
9 de enero de 2018

GOD FATHER MOTHER SAYS: 👉 The process will be like this:

GOD FATHER MOTHER SAYS: 👉 The process will be like this: at night people will go to sleep on this planet and when they wake up they will be on the other planet. It is a copy of this planet but it has no | Sunday, January 7, 2018 GOD FATHER MOTHER SAYS: # 11 

👉 When the US was threatened by North Korea, Trump sent the navy to wait in international waters in front of this country to be prepared in case of an attack. The Galactic Federation has a ship constantly guarding Korea and has the order to "absorb" as a vacuum cleaner any person or object that has the intention of initiating a conflict. 

👉 It is a tense situation, but as we said before, we will not allow any of that to happen.

👉 The beings of the deep earth have the ability to separate (create a passageway) the sea floor to give entrances and exits to their ships. With that power it is impossible to think that someone here on earth can overcome the powers that galactic people have. 

👉 Many government jets have tried to shoot us when they see us flying through the skies, but our ships have an extreme speed that it is impossible for us to reach their shots due to the quick maneuvers we can do. 

👉 Russia and China are still in preparation for the RV.They are also seizing the full agents in their respective countries.  Cabal not only involves government and military people. There are actresses and actors from Hollywood, people from the film industry, from music and television.

👉 There is another planet on the other side of the sun (the name of the sun is Helios) which is the twin sister of the earth, if one could say so ... It looks the same as Earth and is of 4th dimension.

👉 This planet is going to house all those who refuse to become beings of 5th dimension.

 👉 The process will be like this: at night people will go to sleep on this planet and when they wake up they will be on the other planet. It is a copy of this planet but it has no pollution.

 👉 These people have to go to that planet because the incoming energies on this planet are helping people to become 5th dimensional beings. And in this dimension there is no "duality" ... 

👉 Those who stay here must be in perfect harmony among all beings including mother earth.

👉 I will give you an example: in a family there are beings that are still in 3rd or 4th dimension. These people when they wake up in the morning, they will do it on the other planet and so that there is no emotional shock (since some beings in that same family are already of 5th dimension and are going to stay on this planet) they are going to erase the memory of this existence. 

👉 Like they never met the people who stayed on this planet. With this transfer to that planet they are being given the opportunity to develop by raising their vibration to reach the 5th dimension and be able to be moved back here.

👉 It will be a new reality for these people and they will have a mentor who will be constantly guiding them until they accept the 5th dimension with all that it means. This is already happening ... 

👉 There are many who are already on the other planet. For those who are here and do not know this information, they will simply think that these relatives or acquaintances got lost or left ... 

👉 Understand that all the time people disappear and can not be found ...

👉 That planet has buildings, cars, houses and all the same things that are here except that that planet has 2 moons

👉 The government knows this and they have seen the other planet. 

👉 There are hybrid beings living on this planet who have a normal life like yours.

👉 There are no negative extraterrestrials on this planet anymore.

👉 Of the 7 billion people or more (considering babies born constantly) there are 97% of people who are transforming into 5th dimension even though it does not seem before their eyes. 

👉 There is, for now, 3% of people who are in 3rd and 4th dimension and when they know their galactic brothers they will begin to remember who they are and to understand more the 5th dimension. The percentage that we believe will reach the 5th dimension after the event will be close to 99%.

👉 Mother earth is regulating her climate pattern, that's why so many changes are seen. She is causing that to bring a more temperate climate for the entire planet. There are places where it is very cold and others where it is very hot. But when the weather is regulated, the snow will become history. 

👉 The old Chinese "grandfather" is a being of a very high vibration who lives on a mountain in Tibet and has been on this planet for 2 and a half billion years and he is the one who planed for 60 thousand years the prosperity of this planet collecting all the gold that would be needed for this transaction. 

👉 Remember to stay balanced. Contact mother nature. There are many people who live in cities and are disconnected from their roots. That is separation since they walk on concrete, floors, routes, etc. 

👉 Those who are in a position of government did not allow the announcement of the New Republic of the United States officially on July 4. It would have been ideal since it is celebrated on that day, the independence of this country. But I tell them that no matter how much they keep insisting, they will not be able to stop the inevitable. 

👉 No matter what they do, we should do this. Also the GCR that has been doing for a long time. The banks already have the money in their possession. They will not be able to avoid it!

👉 Send vibrations of love to these people so that they finally release # 800 and receive their notification to make the exchanges. 

👉 The powerful ones belonging to the Kazara mafia are the ones that are preventing this process along with the "cabal minions" who are doing false flag events all around trying to stop what they already know can not be avoided. 

👉 Tamarinda Massem is an ambassador of the intraterra, of Agartha that is in the underground part of the planet's crust) not of the deep earth. The Lemurians are in the deep earth. 

👉 The entire planet is going to be a center of spirituality.

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