
4 de diciembre de 2017

The Divine Energy of the Great Central Sun

Horus: The Divine Energy of the Great Central Sun

horusSitting in the Sacred I AM Presence with Beloved Heru and my Spirit Guide Team Heru has the following message for you all.
Beloved tell them this.
Dear Children,
I come forth in this hour to bring forth great encouragement to you all for in this time many Souls feel a great challenge with many aspects as they are shifting consciousness… for indeed you are all shifting consciousness and you should be delighted with this.
We come forth to bring love, to bring light, to bring healing, to ignite and to enlight and to encourage you all to remain focused, to remain steadfast, and to be of harmony.
The Divine Energy of the Great Central Sun pours for this hour upon your Earth through the core, inner Earth and throughout reaching your hearts during this time of great shift.
Vibration is the key dear children…. Here we come from a place and a plane where recognition occurs without touch, without feeling in the way that you know it. We understand the other separate from our self simply by the singing of their soul, the sensation of their vibration and how it meets our own. And we understand our vibration a rippling of the creative force that generates all life. You too are an extension of the vibratory existence that is force creating form.
What might you do when you understand that your vibration changes in accordance with your will? What might you do if you understand that your will changes at the breath of a thought?
Bring new thoughts into your self. Bring new will into your Being. Bring new vibration into your life, and you will find that you will attract to you like vibration. And you will create a symphony among yourselves.
Will that great change of consciousness within you and you will truly see the magic unfold… For the connection within your inner consciousness is the key right now allow this to unfold.
Vibration is the key to your hearts… for there you will truly connect to the energy and the vibration of the Universe… you see dear children within your silent minds you will hear those beautiful sounds coming forth… Ssshhhh can you hear…they are not the clanging bells that ring forth from your ears…dear children it is time to adjust…. let me explain….
How much greater a symphony sounds to the universal ear than a single instrument flailing alone unaided? The soloist has its part to play, but never alone for long, accompanied always by else.
Know you a soloist in your vibration, and your piece within an orchestra of light. Your role is to sing out your tune and to fall back into the harmony of the orchestra which upholds you.
When we come to you, we come with a message of love. It is ancient, Biblical in your text. It is of a time before pen met paper, when story was told over and over. It is of a time before corruption of such story, before buildings were houses to capture the stories. It is of a time when the message was felt, and experienced in the fibre of being of the beings it indwelt.
Know you to be a body of Light. Know you to be able to effect your world with your light. Understand, truly understand, that when you reach out with your thoughts, when you reach out with your light mind, and your light body, you are entering the real world of your making. This changes your matter world.
Yes children, we are harmonizing… this is what truly happens when you are at peace with each other, aligning with each other, being at one with each other….
Yes dear children we are embarking at this time a great mergence of energy – the harmonization of energy, the integration of polarity as we are indeed balancing out the energies within the universe at this time.
Many messages are coming forth from the hearts of men… many wishes…many intentions…
Be careful then, what you think. Be careful then, what you wish. Be careful then, the emotive content of your dreams and day dreams, and begetting, and be gone. All will unveil. All will prevail in the Light world that is the world of construction; that is the world of piece and layers that build your being. Be conscious of how you construct. Be aware of what you let in to your construction.
Make it and create it with your highest purpose, your highest desire. Let it be that your light creation, the towers of your making, are imbued with Love. Marvel at that. Marvel at it, and practice it. See it and fill that seeing, fill your vision with the love in your heart, and watch your matter world grow from that vision, from those seeds of light.
We have been practicing for this day for many times hath surpassed for there is a new age forthcoming, a new race, a new era of Light upon your Earth. You have indeed been preparing for this day for many Eons passed.
This is what the ancients knew. This is our world. This is how we construct on the inner. It is what we are helping you bring into your material existence. It is a bridging of worlds. It is a meeting of understandings. It is an evolution of material existence, no less than that, which we aid.
And it is not our singular desire. It is that you reached up. It is that collectively you reached out and in to remember. When you transition, when you enter the realms of light and vibration, and your return is met without remembering, still a seed of your experience journeys with you. It is that these seeds are growing and flourishing, and remembering is occurring on mass. And what you will is that you bring the world of your transition and life beyond into the material world.
Soon, a time of blending. Soon, a time of understanding. Soon, a time of light-filled creations, with awareness. Though not so soon that you in this turn of the wheel will see it.
Many Souls are receiving the abundance from the Great Central Sun in this hour for the energy comes forth igniting and enlightening your Earth and your Hearts.
My children my message is clear, connect and reconnect in this time of great challenge and know that you are not alone. Many Messengers have come and they go but you my dear ones must hold on to your Light and to your Hearts and connect within for there is much inner work to complete.
Come now, see your light. Come now, see it practicing in the world of your making. See it performing as you would have it. See it building light creations that you have filled with the heart of your love. See it, and feel it, and bring it into being, and you will know it and experience it True. For there is no separation but that thought would make it; that you think and understand and know without doubt, you who plays: the solo instrument is one of light with the orchestra of universal creation, the one flame, the one light. Let you play that tune and see what may come of its symphony.
For you are the the Master of your instrument both within this Matter World and within the Universe as a whole.
Know dear children that we are with you every step of the way.
I AM Heru and I speak through Elaine this day. – Channel: Elaine DeGiorgio

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