
14 de noviembre de 2017

4 EFTA countries forming had already voted in favor of adding Catalonia and all four had voted in favor. Independence was a reality!

If you do not have .... 

I just passed this. ANC: 

The European recognition already had. 

We were coming to join EFTA. 

4 EFTA countries forming had already voted in favor of adding Catalonia and all four had voted in favor. Independence was a reality! 

But this information also reached the Spanish government.

 The only way I had to stop doing this was that Catalonia does not qualify to enter EFTA countries. 

What could I do to avoid that Spain was now unstoppable? Then lower the productive wealth of Catalonia. How? Thus it is causing all the great Catalan companies move their headquarters outside Catalonia.

Spain managed to quickly target threatening the Catalan companies in a Catalan Republic if they wanted to sell their products in Spain should pay a tax of 30%. 

Both about high taxes caused that if they wanted to sell their products in Spain would have no profit, but only losses. 

Large companies that their market was not excluded from Spain, but exported their products abroad, they received a call from the King of Spain threatening and saying that he had very good diplomatic relations with the monarchs and leaders of the country and only with a call could block the entry of selling their products in the country where they made most of its sales.

In this way both dastardly, Spain managed to change thousands of companies based in Madrid and other Spanish communities. 

Leaving Catalonia with a GDP much lower than the current and causing the EFTA communicate that they could no longer accept their entry, they did not meet the conditions asked of him.

 The question that you will become all, is why Carles DUI Puigdemont not declared before all companies be? Well the reason is because the EFTA countries to accept as valid only DUI asked a condition that the Senate signed the execution of 155. Only then accept Spain as an oppressive state and only then accept the Catalan Republic as valid.

But the Spanish government also knew this and it was decided to extend this signature awaiting Senate 155 as long as necessary and so could not declare Catalonia DUI. 

What poblema had?Spain had the key to the box budgets, this means that Catalonia during this time that it took Spain to sign this 155 could not pay anything for their workers, officials, etc and this had provoked demonstrations, riots, disturbances and complaints people who did not charge. 

It would have been a total disaster. So without cash without European support, we remind you that it lost because of cowardice companies decided to move its headquarters outside Catalonia, the president Carles Puigdemont had only one option, hold elections. 

Si Brusselas has allowed 155 Rajoy apply on condition convene elections, it is because it has beentold that the majority is not Catalan independence. Now if the 21D comes a clear majority separatist Brussel'les should negotiate independence, can not let the world see that Europe is not democratic ......... 

Do not lose hope, most come out of decant the polls definitely the future. If we win there will be no more155, if we lose, we have 155 long. Please share. 



It is circulating a text about a possible entry of Catalonia to the EFTA it would have been rejected by the flight of businesses. It is also stated that if the 21-D is a clear majority in votes and seats, the EU will negotiate independence.

 It is completely false and EASILY testable 

1. there has been no vote to incorporate the EFTA Catalonia since it should first be an internationally recognized state, something that has not happened. We can not put a source of something that has not happened. 

2. While finances were tapped, this does not mean that officials and firms not charge (including Government officials being paid intervened). Audit of the accounts:

The Government pays to officials: 

3. If independence forces won the elections of 21-D, there is no guarantee that EU action in which has always been considered an internal matter (including stopping the Jordis). 

As we always say, you should just ignore the information coming from reliable sources and official channels. 

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