
18 de enero de 2018

Are we ready to be active after the event?

It has been reported that people generally begin to find their perfect place in the contribution of the large number of projects that will begin to develop around the world after the event, within an average time period of 3-4 weeks! People are so excited and willing to weave their threads in the gigantic fabric of great beauty that will characterize the positive activity around Gaia to bring back abundance, equality, cheerful every corner of this beautiful planet coexistence. So many different kinds of community projects evolve healing where souls can find shelter to start a healing process traumatic experiences of many kinds.


This will be a time when people will quickly get to know you better put aside the ego. Here it is noted that the group's leaders are, in fact, no more important than working side by side in the center of the group. Individually or collectively, are a large group together and moving all capacities are within the group. This will be the beginning of real time of the Ascension of Gaia and no place for the 'right' or ego.
Then you make sure you clarify this we are told, we do not mean that we must eradicate our personality. However, if states not to advance selfish 'I know best "way because they do not want to have a reversion to the old third dimension. "Nothing will destroy your momentum forward faster than that. Thus, memories, which are important in the history of the traps are present so that reversion to the old third dimension does not occur. "
the example of when settlers came to the east coast of the US is given, the truth is they did not know which way to take. They made many missteps, but there was a collective will to escape what had been economic slavery. Everyone right now are important, cooks, teachers, painting the landscape, every role is important. The role of each person will be valued and respected as equally important to the bigger picture. Do not forget who you are!:
"Everyone is needed. And no one has a role more important than another.
For some it is a very individual act of will; "I'm doing this and I'm bringing myself to this commitment. Everyone has to be respected - it does have to be respected and valued! Because what happens in the reversion to the third dimension is that the sense of value and respect was lost. And one of the biggest things that guides us about the importance of not only the sense of community, but the courage and honor and respect for all beings ".
Stated that "we have time for ourselves, time for reflection, time for prayer, time to play, time for love, then what is being created is in alignment with the One. This is not the first time noted the importance of balancing our work on future projects in Gaia time for introspection and communication with friends and loving family. Divine Mother has taken this issue resolutely at least three times in the last 2-3 years. If we find a balance between work and play we are not in alignment with the One

Victory of Light

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...