
29 de octubre de 2017

The monster will be crushed before Nov. 4th and the US Republic will be restored

Compiled 12:01 am EDT 29 Oct. 2017 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret,CEO, Child Abuse; Author, "Twenty Two Faces," 

1. Our Sources were now on lock down.

2. Currently there are ongoing final protocol system tests being done in preparation for an imminent release

3. The US Military were on standby.

4. Keep watch for the 800#'s.

Mentions JFK, Cabal, GCR, Chinese Elders (1:05, 1:10, 1:24).

1. We may see the GCR as soon as next week.

2. The military White Hats have been running this country.

3. The new US currency and coins, backed by gold, have been minted on an Indian Reservation in Reno Nevada.

4. The Cabal been abusing this country since 1871.

5. The Federal Reserve is privately owned.

6. This next week will be historic. The monster will be crushed before Nov. 4th and the US Republic will be restored.

1. Another controversial video from Abel Danger that mentions the GCR, Prosperity Packages (1 hr. 13 min.)

2. He says the GCR is happening now, mentions Iraq (1:13-1:17).

3. He talks about gold backed currency reset at at any minute (1:18).

D. Oct. 27 2017 TNT RayRen98:

1. Look at where we were this year, compared to earlier years at this time: we had more info in print from banks in the US and Iraq, people were being paid in Iraq and the citizen Qi cards (with new Dinar rates on them) were being used here and in other countries.

2. Iraq was openly telling their citizens that they were changing the value of their currency and they would have more purchasing power.

E. Oct. 28 2017 10:24 am EDT: Ten more elite pedophiles exposed:(Video) 10 More Famous Men Exposed After the Harvey Weinstein Scandal

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I. Oct. 27 2017 9:29 pm EDT CIA, JFK & Bombing Miami & Wash. D.C.:JFK Documents Reveal CIA had the Idea to Bomb Miami and Washington D.C.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Oct. 29, 2017

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of Oct. 29 2017

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