
29 de octubre de 2017


Blavatsky and Mahatmas
Cosmic Law does not change its fundamental principles, but in its application and results for humanity. It was about eighty thousand years ago, during the time of Atlantis, the Occult Law was introduced. "Hidden" means hidden or veiled, and from that time until 1930, the law could only be explained in a veiled way, certain truths as legends, myths, allegories and symbolisms appear. In addition, the information could be organized only limited and gradually. In some cases, incorrect information was given on purpose. Depended consider and evaluate student knowledge given.
Among the literary works that fall under the Hidden Law, we find Homer's Iliad (contains the story of Troy), the Bible, the Vedas, Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias dice; and all writings published under the Theosophy. To illustrate how things Hidden under the Act were watching, we present some quotes from Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett:
1 p. KH 112: "This figure is the only thing that allowed me (for now) reveal."
2 P. 114 "I'm sorry to say no, but I can not, I'm not authorized to answer your question" - "I'm more than willing to help, but things have to be gradually released."
3) p. 115 "The monad performs not only 'global rings' or seven inmetalizaciones, invegetalizaciones, zoonizaciones (?) And higher incarnations -but also countless sub-rings or turns, all subordinates in seven series."
There is another interesting point to consider. When an Ascended Master received a dispensation under the Occult Law, that became the deciding factor in the type of education concerned. For example, the Master Djwal Khul received the Dispensation to work through Alice Bailey. This happened in 1919, when the Occult Law still applied. Señora Bailey was instructed to about 1949, when the Occult Law no longer applied more. However, given that the dispensation was granted in 1919, señora Bailey could not talk about certain things-such as knowledge of the "I AM Presence" and Llama Violeta, although this had already been given humanity in 1930 by Guy Ballard.
Brother Love's writings fall into this category. He received his training at a retreat in the Himalayas around 1900. Brother Master first published his experiences in 1949. His writings contain exclusive details of life in a retreat, and more than ninety percent of his book is written simply, without being veiled. However, his writings do not require knowledge of the "I AM Presence" or the Violet Flame.
There was a good reason for the Occult Law. Speaking in riddles and allegories, many seekers of Truth escaped the wrath of fanatical priests, notably the so-called Christian Church. It was very difficult to prosecute people as heretics, if much of what they said was subject to interpretation.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky addition, there were other individuals who, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, gave mankind some new phases of the Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood. Teachers mentioned to Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Alice Bailey, Baird Spaulding, Guy W. Ballard and Geraldine Innocente. [The Mrs. Eddy was the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other books. He emphasized on spiritual healing, in the way that Jesus healed the sick, and called "Christian Science" (Christian Science) for his discovery of the healing method].
Alice Bailey and Baird Spaulding [through his book Life and teaches the Masters of the Far East] led to the Western mind the greatest achievement of the activities of the Ascended Masters. 1919, Djwal Khul obtained a dispensation that allowed him to speak to Alice Bailey. While she was a "natural" automatic writer, not intended at least at first-the opportunity to be a medium. a large part of the Master persuasion was necessary before she finally complied. Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey had an intimate association during a previous period, which contributed much to get the Dispensation.
It should be mentioned here another messenger. This individual self-termed "the Hermit". His spiritual name was "Brother Love" [Brother Love], although his real name remains a mystery. Wounded during the Franco-Prussian War, Brother Love decided to go to India to get a healing. When he got there, he found that he was expected, and was led to a retreat in the heights of the Himalayas. After many years, and having gone through many tests and initiations, Brother Master completed the final initiation into the Great White Brotherhood. All this happened in the early twentieth century. Later, he left the Himalayas and settled in a small village in the state of Wyoming, USA wrote about his experiences in the book Die Mitteilungen des Eremiten [Explanations of a recluse].
After passing several years, Félix Schmidt began to find among his manuscripts (he was a writer) Brother Love written messages. This continued until 1951. The messages from "the other side" were compiled by Félix Schmidt in the book Kundgebungen des Eremiten [messages of a hermit]. While both books emphasize the important spiritual task that the Germans should be performed as part of the Divine Plan for Earth, descriptions of daily life in a retreat, explanations of some aspects of the law (for example, how to recognize a "true prophet ") and its detailed descriptions of the world beyond the physical stage of life are unique, and should be of interest to many.
"Man, origin, history and destiny", p.148, by Werner Schroeder, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama

THE MESSENGERS OF THE MESSENGERS Great White Brotherhood before 1930

Ascended Masters are working even today. The assistance from the Masters of Wisdom comes through many avenues and any particular individual or organization can claim exclusive radiation from these Great Ones. However, some organizations teach two concepts of Truth, and some explain the Law of God, the Cosmic Law to be exact.
The original text of the Bible was confined more to the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood does what we know today. Unfortunately Bible was adorned by many translators and representatives of the Christian Church in subsequent conclaves. Through the ages, including the present, it has always been the human tendency to change the truths and print their personal seal.
For centuries the Church has the opportunity to free humanity but the result has been low. Ascended Master Jesus when he spoke in 1939 by Guy W. Ballard Messenger said. "Look at how little good did my example of the Ascension Only three hundred years later the great truth had been obscured so that humanity has not understood almost nothing of the achievement of example I left. instead of focusing on Ascension, concentrated in the crucifixion. there is always in the world that evil force that intends to destroy the Light "
It is therefore not surprising that the Masters of Wisdom choose to operate outside the framework established by the churches to explain new aspects of the law. Rather simple and humble individuals. Lovers of Truth, were chosen as Messengers. Social position, title and intellectual education mean little for Grades Beings. The deployment of any kind of arrogance, exaltation of the human ego closes the door to the Ascended Masters.
In the early nineteenth century, the Lord Maitreya (Master Jesus) drew the attention of the Chohans (Lords of the Rays) Earth the need to bring the knowledge of the existence of the Masters to the outer consciousness of people. He explained that so far the Masters had concentrated their attention in the East, and it was time to change that attention to the Western world.
The Universal Presence of the Blessed Ones has been accepted for a long time in the East. However, the nature of the saint of the East, absolutely devoted and confined to worship and worship, could not accommodate the use of vital energies required to translate vision into action and tangible results.
After much effort and persuasion on the part of the Masters, Madame Blavatsky offered his assistance on the grounds the Theosophical Society in 1875.
Besides Helena Blavatsky, there were other individuals who in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, gave mankind new phases of the Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, Masters mentioned to Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy, Alice Bailey, Baird Spaulding, Guy W . Ballard and Geraldine Inocente.
Mrs. Eddy was the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other books, with an emphasis on spiritual healing, how Jesus healed the sick, and called his discovery of the method of healing, "Science Christian ".
Alice Bailey and Baird Spaulding through his book Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, led the Western mind a greater realization of the activities of the Ascended Masters. 1918 Djwal Khul obtained a Dispensation, allowing contact Alice Bailey. She was a successful writer automatic "cream" but did not look at first, the opportunity to be a medium. Great persuasion was necessary before finally consisted in being. Djwal Khul and Alice Bailey had a close association in the past, which was critical for the Dispensation.
"Metafisica: 21 Essential Lessons" Vol.1, p.11, by Werner Schroeder, Serapis Bey Publishers SA


There were also changes in the essence of teaching. For the first time since the sinking of Atlantis, the Ascended Masters could give public awareness of the "I AM" and the Violet Flame (which clears the karma of the past). Before this time, it is only allowed retreats give people considerable spiritual advancement.
Under the dispensation was granted to Saint Germain, it was not necessary to ensure instruction. Mysticism is no longer the requirement of the era. Occult Law had ruled all religious teachings before this event. Under the Hidden Law, certain truths could not be simply and directly, but had to appear veiled in parables, myths, legends, puns or phrases, so that only an initiate and not the masses, could understand them. When Plato, an initiate into the mysteries of the occult Law, he wrote about Atlantis, did in dialogue.
For this reason, starting with this Dispensation, the Teaching of the Ascended Masters took a new approach, unique to any previous method of instruction; and this effort from Saint Germain, the Masters have called "The Beginning of a New Era".
When at first, Saint Germain conceived the idea of ​​carrying out this work, he explained the Master called Great Divine Director, who had two ingrown persons (Mr. and señora Ballard), who he felt were strong enough to carry out Your message. When the Great Divine Director asked if he was sure of this, Saint Germain replied, "I'll try and see!"
Guy W. Ballard messenger, first met Saint Germain in August 1930 in Mount Shasta. After the experiences in Mount Shasta, Mr. Ballard returned to his home in Chicago where Saint Germain gave further explanations as part of many speeches. These instructions were given to Ballard through the Ray of Light and Sound. Saint Germain even got to download some in his body Ascended Master.
After this period of preparation, work Activity "I AM" began in 1935. Mr. Ballard taught and spoke to large audiences all over the United States. Señora Ballard took over the radio. Together, they reached hundreds of thousands.
With the introduction of Activity "I AM", the Masters for the first time, they emphasized the art of invocation. They explained that students could better sustain their efforts if they could use the power of the spoken word called "decree". The student body responded to this request, which contributed greatly to manifest the plan of the Great Ones.
Often, Mr. Ballard did not know what was going to speak on a particular site. All I knew was that Saint Germain had asked that a rented auditorium in a certain city, on a certain date. After this be done and that the public came, Mr. Ballard stood on stage. There appeared "before him letters" Golden Light Living "two inches tall spelling out the message that came to read to the public. Some people in the front row also saw these letters of light.
Brother Bill (William Cassiere), a messenger appointed by Saint Germain to work with Ballard (and who many years later, a member of the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation was) told us that "he saw the letters of Living Light from a few inches high, both from the front row and from the last. "
Twenty thousand healings were attributed to Mr. Ballard. Many people were healed as they listened to the speeches. A further test of the validity of the message and quality of this messenger is needed? Jesus said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." (Matthew 7:16)
For April 1936, Mr. Ballard had already qualified for Ascension. He decided to continue with this instruction to help Saint Germain to bring the Golden Age, eventually rising in the last days of 1939. Delivered lectures until the end of his days.
"Care of Mother Mary to have children born perfect," p.10, by Werner Schoeder, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


You may say that something is necessary; but humans, the density within which have plunged today, unless you give them an application, they are like helpless children. For that reason we had to put aside the old hidden laws -they were doing more harm than good to hope that humanity reached within the mental and emotional worlds, and achieve the comprehension of these great laws despite the prevailing high density.
It is that the density has become so great that human beings can not comprehend anything while they will not call attention to it. Then, faintly they begin to think and get a little conscious of it. If you saw in many of the classes-and, of course, in any kind that has been given, If you saw the change that occurs from the beginning, the first day and the last, unless they saw with their own eyes , you certainly would say it is amazing. The change in comprehension ... the change in alertness! When that are hammers with a dynamic force which has been necessary- then they start them (while still under the Splendor) to wake up, to be alert and feel more;
Now, in this class, take for example students who have participated in most of these classes: has done a tremendous job.
"Beloved Saint Germain Speaks", p.24, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
EFFECT OF occultism and inventive mind
I've been watching the effect of occultism for a hundred years, and I have not seen anyone who has obtained any results worthwhile. Occult students begin to imagine results, until they reach the point of not accomplish anything.
The work of invention in the future will be done by clean, clear and fresh minds not to be confused with technicalities. What it will become apparent We have now retreats mechanically, and can be easily reproduced. The mechanics of the next era, which is to transcend the effects of gravity of the Earth has to be a rat dither much higher than that found in the earth currents. Hence, it said mechanical will be unaffected by these earth currents.
To the extent that the Cosmic Light becomes increasingly Domain, to manifest these conditions you will note that will be regulated so that the entire action will become clear quickly. 

The current need is to move away from anything that produces friction. With new mechanisms of power planes that cross air currents can be anchored in a vacuum and, further, hold twice its own weight. A magnet attracts things by currents of energy. You can project a beam that is a current of energy thousands of times larger and more powerful than any magnet or magnet. When regulated, and currents within the mechanism theirs are greater than the atmosphere, you are not affected by it.
Gas engines cease to exist. All power units of the future are things that originate streams of energy. Then, things that cause energy currents have much more power than a diesel engine.
You nor the obstinacy of the human intellect can imagine. Such individuals have to take them step by step until they come to perfection, because for centuries they have not done more to walk in their own limitations.
"Beloved Saint Germain Speaks", p.29, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
It is why Saint Germain, in his great wisdom, has provided these-the books which, indeed, are textbooks, if they have to either call them. These books are the Law of you and your life, and will always remain so because the truths they convey never change; Activities may change to some extent, but the Laws, essentially never changes! For example, when I, at the Royal Teton, let out the old Fiat ruled hidden laws of this land, it seems that demanded considerable authority, do not you think? However, That authority was Mia! I used it and did not ask any human opinion. This was done, and if not I believe, find that those old laws no longer operate!
To the surprise of some of the old occultists US students when the Messenger contacted them, he told them; "Well, you do not seem to believe what VICTORY did, but I ask you to look at. Check up the laws and see if they operate as they used to before," and, of course, found it no longer operated! Of course they could not operate because they had taken away the power.
A subject, whom the Messengers met at the Figueroa Hotel in Los Angeles and who was a great student of occultism, told the Messenger: "Oh, I would go to the mountains, where you can meditate." The Messenger gave him a look, and replied; "You who are a strong and robust man, want to go hide in the mountains and meditate. Do not you know that the day of meditation is over?" Of course the guy was offended in the extreme. The Messenger said, "What you need today is out here in the world, roll you sleeves, and bring this great light of the 'I AM' people, If you know the law!" (Applause), but the subject robust, two meters high, wanted to escape to the top of a mountain to meditate.
Speeches of the "I AM" the Mighty Victory ", pag.184, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
You know why most savage in the jungle live so little? Well, because the rhythm of the tom-tom that is present in their sylvan activities. Few live past middle age. Occasionally, it is the case of one who, through the feelings, has conceived a certain part of the law and live up to the age of eighty or so.
Try to understand the difference between that and the previous activity. Before being brought to the outside world Understanding the Ascension, many humans kept life in the body for two, three, four, five or even six hundred years. The beloved Cha Ara, who recently spoke at one of their groups, kept life in his body for five hundred years before ascending, because it had come to this understanding through the old activity of the Occult Law before have I Privilege remove from the earth.
You know very well the position of the Messenger inexorable on this point, and I have heard with great firmness that night at the Royal Tetons, when I issued the decree for the Earth. This Decree is doing a fabulous job for the Earth, and forever bless this good messenger for the strength and courage with which he claimed the Cosmic Authority which I issued the decree to favor many human beings. Oh, how we love Him, we thank and praise for his courage and strength to continue and carry this message, which it entails for all mankind.
That old occult Law had to vanish from the earth because of the ruin he had wrought in humanity. Let me tell you, dear hearts, that the Occult Law has caused more ruin humanity from what they believe, because human concepts were introduced gradually from every conceivable angle and often used to keep mankind under fear, in instead of giving freedom. Of course, some of the teachers and students of occultism who had just done that, brandished a fierce attitude against this good brother, but could not touch it.
Maestro Alto de Venus (Victory) "Speeches" I AM "Ascended Masters", p.105, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
 My Beloved, now you are in a much more advantageous than me at that time state. They have made them bring this great teaching and application. Oh, how I wish I had received this instruction when I said in India that start looking. You now speak and have read about the old methods and occult tests which have to undergo occult individuals in schools and through initiation. Well, I venture to say that none of them was subjected to more testing than I had to go in that search. That's why I want to tell you today, Beloved People of Florida and America, do you are the most privileged people there!
In all the early centuries, humanity had to go through a lot of stress and every imaginable hardship, for no other reason than to see if the strength of the light inside was strong enough to continue. It was not to be deprived someone of something, but it was to see if the light inside the individual was strong enough to carry forward -e same applies to you today.
For example, when standing here -oh, yes it was- when the Messenger was them talking a few minutes ago, I heard what he said, and thought about all the things that He had to go to advance this Message, I felt that My quest for the Crystal Chalice ceased to have the importance it once had I mean, from my perspective of strength to move forward. And let me tell you, My Beloved, I just had to face my own human creation, while the Messengers Beloved have had to cope with human creations of nearly four hundred thousand people. Have you ever thought about that? Do you not realize, My Beloved, what that means?
I am saying this for your benefit and blessing, My Beloved, so they can feel -simply, let's call it by its name how crazy is continue to allow human conditions or their own creations interfere with their progress and advancement.
It's that when I finally found it and giving me a drink of water, I saw his hand appeared in the crystal chalice have no idea what went through my physical body! Many of you now feel the currents from the "presence" and rejoice, but they have no idea that current went through my body that day, when suddenly I saw the glass chalice in his hand 'It was as if the forces Eternity would have gone through my body right then! And now I trust that all of you will understand and will capture this point- that discharge from my own "presence", as we now know, watching him with that chalice in hand, let me tell you the words written here with such power when said Godfre : "and what am I supposed to do," and I said,
"Ask the God in you, yes sabe¡". Often I have heard that I said that with such power that his own human side simply dissolved and stepped back, pulling the medium. Well, it did, but what you that I was experiencing at that moment suppose? I want you to know both activities, because, my dear people, there's not one of you who can not experience the same today!
"Speeches" I AM "Amado David Lloyd", p.23, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
Mystical, mysterious, occult
All Ascended Masters have told them so far in the past centuries, what was considered mysterious, mystical or occult is not mystical today. It's merely your own life that is getting into more action! still do not feel it necessary or will be, but greatly surprised if we showed them how mysticism, occultism and all those things that seemed so mysterious were imposed upon humanity. We did not, but the concepts of humanity itself. The same people, through certain individuals, coated this great Action Life with mystery because they did not know where the Individualized Presence "I AM" or how their energy was discharged.
That's what makes a mysterious thing. If you know your source, if you do not know what is what they are driving, then it is a mysterious thing, is not it? Realize this! From the smallest to the largest, nothing is mysterious when you understand what it is and how it works. Remember, you can not do anything in the world unless his own life acting; and his own "presence" gives up his life and Infinite Power.
Through attention to your own large presence of life, you can attract intense and always-on-expansion fullness of life to act within their bodies, as well as in its eighth human activity. This is where it is needed. Life already has full control up here (pointing to the "presence" above).
I rejoice greatly for two big surprises that will manifest for you in the near future, and which have a lot to do with what I am saying today. Will they try all feel that they can not breathe, you can not move a finger unless the power of your Mighty I AM Presence "is acting and allowing them to do? They can not even think a thought!
Today we clear the table about the power of their own liberation acting right here; and make a determination with all power and activity of his "presence", not to accept longer any jarring appearance in the external flooded.
Ascended Master El Morya "Light of the Ascended Masters" Vol.2, p.53, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
A great numbness has taken place in the activity of students of occultism in the last forty years, because many in external groups (and some in the Internal) did not receive the visible manifestations and expressions they wanted. The primary reason is -such which is claimed in Unveiled Mysteries-that many activities of the old order of occultist world are being transcended, and what transcends becomes obsolete for further use.
This may produce a shudder and cause a stir by some students of occultism, so up to me to capture this stir and consume; but that does not change the truth.
Or dispensing cycle requiring the secret of occultism is ending, and we do not need more of that activity. There was so much fear in the old content activity and progress of the era, it was such that required tighter secrecy concerning certain phases of law-and still, there were some who turned and used it badly.
In the use of the Rays of Light, you have the power to reveal without danger of using wrong because everything the Light and the figure of Christ shows to anyone, it is a blessing and service of Light and Love.
Light reveals only that for which the individual is ready,  and any other ideas concerning this is only the imagination of the outer activity of the mind, and is not the Truth from the "Mighty I AM Presence." Light only recognizes Perfection, and not at all concerned with the senseless external activity.
To the extent that students adhere increasingly to the activity of the "Mighty I AM Presence"  will have to  express increasingly perfection.
Add that consciously put into the radiation of this Great Star of Love, jarring every thing in his consciousness and world. Be aware that each individual or collective jarring activity is captured in the embrace of this magical splendor until all jarring activity is deleted and consumed. Whenever the thought of such activity come to mind, know that it is being consumed and not have to repeat it.
Give your attention and adoration of the "Star Secret Love" and the Ascended Masters, as they find it impossible not to get an answer ... always!
Often the feeling of a band or something tight around the forehead is a cap Light Golden Crystal. It is put on the head of an individual to maintain sustained some activity of Splendor from his own "Mighty I AM Presence." At some point in the very expansion of the Light of each and every one, this is always done.
"Mighty I AM Presence" Creator and precipitator of all manifestation! We give you thanks and praise for Magna Your Law Invincible is now full and complete operation in the consciousness of these, Your Messengers, and everyone is feeling the full importance of this. Keep everyone in the Great Embrace Your until the full conscious use of your love, your wisdom and power!
Ascended Master Saint Germain "La Voz del YO SOY" Vol.1, p.95, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


Mighty Victory also known as the High Master of Venus and embodies the divine quality of victorious accomplishment for the Cosmos. It has offered to transfer this Divine Virtue to our emotional world, as long as we ask you to. This helps overcome our human limitations, to solve our daily problems, and contribute to the Plan of the Great White Brotherhood.
It is therefore a cosmic being. Victory was the Master who repealed the Occult Law in 1931 and was one of the Great Cosmic Beings who came to attend the Earth in their struggle to subdue the destructive forces.
Grand Master of Planet Venus (one of the Kumaras). On the night of December 31 to January 1, 1931, accompanied by other Masters he descended from Venus, to assist Earth and humanity.
As the name suggests, radiates an extraordinary power of Victorious accomplishment, never having known failure for hundreds of thousands of centuries of manifestation. It is remarkably beautiful, has a magnificent garden and has begged we go to visit him. Tonal your key is in the No.1 Beethoven Piano Concerto (particularly the last section) through this music you can hear and feel the song "My name is Victoria". Its Electronic Pattern is the 6-pointed star.
Every word uttered Ascended Masters is a "cup" of His pure Divine Energy, Light, substance, power and qualities. All are powerfully charged to help; Students to achieve victory for all invoked. Every speech has a strong radiation beloved Divine Victory; and to accept, obey and expand the blessings offered by this powerful Being, greater miracles, victories, wonders and blessings will manifest.
"Speeches" I AM "the Mighty Victory" Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
I would remind something, lest arises in your consciousness a feeling of resistance. There are some people who are so uninformed as to the Great hidden laws, they still think that the aforementioned Hidden Laws can not be changed. Who and what made those laws? Watch this carefully now, dear young people, as you do, you will never stumble! Who were the creators of these laws? Well, the Great Cosmic Beings. They see the need for change for humanity today. They see the need undressing by dissolving those Laws and concepts human consumption gradually the coated have. The old laws hidden in the world currently only contain approximately thirty-five percent of Purity and Reality with which they started.
Exactly the same thing happened to the Bible today. Because of its many translations, it is barely recognizable to be compared with what their reality was in the beginning. Everything suffers through translation because human opinions are always imposed on the original. The same applies to the Great Law. Great Cosmic Beings, seeing that things were getting to the point where the misinterpretation of humanity was endangering the very existence of individuals, then said: "It is necessary to change this." The Great Law of Life must be evidenced with great simplicity, so that people can understand. Law of the "Mighty I AM Presence" will remain, because it is eternal. This Saint Germain has revealed never change, because it is affirmed with clarity of consciousness of the Ascended Masters Law; and that is the reason. Cherish never any feeling towards the Messengers, when pronounced as dynamically on the purity of this teaching, when they stand as inexorably requests the Ascended Beings have formed; when they meet the current needs of humanity.
Beloved Master Bob "La Voz" I AM "Vol.3, pag.219, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
Therefore, I say, dear students and friends, who at the beginning of this work and the first visit of the Messengers to Royal Tetons, when abrogate the old hidden laws of Earth to not operate anymore, I knew what I was talking; and that Fiat has been issued and will always remain in action on this Earth, ignoring all human opinion to the contrary.
Well, my beloved, understand this: you can go to India; They may make contact with these Masters; They may pay thousands of dollars to go there and return; and when they return, they will have to apply the law on their own, if they are to achieve something. Law already have today before it without paying a penny, and I am very grateful to see so many students are downloading a tremendous gratitude for this Magna Truth; because you can have everything that any teacher can give them in this great application of the law, and it comes to you as a free gift of love.
All that is required of you is to make your call to the presence of life upon you, and feel that this is there. They do not have to have faith, but to make your application, your faith will be unlimited. In all that IES has given, if you lend ear to falsehood and discord, and if this disturbs and diverts, then the blame will be yours. We can not help if that's what you want to do, but if you take advantage of his presence with strong determination and resolution, then have all possible assistance, and proof that your presence of life will give them, will convince the most skeptical .. . but they have to want it more than anything in the universe! They have to want the Light by the Light itself! If you are looking for the light, My beloved, because their pockets are empty, they all activity in reverse.
Mighty Victory "Voice of" I AM "Vol.4, p.46, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
Remember now, dear students, the great Lord Cosmos tell them, and passed the time when he would pray for humanity. Humans must choose voluntarily if they want to advance the Liberation of Light, or remain subject to limitations. Never ceases to amaze, to peer into the world, the degree to which humanity has crystallized into their own ideas in which he has lived for so long which humans never change the external manifestations. As for this great light that the beloved Saint Germain has shown, people have said. "No one can change the hidden laws for the Earth" Tell me why not! Who made to start? Just think about that for a minute!
Wisdom that produced the laws of eighty thousand or a hundred thousand years ago, brought to the attention of humanity upon the request of the time. To the extent that the vibratory action of the Earth progresses, humanity must also advance -¡de the same way that you change the decor and colors in their homes! As your understanding increases the requirements concerning also the great laws have been changed, not its fundamental principle and activity, but in its application and results for humanity.
Today, they are bringing to mankind the greatest understanding of life and the laws of life ever known to man. Understanding your "Mighty I AM Presence" in this picture is correct, giving them a visual image and the Trinity of action within its own human form, which makes you the Master, the Victorious over all conditions of energy loaded into and through your body-and whether by you or other order; as the Higher Mental Body Governor His is the power that controls the functions of your body. You physically make no attempt to govern these functions unless the body mismatch. Then see, My beloved, how these laws have provided Great as Great Wisdom, and if you do not interfere with her,
The Mighty Cuzco "Voice of" I AM "Vol.5, p.168, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
We want you to be free from all the old ideas, of all things that seem mystical or unusual. Life is great, momentous but perfectly natural! Even in the things we do from the perspective of our unlimited power, all Life is still only acting -in an Octave where no imperfection; but where you still require the perfecting process, then to the extent that invoke from this Power Presence of Light, it is because you require here. We who have been willing to provide this service to Earth and you, we feel it is wonderful to see welcome you. Consider it!
Oh, her beloved Saint Germain! Can, for a moment, feel His wonderful feeling and praise to you who have been so loyal and steadfast to the light of his own "I AM Presence" and their calls? This is enabling this service can be provided for so long tried to pay; and only when the messengers came forward, it has produced fruit or permanence.
Great Divine Director "The Voice of the I AM" Vol.6, p.51, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
(January 1953)
All major world religions and activities, ancient and modern movements have been inspired by a member of the Great White Brotherhood in cooperation with a spiritually sensitive individual bedridden at the time of the beginning The evolution of individual Divine ego from childhood to maturity spiritual, it is the underlying purpose of all life experience. The Great White Brotherhood is the spiritual representative of the will of God for planet Earth, and through its members provides the stimulus to the Divine development for the planet and its people, by downloading tremendous cosmic forces deliberately targeted and sustained in lower atmosphere where the incarnated man unfolds.
Race evolves, the kind of spiritual strength requires changes and growth of nature stations provide natural conditions that are of greater benefit to his prolific expression. You can download these great cosmic Poured regarded as the execution of a universal symphony, every religion or activity with representing a chord or passage in the great all members.
In order to provide channels for the discharge of these rhythmic pulsations, from the beginning of time the Masters have inspired the founding of the various religions and types of worship, always designing ceremonial and beliefs about the spiritual requirements of the time.
Master chooses the currents of life that, by nature and inclination, are the most appropriate to direct the spiritual forces of that particular world time, to become radiating centers through which can flow the Cosmic Forces designated to bless race . This force is absorbed by the souls of men, and when enough of that element is provided, a new center of vital forces prepared a new religion is instituted, and a different kind of lifestream is given the opportunity to becoming director of worldwide blessing.
So, every religion and belief is a rhythmic part of the Great Symphony, but it is unfortunate that while teachers work in perfect harmony, dispensers and containers of your life force are often unable to recognize the unity of purpose behind the Universal Canto major chords. If the notes and themes in our musical compositions were not willing to give way to the subsequent chords, we would experience the same discords in the musical expression that man has experienced because of religious discrimination, intolerance and misunderstanding.
Teachers musicians, to go all the chords at the scene of present spiritual endeavor, constantly working towards mixing different scores in a harmonious whole; and the people of Earth, which is only a part of the Great Universal Canto, would do well to emulate them in their individual lives.
In modern times, Kuthumi and El Morya teachers were the pioneers, from the higher octaves that succeeded in piercing the veil of human ignorance and convince certain amount of humans about the existence of fact these Elder Brothers of the race, using the finada Madame Blavatsky as the nozzle.
However, not enough people become aware of the living presence of these Masters; it is necessary that he realizes that these Emancipated Beings self-dedicated to the redemption of mankind through the awakening of individual conscience, which will bring freedom from all kinds of human limitation including disease, poverty, wars and other have, finally to the very death.
Educational Activities
As in all educational activities, it is logical to assume that there must be cooperation between the student and the teacher. The old adage that "God helps those who help themselves" is true in this instance, and when the man gets the privilege to show you the God's Divine Plan for the Earth and humanity, it would be sensible from enroll him under the lábaro of these great benefactors and thus help promote the expeditious development not only of themselves but of the entire planet and its inhabitants.
Master Jesus said the following to His disciples nearly two thousand years ago: "I have yet many things to say, but now not can bear." * Apparently the Masters of Wisdom considered (by revelation) that the current man is what mature enough to "withstand" the Cosmic Truth that will allow you to boldly advance through the door of knowledge and enlightenment, and enter the Gloria and Liberation of the prophesied Golden Age, dawn which is now illuminating the horizon this dark world.
Therefore, it is time that, in itself, is not enough to accept the existence of the Masters of Wisdom; It is not enough to gratify the emotional nature reading and re-reading his words; It is not sufficient to invoke the light to dispel the darkness of human ignorance. THE NEED TIME TO APPLY is has been taught not only in recent years but also over the past centuries. THE NEED TIME is to develop latent powers of man in order to establish direct contact and awareness with these Divine Instructors. THE NEED OF THE HOUR is that man is self-acquainted with the current activities of the Great White Brotherhood. THE NEED OF THE HOUR is that every man becomes internally,
Satisfying this requirement is the service that the bridge has come to lend. 
* John 16:12
Ascended Master El Morya "Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - El Morya" Vol.1, p.47, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
Theosophy EARLIEST
In the early days of Theosophy, when Kuthumi and I strive to interest the Western mind in the activities of the higher octaves, we spent much of the energy that we assigned the Law on producing paranormal phenomena through Madame Blavatsky. While we obtained certain results, the final achievement showed no balance for the tremendous amount of concentrated energy that had invested in hasty letters chelas, etc. Therefore, in this new endeavor, we also have benefited from past experience, and we are now more cautious in investing our own energy, so as to achieve the most good before achieving full manifestation of this endeavor .
Through our Beloved Saint Germain, developing awareness of the student body opens another door to our cause, and discharge energy of students through Decree contributes to our energy reserves dedicated. I hope that you understand more fully what I'm saying tonight, because every gram of energy that give them -even now that I'm talking to their hearts individuales- I invest in their current life, and take it out of this Cosmic Dispensation. If not bear fruit by some balance in service of his own life, he is lost and consequently, the less energy is available for the global cause. I hope that capture my point!
I do not say this to give them a sense of responsibility too, but if you wish you realize that our partnership with humanity is primarily to advance the cause of world liberation; and the investment of our energy in the service potential of their individual and collective action to advance the Divine Plan of God, lives used in an effort to eliminate human veil between Eighth Heaven and eighth of the Earth, where souls of the immortal God Beings they have been imprisoned for countless centuries.
Dear friends, I thank you for your presence in this universe. I am grateful to me standing at the door of the Halls of Karma when each of you will be called and given the opportunity to play; and each of you be there, I had the privilege and honor to stand up as a sponsor of his life. This is one reason why you have been able to feel my vibration. I'm his godfather in every sense of the word, and, as Padrino, I am responsible for their spiritual welfare.
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - El Morya" Vol.1, p.58, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
(From dictations)
It is undoubtedly a pleasure and a privilege for me to be allowed to shake hands through the veil, and I am especially grateful to you for the many lives that have devoted themselves to the Light. Not just in this short span of its existence that you have chosen to separate from the masses, to face the ridicule of the outer mind, and mix Lahti voluntary energies of their beings to release the divine life. It was after was their names have been written in the Book of Eternal Life. Can you feel, then, the gratitude of the Hierarchy for that service? I think so!
I make coming to light, and drew within range of My presence blessings of Sanat Kumara, on whose behalf you have chosen to present to the consciousness of the people the reality of the Hierarchy, without which this Earth to do while you had been forgotten, the electrons that make up the universe had been returned, and the souls that depend on it for their existence had been extinguished like candles in the wind.
Magnificent city -this Havana of you! Have you thought about why certain sites on the surface of this earth attract many souls around them, while others, perhaps equally desirable, do not grow at the city level? It is due to past momentums during which ingrown current life, facing God revealed powerful sources of vital energy in those places through prayer, devotion, service; and created that amorphous vital essence a rhythmic pulsation of the Sacred Fire, which has within itself a mystical power that attracts the souls of men, in the same way that the flame attracts moths, so that, bathed in of the Sacred Fire, the sustenance of the spiritual centers of the soul can externalize faster Divine Master.
During the period of the great culture Atlante, the mighty Archangel Zadkiel focused here Fire Summoning within the aura of this city, and the priests and priestesses of this Order, revealing that Sacred Fire were able to use the power of alchemy divine to change the quality of life energy to light shade of disease harmony, happiness and depression. You who have returned to this island, were in the Brotherhood, and the momentum is theirs, have chosen to serve souls of this great metropolis.
The force field created by their cooperative efforts gave the primal impetus for my new endeavor. And the energy charge in a battery magnetizes machinery also makes the momentum of energy attracted by a cooperative group of chelas built over many years, until it can be used by a member of the Hierarchy to introduce a new cause or endeavor, by which we can drive the wedge of the Divine Will and pattern of the universe into the consciousness of men.
Among all the qualities of the Masters of Wisdom, you will find the highest gratitude both on the lips and in the hearts, and that we only live to serve, and can serve only where we are accepted. How can a Hierarchy direct the progress of a race, unless it can reach consciousness and outer minds of the lifestreams who are in distress? Unless there is a bridge, no link, no connection on which our plan, our board, our words, our current efforts to reach the intellect of the personal.
What would be in the twentieth century, when new conditions have emerged from the fertile ground of maya, to repeat the words I said a hundred years ago? If a child is crossing a street and a truck is approaching, this is a current crisis requires the energies of the present moment, if you will have to avoid a tragedy. Nothing would run the chela home and read the Upanishads to determine what is expected to do in an emergency. In other words, current activities require current emergency methods and not the accumulated wisdom of the past.
Two thousand years have passed since the Master Jesus was given the opportunity to speak. The words he said then fell mostly on deaf ears. The Piscean Cycle was born and has almost reached its end, and it is only now that humanity chooses the word free, relevant at the beginning of that cycle. The nineteenth century came and went. Indeed, we speak freely about the then law, and those words are immortal; but the twentieth century has its own emergency-their own opportunities- and advice hundred years ago is not relevant to efforts to occupy the energies of the Brotherhood right now.
It was to throw a bridge over the -to gulf save the gulf between now and then- requesting a dispensation, an opportunity through which I could empeñarme to convince some old friends from the heart about that we are able to speak, able Divine Intelligence, and we are not doing a head stand merit karma to the tune of a celestial harvest, while the planet is nearing its end time. Our service would undoubtedly vain to life if we were not aware of the cosmic effort to make this planet a star of light.
Every hundred years in the cycle of two thousand years, the Great Lords of Karma give a dispensation of energy to the Spiritual Hierarchy, and Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya and the Mahá Chohán, in council decide how best to invest this energy. Search the souls of men, they study the conditions on Earth, face the requirements of the Cosmic Law, and then jointly designate a worthwhile cause, which presented the Brotherhood in full. It is given opportunity to various members of the Brotherhood, and these members then call around to chelas like you. They show the pattern and plan, and ask the chelas whether to cooperate to bring to the realization that plan in the world of form. You have participated in many of such councils.
At inner levels, everything looks very easy. No there reluctantly flesh, not clouded mind, no resistance of multiple bodies; only joy, Christ gifts to give the world free. It is easy to volunteer before incarnating, and for that reason, the Great Initiator in person carefully examines each volunteer before giving the opportunity to serve the brothers in the world of form, as the enthusiasm and zeal are not alike Constancia or hundreds of thousands of centuries of rhythmic and selfless service.
Initiations of the Holy Family
You have heard of the initiation of the beloved Mother Mary, when he offered to bring forth the body of the Master Jesus. He stood there for three hours before the Lord Maitreya trying to hold the shape pattern of Helios, while the great cosmic winds blew over that pattern. They blew into his mind and feelings, trying to take the concentration and all forces in the atmosphere around it (run by the Brothers in person) tried to steal the attention of your senses, which at that moment would have been let go of the way, and she had been removed from the list of possible candidates. After receiving the blessing of the Lord Maitreya, she came to Earth and, for every year of life and ministry of Jesus had to go through the same test to hold the Immaculate Concept to appearances in the world of form. Three hours at the foot of Calvary were no more intense or terrible than the hours spent proving his worth.
And when Jesus reached maturity and could hold the concept itself, he had eyes that were forced to contemplate lepers bodies and all kinds of decomposition, all of which were recorded in its pure image had not been for the custody of the love of Mary constantly he trimmed, trimmed of your attention and senses, the world of appearances, helping him to magnify the image of the Father -the which he played externalize in the flesh.
Also Joseph (our now great and beloved Saint Germain) was chosen to be an external pattern Father of Light, so that Jesus saw it, could project in its own way, the elegant beauty of Joseph, until he had matured enough to remember your mission and anchor their own thoughts and feelings in a representation of the divine image of God, which would externalize to be victorious in their achievement.
I hope you excuse my digression from the main point, which is the discharge of this energy in each cycle a hundred years.
From 1400 until the beginning of the seventeenth century, this impersonal energy was assigned primarily to Saint Germain to reveal a new land, or bringing the remembrance of a new land to the minds of the people of Europe, and to encourage the detached and brave spirits advance; in this new land and create a cradle in which the spiritual effort which will flourish in the Age of Ray ceremonially could be brought into manifestation. You will see that the vital energies flowing through Columbus and other explorers were the higher than those of their own people. They were men, women and ordinary children who, against all reason and human consideration, left their homes and security to face an uncertain course, a sea without maps, to carve the moors and to himself a nation,
even consider it for a moment, here you are, and see that more pressure was human beings that led, as a cosmic wind, comfort deprivation.
Who among you, at this time, with only the clothes they wear, would come through that door leaving your home, your safety and your family, to follow the fleeting sky of a human being, bound by their own karma, which it represented as a possibility, not a fact?
Target men are always swept by the cosmic mind of the Holy Spirit, despite themselves. It has always been like this.
In the early nineteenth century, after setting a focus on the Western Hemisphere, our beloved Lord Maitreya quoted the group chohans (of which I am a humble member) to be brought to his presence, and said: "Gentlemen, it is now time to bring a knowledge of the Hierarchy to the minds of men. it is time that teachers, who have focused their attention on East entering Western consciousness. " Then, with that nice, convincing, eloquent and magnificent that has Maitreya, outlined what is now known as Theosophy.
He told us how certain currents of life could embody, and then those of us who were close to these people could cross the veil and ingrown chelas could open the door to an understanding of our presence, our particular service and our willingness and desire to cooperate with anyone who accepted our friendship, our questionable intelligence, and our ability to advise, not for personal credit or the karma of merit that would result from their trust in us.
You were present at that meeting. I will cite to participate. Why? Well, because for many ages, inside and outside the body, we have built an affinity, and considered that inside they could not refuse when they heard my name, so that when you feel the pressure of my being, knew my reality.
Blavatsky was there, like Leadbeater, Judge and Sinnett-all the names that you know so well, and many more-many more perhaps better qualified than the crude and rude woman r stepped forward and said, "Teacher, I I will go and be that wedge. "Burda of mind and body, spirit, soul and personality was her. And all the finest and most delicate instruments not volunteered, we will gladly accept those that were offered because, as you know, in the service of the Brotherhood not we are allowed to use drastic measures. To use a phrase from the military service of you, we can not say. "" There, you'll represent me. "The most we can say is," Can you represent me? "Of the many thousands of lifestreams qualified, perhaps ten are willing to offer voluntary; and of those ten, maybe two are fully qualified; and then sifting and arrangement and prayer and hope is given until we have prepared a soul, perhaps, whose sole purpose and will be focused on our cause; and on that individual Our hope is balanced.
That was how the initial commitment of Theosophy was born. The Lords of Karma gave us some energy to use, which the currents of life had not earned; and thus Kuthumi, Mahá Chohán and I strive to use that energy in the best way possible. We were then offered to the Blavatsky and the founders to supplement their own faith and wisdom. Many nights we sat and chatted about how to confirm the appointment of it - you might say and everyone knows the outcome of our efforts. We unloaded the use of her powers-all precipitation and paranormal phenomena to satisfy all the senses to convince the reluctant consciousness of the external man, and we spent much of our energy allocated to literally do cartwheels, in an effort to achieve faith and cooperation of those who lived to serve. Hundreds of letters were written you -Tons of logical records were invested in our correspondence, and all we get at least a manageable knowledge of the Law and the Hierarchy, available to those members of the race who chose, from time to time, honoring opening the pages of our books and examining the fruits of our labors-and so that cycle came to an end.
the twentieth century dawned and again the council met Lord Maitreya. Again energies to help mankind to achieve a workable knowledge of the Law and the Hierarchy were offered. This time we decided that would not be paranormal phenomena, but radiation and feeling what you would get for us brothers and sisters willing to be us in the world of form, and the best of my abilities I supported the Master Saint Germain in their efforts to bring people an understanding of the law.
We are pleased and blessed, because in this century was not only available knowledge of the law but also the method by which students could contribute their energies to the amount allocated to us by the Karmic Board, which has given us more to work with. It is an unalterable fact, beloved hearts, that for every breath that you download from their bodies, they receive another in their lungs. The instant refuse to give encouragement to the universe, advocating hold in their bodies, they begin destroying their way, and soon ensue death. Likewise, the energy discharged by the chela in impersonal service life brings a return of energy from above in terms of additional knowledge, further understanding, healing a momentum, a momentum supply;
To appear before the Karmic Board and offer me to use my life to talk with you energy, the first thing the Karmic Board would ask would be: "What benefit will bring the universe investing your advice Your light is too precious to be projected only to the amusement of mankind, and if you invest in humans and there no interest in your investment, you will make karma for them because of their indolence and indifference.
Ha! Do not go to believe that I have not sat down and considered fully before giving birth to My people on Earth! Do not go to believe that I have not seen that light flow, taking the words of my brothers, without praying to the God who made us all someone on Earth take out of this one-of blessing so that we did not have to appear before the Tribunal impersonal, the Karmic Board, and hear them say, "Brothers, his zeal exceeded their wisdom." That has happened to me more than once, since I am a fiery soul with a fiery faith in men; and yet, without that faith, his unfortunate planet could not be sustained in our bright solar system.
I will not punish your patience telling them about the cause of Sanat Kumara because it is an issue that shakes my soul.
There would be no Earth, there would be no platform for his feet, nor air to breathe, would not have loved ones who enrich their personal orbits -of not been for a being self-sacrificed for millions of years, precious hearts, to do for you and for humanity what they should be doing for themselves misinos. Harmonious remain sufficiently so that the energy from its presence poured light instead of shadows, does not seem to be an exaggerated application. The decree of the universe is that each planet emits light. Contemplate the stars at night. Contemplate all obedient to the Universal Law, except Earth entire galaxy. Clara is that you can not scan the Earth because they are too close to achieve a perspective of it, but I can,
For millions of years, Sanat Kumara has emitted light so that this planet could be held in the system, while mass of humanity has played in the shadows. Again and again the great Court Karmic called him, and said: "Great Lord of Life, did not want to go home?" And again and again he replied: "No, I'll stay." Now, the Great Cosmic law has issued fiat that He must return to Venus, and that is why all our efforts to reach more souls who are willing to contribute with light -Be willing to be bearers of light, and willing to apply the torch flame to smoking firebrands in the consciousness of the masses, in order to make this planet a fiery star in the firmament release.
To this end we have renounced Nirvana. To this end I am in the heart of the Will of God. Hopefully some of you will give ear to my prayer, which some of you remember your vows-that some of you are faithful to him until the end, when they will receive on their shoulders the white robes of immortality, and I, holding her hands, I can say, "Come, child of Heaven, I welcome you home."
I bless you and thank you.
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Sanat Kumara", p.104, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
My beloved brother Morya and I have worked since the early nineteenth century to reach the conscience of humanity. You are all familiar with our efforts through the Theosophical Society -a which we bless forever for giving an intellectual knowledge of the Masters as many people in the Western world. We are also grateful extremely Mrs. (Alice A. Bailey) and all those other chelas to continue with our instructions by which the consciousness of people who yearn receive could be achieved, are nevertheless prevented from removing from their own hearts instruction higher than necessary at this time.
There is no way that the Great White Brotherhood can reach the outer consciousness of humanity on Earth, except through some members of the human race who still wear robes of flesh, who are still part of the substance of the Earth. It is necessary for us to use their lips, their bodies, their conscience, conviction and faith of his emotional world, clarity of reception of their mental bodies, to convey to the masses the Pattern and Plan for the New Age. You can quickly understand that the greatest single service that can pay is to purify and harmonize their own vehicles and give us freedom through you to, through the power of radiation, reaching humanity.
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Kuthumi - Lanto - Confucius", p.66, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
DIVINE PLAN imparting 
(January 1954)
Beloveds, I would bring to mind some of the efforts in which a particular group of the Celestial Hierarchy has invested its energies -including thinking and fully stockpiled momentum of Love, Wisdom and Power of each of its constituents, who has earned the right to active membership under the lábaro the Lord of the World by reversing the primordial substance of His life in the Cosmic accumulated effort through thought, feeling and action.
Every intelligence requesting the First Universal Cause the use of life, and who is given a flow of that stream of life energy, begins to create a personal legacy at the time when the first electron is placed under the care free will of the individual. For all ages, the spiritual heritage-which becomes wisdom, understanding, faith, beauty and other qualities Divinas- and for many, while personal inheritance of karma that must be expiated is built is built while coming on their journey through life, until your debt is paid. You can quickly achieve this atonement through knowledge of the use of the Sacred Fire in Your purifying activity, as well as merit earned through service to the cause of good. The great guardians of the race developed -through the power of vision internally monitor the construction of the spiritual heritage of souls evolve, which becomes the glorious aura of the Causal Body; and, from time to time, the currents -escogidas life due to the cumulative deposit well- given the opportunity to become part of the purpose and cause is the advancement of the Divine Plan for the planet and its evolutions. These individuals, who have developed some skill in some constructive aspects, greatly accelerate their own evolution if they accept the opportunity to serve when it is offered to him by the Karmic Board by Sanat Kumara in person or by their representatives.
However, when choosing individuals, teachers are fully aware that the cumulative deposit well in the Causal Body of which are putting their faith and hope, it will often counterbalanced by karma destructively generated that personality has not atoned - either through suffering or through grace-and this condition often proves to be a decision factor in its continued usefulness to the cause. If you have enough love to be willing to expiate his karma and serve at the same time according to the great spiritual strength and momentum of their current life-which makes his victory a possibility, but not a fact preordained due to the free will-then pass successfully through the great initiation of self-denial. Nevertheless,
When an individual or group reaches a certain point of development and at the same time gives a cosmic moment in the history and evolution of a planet or system, the governing board of the Spiritual Hierarchy presented to potential servers the Plan, the vision and part-individually or collectively each as part of the group- can have on the world stage.
In the same way that a sensible director handpicked members of his cast, also the director of the cosmic stage carefully designates who can effectively advance the Divine Plan through the world of form. Then, voluntarily, the individual soul or ego may accept or reject the opportunity to serve, although he is fully aware that by your service can achieve their own liberation Eterna.
You will recall that there was some amount of currents of life that might have rendered a tremendous service to the Master Jesus, and there was an amount that could have rendered a similar service to the Lord Buddha -and they did. But given that the Law of the Brotherhood can never force anyone to become part of an impersonal cause, often the individual who provides volunteer will have only minimal momentum required against one hundred individuals with a maximum capacity who refused opportunity.
It is a serious and solemn meeting when the Hierarchy presents a plan that would like externalizing, a group of free spirits operating in the happiest etheric or Mental Superior Body means. The first part of the activity is beautiful, inspiring and uplifting, because the powers Masters, at inner levels, projected on the cosmic screen Your Plan developed, showing the magnificent achievements by which an entire race receive, perhaps using electricity, airplane, eliminating certain calls "incurable" and many other racial benefits.
At this time, they are presented every disembodied who have been selected by the Guardian Silent as able to understand this vision and carry it out through the veil of birth. All that, over many ages, have earned merit, say gallons of work well done, enjoy the show and are filled with the enthusiasm of the sponsor; but then, as each individual professing a willingness to be part of this cause is on, he is forced to search their own Karma which is presented as a barrier or wall between it and the embodiment of its part, and here many get out of the list of volunteers, leaving only the boldest, strongest or the most loving,
Many times the weight of karma is such that work can not be carried out according to its best manifested, and this was particularly evident before the understanding of the use of the Sacred Fire of Forgiveness and Mercy is apparent made to the external consciousness, and even now is expedient that individuals realize that those who are with their hands taken by the Masters, striving to externalize the Divine Plan, however bear the weight of their own karma ', and although they can not be our fulfillment incarnate at least they are the ones who volunteered to strive to spread our word and our vision, so manifest the glory of the Inner Light, having seen the weight of his own karma and having settled voluntarily on his shoulders before attempting the task .For everyone who has accepted the mission, there are a thousand who perhaps were better qualified to perform the service, who refused to accept responsibility.
Understanding and tolerance of this sacrifice which was, to an extent, what the beloved Buddha when he referred to his own tremendous efforts to sanctify their life-stream is the constant service of the workers in the vineyard with one hand help their neighbors, and the other cleared their own worlds of mud and build ages. How well the Universal Well established two hands, one for individual development and another for the impersonal service! If any of these wanes, the spiritual body Master is incomplete.
I have observed over the last hundred and fifty years the commitment of the Act by bringing understanding the people of Earth, the reality of the existence of the Hierarchy. In fact we are now in the third phase of this unique endeavor. In this, some of you have had a role once; other, twice, although some have touched the edge pawn three times.
When early in the nineteenth century, the Cosmic Law drew the attention of the Hierarchy to the need to bring external consciousness! of men and women to the fact of itself existence of the Masters, we proceeded through a series of conferences and councils to design ways and means of bringing the living presence of these Masters to accepting people on Earth - particularly in the Western Hemisphere, where vital energy that would enact action were incorporated into the embodied souls. The East, which has accepted the universal presence of the Saints for so long, was intended to transfer Western Hemisphere spiritual currents and impulses which has guarded for ages; and it was imperative before this spiritual activity took place,
Therefore, Blavatsky, Leadbeater Olcott, Besant and Judge were among the thousands whose glorious Causal Bodies indicated that they were ready and able to provide this service. The few who accepted the opportunity initially formed the core of the Theosophical Society and, with their own bodies, broke through the veil of materialism, thus forming wedge opening through which the interest of students in the Act life was oriented towards the various members of the Brotherhood, who, until then, do not laugh even intellectually accepted as holders of existence without mentioning intelligence or individuality.
Poured through the Theosophical Society came primarily through the Ray of Wisdom, and many were the hours of the days and nights I sat together with El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis and Saint Germain, and pour through Blavatsky's mind wisdom she wrote in the Secret Doctrine the Voice of Isis and other books, many of which are still kept secret retreats of the Masters.
We strive to incorporate in the books as much of the truth as I could understand, the same truth that is contained in the Vedas of India, in the Upanishads, and the same Truth joins is in all the secret writings that have come down as heritage man, many of which are guarded in Tibet and China, and the various retreats of the Brotherhood worldwide. Still, our good instrument was accused of plagiarism, but it will always be so wherever that truth is revealed because they always have had a previous revelation, and subsequent revelations essentially be confirmations of eternal truths, regardless of the fact that its exponents they are accused of merely copying the older teachings.
The amount of energy that Cosmic Law has assigned us in that century was spent in translating the wisdom of the ages in those documents, while members of the Society except for few exceptions contributed little or nothing of their own energies to expiate the karma of the race to help the souls of men to return to the Law for investment balance our energies, staying content with confining its energies to an interest in new knowledge.
Once we had exhausted much energy as it allowed us the law, we had to close that book of wisdom and wait for new poured the turn of the century.
It was then that the Master Saint Germain decided to attract the Ray of Power and made preparations to form another group of dedicated current life, stimulate their interest in the Masters, and attach the new cooperative effort with the application through which -of impersonally, in a group or individual activity energy that we give to the twentieth century it could spread over a greater range, and bring us greater Dispensation of the Karmic Board to achieve sensitive spirits by discharging energy in invocation and decree.
A moment of contemplation allow them to see that in order to complete a cycle, we had to have the activity of Divine Love, the three plumes of flame One, the completion of the project one and it is regrettable that, as always, through human representatives, each plume of flame One is forced to maintain a separate existence, although it is a recognized truth that even the Deity-the very heart of what should be triple Universal- to express the perfect balance and Master's degree.
For those who have a good look for the thread of truth beneath the intricately woven, it will be clear that wisdom and intelligent understanding in mind, which was so evident in the early and diligent Theosophists, was muffled in the second activity, putting the emphasis on the Flame of Power, and that our efforts now to attract the Light of Truth from both-and balance it by loving-harmony also faces the danger of deteriorating if our followers insist on working exclusively on the Ray of Love without application and without understanding. Blessed chelas who wish to serve with us need to practice to attract, shape and expand the primordial essence of life, calling it by Divine Wisdom, Power and Love in Action.
If I could show them the design of the Lord Maitreya for large ceremonial activities of the future in which wealth and wisdom of those early spiritual endeavors would be incorporated, would give great joy to their hearts, so I will strive to do so as soon as possible. I would like to see that the energy balance for dispensations with which we help the race, is through the application of students for the advancement of the progress of the race as a whole, and that the wisdom that comes with understanding will allow each individual to become that triple Divine Nature of Love, Wisdom, Power and itself.
We are pleased to say that in the middle of the twentieth century, the Cosmic Law has given us more energy than we had at the beginning of the second activity, due to the energy discharged through the student body; and this allows us to do in a century which otherwise would have taken many have not given this download.
To the extent that the dynamics proper application of separate individuals and collective student body have been incorporated into approximately fifteen years of the first fifty, you will see how we can accelerate -in the next fifty- progress of the planet in four or five centuries, which explains the change in the year of implementation in accordance with our original forecasts as they were revealed in the early days of the original Theosophical Society.
If fifteen years can give us back a balance hundred years full of energy, over the next fifty or sixty years we should see tremendous strides in the evolution of the race. However, unfortunately the tendency of human beings, when they are released from the individual and collective efforts, is swinging to the other side of the pendulum, but we believe that an understanding of the whole picture should keep every soul centered both receive and give the pure essence of life so that individual development is not neglected in the corporate service or corporate service for everything to be neglected on individual effort.
Trusting that this explanation may be of interest to the diligent student, and bless each for the gift of his life for the perfection of all, I am your friend, your counselor and comforter.
Activity in the removal of Pallas Athena and Hilarion, located on the island of Crete (active from October 15 to November 14, 1953) was surprising. Hilarion particular experiences (as Paul), being so fixed in the minds and consciences of Christians, they offered a great opportunity to Holy Christ Self of each member of the race to reach the outer mind of the lower self. The flash of enlightenment and understanding that transformed the tyrant and aggressor in the follower and Apostle, is merely a precursor of instant enlightenment can be achieved in a cosmic measure, for thousands of ordinary life, when we have instruments strong enough to feed them, balance them and hold them in the middle of the path after this awakening. Nothing would have served this service prior to such preparatory development for the benefit of those of you who will be our hands, our hearts and lips as they awaken the spirit in a man and then not sustain their enthusiasm would be more damaging to let it sleep little more. Some have slept for millions of years, but when the race wake up this time, no longer a dream of the soul. Such is the Divine Decree, and those of us here and those of you out there are working together now to the big day. Therefore, do not neglect your personal application and its Called demanding the release of all life, as their attention to these obligations is what determines the value of their service.
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Mahá Chohán", p.93, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
(Plume Dorado of Wisdom, the Blue Plume Power, the Penacho Rose of Love) 
(Instruction amado Mahá Chohán read from the podium in Philadelphia on November 8, 1953, in which it is said that the Penacho Rosa Love is "the Bridge to Freedom".)
The newly explain the perfectly ordered sequence of three large downloads of Light and Love of the Masters to the people of Earth in the last hundred years, the amado Mahá Chohán said the following, essentially:
Just like that you know, every hundred years to the Great Ones in charge of a planet, as well as lighting and lift its people are given a quota of Substance-Luz, which is energy- to use to advance their plans the "star" in particular. In the nineteenth century, who were in charge of our planet used their quota for that century to highlight {and work through) the great Theosophical Society, which did much to make the real Masters before the mind and world Westerners. It was much that was achieved, which greatly facilitated their post bringing greater acceptance by the Western mind both in Europe and America activities. Actually, this was part of God's great plan to redeem the Earth and its peoples, and it was unloading Plume DORADO WISDOM,
In the twentieth century, in 1930 the great Beings returned to invest their energies through Mr. Guy Ballard, to begin to show and set the "I AM Activity" and group activities from about 1935 to 1950 returned that energy through songs, decrees and various group activities worldwide. This was the discharge of PLUME BLUE POWER, a quality which, not being balanced by the love and wisdom, could not continue to do its perfect work.
The current NEW EMPEÑO (Activity The Bridge to Freedom) has been revealed as the activity of PENACHO ROSA LOVE, and should be carefully guarded and always supported by the wisdom and power, so that it can remain as Love divine, and not by the ideas of the external mind of the above "love" atolle, or become a silly sentimentality. Thus we see how the thread of truth running through these three activities, and "time and harvest" fa prove authenticity and Divine effect of this new endeavor.
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Mahá Chohán" pag.227, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama
First, I had to find a place on the surface of the Earth that was sufficiently free of etheric records, so that the conscience of humanity was not too coated with tremendous records of blood, anxieties and fears of the past. America was a place. Then I had to find individuals whose conscience could reach by any means that I could generate-individuals who would believe in Mi- whose consciences were so receptive enough to receive my vibration and share my vision. This was not very difficult as had many friends you were among them, all of you here present. I tried hard to contact these individuals, first, through the good offices of Helena Blavatsky and others.
I then presented the problem of how to quickly benefit the race. One day, while I was in the Heart of Silence, the beloved Archangel Zadkiel and the great Elohim Arcturus I got the idea of ​​training people in the Power of Invocation, in the power of magnetization, and the Power of Conscious Decrees. That day was the happiest day in my service as Chohan, because I knew what would be achieved through individual and collective efforts, accelerate the evolution of the Earth in terms of millions of years. The establishment of groups of people on the planet's surface that could create "force fields" to discharge its energy by Decrees, becoming magnetic centers to attract Angels, Devas and the powers of God, became my goal . These centers would be irradiating the few through whom the blessings of God could expand into the mental and emotional worlds of humanity. That became my next endeavor. these groups were formed, Decrees patterns were established, and some understanding of the spiritual law of "I AM Presence" entered the consciousness of people.
Then, the beloved Mahá Chohán and El Morya appeared before me with the opportunity to expand understanding of a few, who could feel my vibration, and who would be willing to cross the abyss of reason and enter a new world. Each of you has crossed over the bridge that chasm of faith, and has become a creator of "force fields", which are magnetic currents attracting the presence of the Ascended Host and spiritual radiation from above. I could spend a month just talking about the "force fields".
"Journal of The Bridge to Freedom - Saint Germain" Vol.2, p.14, Serapis Bey Editores SA Panama


The following organizations were founded by the White Brotherhood Hidden under the Law for the expansion of education in the West.


The Theosophical Society 1875

Founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry Olcott, William Judge. It was the first activity in the West discharged by the Ascended Masters, specifically by the Masters Morya and Koot The Hoomi. After the death of Blavatsky, the organization continued under the direction of Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater.
1) HP Blavatsky (Protégée Ascended Master Morya) 
2) Henry Steel Olcott 
3) William Quan Judge (Disciple Ascended Master Morya) 
4) AP Sinnett 
5) Annie Besant (Protégée Ascended Master Morya) 
6 ) Charles W. Leadbeater (Disciple of Ascended Master Kuthumi) 
7) Krishnamurti (disciple of Lord Maitreya)
3 Objectives:
1- To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.
2 -To promote the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
3 To investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.
Teaching of the Theosophical Society:


I AM Presence

Founded by Max Heindel (1909-1911). Disciple of Saint Germain Ascended Master who inspired most of his books, which contain the teaching given by Theosophy but in a greater degree of evolution and clean the entire eastern terminology.

Concerning the origin of the Rosicrucian Fellowship

Although the word "Rosicrucian" is used by several organizations, the Rosicrucian Fellowship (The Rosicrucian Fellowship) has no connection with any of them.
In the years 1907-1908, after being tested on the sincerity of intention and unselfish desire to help his fellow man, Max Heindel was selected by the Brothers of the Rosa Cruz to publicly disclose the Western Wisdom Teachings and prepare to humanity for the coming age of Universal Brotherhood. Through intense self-discipline and devotion to the service, he achieved the status of Lego Brother (Initiate) in the exalted Rosicrucian Order.
Under the direction of the Brothers of the Rosa Cruz, spiritual giants of the human race, Max Heindel wrote The COSMO, a major book, which has now become, in occult book most important text of the Western World . Through his own spiritual development, he was able to verify much of what was given in COSMO as well as to acquire additional knowledge that was later incorporated into his many books.
Teaching Rosicrucian Fellowship

Arcane School (1923)

I AM Presence
Founded by Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949) to publicize the Teachings of Master Djwhal Khul (The Tibetan). This teaching is the continuation Esotérica Teaching given by Theosophy. Ascended Master Kuthumi disciple.

autobiography of Alice A. Bailey Inconclusa:

One day he came Richard Prater, former associate of WQ Judge and a pupil of HP Blavatsky, and the next week brought all that made his course on the Secret Doctrine. In one of the papers received, HPB expressed her wish that the esoteric section is called Arcane School. This had never been done, so I decided to fulfill the wish of the venerable lady and give the school name.
The basic instruction given in the Arcane School is the same as that given to the disciples through the ages. Therefore, if the Arcane School is successful, you will not have a large number of members in this century. Those who are prepared to be educated in spiritual laws that govern the disciples are rare to find, although we expect the number to increase. Arcane School is not an entity for probationers disciples. It is meant to be a training school for those who can act directly and consciously under the direction of the Masters of Wisdom. There are many schools for probationers who perform noble, great and necessary work in the world today.
That's why Acana School is nonpolitical and nonsectarian and deeply international in its thinking. His keynote is service. Its members belong to any sect and political party, and work on them whenever they remember that all paths lead to God and that the welfare of humanity governs all their thoughts. First of all, this school will teach it to the student that the souls of men are one.
I would also add, that belief in the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet is scientifically teach it, not as a doctrine but as an existent and demonstrable kingdom in nature. We have had too much church teaching about the kingdom of God and the kingdom of souls. These terms are equivalent to the phrase used above, the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet.
In this school the occult obedience involves no obedience to me, another leader of the school, nor any human being develops. Neither requires nor any students or staff membership oath of obligation to any individual requests. However, they were quickly teach it to obey the dictates of his own soul. As the voice of the soul intensifies and becomes familiar, eventually they will become members of the kingdom of God and will be brought to Christ.
We tell students that if the School succeeds in deepening their spiritual life, broaden their horizons and increase their mental perception to them to work in the church, society, organization or group home or community that fate has brought them. For this we have active students who are members of various theosophical organizations, each is considered one true; There are also students belonging to four different groups of Rosicrucians and members of the Catholic and Protestant church, the Christian Science and the Unity and all known organizations with a spiritual or religious base. We accept others who do not have any belief but are willing to accept a hypothesis and test its validity.
One of the most interesting developments occurred at school, it has been the constant stiff entrance requirements. Were increasingly numerous rejections focused exclusively on the emotional level and emphasizing the need to have some focus and development of the mind, to provide more advanced training in higher grades. As the years pass and the world's needs are more urgent, also increased, paralleling need of trained disciples. The world must be saved by those who possess intelligence and love, aspiration and good intentions are not enough. (Ibid, p 141-70..);
Arcane School Teaching
Agni Yoga (1924)
I AM Presence
Founded by Helena Roerich (1879 - 1955) Disciple Ascended Master El Morya who conducted all his books.
Agni Yoga is an ancient discipline that has known over time as the Yoga of Fire and heart, teaching or teaching Synthesis of Living Ethics for the New Age. 

Teaching was jealously guarded in Central Asia and Trans-Himalayan regions. It was reorganized and modernly exposed for the preparation and transformation of the New Age by Helena and Nicolás Roerich and made public in March 1924 in New York City. 

The Agni Yoga deals with the fiery transmutation of all energy centers or chakras through the influence of a teacher, avoiding the use of mechanical means for its development.

The Agni Yoga provides that spiritual development is achieved through our work in everyday life, using all the learning opportunities we face in our passing through life, path to the Infinite. 

Teaching represents the world as rich, joyous and attractive and provides wings to humanity to open the path to Infinity. 
Arcane School Teaching


dispensations given by the Karmic Tribunal for the New Era


ACTIVITY "I AM" ( "I AM" Activity) (1930)

Guy W. Ballard
Authorized Messenger 
1) Guy Ballard, he was the one who received the dictates of the Masters (Disciple of Ascended Master Saint Germain) 
2) Edna Ballard 
3) Donald Ballard
Designated messengers 
1) William J. Cassiere (Brother Bill) 
2) Paul Stickels 
3) Mrs. Bliss 
4) Mr. Ferguson 
5) Mrs. Ferguson 
6) Dr. Maxwell 
7) Earl Thomas 
First Dispensation



I AM Presence
1) Geraldine Innocente (Twin Ray Ascended Master El Morya)
Organization chart "The Bridge to Freedom" THE "BRIDGE TO FREEDOM" (Starting on April 18, 1953) (Source: Alice Schutz)
Executive Board members
Geraldine Innocente: President, Twin Ray El Morya, was born on 29.03.1916 
Frances Ekey: Manager and Distributor for Literature, was born on 05.27.1899 
Mary Mineta: Leader of the New York Sanctuary 
Roger Ancona: Twin ray Kwan Yin, Kuthumi field Messenger was born on 04/01/1905 
Earle Fellows 
Charles Krick: Legal Counselor 
Carson Miller: Paid Music 
Luise Kieninger: Executive Secretary 
Mary Innocente (Mother of Geraldine Innocente), Compiler manuscript books, Twin Ray Moises / Lord Ling 
Lucy Littlejohn: Private Secretary, Serapis Bey Twin Ray
Other Officers:
Alice Schutz, Field Representative and Secretary of "Thomas Printz Private Bulletin," Twin Ray Djwal Kul, was born on 04.10.1905 
FC Pita, Managing Editor 
Marguerite Dahm: Field Representative for Germany
Other members who were twins rays Ascended:
Julia Campos: Twin Ray Kuthumi 
Frances Farrar: Twin Ray John the Amado 
Lita Henning: Twin Ray Casimiro Poseidon 
Shirley Hart: Twin Ray Fun Wey 
Vera Lisle (Team Leader): Twin ray Lanto
They were 10 directors and 19 Sanctuary Group Leaders working for 1953.
Gustavo Innocente (Father of Geraldine) was listed as a member of the "Order of Loyalty"
"The Initiations of the First Ray" (MTPJ)

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