
10 de noviembre de 2017

WHY Elites CORRUPT EU SUPPORT THE SUPPRESSION OF SPANISH GOVERNMENT (and the role of the Bank for International Settlements,)

As been warning for weeks, the popular rebellion that is taking place in Catalonia goes far beyond a war of flags, creating a new state or the establishment of a republic.

Throughout this article and especially in the second half will see it clearly, with the intervention of the shadow government that controls the EU: the  Bank for International Settlements , or central bank of central banks, serving elites EU and therefore, the Spanish government.
We have already indicated above.
Catalan people themselves involved in this popular uprising, nor is aware of what it means rebellion in the background and importance only on many levels.
Their struggle for independence Catalan, truffled of stellate flags and chanting, basically hides a rebellion against the interests of the most corrupt and criminal international financial elites, those who have spent decades working on the establishment of a New World Order character neo- feudalist.

An example of the self-organizing nature of this Catalan rebellion, we saw this Wednesday, November 8, when self-organized citizen committees (CDR or Committees for the Defense of the Republic), cut, roads and highways.

Girona at the station cut AVE tracks hundreds of people for hours, like in Barcelona Sants station ... and leave all the garbage collected had left and there was not a piece of paper on the floor.

An example of popular organization and self-respect as a collective, which terrifies the elites

Show we have in how all those dark powers have positioned themselves radically against the Catalan rebellion, fearing that the spark of a horizontal popular revolution and not directed by them, can turn other peoples and have ruined their plans.
If interested, these elites would cost them at all accept the creation of a new state within the EU and install the front leaders who serve their interests: Catalonia is full of agents serving the financial elites, willing to gladly serve them within the EU, without question.
However, the opposition of these financial elites to what happens in Catalonia is frontal.
And it is how it is occurring:  a popular rebellion and self-organized basis .
Look if not, in the reaction of the domes of the European Union (the main political body created by these elites to shape the global future), giving its full support for the fascist police repression of the Spanish government (including neo-Nazis and extreme groups right will do the dirty work) is a clear and diaphanous sample of what we are denouncing.
In fact, their direct support to totalitarian and fascist practices of the Spanish government against the Catalans, begin to awaken misgivings and protests in Europe.
This is what we found in a recent article in the Daily Express británcio ...
Catalonia crisis has exposed the "massive lack of democracy"  with the European Union (EU), with a growing number of critical voices on the actions of the European bloc.
Since the independence referendum held on October 1, interrupted by the Civil Guard and the National Police also fired rubber bullets into the crowd trying to vote, an increasing number of citizens has attacked EU leaders for its position on the matter.
European Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, have fully supported Spain saying it was a purely internal matter and could not get involved.

Juncker Tusk and laughing at the people and democracy

Rainer Bonhorst, former Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung correspondent in London and Washington, has criticized the EU for its  "massive lack of democracy" .
Bonhorst wrote: "The EU itself suffers from a massive lack of democracy;there is some logic in that Spaniards are within the European Union and the British soon be out of it. " 
"The Catalans protesters end up in jail and his boss, who has fled to Belgium, it is being sought with a European arrest warrant. Is this today 's Europe?¿Politically challenging imprison people for years? "
Bonhorst also argues that the EU wouldneed to  "experienced Democrats"  as the British and really should be Spain which is outside the European bloc.
"The Spaniards should voluntarily leave the European Union and the British should stop fooling with Brexit and stay inside. Therefore: Spexit instead of Brexit. The EU needs experienced Democrats. Europe can do without buffalo that assail against others. "
Bonhorst is among the growing number of critics who have attacked what they perceive as the complete lack of democracy in the EU institutions.
The EU has also been attacked by the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zajarova, who posted on his Facebook page: "Is this the Europe we want to talk about the referendum in Crimea and the defense of rights?"

As we say, the financial elites who control the European Union have positioned next to the brutal and fascist repression of the Spanish government against the Catalans for something: for fear of the revolt of the people who are able to organize themselves against the higher powers.
Then partially translate an article very revealing of Julian Rose, about the plans of these elites who dominate the EU and give their unconditional Rajoy support in their crushing of Catalan ... to see if they fall some blindfolds ...
Quietly, without most people realize, the European Commission is moving forward with a strategy that arguably make the EU the first fully operational model of centralized supranational authority, of "one state" :  "A new World Order " ;the long neoconservative ambition is at the heart of global agendas of secret societies and policies of US geopolitical hegemony.
The key ingredient of this strategy is the establishment of a  "Treasure of the EU" , according to Donald Tusk, President of the EU Council, will come into force in June 2018, with the official title of European Monetary Fund. This will lead to sole control of all the finances of the Member States of the EU.
The plan will involve a new leverage the power of the big banks to consolidate their influence and control over EU affairs.
Combining a  "Treasure of the EU"  and a consolidation of the banking power will be a big step in the  "amalgamation of everything" , which will be placed under the umbrella of a totalitarian superstate.
We are talking about the monetary policies of each country, the armed forces, police and intelligence services, all managed from a central unit from Brussels. Then more of the same, covering almost all areas of administrative control, which once were competence of individual countries.
The institution that is at the forefront of this grabbing power is the Bank for International Settlements, based in Basel, Switzerland, which has global reach and acts as a funnel for the acquisition and distribution of vast sums of money globally.
We speak Bank for International Settlements in Article  DISCOVER THE SECRET GROUP CONTROLLING THE WORLD AND NOBODY TALKS
The Bank for International Settlements is under the direction of control of approximately eight thousand managers of hedge funds or hedge funds (hedge funds) with a common ambition for world domination.
Report the World Bank and the IMF in the amount of money that should be available from year to year and cost parameters to be established.
Then the ladder of power, we find the central banks: the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve of the United States, the Bank of England, etc.
And below these, national governments are located and, by extension, other banking institutions in each country.
Thus, the government and national treasures are relegated to fourth position at the apex of the pyramid of power that controls most of our lives every day. The government, in too many cases, is only a tool for corporate ambitions.
Creating a treasury of the European Union will mean that a pan-European institution tax collection will have control over all Member States, replacing the already diluted role of national treasuries in managing economies of sovereign nation states.
Based in Brussels, have the power to raise a number of tax incomes of citizens of the Member States, one of whose aims will be funding a full military unification program (one  "single EU army" ).
A significant part of this process willinvolve the creation of an  "army of Eastern Europe" , to be known as “fuerzas de Europa Oriental”, para enfrentarse a Rusia y cuyo papel clave, será encargado a Polonia, que acaba de aumentar su presupuesto militar de defensa al 2,5% del PIB y ha aumentado en consecuencia el número de su personal militar.

Eurocorps this project has the strong support of Spain, a henchman country of international financial powers
They can translate the full article byclicking the following link:

Do you understand now what this is about and why the corrupt European Union, serving the most corrupt and criminal financial elite, give full support to the Spanish government in its repression of Catalan popular rebellion?
Read what they have read, why the European Commission and the European Council Juncker Tusk Better understand support the fascist repression in Spain?
The Spanish government is, quite simply, a puppet in the service of these dark and undemocratic elites who control the European Union government.
Therefore, entities such as the University of Salamanca will otrogan with the usual servility so typical of this Spain, a doctorate honoris causa to riffraff like Jean Claude Juncker and we have to see emetic images as hugging and kissing between him and Rajoy as this video of El País ...
Or endure insults to intelligence like Juncker, who is able to say  "warning of 'nationalist poisons' that impede work on the joint Europe" ... obviously that neo - Nazis and fascists with Spanish flags sticking beating innocent people by streets of Catalonia, is not  "nationalist poison" basically because that is a nationalism of obedient sheep with power as he or corrupt elites of the Spanish regime.

Therefore, before the Catalan popular rebellion, they have fallen all the masks of the regime and the EU itself and we have shown the stark reality that hid us.
Spain today is the society that these elites have always dreamed of building: so completely indoctrinated, fleecy and servile population, which is able to applaud the most savage police repression, while attacking full of hatred and with all his might that They are rebelling against their masters; a society that defends foam in the mouth the interests of corrupt and undemocratic elites who steal and pushed around (from the infected Royal Family, to corrupt mafias PP, PSOE and Citizen-Francoist neo) and considers as normal and justifiable thievery and corruption.
And if not, how is it that the most corrupt political party in the history of Europe, PP, remains the most votes in Spain despite the avalanche of evidence on its massive corruption?
Neither the Chinese experiment had reached such levels of success in mass indoctrination as they have achieved among the Spanish population. It is a brainwashing in modern history unprecedented, never before seen in the era of social networks and access to information on the Internet.
Therefore, these elites close ranks with the government of Rajoy henchman and provide support for their fascist and so hard that attack the Catalan popular rebellion, the seed potential for a global rebellion against them and their dark interests.
They can not tolerate that a people is organized horizontally by itself and disobeys the masters.
If tolerated once, the example will spread and its global plans would collapse.
And so, we must all join this Catalan rebellion immediately: the people against global criminal elite and is a unique opportunity to face them ...

If you want to know what kind of riffraff supports the Spanish government in its fascist repression of Catalan, just they have to do a brief review of the biography of characters as sinister as Jean Claude Juncker, the visible head of the Fourth Reich, now called the European Union.
For starters, this ally of the government of Spain has known raízes NAZI.
Father Jean-Claude Juncker fought for Hitler in World War II and his father was a Nazi sympathizer who persecuted the Jews in his native country.
In the country Juncker, Luxembourg, illegal wiretapping citizens are usual ... those are the democratic principles of Juncker and therefore supports the Spanish regime gag law and ideological persecution of true democrats.
Without naming institutionalized and widespread Luxembourg Juncker as head of corruption and therefore perfect Spanish friend corrupt regime ...
In addition, the Juncker himself has stated publicly that  "He was in favor of lying occasionally the population, that the commitments that are made within the EU meetings need to be protected from public scrutiny and monetary policy the euro zone should be discussed in secret discussions. "
This is your vision of the EU and democracy ... so, is it strange that an elite Nazi ally with the  Spanish fascism  and support the repression of Democrats who have rebelled in Catalonia?
All our complaints and warnings about the nature of each other in this Catalan rebellion are confirmed, one after another ...

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