
1 de diciembre de 2017


We are making history together in terms of our universe and all the others too

 by Kathryn E. May.

Creator speaks:

"Okay, here we go. Take a deep breath and come with me. I have something to show you that will leave you breathless.

I want you to find a comfortable place to sit while you read this, where you can stay in meditation after following the trip with me. If that is not possible at this time, then we make an appointment to meet later in the day, and then I also go with you. There is no limit on my ability to meet you to reassure them and teach them. Just it depends on you call me.

Now, let's take a trip around the universe: the universe that is my home and yours. It is true that some of you have come from other Universes to be here with us for this monumental time. We are making history together in terms of our universe and all the others too. Let me tell you how this happened.

We are not the oldest genre of our Universe. There was another nearby universe that was in development when I arrived, that is, when I became the creation / son of UNO. A I was taught about the Creation to witness the construction of the Universe refer to as Omarrhan.

I could see how intricately beings, planets and stars are intertwined with each other, and I saw a small error on the part of the Creator could explode into chaos. Such an error could result in the need to dissolve the whole creation, scattering nothing trillions of years of effort and dedication of the Creator and his dedicated team.

It was the time when Omarrhan began experiencing problems and one encouraged me to start my own "Construction-Universo" and thus began the work of creation, which is my beloved universe.

I started with galaxies containing beautiful planets, stars of magnificent brightness and power, and large internal spaces filled with the essence of my love.

It was only after thousands of millions of years as measured by the time Earth began creating the first living souls of Light to finally inhabit the planets had done for them.

First, I created groups of planets, like the solar system, so that each "planet / living soul" would loving companionship as they danced in rhythmic movement around the glowing sun, that great body of light it would be its pivot and its center point.

It was a great pleasure to give birth to the Beings of Light who are my sons, those souls who, after thousands of millions of years of experience, would become my assistants in creation, and eventually disperse through galaxies to create loving families of planets and stars, with some variations, but generally along the lines of my designs originale s.

There was still living with bodies on or in the bodies planets. Only the planets and the stars themselves were inhabited by the souls of my children.

Eventually, we begin the big project was the creation of individual bodies. My kids were interested in producing their own offspring, because they loved each other and our glorious universe, so they wanted to create races of beings for their children's soul could inhabit thereby increase your chance of greater experience and of love. NOW I WILL HELP YOU VILUMBRAR WHAT IS REALLY THE PROCESS OF CREATION and as created this beautiful universe and everything in it.

You are familiar with some of the elements of creation course. Anyone who has chosen a partner and have decided together to have a child knows how exciting it is to be aware and be involved with the intent of the act of creation. This is the way that every child should be conceived with love and intention. This is how we have created every living thing in the universe: with loving intent.

As many of you know, there are many races of humanoid beings through the universe, just as there are in other Universes.

Those of us who are the main creators are like brothers and sisters, children of loving one, the firstborn would become teachers and mentors who would come later.

Imagine in your mind's eye interlaced energies flowing from within the group consciousness that is the family of creators. As our numbers grew, we welcomed our new brothers and sisters in the same way that a family celebrates the birth of a new baby.

Our Universes move and expand, breathing with the essence of life. Each universe has its own quality and character instilled by the Creator whose hand he has created, but all follow the same universal laws, use the same sacred geometry and the same laws of physics that scientists are beginning to discover. As each of you paint your room a different tone, so we feel attracted slightly different sounds, shapes and colors.

It was exciting to be on the lookout and creative inspiration to have a new Creator among us, and have an overall view of the EU fabulous possibilities before us.

How I can paint them the picture of you as vividly as I see it? They've seen the pictures from NASA satellites and so on. The color palette we used is impressive, infinitely varied, and more beautiful than you can see small pictures that supplied them. Looking through the vast spaces that are my home, always called my attention, and look wistfully Divine qsue objects and beings have come under my loving and watchful eye.

NO, I HAVE NOT CREATED every insect, every flower and every animal that moves on the surface of your PLANET AND OTHERS but I carefully monitored the formulas used, the electrochemical process that enlivens when two or more souls merge into their intent on passion and love, and I have been present at the birth of every soul.

You see, creating physical forms is very different from creating a soul process. A soul is a body of eternal, perpetual light with a unique identity and live everything is part. A body, on the other hand, is a impermantente container is designed to offer the soul a flexible alternative to visit lower realms, the dimensions of a lower vibration than that in which nacienon.


Initially, there were only some of my qsue children joined in the process of creation because it is not the only activity available for beings in our universe, as you know. His brothers and sisters explored along with their bodies and breadth of light, sometimes even traveling to neighboring Universes to study and exchange ideas with their cosmic cousins. This exchange profile resulted in many new species, many new options for ecosystems that could be created to support the growing number of species of flora and fauna that were developed to "accommodate" the souls who had a wide curiosity and taste for the adventure.

Perhaps you can see the picture I am seeing, my beloved children, many of whom became the Ascended Masters who help them with their ascension and have become so familiar to you in recent years.

We are still working as a loving and compact, as you have noticed in the way we present our message, weaving our history as individual voices within the consciousness of Unity of the ONE. It is the great pleasure of my heart to see my children, and their children, and all the many souls who now inhabit the planet and others in the galaxy, as they evolve and grow, in preparation for the Great Ascension to be come.

As I have already begun to show, the creation of souls has been the particular scenario where I had full supervision and command, and as such, all responsibility for creating and nutrition of all souls within our universe. It is the fulfillment of my being, my destiny, doing so with infinite love. -cuerpos- creation of forms was the land of all those who wanted to learn, experience and be part of the great expansion of the species that would lay the groundwork for future humanoid races, which were among the last ways we have created and placed among its inhabitants-members in the first planets to host humanlike species.


An example of this is its own galaxy of the Milky Way. It was created under the supervision of those who you call Father and Mother God, my dear children, in preparation for the previous races of man who inhabited planets in systems Pleiades, Sirius and coming from the larger galaxy Andromeda. Outside these developing civilizations came the experiment of this galaxy that would become the human race as you know now.

I have described in previous posts as ancient civilizations contributed their DNA, with my full approval and under my supervision, to create the most complete realization of what I am, in the essence of my being. Of course this is a bit of a paradox, since I have no body.

This project-the creation of mankind was not an ego trip or a reckless adventure, because none of those impulses within my own being, for it is a temporary effect of body experience "carbon-based" dimensions lower. As you rise up the ladder of vibration, these impulses fade, but under the conditions of the lower dimensions, these anomalies can cause real difficulties for the inhabitants of bodies subject to these feelings.

This leads to the anomaly that has baffled mcho of you. How is it possible that may exist -reptilinianos dark, gray, genetically modified Draconian, and all those who have called the dark Anunnaki- which have wreaked havoc on what appears to be the entire universe? I'll tell you how this started, and that has continued to be a problem, especially in its galaxy, the Milky Way.

I mentioned earlier the Universe Omarrhan. It was the creation of my older brother's soul, Prowling, as we call it. Prowl was daring and experimental in their approach in creation. He gave them a lot of freedom to their children's soul to develop bodies of all shapes and types, which provided a rich and varied environment in many Delos planets in your universe.

In the lower dimensions were animals and plants of every imaginable kind, with all the possible natural wealth for beings who descended to enjoy the feast of delicious fruits and vegetables, water flowing and the sun shining endless flowers and warmth.
It really was a paradise for all.

Although Rondar reveled in his glorious manifestation of Love, it became a topic of concern for their children than the absolute perfection of its creation in the 3rd dimension not offered its inhabitants a means by which to develop a greater connection to the UNO; in fact, he seemed far from their highest in its "Selves" vibration, descending on the sensory pleasures of existence of the lower dimensions. In other words, they liked a little more qsue too, and were reluctant to return for more experience in the higher realms.

And so it was decided on the advice just a little setback could stimulate their ability to appreciate and stay connected to their Creator: a focus, you could say. It was decided that the Masters would develop some insects to inflict a painful bite and light, and some reptiles whose bite could cause disease, just enough to prevent the many inhabitants of this paradise become lethargic and indolent. The people became aware, during their stays in the higher dimensions of change was coming, but did not diminish his desire to return.

As time passed, more experiments in genetic engineering continued, and took a rather bold twist on the time we were developing beings of "human type" that showed great promise in their ability to create for themselves. They were talented scientists and inventors and were skilled in the use of the energies of the universe for your own convenience, developing floating and fly spaceships, and energy sources that could be useful for all the needs of those beings in lower dimensions, as housing, food and schools to train and educate young people on the true path that is love.


We were aware of the situation (of the universe) Omarrahan, and we were looking at the possibility of a similar impasse in our worlds, but we were uncomfortable with the solution, which was called "bringing the dark" · hoping to awaken the Light.

It made sense from a certain perspective, but it seemed risky, since it was our policy to remain as supervisors and guides, but not interfere with the behavior and development in the evolution of species we had created.

At the same time civilizations developed in Omarrahan achieving very advanced technologies, including spacecraft that could carry beings lower than large distance dimensions (the higher dimensional beings have no need to spaceships, but they are very convenient when you want to take equipment or materials between planets and galaxies).


It was only a matter of time, so to speak, before the experiment went wrong, and nunmero species lower dimensions was fascinated with the idea of ​​experimenting, curious to see the effect of oscuridada themselves and others. So it was a small step, learned how to avoid their creators, his back to the UNO, and left on their own to experiment with others.

This was the first "fall" of grace, and quickly spread throughout the universe, the many planets where indolence, a problem in the lower dimensions, had to incarnate beings of great intelligence, restless and ripe for a new kind of excitement.


The course of a few generations, impulses toward destructiveness and desire to control and dominate others took root and began to flourish until all the lower dimensions, near the lower 5th Dimension, it became a stage nightmare full of pestilence, war and devastation. The armament was created, developed and threatened the security of lower dimensions, as later happened on your Earth.

With many species of intelligent beings participating in the tumult, and building alliances to create a powerful military force, it was decided that would be too dangerous for the entire Multiverse that "the experiment" will continue, and that the only possible solution would be to offer amnesty to those who were willing to return to the Light or suffer dissolution.

No it was announced that the intention was to destroy the entire universe, but there was no way to solve the problem without risk to the rest of the Multiverse. All souls were received back into higher dimensions, but all physical creation was dissolved back in the UNO. However, several of the dark detected problems and flew the first sign of threat, they were ready to do so, and left the limits of their universe and into our spaces before Omarrhan was dissolved.

One could conclude that it would have been prudent at this time to gather our spaceships to defend against invaders, but our universe was peaceful, unarmed and neither had the will to engage in combat. This was even difficult for our people, fight their brothers conceive Brother universe.

Of course, he might have taken matters into their own hands and simply destroy them, but in the counsel of my Masters with UNO, it was decided that we would take the Path of Light and Love, forever. We were a group of strong and hardy souls, some of whom had thoroughly studied the problem (of the universe) of Omarrhanb as part of their own development. It was decided that we would try to rehabilitate the dark of Omarrhan, while protecting our own territory would be a "single defensive response," according to the rules.

We were joined by a number of Masters of Omarrhan, and we then become the battlefield where good and evil would be in the final test


It was then that the Galactic Federation of Light, which quickly grew to be a competent military alliance, under the guidance of which we now call ASHTAR, with a mandate to protect and defend all beings and planets in lower dimensions was formed, Undeclared war at any time the invaders. Making clear to dark that we could make them "disappear" at any time, but we would like to work with them to help them find settlements where they are allowed to live in peace, but on our terms, we would not allow military intervention to any planet or group of beings. With the agreement of the Mother and Father God they allowed to set up camp "refugees" on Mars, and later outposts were created in the-dark of the moon far side of the Earth.

You know from previous messages, the story of his psychological infiltration, with their propaganda campaigns and tactics to remain in the lower dimensions in order to avoid review and renewal in the higher dimensions.


The party not have told them is that all ideas and original dark plans were brought to our shores from another universe. They were beloved children of my brother, sentient beings who abandoned the protective and loving embrace of his Creator to escape the confines of our Universe in an attempt to prove that darkness is more powerful than the Light. They were able to break through and win notable allies, including Orion Reptilians, who separated from his brothers and joined with the invaders, but they will not succeed and will not be triumphant. The invaders and their allies have been eliminated from the planet, but their propaganda in favor of the darkness remains in language, customs and beliefs of humanity.

You, mankind will not have conquered (the dark) through military force, because that would have given them reason. Only through the triumph of the hearts and minds of all humanity it will be when the "final change will take place on planet Earth. It is not a task as impossible as it may seem from the point of view on the terrestrial soil (field).


As the general conditions have worsened, and the disparity between rich and poor has become manifest and deliberate, the masterminds of the dark agendas are being revealed bluntly as the criminals they are. The challenge humanity will be staying in love, find him in their hearts to forgive the perpetrators sending them from within, say, forced meditation.

You see, the triumph of light over darkness could never have been solved by war, because war is darkness, nor could have been "defeated". Those who invaded our beloved home implements were wrong in their beliefs, and convinced them to many of you who were right, does not it? Earth has become the playground for a while, but "you and I" never had the intention of succumbing to his seductions.

You may have forgotten for a short time that fear is not a viable part of our lives in the light, and have been weakened by the weight of the totalitarian mind control, to the point where they concentrated on their destructive tools through the implant, psychological manipulations and diseases, as if today they do not control them.

Now is the time, my beloved children returned to me. Turn your back on the legacy of darkness LNA Omarrhan fear, walk with me in the Light and infinite love.

It is our heritage and our Great Divine Plan.

 Together we will sing, we will walk across the globe with open hands and hearts animated with the joy of being free.

 Its our time.

Come with me.

I am your Creator, we are gods, and we are one.

Kathryn E. Transcribed by

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