
25 de octubre de 2017

Something Very Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?

Are we on the verge of stunning, public announcements that will change everything we thought we knew?
In 2009, we began providing direct insider leaks from "The Alliance". Everything they told us is now coming true.
The 4Chan insider from our last article is "singing like a songbird" and we will summarize the newest intel in this article.
If what we are hearing is true, Wikileaks is on the verge of dropping a much more damning set of information than October 2016 -- literally at any moment.
This would then set the stage for a much larger announcement that will directly expose the ugly secrets of the FBI, CIA and Fed for the last 60 years.
The Vegas mass shooting may well have been a desperate attempt to distract the public from these impending, epic geopolitical developments.
We have every reason to believe that this collection of data provides signposts that a very big announcement may lead to a defeat of the Cabal.
[UPDATE: Many have reported ridiculous hacks happening, particularly for Part Four. Try a different browser or use an Ipad or Iphone if you have it.]
[UPDATE II: A tragic event occurred to one of David's top insiders just a half hour after posting this. We are very glad he is alive. Read at the end of Part Four.]

Just to briefly review what we discussed, the Vegas mass shooting was almost certainly not the work of a "lone gunman" with no clear motive.
Instead, there were multiple signatures of this being orchestrated by a powerful international organization we have been calling "the Cabal".
Las Vegas is just 13 miles from Nellis AFB, which is enormous -- and less than three hours from Groom Lake, site of the infamous Area 51.
Multiple insiders have revealed that there are secret elevators in these casinos, leading to underground shuttles that take you to these very bases.
Certain individuals will have "cover jobs" working at casinos while they actually hold jobs requiring a security clearance at the same time.
He may well have been a black-ops employee involved in smuggling weapons, drugs and / or humans, making tons of cash, and was then set up as a patsy.

Although this may cause fear, anxiety and paranoia, we need to look at this head-on if we ever want this global nightmare to stop.
The international alliance opposing the Cabal is very real, and the most recent events have made that clearer than ever, as we will again discuss.
Information can release fear and inspire confidence. The Cabal is on its last legs. Everyone knows the truth. They are the proverbial wounded lion lashing out.
Her testimony was that gunners on the ground were shooting from both directions, as she and other survivors ran back and forth trying to avoid them.

Yes, she did have pre-existing health conditions, but the timing of 28-year-old Kymberly Suchomel's death is extremely suspicious.
There are multiple classified technologies, some satellite-based, that can be used to nudge someone over the edge if they already have health problems.
This could be as simple as a carefully-targeted microwave beam while someone is lying motionless during sleep.
A sinister group like this would not have killed Kymberly Suchomel if they were winning the game, and successfully controlling the narrative.
Instead, this is another act of extreme desperation that allows us to reach a solution much faster than would otherwise be possible.
As you read in the previous article, we had already been warned not to single out any of the witnesses of multiple shooters for this very same reason.

This event featured symbolic and numerical clues that were left behind much in the style of a classic serial killer -- but on a corporate-sized level.
The hotel name Mandalay may be a reference to a mandala -- an organized pattern that carries a deeper spiritual meaning.
Senior management of the hotel's parent company, MGM, conducted a mass sell-off of stock just weeks before -- all at 33 dollars a share.
The beloved American rock / country icon Tom Petty died almost simultaneously as the timing of this tragic event, with no easily conclusive explanation.
"Stephen" means Crown and "Paddock" is an enclosure for farm animals. Names often have symbolic codes in them when dealing with events like this.
The shooter's name may hint at how the Cabal (Crown) had their victims gathered in a paddock-type enclosure, and wants to turn us all into their slaves.
The massacre occurred directly in front of a pyramid, sphinx and obelisk. The pyramid has a glowing "Illuminati" capstone that beams up into space.

The movie Mars Attacks (1996) featured an ET-driven massacre in the exact same spot, where the key to defeating the ETs was playing country music.
The movie The Hangover (2009) opens up with a helicopter shot of the exact corner and floor of the hotel where the shooting occurred.

The song at this moment says "Got a number 13 tattooed on my neck," just like we saw in the photo of the killer that the media released.
Notice also that an Egyptian-styled obelisk appears at the right-hand side of the frame.
These types of clues are not random. Psychopaths in the Cabal love it if they can construct something with this many tie-ins to previous visible markers.
Furthermore, it is even possible that an event of this nature had been planned years ago and held onto "for a rainy day," as these people might say.
This is absolute, written proof that Stephen Paddock did not act alone. At the very least, several others were aware of what he was going to do.
The insider revealed the deeper purpose of this assault would be to have body scanners put in place for just about everything.

Multiple eyewitness reports reveal several ground-based shooters as well as shooters stationed in other hotels besides just Mandalay Bay.
The taxicab driver film that has been so widely circulated in countless YouTube videos shows irrefutable proof of gunshots from more than one location.
The concert area where the Route 91 Harvest took place undoubtedly has extensive security cameras, as do the hotels themselves.
Multiple workers have said the Vegas casinos have the most advanced security systems in the world.
Cheaters might only move their thumb a fraction of an inch to pull out a concealed card. If they do, the casinos want to have a precise recording of it.
Yet, not one piece of surveillance footage has been released, either from inside or outside the Mandalay Bay hotel.

Our 4Chan insider said the Cabal planned on releasing tactical bits of information to the public depending upon how much of a mass awakening occurred.
Any piece of information they released would be intended to try to satisfy the "conspiracy theories" with supposedly plausible explanations.
This prediction turned into visible reality with the story of a security guard who was apparently shot by the assassin from his room.
The name of this all-important, mainstream-media-approved public witness is Jesus Campos.
This again is an in-your-face symbolic reference encoded into a name -- even more obviously than "Stephen Paddock."

The Cabal has a highly derogatory view of the demographic that would listen to country music, particularly after the 2016 election.
The movie Jesus Camp (2006) features an extremely embarrassing and incriminating portayal of a fundamentalist Christian summer camp for kids.
[Notice also that the letter P in "Camp" is a stylized Tubal Cain symbol. We go into detail about this symbol halfway down Part Two of the article linked here.]

The Jesus Camp film includes a scene where the children stretch out their hands in prayer towards a life-sized portrait of George W. Bush.
Notice also that the girl in the center of the image is holding out her arm in a fashion very similar to a Hitler-style Nazi salute.

Carefully notice that the girl may also have a green All-Seeing Eye-type symbol on her T-shirt, complete with yellow beams coming off of it.
This symbol appears to be hiding in there even if the design could also be written off as something else.
Either way, Jesus Camp was a very clear attempt to mock and dehumanize the Christian Right. 
This then encourages those on the left to see them as brainwashed zombies, drunk on the religious opiate of the masses.
This softens the leftists up and is intended to make them more comfortable with these people losing their freedoms and even being killed.
We are seeing the classic "divide and conquer" strategy the elites have used to get us to turn against one another, instead of realizing our common oppressors.
The stylized letter P in the title may be one "signature" the Cabal left behind to tip off their members about their involvement in the making of the film.
The Tubal Cain symbol is central to the Cabal's religion, which is essentially the exact opposite of Christianity, as we will review in Part Two.

Jesus Campos is a real person, with that being his real name.
He may also have been deliberately manipulated into that deadly position -- by the same employers who sold off their MGM stock before the event.
That's right -- "Jesus returned... on a talk show."

Ellen wore an odd, military-style black uniform with six buttons along the sleeves. Jesus was led by the hand and guided on exactly what to say.
He also made it clear that he would not be giving any other interivews.

The days during which he was missing could well have involved a "sit-down" where he was given lethal threats for everyone he loves if he did not play along.
The official narrative on the timing of these events has already changed three different times.

This is important enough for us to pull a long quote from the Daily Mail article. It clearly reveals how Campos' union boss witnessed the beginning of the threats:
10/19: Mandalay Owners Insisted Jesus Campos Only Appear on Ellen, Fearing Massive Lawsuits
‘MGM was behind the decision to call off all the interviews and did a deal with Ellen, knowing she would not play hardball on the timeline as long as she had the exclusive,’ a TV insider told
Campos had originally agreed to do five interviews, all on Thursday last week, but suddenly went missing, his union boss, who was helping set up the deal, told in an exclusive interview.
David Hickey, president of the Michigan-based International Union, Security Police and Fire Professionals of America, would not confirm that MGM was behind the decision, but said the company certainly influenced Campos.

‘I was in a meeting with MGM’s upper management and they were definitely concerned about how tough someone like Hannity would be on him and they voiced their opinions,’ Hickey said.
He said all sides had agreed parameters for the interviews. ‘Everyone knew he wasn’t to talk about security protocols, staffing or training or give out names of employees.’
But he said the company — that, like most of Vegas’s casino industry, obsessively controls what employees are allowed to say to the media — was pressuring Campos not to give too much away.
‘I thought they were being negative, telling him that someone was going to be tough and how they were worried about his health.
[DW: This is a classic Mafia-style threat. Just imagine Marlon Brando saying he is "worried about your health" in his Godfather voice.]
It wasn’t the thing he needed to hear four hours before the interviews were going to begin.’

Hickey said he met with the MGM executives at a location in Las Vegas where Campos was staying.
They met in the living room but he wanted a word with some of the management team in private, so they went into the bedroom.
When they returned, Campos had gone, and Hickey said he hasn’t seen or heard from him since.
The next thing he knew, the security official had bailed on the five interviews.
Then he learned on Monday that instead of appearing on a news show, he would go on Ellen....

When he went through his recollection of the night, [Ellen] did not press him to clarify some of the lingering questions about the official timeline —
Such as whether he or hotel officials delayed calling police for six minutes after he was shot.
If that version is proven to be true, it could open MGM to massive costs from lawsuits.

The level of threat that Campos experienced after he went missing may well have been far worse than what David Hickey, the union leader, had witnessed.
No surveillance footage of Campos' shooting has been provided up until now -- over three weeks later.
Nor have we seen any other footage inside or outside the hotel and the area itself.
Yep, that's right. The only "official" analysis of the worst mass shooting in American history... was on a famous comedian's talk show.
Another Cabal / MSM insult to the informed public.
Ellen could have been chosen for this role by design, to further agitate the Christian Right.
Ellen? Seriously? Since when did a comedian's talk show become a replacement for a full federal investigation?
It's Jesus Camp. They literally see us as no different as the people in the movie. Hence Jesus Campos' name was part of the "inside joke."
You can think this is all a "wild conspiracy theory," but the pieces all interconnect -- and it fits in perfectly with intel we have been leaking for many years.

The Cabal is in so much trouble on this one that they are hoping they can just ignore the whole thing and wait for everyone to forget about it.
The film Jason Bourne (2016) is a clear example of an Alliance production, revealing how Google was taken over by the CIA -- an "Alphabet" agency.
A dead-ringer lookalike for Google founder Sergey Brin is directly threatened by Tommy Lee Jones, as a top CIA don, in the movie.

Sergey Brin Wearing Google Glass

This profound censorship is part of why I put any analysis of this sort in writing, on a site that we pay almost a thousand a month to be very hard to hack.
Videos are just too vulnerable right now. It is so easy for the Cabal to take them down if you only have the resources to do one here and there.
We are not yet in a position to be able to chunk them out on a regular basis from home, and hopefully that will be changing fairly soon.
For now, I would rather just create material that allow others to make their own videos. [That does not include robo-voiced clone copies, which is plagiarism.]
Either way, this staged event was so badly botched that it could well be the burst of oxygen we need to bring down the whole house of cards.

Our previous article was chock-full of new intel on this situation, and reached almost a quarter-million views in just over a week thanks to your support.
It would be very helpful for you to read or review that article if you find this one interesting.
The Cabal has disturbing occult beliefs, and surprisingly comprehensive control over Western governments, corporations, militaries and media. 
This includes the "too big to fail" banks that stole some 29 trillion dollars under Bush and Obama -- enough to build entire civilizations from scratch.
They defend against exposure with deadly force. This is why you don't hear more from the insiders who are dedicated to fighting them.
Nonetheless, the defeat of the Cabal is well underway, thanks to a powerful international alliance comprising most of the world's nations.
Without our help in spreading the word, the Alliance's job would be much more difficult -- if not impossible.
Though key witnesses could be in danger, such as in the case of this shooting, there are far too many of us for the Cabal to harm the vast 99.9999% majority.
Up until now, our education on the truth has still been a voluntary process anyone can choose to ignore -- but that may soon be changing.

Since 2009, we have been getting direct briefings from an international alliance that is working at a high level to defeat this fearsome group.
This began with Pete Peterson, who had Alliance briefings in surveillance-free SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information Facility) "clean rooms".
He revealed that there has been a comprehensive plan for disclosure, mass arrests and a currency reset in place since at least the 1950s.
The US military will emerge from all of this in a surprisingly heroic capacity once the dust settles, and I applaud them for their ceaseless efforts.
Everything we thought we knew about wars will have to be fundamentally rewritten in the aftermath of a victory of this nature.
Some of the military and intelligence community is still held under sway by the Cabal, so we are dealing with a civil war within the US and abroad.
Life on earth will become like an epic thriller movie with a plot twist so stunning -- for most people -- that you will have to do a "life review" and rethink everything.
Those of us who are already doing that will be of key importance in helping others cope -- such as having them even want to get out of bed.

Part Four of our latest article featured very exciting testimony from an insider on 4Chan, going by the name "MegAnon."
This person appears to be working for the US intelligence community on the Alliance side, in at least a medium to medium-high-level capacity.
He apparently was part of a team that personally inspected the hotel room where the Vegas shootings took place, as one example.
In Part Three, we will reveal that this person appears to have been leaking intel he got from the FBI on 4Chan since at least July 2nd, 2016.
He gained quite a bit of recognition when the October 2016 Wikileaks disclosures matched perfectly with what he had telegraphed in July.
If his disclosures are true, we soon could see a major public statement from the Alliance that could absolutely expose and defeat the Cabal:
10/10: 4Chan Insider on "The Storm" Planned for Release Against the Cabal
It will be a literal “mic drop” on the world’s stage.
No one ever again will have the ability to question who’s responsible for, involved [in] coordinating, etc. ANYTHING that has ever happened and been considered a “conspiracy theory”, ever again....

Anonymous (ID: vy3Y5hFc) 10/06/17(Fri)17:35:26 No.144293569
I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s simply because I’m trying to convey the broadness and scope of what will be publicly disclosed.
My only point is that after it’s all over, no one will be able to turn away from the truth.
The masses will never again be able to claim with 100% certainty that 9/11 DIDN’T have inside, US-sponsored and funded, department/ agency coordination, allocated resources and assistance.
No one will EVER be able to NOT believe that our own f--ing agencies and departments and former admins. didn’t play a huge role in shit like JFK, OKC, 9/11, ISIS, Pizza, Vegas, etc.
They won’t be able to turn a blind eye to what they consider “conspiracy theories” today, simply because the MSM told them to.
The only thing that everyone will be able to agree on when it’s all said and done is that we’ve all been horrifically lied to on incomprehensible levels....

[There will be] 3 different disclosures…
A 3 letter (federal) agency
A 3 letter (central) department
And 3 letter (federally sanctioned) economic org.
[DW: It seems obvious that he is talking here about the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Reserve.]
Once you’re given the truth, the credibility and validity of all 3 will be erased for the last almost 60 years.

The US president may be one of the people to deliver this message, as this insider has repeatedly stated.
However, this is something that has been planned for decades before he ever ran for office.
As I always say, you may not like Trump the slightest bit -- and believe me, there are many things I am not happy with.
Nonetheless, no one can deny that there is an open, shooting war between this administration and the mainstream, corporate media.
Never before in US history have we seen anything like this. And the drama is only ratcheting up more and more as time goes on. 
If the media were truly independent and concerned with journalistic integrity, this could be an open-and-shut case of them exposing malfeasance.
However, they are widely seen as a propaganda mouthpiece for the elite, which is the reason they were already in a horrific collapse long before the 2016 election.

In American terms, this is predominantly a civil war between an occult, violent Cabal and a conservative element of the US military and intelligence community.
Many of these conservative elements believe they are literally fighting against an embodiment of the Devil -- "the adversary", as it is described in the Bible.
Most of them started out as foot-soldiers for the Cabal. They were taught to follow orders.
They also swore an oath that they would protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
The Cabal is so compartmentalized that many of its employees have no idea what they are really supporting.
People who are paid to attack journalists like me have undoubtedly been fed a raft of lies that are intended to make us look like scumbags.
I notice many people feeling disappointed that the Alliance does not line up more closely with their own projections of what heroism might be.

Trump is a very flawed human being, and I do not believe for a minute that the Cabal ever expected him to actually win the 2016 election.
Never in a million years would I have thought I would even partially defend this man... believe me.
However, I do feel that we should have an open mind about the possibility that the Alliance was able to gain the upper hand in this administration after his victory.
Simply put: He's already in there now. We are hearing very, very interesting things about what his team is planning to do.
If their plans for disclosure are really true, and they emerge into the public eye, that is a very exciting thing that could save us from far worse disasters.
Everyone who works in this arena has dirt on them. A person with compromising personal details can still choose to step up and become a hero.
Let's not forget what former Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich, a man very aware of the truth, said this past February:

2/16: Leading Progressive Says Even Americans Who Hate Trump Should Defend Him Against Attempted Coup by the “Deep State”
Former liberal congressman and presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich said Tuesday:
"What’s at the core of this is an effort by some in the intelligence community to upend any positive relationship between the U.S. and Russia….
There are people trying to separate the U.S. and Russia so that this military industrial intel axis can cash in….
What’s going on in the intelligence community with this new president is unprecedented.
They’re making every effort trying to upend him."

Our 4Chan insider has continued "singing like a songbird" ever since we wrote the Vegas article. The amount of new information is voluminous.
It is very difficult to track information on a site like 4Chan, much less organize it, so as a public service we have done it for you in Parts Three and Four.
Before we get to that, it is important to fill in some additional details on the Cabal that you may not be aware of, even if you have "done your homework."

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