Divine Brothers and Sisters, who have reached the perfection of our Divinada Image Source. Thank you and have a nice day! who we have reached the perfection of our Divinada Image Source. Thank you and have a nice day! who we have reached the perfection of our Divinada Image Source. Thank you and have a nice day!

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Mother Mary", p.93, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



(January 1953) 


When the soul is approved by the Karmic Board, and the karmic debt is paid to life, whether individual chooses to accept additional embodiments, it will do its "own risk" because it must undergo, as they do volunteers other planets, the same natural laws that bind every embodied spirit. From within an incarnate form is always the possibility of misuse energy or create new karma in successive life, which would become a fetter that the Karmic Board can not dismiss, but will have to be mitigated by the efforts auto -concientes of its creator. Thus, often an individual who has been offered the ascent and relinquished it to serve, not been able to qualify for the ascent for twelve successive incarnations.

However, if the stream of life embodies "without sin" as I had the privilege to incarnate, and succeeds in passing during an entire earthly life without succumbing to any temptation to qualify bad energy, that individual may accept the Ascension in any time during this earthly life. This was what made it possible for my Cosmic example, since through the great mercy of life, and the assistance of Lord Maitreya and other members of the heavenly host, I was allowed to keep my current life ready for the moment when the Call cosmic Presence could be done, and I, self-consciously, I responded to him by the public manifestation of the Ascension. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.14, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


Ascension Day

(14 May 1953) 

And when the days of your pilgrimage and registration of your energy is finally written in the records of the Akasha and the Guardian of Justice Spirit take the parchment Christ Self, who has endowed you with precious and priceless gift of life; when the elemental kingdom has spoken and recorded all the substance and energy invested in maintaining your bodies throughout the centuries and the costumes of your soul; when they appeared before the throne all those lives, human, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral, which has blessed and benefited only then will resound note of your victorious accomplishment and, through the great halls of the Lords of Karma, will your soul triumphant way to his just reward.

Ah how many countless rounds of incarnations have passed over efforts to achieve the fullness of your purpose, until wing time your Christ Self urges you to stand up and hands of mercy, cut the last vehicles and leagues earthly attachment and desires, and your soul free and shadows of long centuries shooting up to embrace your Divinity, and the two become one in the Ascension in the Light.

On the anniversary of the ascension of the beloved Master Jesus, who has been the Counter-of-way for humanity over the past two thousand years, we ask the Father of all life and the great ones representing the Sons and Daughters Spiritual heaven, you are blessed by the strength of their current life, suffering all the constraints that build the legacy of physical incarnation and yet avoiding even qualify an electron with imperfection that would have been a stain on her pristine soul in time when the call came for His great public ascension.

A fully knowing that not only a life of purity, unselfishness and love were the prerequisites for the realization of this example, but also control of personal love he felt for his mother, his disciples and his friends, who would ask him to remain to guard and protect them but to accept his own release and let go, he once again humbly bow his head before the fiat of the Cosmic Law, and confidently put his own life and that of their loved ones in the loving hands of the Father eternal One, ascending jubilant and triumphant release of its universal and cosmic service in the Kingdom of God.

Beloved Jesus! For this renunciation by that Divine wisdom and confidence Ascension, for your blessed One, we thank you and thank you to the Father of all life so that your presence in this universe has involved, and still involves, for this planet and life on it evolves. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.25, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama



I do not espaciaré in the well-known facts of my ministry, but would like to bring to your remembrance once again the fact that at the end of this earthly life, you will experience the joy of Ascension, Oh, no words can describe the blessed hearts imprisoned in the flesh, the release will be yours, the joy you will experience when your consciousness between a thought or a plan by which to benefit the race and no time, space or anything that may limit achieves its instant!

The starting point is one that has been consciously, in full external waking consciousness of daily life under the bright midday sun and in the presence of those loved more than life itself, to the house of my Father, please, let me beloved hearts, convey the fact that all suffering, all discipline, all tests, any waiver of this earthly life deserve this moment the corner of the Earth can no longer tied more to your purified soul and you know thereby releasing !. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.45, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama MI ASCENT BY THE BELOVED JESUS (May 1955) THE ASCENSION OF ALMA sublimated is the goal of all human experience.

Little do they realize how much men weave the ladder of consciousness upward along many earthly lives, or how much energy from other streams of life is woven into the elevator splendor. 

Long before the time of my own Ascension on the hill of Bethany, my dear mother had gone walking along the grassy path leading from the valley to the smooth rock that formed the apex of this hill. 

There, in deep contemplation and prayer, his own life force upward to the sky and a torrent of energy fuid created a natural spiritual path on which my own spirit, over time, would return home.

In that fateful, obedient to the call of Father day, I prepared for my final farewell to Earth and those who had served and lived in my brief earthly life. John and my mother only knew the nature of the experience I had in front.

Parándome early, I poured my love of sweet Earth, fragrant with the scent of a new spring, the cleansing waters that had baptized my soul and purified my body, air purifier that had gratefully inhaled with My lungs at the first breath, both long ago in a stable in Bethlehem, the sun lift whose example was to follow on this day of days. I issued my invocation of the Holy Comforter to let the heart and conscience of my diligent and devoted disciples, and sustain them in the true way. To the top of the hill of Bethany I headed down the path formed by the bright traces of the constant ninth of my mother for my victory.

Mama and John, aware of my imminent initiation, gathered the disciples and loved ones around you, so that I could have a few hours of privacy with my Lord and God. 

Just before noon, they ascended to the top of the hill to reach the sun at its zenith, I put all lovingly in the hands of the Father, accelerate the vibrational activity of my car, and I told goodbye to the world and their experiences. 

Since then I have returned often in my immortal garments, whom I love and who love me and serve me, because there is no separation in Divine Love.

Knowing the crowning glory of that hour, I can not but urge that every beloved child of God to prepare for that day! When the time comes and summons the Father of Light reaches the heart, you also know the full and true purpose for the individual being, which is to become a Sol de Luz on their own, free from the wheel of birth and death, and Master of energy and vibration, however servant of all life, until life is also free - in - God. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.77, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama ascension process (July 1958) Jesus



The "transfiguration" of physical form follows a scientific law. Merely it requires the surrender of the destructive use of own free will to the Immortal Threefold Flame within the heart of God. By making you the so-called conscious, that flame intelligent and Almighty, will expand its light through the four lower vehicles and, while impurities of discord, which have been imposed on the electrons, are sublimated by the use of the Violet Flame , the pure white light of the electron will be allowed to freely flutter its light, which will then be discharged with the flaming light similarly by all other electrons, causing internal and radiate light physical bodies naturally.

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.94, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama DAY OF ASCENSION OF JESUS MAESTRO 10 MAY 1956 Public Ascension of the Master Jesus was part of His great ministry, so that all humanity could attest, by their victory, the all-powerful father, whom he loved and served so selflessly throughout his incarnation. Indeed it has been said , "He is the great example!" Jesus Himself said: "He who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also and even greater will, because I go to My Father" Among those miracles apparent was his resurrection and transmutation of the elements even to the physical body in the presence of a crowd gathered.

Long before the final manifestation of his ascension, His Holy Mother Mary daily walking up the trail to the top of the hill of Bethany, where she sent her prayers and devotions to heaven. By so doing, he created a path for Jesus itself composed of His consecrated prayer to help achieve that public Ascension force. Then, to the mixed consciousness of many minds, Jesus performed the final number of the Master, waiting for it to encourage those who followed him to make the necessary efforts to manifest a similar achievement. On this day of Ascension, let us go to the beloved Jesus and ask Him His sense of itself victory of the Ascension natural Divine state, from which humanity has fallen due to the misuse of vital energies of thought, feeling, word spoken ,

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.113, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

ASCENSION TO ACHIEVE by transmuting Imperfection

(April 1958) 


My public ascent was made for the express purpose of showing humanity its ultimate destination! More and more, as the new Golden Age come to the demonstration, I will endeavor to impress upon the consciousness of every lifestream non-promoted, the feeling of my momentum fully stockpiled Ascension in the Light, as may be achieved for each member of the human race. I was subject to the same law that applies to all currents of life who choose Earth planet as classroom. I was needed at all times maintain harmonious vibrations of my four lower vehicles Regardless of which could be human appearances!

It is this self-discipline, was attended largely by my beloved mother, Mary whose spiritual strength and wonderful ability to hold the immaculate concept of my current life for me it was a strong, powerful and optimistic vibration, which interacted to through and around me at all times. Today she is equally willing to give them the assistance of His fully stockpiled momentum of the feeling of grace, of which she has become the living embodiment and has argued in the past, he argues in the present and continue holding for you, as it did for me the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of his own divinity. ACCEPT THEIR HELP! Accept mine too, and be free! 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.142, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(May 1957) 

In my own experience, I had to consciously be on guard throughout my earthly life not to accept, through the senses, the overwhelming human appearances around me. It took a tremendous effort not accept these appearances as real. Based on my own experience Chock the statement "Do not judge by appearances" (John 7:24)

My mother, beloved Mary, my father, the beloved Joseph (now Saint Germain), my guru, Lord Maitreya and the angelic host gave me a tremendous assistance to keep my inner vehicles, as well as my physical body, free of consciousness massive era. I have allowed my conscience or my vehicles are tied to appearances of anxiety and imperfection around, the vibratory activity of all My vehicles have "off" the flow of spiritual vitality needed to achieve public Ascension.

You, each and every one, choose every hour and every day the kind of energy that allow entering their minds, feelings , thoughts and actions. You, each and every one, are either ascending or descending, according to that about which allow your attention to rest. In his final hours, his Ascension will be determined by the vibrational activity of their internal vehicles, as well as his body of flesh. I can tell you one thing: his ascension not manifest AS A RESULT OF A MOMENT OF GRACE, BUT A LIFETIME OF SURVEILLANCE, self-control, self-mastery, Asipiración and service to God. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.126, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

The Ascension of Jesus

Excerpts from a speech ASCENDED MASTER JESÚS 

FLOURTOWN, PA. MAY 15, 1958 

(March 1959) 

Dear friends and blessed Light that long I have loved and still love me, very grateful I am for your presence.

Here today, which is a sweet memory - in many respects to My heart, however, was a day when I had to leave, oh, so much unsaid and done, the care of my mother, the beloved John and the disciples, with a heart in prayer that vision and dispensation that has lasted two thousand years, could be firmly anchored through those blessed beings. Some of these individuals renounced the Ascension in the time of my own victory, to bring and maintain mental, emotional, etheric and physical consciousness of humanity, not only radiation that I left, but the instruction also. 


Oh, my beloved, it is with grateful hearts that we honor every sincere Chela who helped us open the bridge from the realm of Divinity the field of external consciousness, so that those of us who have been glorified and honored by many, we have no longer confine our instruction and radiation to the small number of registered doctrine presented, and, of course, through the energy channels of unascended beings, who have had a great love and devotion for us. Small Gospels no longer constitute the full extent of my teachings to the peoples of the Earth, since the open door allowed us, from the realm of Divinity, now bring --from the past, and the most glorious future that is to come - more and more of the checks that eternal truth I Teach and reaffirmed so long ago. That truth, if implemented, will free them.

Beloveds, as they recently told them the great Lord of the World, and I repeat, DO NOT APPLY INDIVIDUALLY ALL INSTRUCTION AND KNOWLEDGE THROUGH ITS OWN BEAUTIFUL AND EXPERIMENTAL APPLICATION WITH THAT KNOWLEDGE AND THAT ACT, NOT GIVEN THE RELEASE OR AUTO-MASTERS on energy and vibration. This I know from my own personal experience. When I managed the Master, good men and women who enjoyed the miracles aforesaid that the Master made it easy to express, preferred to see the fruits, and very few listened to the law by which they could become masters of the appearances of disease, decay and even unto death call.

Experimentation on the physical level

My beloved, I am grateful for the opportunity to affirm them and re-affirm them the importance of receiving knowledge regarding the growth of its conscierne soul is the practice itself experimentation with the knowledge received, though at first it may results They do not express their full perfection. Why? Well, because as individual light pours His Presence through you --which occurs with each heart- throb that essence of life is colored by their feelings, thoughts and memories, as well as all brands character of the current physical personality, and likewise are you subject to massive links limitation and distress.

Therefore, it requires the bold, constant, unsuspecting, the faithful and sensible to continue experimenting with the Cosmic Law, as it did the beloved Saint Germain before ascending. Even if you do not have the full manifestation in his first attempt ... or twenty years of application, not nothing wrong with the Law, My beloved. It's just that your channel has not been purified enough so that the same gifts and gifts that I used merely to be the example of what every man, woman and child should be, are yours today, not in some distant heaven with streets paved with gold. Mastery over the energies and anxiety is not required there, because there all is peace, beauty, harmony and perfection. Why should I then have to go through the veil of birth and live in a world of great darkness,



Earth today is in a great period of chaos. The strongest points of light, like in my time, are hotbeds for the rest of discord. I tell you that light and life is the gift of the Father of all, which throbs in their hearts, is all-powerful in and through you, when your motive is sincere and when they are detached in the desire to give gifts Causal for their own enlightenment, harmonization and healing of the afflictions of mankind, elemental life and the Angels imprisoned Body. I love the Angels! Throughout the duration of this earthly life, the great Archangels and Angels minor were my companions, Mom coming of that kingdom. Oh, see Angeles imprisoned in grotesque forms,

I master elemental life, that beautiful life that has given and continues to give so freely of herself. I love the great Holy Christ Flame within your heart, which will someday be Master over every speck of energy and vibration that you have qualified destructively, until the tops of their bodies are waving their light; until your hands from becoming like mine, builders of the Flame of Healing from the heart of God until you find where the death ceases to exist and manifest life again with dignity.

These are the things that I came to enseñalarles, so that could be done by other men and women. However, even those who lived within my aura slept under the shelter home of my mother, when I first tried to invoke those powers, they returned to Me afflicted because human appearance did not relent; and yet, they had physical proximity to my presence for several years.

Become Christ in action

You now have proximity to my presence. They have close to Me with merely mentioning my name! I gave my name to all mankind as a protection against evil and disturbing thoughts, feelings and pressures. In the name of Jesus ASCENDED men and women have healed. They have suffered hardship and have been victorious. They have learned and used the powers of levitation and precipitation have ministered in the name of Jesus Christ ascended to temporarily were under the spell of apparent disease. I speak now to every Chela on this planet Earth who believes in my presence and in my ability to speak in this day and age. 


I do not enjoy the solitary confinement on marble pillars. It would be a very lonely sky here, if I was alone. Thank God it is not so! Many sons and daughters of Light, as you know, who I accompanied, and many Higher Beings, as above on the ladder of Divine evolution, which I can not even see the outline of your "I AM" or their bodies White Fire because of the splendor of his Light. It is the same case with you, while advancing on the path of self-mastery. Always be sure that there is someone on the step below you who you are rising to take their place on the stage they are in, while you move forward to a growing light. 


John and Mother would love chose to hold this position for Me, and so in the morning I was allowed to rise quietly and without ostentation on the grassy path to the top of the hill of Bethany, to enjoy some solitude, observe the sunrise and enjoy the beauties of the earth before my beloved disciples and those who followed them --venidos wonder and question --llegaran up the hill. And so, in that resurrected inner body, which in the presence of almost five hundred people on the 9th all who believed such a thing was possible) could accelerate the vibratory activity of the resurrected form and with the great assistance of the mighty power of prayer my mother had established over years of prayer Hill Bethany, and with the great support of my own "I AM"

Some saw, some not, because as the light grew brighter, natural human activity is covered glow eyes. Some were frightened. They turned their backs, lest they were to grieve. Some threw themselves to the floor, pore few stood and testified. Some of these are in this room today. From the top of the hill of Bethany, I completed my course, leaving in the hands of those who were to form the foundation of the Christian Dispensation. I ascended to My Father and yours, enjoying the company of divine beings who had renounced Nirvana, continuing my support in the best way I could to any stream of life that, in turn, directed his attention to me.


I ask this morning a blessing of Cosmic Law regarding the removal of the crucified Christ of all Christian churches, and its replacement by a display of Christ to rise, so that people can see what you raise your vision and give you hope, want help and strength to achieve a similar mastery. Precisely that crucified Christ that the Orthodox world puts before people, it is the symbol of vicarious atonement. [Vicarious atonement]. It is the way of the outer self, as is you well know, to let other lifestream to bear your sin. Every time we honor with their presence, both Karma transmute his own creation as possible. God only knows, while we are in the atmosphere of Earth, how the massive Karma, storm surges flowing through the Earth and its atmosphere,


In the power of invocation as I used it , and as they use all the free Beings-God, the Threefold Flame in their hearts have a definite reason for its color and location. As you draw the Power, who heads the Wisdom and the Love sends forth, you are completely protected from any adverse human reason, even that which you know in the outer self.

Every healing that I did, every leper who was healed, every blind who helped restore vision, each obsessed with being who was released from a disembodied entity that had no place in that way, and every man and boy who had the appearance of death, who was given life again, was given the additional blessing by magnetizing the power of My Father, the wisdom to use it wherever you see the stream of life could benefit or that a lesson could enseñalársele to witnesses, and then the love for the individual who received healing, as well as the Father gave me the power with which to do it. Beloved Ones, keep that in mind in everything we strive to carry out! Power is only the most dangerous qualities,

I repeatedly told over and over again, and still keep the statement today: "The words that I speak, do not speak on my own authority, but the Pare that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works," [John 14, 10 ] to remind them that the power was attracted by my current life, directed by Wisdom of the Father and sent forth with Love should never be used - and was never utilizado-- in my incarnation for anything but do the Will of the Father here on planet Earth, to try to awaken the dormant spark of divinity within the people of that time. Now, the Cosmic Christ has spoken, and Christ Selves of men and women (and boys too) are beginning to act.

Quines wish power of personality, are amputees thereof. Those who long for power to be used wisely to expand the cause of Love, will increase in majesty, dignity and work well done. Here the teaching of the New Age. It was the teaching of the Christian Dispensation was my era, in which very few humans reached Ascension. 

Now you come to the New Age of the great Ascended Master Saint Germain, in which the Kingdom of Heaven will manifest on this Earth. How Through whom will manifest? So through those in whom we have invested our life, our instruction; those who have had their hands towards us to the realm of Divinity, to form the bridge that remains until today by their individual and collective efforts.


You are my brothers and sisters, not of blood but of spiritual light. That light that flows through you and me is the lifeblood of the spirit and flows from the Father One, whom I represented on Earth, and whom you now have the opportunity to represent too. 

Oh, no censure to be external for not having the fullness of expertise that should already have, because the negative qualities of self - depreciation and guilt feelings and merely fill your mind with more substance; it will be up to the next Master --in this case is Morya-- dislodging. Rather, auto-fill yourself with the feeling of joy in that I, too, was a man, I was subject to pressures and witness to many unpleasant things - not only in the world in general, but among my immediate disciple.

However, through the grace of God Almighty and my tenacity to hold on to His will, I had a victory, the victory of the Ascension, which will be your victory too. Maybe in your case is not as spectacular --and I hope, for your own benefit, not. Ridicule, bigotry and unbelief on a departing soul, particularly in the sensitive issue of up to Light of the "I AM," not a happy experience. I made that sacrifice, although like all non-ascended beings, I tried after the Last Supper turn away from it. However, I made the sacrifice of the crucifixion and ignominy that preceded it. Then, return and resuscitation that way, walking and talking and convince the disciples that era, and the final sacrifice of a public Ascension was all an experience that should be as sacred in their own experiences, one that should not really be a public spectacle. I went through all that so that all men could know and know what I did, they could do it too. However, even glorified it has been my job, do what I did, that day is still to come.

On behalf of my beloved mother Mary, in the name of our beloved Saint Germain promoted in the name of our great hierarch, El Morya, in the name of the beloved Serapis Bey, whose Ascension Flame flames in Luxor, I give thanks for believing in me enough to make a pilgrimage to my presence. They will be rewarded for their commitment and love. 

Thank you , my beloved 

Ascended Master Jesus 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.154, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(April 1959)


Although by the grace of Heavenly Father, I managed, with Kuthumi, a higher position in the planetary hierarchy, I can also say that the pure Divine Love is a quality as positive. Human suggestions surrounded me during my ministry, as they surround you now, a great "practice field" for the use of Divine Love and compassion rather than pity and acceptance of imperfection as the Will of God humanity.

I also like Lady anything, I Educated in the Truth that I, on my own (the outer self could do nothing, but the Father in my doing the work. How often have I said, (registered new Testament) after such restoration Now go and do not tell anyone !. who enjoyed the adulation of his contemporaries invariably lost the healing done in his name and by his power. the whole of my ministry was based on the Law of pure Divine Love, humility and peace sustained each of you I can recommend this formula for this particular facet of ministry!. 

"Journal of the Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.162, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

Jubilo LIGHTING AND PRACTICAL service that can be provided through such illumination
(May 1959)


Through the assistance of Lord Maitreya and my beloved Mother, could achieve a public ascent, not a phenomenal expression but as a way toward a similar experience of all mankind. 

I ask the Himalaya loved to enlighten Christians worldwide about the purpose of my public ascension, and also to makefeel and make it not only a possibility but an eventual requirement for each and every one of the inhabitants from the earth. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus", p.162, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(May 1960) 

Serapis Bey 

In the great honor you have given me over the Christian Era little has been understood about my service performed on Holy Thursday, by which I offered the body and blood of My stream life to the beloved friends gathered with me at that time. What was chosen to share with them my consciousness, and I expected them to follow sharing, knowing that there is no separation in the bonds of love.


Humanity is consciously or unconsciously, constantly participating in awareness of each other, through the written and spoken word, radiation and visual images, but rarely humanity aspires to be part of the consciousness of an Ascended Being, which it is always open to all supplicants. When I said "I have food to eat that we do not know" spoke of this great paternal consciousness in which I participated, and which constantly lived. You also have food your own lifestream do not know, and if you chose attract Ascended Master Consciousness instead of staying accepting and living in reports of human awareness of their own external senses, and those of other human beings,

As human consciousness of other streams of life flows to yours when your attention is on them with disapproval or otherwise affect the tone and nature of his own being. Same is the cate when the Divine Consciousness flows, bringing rivers of healing, enlightenment, peace and welfare.


All men consciously or unconsciously choose the state you want to hold and which to live, but awake chela have the opportunity to "tune" with, and dwell in the consciousness of Jesus Ascended, until it becomes so much a part of their when human nature as consciousness of the world, before waking, affects their mannerisms, characteristics and reactions. 

Having reached the last glory of Ascension through sustained awareness of good, I refused to harbor evil, and consciousness that I am can be a tremendous resurrection power when it is drawn through the consciousness of you, the Just as a flame surrounds the lower and the two become oNE.


If the weight and pressure of human consciousness within your incapable of aspiring soul, the invocation of my consciousness through you can do a lot to disconnect the current life of contemplation of imperfection, and anchor again in an effort sustained to live only within the consciousness of good, which is mutual or shared consciousness of all being perfected, angels and Gentlemen Solares.

On Ascension Day, a large shed of My cosmic consciousness envelops the planet Earth and its people, and whether they are aware or not of My presence and victory, however that presence and victory, being part of his life, is flowing through their internal vehicles on a truck transmutadota activity and that is to their mutual benefit and spiritual evolution. To each of you I give my flame individualized, within which is the substance of my life and the radiation of My nature as well as the characteristics of my being, which, if you recognize and approve, may be used to amplify their own natural currents expression. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Jesus" pag.174, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(February 1953) 

Saint Germain 

If the individual chooses to accept the Ascension when the Karmic Board is offered, then it depends on the "presence" of the individual, along with private sponsors of the lifestream, develop preparatory details for that beautiful ceremony to attract the Christic Consciousness purified state. Many factors are considered, and each calendar is provided assistance in preparing the place where will happen.

In my own case, it was several months after passing the final tests before the Karmic Board, which allowed me to finish my business and retire to the home of a dear friend in the heart of the mountains of Transylvania, and prepare for this last experience earthly Victoria. There, I joined my spiritual master, and at any given time, at the call of the "Presence" I left the arms of my dear friend and, with the help of my teacher, I entered the fields of Perfection, where I I endeavor to attend my brothers and sisters who still remain on earth until they also experience happiness and peace of this achievement Victorious. 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.1, p.24, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(July 1956) 

Saint Germain

One of the services of the Seventh Ray (eg the Violet Ray) is to help sublimate and transmute impure substance drawn into the force fields around electrons in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies. Thus, the individual consciously redeems all the energy that has attracted over the ages, and has been used in experiments. As in the carpenter's shop there are many chips, there is much sawdust and others emerge who from the bottom of their hearts receive the "breath" [prompting] to help them, have the full assurance that we will be very grateful for your help and, sometimes even we ourselves have them "blow" to do so. However, if present who disdain the "puffs" of their hearts and refuse to provide such assistance, the devoted chela who want to serve and all life evolving here, continue to serve in the best way possible. Thus, at the time the Ministry of beloved Jesus, Holy Mary and I were very grateful for the opportunity to help; and since then we have been very grateful to know that our humble efforts were a good part of what contributed to the success of their service life.

Give him a lot of consideration to the Spirit of Jesus in this holy season! Consider how he exemplified the spirit of giving of Himself at all times! Then in honest introspection Compare your gift of life constructively qualified to bless the race with Jesus. Consider the life of the Santa Maria, and see how a dedicated, gifted beyond the personal development of you, can bless life in a major way. Then let your divine life to flow forward in these virtues, talents, powers and substances that your God has given them, and which one day will be held accountable.

Decree that those chosen to be the "Mostradores-the-road" [Way-showers] race, not found guilty of the sin of omission in this crucial time, and that those who have been sent to form a bridge from the Field divine human octave, are supported by the "I AM Presence" even if his contemporaries do not recognize and maintain their gifts.

the Great Law does not allow the Great Ones rush money or materials in this world for the expansion of His Light, since such assistance to the work must come from the chelas who benefit from his instruction. This makes up the balance of the chela the blessing received. Humanity is very, very late in giving the balance to life for all the good it has received throughout the ages. Thus giving substance to expand their words and works of the masters, humans are helping to balance their debt service life age that have not yet been paid. They see him? Humanity is very, very late in giving the balance to life for all the good it has received throughout the ages. Thus giving substance to expand their words and works of the masters, humans are helping to balance their debt service life age that have not yet been paid. They see him? Humanity is very, very late in giving the balance to life for all the good it has received throughout the ages. Thus giving substance to expand their words and works of the masters, humans are helping to balance their debt service life age that have not yet been paid. They see him?

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.2, p.23, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(May 1957) 

Saint Germain

Activity of the Violet Flame is helping draw the wrong creations, consciously or unconsciously, fill the emotional and physical layers, mental, etheric that humanity inhabits. When these wrong creations have been learned and, more importantly, has been removed from those found on Earth and in its atmosphere desire to create more imperfections, then we are on the way to the creation -a through men and women iluminados- the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, which will not happen. Why? Well, because the feelings that motivate the design of the Kingdom of Perfection of God on Earth sustain the creation of a Permanent Golden Age. Few people know the power of Sublimation (eg refinement fire) in the use of the violet flame; and they have even less learned to use this transmuting power. However, as time passes, many come to learn about their effectiveness; and, when used, the world of the individual will be cleansed of all imperfection. And to raise the unit (the individual), likewise all mankind will rise. Desire born in the hearts of men, drawn through intelligent thought, breathed life by the feeling of love for God and men, it will be precipitated easily in the world of form. This is the teaching of the Seventh Ray! Desire born in the hearts of men, drawn through intelligent thought, breathed life by the feeling of love for God and men, it will be precipitated easily in the world of form. This is the teaching of the Seventh Ray! Desire born in the hearts of men, drawn through intelligent thought, breathed life by the feeling of love for God and men, it will be precipitated easily in the world of form. This is the teaching of the Seventh Ray!

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.2, p.46, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

ASCENSION by transmuting Imperfection

(April 1958) 

Saint Germain 

Remember, dear children, that the Violet Fire of Purification LONGER LIFE QUALIFIED you are invited to use in the process of personal and planetary redemption. You do not have to "create" more than what is required to create them beautiful element so freely use water to clean their physical vehicles.

Consider for a moment the Mercy of life by providing water for use. Suppose before they could clean their physical vehicles had to precipitate each raindrop wishing to use. How long would it take them to realize that precipitation, and prove them how precious every drop of water? The same applies to the Violet Flame. If you had to consciously precipitate each wave of the purifying agent, the redemption process is endless. Accept that, like water, Violet Fire is now available for use. It is our gift to you. If you invoke and use, said Fire act effectively in you; and not only clean their physical bodies, but even more importantly also their inner bodies of all impurities that may manifest as limitations of mind, meat and issues.

All we can do is offer our gifts. You, on their own, must accept them and use them Please accept the use of the Violet Flame, and experience on their own jubilant misqualified clean energy that lives in, through and around you, waiting for redemption through their own self-conscious efforts. I will help you, My beloved, in this service, and we are very grateful when someone wants our gifts, and used to perform the Holy Will of God! 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.2, p.59, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


(El Puente, April 1959) 

Saint Germain 

The three kingdoms must be in affinity 

am grateful to the Lord Gautama in particular by dedicating 1959 to the cooperative service Beings of the Third Ray. Elemental life, mostly, is not particularly interested in humanity, and some of the elementary fact strive to prevent the advance of the sweet earth and everything about her. Los Angeles also trapped, entangled in the swamps of human effluvia, often not only antagonize but actually use their energies to the destruction of his neighbor.

In 1959 we have a greater affinity order to bring these three kingdoms; and we, for our part, we are using every method known in the heavenly realm, to even convince some human beings, about the vision of Heaven on Earth, here and now. 

We serve together, you and I, while the Ray of Love is so active, to reach the minds of even some "few" diligent chelas. All glories of Heaven are intended to be revealed here on Earth, as soon as the planet's inhabitants are ready to receive them 

"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.2, p.90, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

Prepurification A ASCENSION


17 May 1953 

While the great Temple of the Resurrection opened its doors to humanity on Earth Pure White Flame from His heart rose to exceed the level of the three thousand meters, opening the door to the Eighth Light and connecting the Temple of the Resurrection on Earth with Ruby Temple of Jesus and Mary in the Sixth Sphere. 

It was wonderful and majestic view to the Brothers and Sisters of the Resurrection Flame in their white robes embroidered with lilies, honoring the presence of that power of resurrection, without which no man can enter your state Christic.

As we celebrated Ascension Day on the night before the first public meeting (May 15), the powerful currents of the Master Jesus had greatly accelerated the power and intensity of that flame, and his touch could be felt that night even by external slumbering consciences of those living in physical proximity to the Holy Land. 

As the flame was directed around the Earth and accepted by the cooperative efforts of the beloved students, we were dealing loading the feeling, power and mastery of our own consciousness in the acceptance of everyone, that restorative power to act within their world conscious and personal activity.

Given that the great powers and centers of the Authority of God are important for humanity on Earth only to the extent that their reality is accepted, I, I use the Flame of Resurrection to bring forth the beauty of each spring, I can testify to this great impersonal and powerful power, and I hope that my feeling of power contained in the Flame of Resurrection to act on the currents of life of each chela can pass their external consciousness-maybe enough for each who can capture that power and set it in the activity of his own world.


Beloved Jesus spoke about Ascension and narrated, very simply, the history of conscious decline in flows of individual form life, and explained that for each individual the time of the Ascension was determined by the specific service that lifestream was intended to lend in the evolution of planetary scheme; and it was not necessarily the merit which allowed certain individuals complete their course more quickly than others, but sometimes was that his services were completed in a shorter time, since no one can return home until the fiat of his Divine Being itself which constitutes the motivating power by which the lifestream incarnated is performed successfully. Then and only then you can come the call of the Presence, and the individual, having completed his.

However, here again we find a fine of Law point. The service life stream can take you to the soul the whole course of history, and that the circle of incarnations completed by the ego covers the total time recorded in the history of planetary evolution; or the circle of current service life may be small, perhaps needing no more than two or three incarnations. But in the execution of the service is so-and violet early as spring or as late as Daisy fall- status of internal bodies determine how long after the service has been completed, it will take before the soul can accept being relieved of service and return home.

Those whose service has been well done, if they have "dirty hands" or "impure hearts" may enter once the glory of the kingdom.

has not been deepened this part of the law, but I bring it up because at the moment the Master Jesus completed His mission, the condition of its internal and soul bodies was such that it could accept the Liberation and Ascension into the Heart His Electronic Body. Other benditos, in the long and tedious course of life and service, when they reached the finish line that demarcates the periphery of its externalized activity, and the Cosmic Law could be released from duty, had so distorted the condition of its internal bodies, who were not ready to accept the invitation of your own Divine Being without experiencing some degree of purification, as well as the restoration of harmony and balance within the instruments of service.


Beloved Jesus, in his speech, described the soul's need while serving, to find time for self-prepared by the clarity of peace and balance of purity of the inner bodies, so that when the mission is fully completed, no is necessary to go through centuries personae required to redeem the instruments through which the mission was carried out , before they can enter the Kingdom in its fullness. 

This is an action of the law that has to be emphasized through the consciousness of humanity, and is one reason that we have been allowed to give a more-than-ordinary assistance to certain currents of life to balance and purify distortion internal bodies was the result of a service provided personally.

The conference was extremely instructive in its simplicity, and particularly effective as the conscience of the Christian world, as well as the chelas, has accepted the Ascension of the Master Jesus and is willing to hear the Word, because He said this activity in action .

I would ask each student to perform their daily preparation learning, by controlling the energy of its different bodies, to reach this haven of peace within himself in his dealings with others, so that if his call came when whatever the condition of its internal bodies is such that it can easily slip to the glory of the kingdom, and not be detained in a lower sphere until the energies of the inner bodies are fully redeemed and the lower nature, totally transmuted into the Divine. 

Love and blessings, 


"Thomas Printz Private Bulletins Volume 1 (1952 - 1953)", pag.164, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


There were times that Ascension Flame was used only by a lifestream in a span of a hundred years. Remember kindly patience of those of us who knew that someday mankind, down to the end of formal notice of redemption, would need a means to return home. Argued that Flame with great patience, keeping the door open areas of the Ascended Masters for any elementary, imprisoned angel or member of the human race who chose to take advantage of their power to achieve glory and glory of the Ascension in the Light.

A fervent and sincere students find it obvious that Ascension to the Perfected Fields of Light is the goal of each of the members of humanity, as well as all the stragglers "of the other systems that currently belong to the evolution of Earth. the Ascension in the Light is essential for the full manifest expression of the Divine Plan for each elementary, for each angel who, because of his love for humanity, assumed a temporary incarnation in the human race, as well as for all be It is belonging to human evolution on Earth.This year 1958 we have a great opportunity when the presence of the angelic host will be increased greatly to offer again a reminder aware that Ascension Flame is practical and can be used in the most mundane service to change the qualities of the energies of the above "inanimate objects" as well as the quality of energy in human beings who are in temporary distress.

Beloved Ascended Master Serapis Bey "Thomas Printz Private Bulletins Volume 4 (1958 - 1959)" Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


Candidates for Ascension! How about the task of redemption? In this incarnation you face the task for which so anxiously cried a few years ago when they stood between those who sought to embody and were chosen as likely candidates for Ascension. I think this happened yesterday, although I'm sure you feel like it more time ago because at that task to redeem the energies of the lifestream through era after era, century after century, the constancy of effort still inclined to get tired in the greatest spirits incarnate. Those of you who requested the opportunity to become candidates for their own ascension in the span of a terrestrial life, they offered to try to attract back (through the Law of the Circle) all energies sent for their lives from the very beginning of time. They offered to attract these energies through the Fire of Transmutation (Violet Flame of Love and Freedom) back into the Purity and Perfection, because this was the way that you initially received from the Great Central Sun, through the physical sun and its own Electronic Presence.

It is not a small task of the Karmic Tribunal to judge the worth of a soul and its ability to take on the full return of karma in a terrestrial life. Those lifestreams who are given such a big opportunity are strong and mature in spirit, and able to attract back through the fires of purification all the energies of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies before being honored with the name "Ascension Candidates."

In previous eras, there were only a few candidates for Ascension passing through the gates of birth in the course of a year, because there was no conscious knowledge of the Sacred Fire on Planet Earth outside the Withdrawals. Lifestreams whose action vibrational and spiritual nature were developed to a point where they were given entry to a retreat were very few and far between.

For example, dear hearts, if you had requested the opportunity to become candidates for Ascension and had to meet the minimum requirements (which would make their spirits, souls and external bodies appropriate representatives to consciously enter a retreat, all before Saint Germain to bring the knowledge of the Sacred Fire), there really would be none among you who were to become Ascended Master in the course of life on Earth. They should be conscious ability to enter other retreats of the Ascended Masters on the planet and get their secrets-the sacred knowledge of Fires of Transmutation. When the Cosmic Law gave permission to the Master Saint Germain to bring the knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Purification (Violet Flame) to mankind on Earth in general, then the qualification of candidates for Ascension was considerably lower, because no life could stream-whether through proximity to literature or readouts learn the use of violet fire. Thus, although men were not entirely qualified to consciously enter a retreat, if they could learn how to purify and redeem their energy.

Long before the outer activity of instruction "I AM" come to the knowledge of mankind, Saint Germain had received the consent of the Karmic Board to try to express this teaching. Long before the greatest of you was ready for terrestrial life, the Cosmic Law Sagrdo knew that the Fire would be available in the world of physical appearances by the time they had obtained the age of majority; that would be exposed to that knowledge and, through its own internal vote, of his desire to transmute and redeem the energies of their worlds, would be attracted to this Leu when it was presented, and would experience with the use of this Fire Purification.

Therefore, you have a huge debt to his beloved Master Saint Germain and all those connected with the bringing of knowledge of the Sacred Fire of Purification into the external world. You are now trained, My precious, to call back into the circle of his own ruling powers to those energies that have flamed across the face of the Earth for millions of years and which, being in the astral realm surrounding Earth, remain part of discord and imperfection generated by you, carrying the brand of your life (Electronic Pattern). Redeem this energy is necessary before you can shake the dust from your feet Earth and ascend in his State of divine deliverance.

"Light From Luxor", p.37, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama 

Ascension page 3

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