
10 de enero de 2018

👉GOD SAYS FATHER MOTHER: # 14 -In any time will receive a notice from your bank to change any cash on having the new money that is backed by oro.9 January 2018 by His Gabi | 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018 GOD SAYS FATHER 'S MOTHER: # 14  

👉 I want to inform you that I have been watching some people are acting with respect to the information I share with you in this program. There are people who are saying that my information is false. You are programmed to think that. Governments have been commissioned to make them forget all this information that is recorded in their souls. 

👉 You have been created with many abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and more but with all the manipulations that have been suffering for years, they have made no recall or develop these skills.

👉 For this reason they made a mandatory law that all infants should be vaccinated to enter school. 

👉 Governments know that you are powerful and are afraid to develop their skills / capabilities and destroyed. 

👉 The vaccine to prevent influenza put also poisons and chemicals to make them harm. 

👉 Those who are ridiculing my messages and are turning to their benefit, I will not tolerate. Do not judge what I say and I do not judge you. Each is "walking his way." 👉 only demonstrate that remain in a 3D mentality. 

👉 There are people being rude and offend.

👉 The message I bring you is the truth and should be used and disseminated for learning. 

👉 People who accept and believe that they read and listen to the heart, will receive compensation. Those people are recognizing the God / Goddess carrying inside. 

👉 These people who do this have a negative energy bringing their opinions and are not on the way to ascend to a higher dimension. 

👉 What I'm doing is giving them all the knowledge that you deserve.

 👉 My messages do not bring fear, no doubt or confusion. 

👉 The information I give is my Creator First Intermediate for you. 

👉 not judge, they have no right or authority to hurt the people who are reporting.

👉 I'm not just its creator, I am also his closest friend. 

👉 I will not use any power against them and I will abide by their decisions. 

👉 threats between Trump and the president of North Korea continue but neither has the power to do anything against the rest of humanity. We will not allow. 

👉 Fires in California are another demonstration of the "cleansing" Mother Nature needs to do. It is being done in that area because they are "emerging" areas where there will be access to the inner earth. There are some cases of these fires are caused. 

👉 Prime Creator is working personally to bring the promised blessings.

👉 There are many people who still think in a negative way and this makes that thought acquired power and therefore not being given. 

👉 Remember the Law of Attraction: Negative thoughts bring negative results. Positive thinking brings positive results.

👉 Manden vibrations of love to the people, the climate, animals, everything about to change to positive. 

👉 Avoid places or activities where there is concentration of people since everyone knows that leverage these opportunities for false flag events. 

👉 There are many ships in your skies watching.

👉 At night when you look at the sky, look like twinkle and change color. If observed for a long time they will notice that change position, move like dancing.They look like stars but are not. 

👉 During the day they hide behind "rare" cloud formations. 

👉 At any time they will receive a notice from your bank to change any cash on having the new money that is backed by gold. 

👉 I also want to inform you that the Treasury Department that raises your taxes will be abolished. 

👉 Only some employees will work in this department. 

👉 The taxes were collected through the years, accumulating in an account that will be returned when Nesara / GESARA is announced.

👉 Zimbabwe's currency is the one that has value and if they are still available for sale, I suggest buying. Be very careful because there are counterfeit money circulating. 

👉 going to have 2 locations for the new Republic of the United States: the Treasury will be on the Indian reservation in Reno, and management or Capital will be in an underground building beneath the Denver airport. 

👉 All buildings that are in the earth 's crust are under the control of Agartha, such as beneath Washington DC, Area 51 and others. There are transportation move from side to side of the underground cities to people who live there.

👉 In New York is the building of "Crysler" (a brand of cars), and in the basement there is an elevator that takes you to these transports to any underground city. 👉 The wall that separates Mexico from the United States is built on an area to be swallowed up by the earth when the surface passes through its expansion. 

👉 Dunford is in charge of the military and has already met several times with the Galacticos to make sure there is no problem with their exchanges. 

👉 absolutely We are monitoring all communications on the planet. We also note all transactions that have already been made and are being made at present. 👉 Prime Creator sends them a message to all PATIENCE .... that's what he told me to tell you ...!

👉 And I want to remind you that all Gods and Goddesses are also healers. When you realize what that means and power that all possess, their lives will change tremendously! 

👉 Meditation is very important and will help those who are already awake so they know how they will be able to guide those who are not yet ready for future events. If you can practice outside, sharing with Mother Nature will give better results. 

👉 While waiting for events help our brothers the way they can. Share this information, teach them purification techniques (food and water) and healing that we show.

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