
15 de noviembre de 2017

The final battle Not being able to use the army, as it has always done, Spanish nationalism intuits that this last confrontation is decisive.

The elections of the 21D will be, according to the results, the final battle or one more step in the laborious and secular effort of the Catalan nation to configure itself as an independent State. Everything points to what will come first. The independence movement will vote en masse - whether it is a single list or several - and will achieve a considerable victory. Although the Spanish dictatorship of 155 has imposed autonomic elections, in reality, the consultation is equivalent to the referendum that the State always refused to do and, in the end, due to the harsh stupidity of its rulers, it has been forced to organize and guarantee wanting. The partition of the vote is clear: independence (Puigdemont / PDeCat, ERC and CUP), Unionism (PP, PSOE and C's) with the Commons in the middle and Albano Dante also, although more inclined to the independence movement. The hope of the Spaniards is that the result is a tie and that the Commons can decide. But it is a vain hope. The most likely is a loose independence (perhaps absolute votes), with the support of Dante Fachín and some Commons (or all) will consolidate the Catalan Republic that was born on the streets on October 1 and consecrated on 20 the Parlament.

Here my article from elMó entitled "las últimos coletazos", which reviews the battery of media that Spanish nationalism has put on the warpath to drown the Catalan independence movement: the EU, the King, the police and the Civil Guard, the courts of "justice", the media, the opposition parties (all), the government itself and its boss, that of bonuses. Not at all, because neither will manage to cover corruption or prevent an independence solution for Catalonia. Here, its Spanish version:

The last throes.
Unable to use the army, as he has always done, Spanish nationalism has decided to use all its other resources against Catalonia. All and in all its power because it senses that this last confrontation is decisive. If the 21D wins again the independence movement and does it comfortably, Spain will have entered the history as a memory.

The government has forced the intervention of the EU in its favor according to its corrupt customs, indirectly bribing its leaders with awards "Princess of Asturias, honorary doctorates in submissive Universities and similar gestures. And even then, he has only got hesitant support and the unconditional of the discredited Juncker

He has taken the King twice with a grim gesture and threatening verb. They have not cared to deepen the prestige of the Crown by linking it to an argument of part, of imposition and lack of dialogue, thanks to the umpteenth Bourbon, who, like all, is unable to distinguish between reigning and supporting a dictatorship or relying on it.

From the employment he has made of the police and the Civil Guard (a military corps) it is unnecessary to say anything. They have Catalonia under occupation by the forces of repression and are willing to use them without limit, as they demonstrated with the barbarism of October 1.

They have turned justice and courts into a belligerent judicial front that has folded into persecution procedures not only ideological and inquisitorial but immoral. This judicial activity, guided by a group of pedants of the extreme right at the orders of the vice president of the government, takes its hatred to Catalanism to the point of wanting to ruin the accused persons through confiscatory measures of tyrannical regimes. And that on the part of a government whose party has been financed illegally and their bosses (Rajoy and the such vice president) have benefited personally from it.

The audiovisual and printed media are all at the service of the central government, in a display of manipulation, censorship and concealment of reality, thanks to public financing (institutional advertising) administered with partisan criteria. They are not media, but propaganda centers of the government party to lie and criminalize Catalanism. The population can only be informed through some digital media and social networks.

They have all the political parties of the parliamentary arch, except for the "peripheral" nationalists, at their service. All willing to give a patina of legality to the arbitrariness and tyranny of a government that governs the country - not just Catalonia - on the margin and against the Constitution that claims to defend, by way of the "constitutional" dictatorship of art. 155. The support of the PP and C's comes naturally from their extreme right status; the one of the PSOE, of its social-democratic right-wing condition, with the push of a demand of the King to which Sanchez has submitted; that of Podemos, of his own incompetence.

The government itself is thoroughly employed in the policy of intimidation, abuse and arbitrariness in Catalonia, dismantling its institutions of self-government, drowning them economically, subjecting hundreds of public officials to judicial persecution and sheltering and tolerating the activity of fascist / Francoist bands (in which appear plainclothes police officers) to sow insecurity and fear in the streets of Catalonia. Its president, the man of bonuses, the political (and perhaps criminal) responsible for the Gürtel mafia is allowed to threaten the whole of the independence movement and the majority of the Catalan population. And also insulting the population of the State, by stating that politicians who lie should be disqualified while he has done nothing but lie since he is in politics and also, supposedly, to commit a crime already in the government.

The president of the bonuses says he does not have a "Plan B" in case of losing the elections of 21D, which is very likely because it does not appear that Box B, which does have, will come to defeat the independence movement. Aspire to give him to do it dirty (resorting to the pucherazo in the vote count). But he is not sure and why he lies again saying that he has no plan B. Of course he has it: indefinite application of the dictatorship of 155 until the Spanish bloc wins the elections, if the EU leaves.

Against all this, the independence movement has taken a giant step with the internationalization of the conflict and has won the battle of moral image and legitimacy with the exile of medio gober and the prison of the other medium, after the people of Catalonia offer a unique example of civility and dignity on October 1. It would be unforgivable, incomprehensible, literally cantankerous, that all this be lost by internal confrontations, ambitions and personal quarrels in the independence bloc.

We know all. Apart from the tactical issues of the lists, more or less understandable, the strategic objective can only be one and bring about the seamless unity of the independence bloc, even during the electoral campaign imposed by Spanish nationalism. The freedom of political prisoners and the freedom of Catalonia, which are the same, can only be achieved if the pro-independence parties speak with one voice, as did the people they represent 1/10, the authentic date of birth of the Catalan Republic .

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