, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : LETTER TO THE SUBJECTS OF THE KING




royal crown2
Does your country have a King?

Do you see it as something natural and logical?
Does not your existence bother you?
Do you consider yourself his subject?
Then let me tell you one thing: you are a LOWER human being.
You must know; you are inferior.
And not because who writes these words consider it that way, but because YOU consider it so.
I repeat it again: you are a LOWER being.
Now maybe you'll say I disrespect you. 
But at the end of the day you are the one who lacks respect for yourself, considering that someone has birth rights superior to yours.
You must ask yourself one thing:
Do you respect your parents?
You think so, right? 
Well the truth is that NO.
You do not have even the slightest consideration. 
In fact you despise them deeply.
Because by accepting that someone has birth rights superior to yours, you automatically consider yourself inferior to that person.
And since those rights superior to yours are "justified" via blood and genetics, you extend that pathetic and unfortunate lack of self-respect towards your parents, to whom, therefore, you also consider inferior beings like you.
This is how you dishonor your parents, dishonor your grandparents and dishonor all your ancestors until the beginning of time.
And you dishonor your children and all your future descendants.
You insult your own blood and your own genes, because you and only you have decided that they are inferior to those of other people.
Therefore, you are not only an inferior being, an esteemed subject of the king. 
You are also an unworthy and ungrateful human being towards those who have given you life.
But, do you know something? 
Your execrable grievance is not limited to yourself and your whole family.
Because by accepting that another human being, arbitrarily has more rights than you, to consider yourself inferior to him, you are offending the entire universe.
Yes, to the entire universe.
Because you are a set of biochemical molecules that through very complex physical mechanisms has become a living, thinking and conscious being that inhabits a piece of floating rock in the middle of the emptiness of the cosmos.
A real miracle.
Something so prodigious that words fall short to describe such wonder.
And you have decided to insult that miracle that the universe has given you considering yourself inferior to other sets of biochemical molecules.
Because if.
Without any logical reason; without any sense; without anything to justify such a vile act of betrayal of the natural mechanisms that have created you.
Such is your level of baseness.
I should be ashamed.
This writing is not about the figure of the Monarchy, nor about the establishment of a Republic.
We do not talk about constitutions, laws, politics, ideologies, or state models, because all these are superfluous elements, abstract, circumstantial and sometimes even absurd inventions.
This goes much further.
It speaks of what really makes sense and importance, of the essential: our nature as human beings, our dignity.
Our intrinsic sense as living beings and the meaning of our existence
It is about you, about every second of your life, about the value you give to each beat of your heart.
How can you tolerate someone having birth rights superior to yours?
How can you look in the mirror every morning while that happens?
How can you bear the grievance that represents for you, the grievance it represents for your parents, for your grandparents and for all your ancestors who trampled the earth before you?
How can you bear that your own children, grandchildren and descendants are born with fewer rights than the children of other people?
How can you tolerate an outrage of such magnitude towards the nature of the universe itself?
If you had a minimum of dignity as a human being, moreover, as a living being, every breath of air you breathe should burn you like fire for allowing such infamy.
But the worst are the implications of this despicable and creeping attitude.
Because if you do not respect yourself as a human being, if you do not respect your own blood or your own genes ... how can you expect respect from others?
And even more, what respect do you have for the people around you?
At the moment when you consider yourself inferior to others and incorporate that concept into your mind, you accept that any person is inferior to any other.
Whether it's the color of your skin, its origins, your social class or the money you have.
All reasons as arbitrary as granting rights superior to the member of a royal family, by the simple fact of being born out of a certain vagina, descend from this or that ancestor or carry this or that surname.
And with it you feel the logical bases that allow the existence of all social injustice, discrimination, racism and elitism.
Feel the foundations of all the evils that have plagued humanity throughout the centuries.
So, subject of the king, you are not only an inferior, unworthy and ungrateful being.
You are also toxic and harmful to yourself, to others and to the world.
An authentic obstacle to the mental and spiritual progress of the human species.
Because as I told you, this is not about Kings and Monarchy. 
It does not matter what name we give them. 
They can be kings, potentates, clerics, rulers, politicians, technocrats, whites, blacks, highs or lows ... the problem arises when you simply tolerate that someone born on this planet has more rights and privileges than you.
Thus, when your children do not have access to a "position" in life, when they do not have the possibility not even to fight for their dreams or to realize their vital projects as a result of their talent and effort, they barred their way through a thousand obstacles. , while others have the way clear only to be children of who they are, be ashamed of yourself if you accept it submissively.
Be ashamed!
Because then you are a bad father or a bad mother if you consent to such an outrage without rebelling.
It does not matter that you give your children a good education, that you give them a roof, comforts, a good diet or that you buy them a thousand whims.
You must not love or respect them at all if you allow this to happen in YOUR world.
They should not matter to you in the least if it seems normal, logical and correct that others have rights superior to yours since they are born and you do not rebel to the deepest of your bowels, if not remove until the last cell of your body, if not shake even the most recondite of your atoms.
Surely for Christmas or your birthday, you give gifts to your children, in the form of objects that sooner or later will be forgotten.
But do you want to make a real gift to your children?
A gift of truth, forever, from which you will never get bored or kept in the back of a closet?
Give them dignity.
Dignity as human beings.
The dignity of knowing and feeling what your rights are for the simple fact of having been born on this planet.
The dignity of never feeling inferior to anyone, whatever the circumstances of their lives.
Although that feeling of profound dignity will bring them an indelible rebellion towards all established "order".
That is the best gift you can give your children.
A legacy of respect and love for themselves, that they will know how to extend to their parents, their grandparents, their descendants and therefore to all the people around them.
A gift to make them fully aware that only inferior beings without dignity accept having kings.

This article was published on October 10, 2013 in Gazzetta del Apocalipsis

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