
10 de enero de 2018

Opus Dei and the Food Bank one of the great business of the Catholic Church

Image results Food Banks are one of the big business of the Catholic Church

FESBAL, food banks with trademark, are formed as foundation, normally at each location, and grouped FEBA (European Federation FoodBanking) organisms. 
They engaged in collecting food, money and any material or service that somehow help you in your activity as vans, shelves ...
These foods and goods circulate through a network of intermediaries associated with the bank in question. 
Almost all food is being sent to religious organizations among which are parishes, convents, monasteries, anti - abortion organizations such as Provida or Life Foundation, the seminar Neocatechumenal Way, residences of the Legionaries of Christ or centers related to Opus Dei.
Originally is the creation of the first  Food Bank  in  Barcelona  in 1987 with the participation of  Josep Miró i Ardevol,  former politician of  Convergencecreator also e-cristians, the conservative website  "Forum Libertas"  and tireless fighter against divorce, abortion and  public acceptance of homosexuality" (sic). 
The emergence of new banks  in other cities led to the creation of the  Foundation Food Bank of Spain (FBAE) in 1993 from the hand of the priest of the Prelature of  Opus Dei, Jose Maria Sanabria.
From here the support of certain institutions and reactionary political figures is constant. 
Significantly appointment as president of honor of Mrs.  Ana Botella , whose appearance in the media as president of the Foundation was due to the decision then taken to involve the same with a donation in a  -Sociedades SICAV Investment Capital Variable- called  Gescartera .
They have been receiving donations from banks and savings banks, big business and even a 9-ton truck from the Queen Sofia Foundation, to give an example.
Since its inception, despite his rhetoric  "secular" , this organization has demonstrated a palpable link with the most reactionary Catholic sectors. 
His relationship with the church, and specifically with Opus Dei continues. 
FESBAL  has granted awards to the  Reina Sofía Foundation  (FESBAL, 2013), the  Order of Malta (Madrid, 2015), the council and the manager of Mercagranada  (Granada, 2011 and 2013), the  "Fundación Solidaridad Carrefour"  ( Ciudad Real, 2017).
In 2012, after subtracting protest several food carts 2 supermarkets in the provinces of Cadiz and Seville, the  Andalusian Union of trabajadore s (SAT) tried to donate them to food banks. 
The reaction of the direction of Seville and FESBAL own voice of its president did not wait, condemning the action and defending big companies like  Mercadona, Carrefour, El Corte Inglés and Alcampo,  while pointing to all as responsible citizens of wastefulness and thus indirectly the poverty situation even food.
In 2014 FESBAL  complaint to  the Food Bank of Tetuan,  a neighborhood joint initiative for  "trademark use" . 
In collaboration with the city and the police they end up closing the livelihood of residents in precarious situation eviction process.
In a press conference PP in Sanlucar de Barrameda in December 2013 to journalists juices Food Bank of Cadiz were served. 
In 2012 and 2013 a brotherhood rociera food was served Banco de Madrid, through a priest of the diocese of Alcala de Henares. 
That year they did not hire chefs and directly served them food packages with the seal of FEGA (Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund) for the modest price of 350 euros.
In mid-2012 also it became known that the granadinas Franciscan who ran the University Residence Maria Teresa Rodón, and charged 600 euros for accommodation and meals, using food that had supplied them with the Food Bank for a decade.
Half of the nunneries in the province of Salamanca are eating what they receive from the Food Bank, something in line with what was published in 2013 on religious of  "Heralds of the Gospel"  and "SOS Familia" in Madrid they used for food themselves FESBAL.

Food Bank volunteers organizing donated food

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