
17 de enero de 2018

Pensions, spain, and corruption

Dear pensioners:
We made Spain a great country with the work and effort of so many years.
But the crisis came and in the end we were the only ones punished.
They talk about the huge rise in salaries, but pensioners are still the forgotten ones.
We are reminded of the collaboration with the family during the crisis, but they continue to punish us with the increase of 0'25 How much purchasing power do we have lost already?
Luck that we are not accused of the crisis, but they are reminded of the news that the pensioner's pension does nothing but go down because of the fact that so many pensioners are. They're worth it ... while others are taking it to full hands.
We grew up in a very different society, we inculcated forgotten values ​​and used it, our resignation.
But it's over, it's time to call "NOW I HAVE PROUD."
We are many to collect, but we were many more who raised this country.
What would happen if we were all in the social networks and we were Trending Topic Spain, to decide NOT to vote more until we get the pension?
But they are worth the fact that most retirees know nothing about the Internet.
If you are retired or are your parents or grandparents, share this WhatsApp for them: "Pensioners refuse to vote and propose demonstrations, if they do not raise their pensions"
The unions defend salaries, but pensioners have no one to defend them from the upsettings they do.
Let it go through Spain and get all those deputies that raise their salaries every year, and ignore the spending power that every year loses pensioners.

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