
5 de diciembre de 2017

Salta leaks scandal and sexual abuse after the Nobel Prize for Literature

The husband of a member of the Swedish Academy, accused by 18 women of humiliations and filter ombres, affecting bets on the winner of 
the Nobel Prize (EFE) 

The Swedish Academy, the institution that each year awards the Nobel Prize for Literature, it has been punctuated by accusations against the husband of one of its members to commit sexual abuse and filtering the names of several winners of the prestigious award. Eighteen women uncovered a few days ago anonymously alleged harassment and abuse, some committed in units linked to the academy, and three of them now point to that person revealed in advance in public three times the winner of the Nobel, reports today newspaper "Daqens Nyheter".

It would be the Austrian Elfriede Jelinek (2004), the British Harold Pinter (2005) and Frenchman Patrick Modiano (2014) as the leading Swedish newspaper, which suggests that the individual in question also boasted of being involved in granting Nobel in 2008 the Frenchman Gustave Jean-Marie Le Clezio. Although "Dagens Nyheter" maintains anonymity this "cultural personality" as has been baptized the man, other media have identified as Jean-Claude Arnault, French playwright and photographer living in Sweden for decades and is married to the writer Katarina Frostenson , one of the eighteen members of the academy. "Nothing surprises me about that person, that bastard. I guess he knew his wife," the newspaper said today Peter Englund,

Englund admitted that he himself came in his day information, from an article in the French press, pointing to Arnault as possible filtrador, but he denied everything. Suspicions about previous leaks of Nobel de Literatura have abounded in recent years, with striking cases such as Le Clézio, when the British bookmaker Ladbrokes had to shut forecasts hours before failure because the author had gone from 15 to 1 to 2 to 1. 

nothing surprises me about that person, that bastard. I guess he knew his wife " 
Peter Englund 

Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy

Englund's predecessor in office, Horace Engdahl said he was convinced then that it had been a leak, but now has refused to talk about the case alluding to violate the rules of the institution, which remains a member. Turbulence around the Swedish Academy began two weeks ago, with public denunciations of the eighteen women about abuse and harassment committed between 1996 and 2017 on the floors of the institution in Stockholm and Paris by Arnault, director of a cultural forum supported financially by the organization.

Rumors about the sexual behavior of the playwright were not unknown in the world of the Swedish cultural elite, as personalities like Englund admitted that social networking was relieved that the case "has finally come to light." Two days after the allegations and after a meeting in which it was learned that several members of the Academy and relatives had suffered "unwanted intimacy or inappropriate treatment" of Arnault, the institution cut off contact with him and hired a firm firm to study whether it had influenced the institutional work. 

Rumors about the sexual behavior of the playwright were not unknown in the world of the Swedish cultural elite

Despite the measures promoted several voices of Swedish academics spoke of loss of prestige of the institution and demanded the resignation of Engdahl and Englund, who had asked a few years ago a lifetime salary paid by the State to Arnault. Scholars refused to resign, ensuring that the statutes do not allow it, because you are a member for life. 

The Academy has announced , however , that toughen the rules on incompatibility in response to criticism that also allude to compadreo to the granting literary awards or scholarships. Other institutions have said they will reconsider their financial support to cultural forum Arnault and the Swedish Government to withdraw spoke even a real award received two years ago, but ultimately acknowledged that it is not possible.


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