
14 de enero de 2018


The changes in the land from 2018 to 2033 do you want to be beings of light?

So prepare yourself that the earth summons you, now the teachers are beginning to talk about 2018, your genetics is changing and your body is going to change as a gift from the universe.

There is a genetic mutation that will change your body, you will perceive your world in a different way. Until 2033 new glands will appear in your body, glands are sensitive organs that change the perception of things.

My Teacher Erik Faround spoke of 2018 and says:
In 2018 a great fire that emanates from the center of the earth will enter every human being, and every human being before God will have to choose not to say that it is a final judgment, not to say that it is a judgment.

The flame comes in and asks you in your higher self, enters inside you and asks: You, do you want to be part of the next millennium? Do you want to be part of a fraternal civilization? Are you willing?
The flame from 2018 will enter from the heart of the earth within you and ask:
Do you want to be part of a new civilization? And if you are ready to be beings of light and build a new world ?.

Until 2033 the flame will enter all humanity. It will begin to enter 2018.
Many people will not want to be in this world and maybe in a few years they will die, they will leave, for that reason, after 2033-2035 the human beings that live on earth will see themselves becoming the light of a new world. We do not know how it will be, but we do know that something is changing.

That fire is God, that flame, it is the planetary Christ who is going to judge you.

Nobody, you, the flame comes and says: "You, want to be part of a new world ?, Do you want to be part of a fraternal world? Then, your higher self, which is your divine conscience, your spiritual conscience, You have to see your higher self, now you want to wake up because it is crucial, we are in the transition from an old cycle to a new cycle, from a selfish civilization to a fraternal civilization, from a civilization of struggle and suffering to a civilization of peace and fraternity .
Do you want to be part of what? Because the flame, with force, will begin in 2018 and maybe when you enter the flame it gives you a cardiac arrest and you leave, or maybe, that flame will make you extend your life and live 50 more years. Everything is possible, and teachers say ... We live in a time of transition where everything is possible, where you will never be able to say, "that is not possible in times of great transformations and also of great discernment. The decision of your future, of your life and of your evolution is in your hands, it is not in the hands of anyone so that you are free to choose, that is why the spiritual world comes to clean implants, energies, to clean frequencies so that they emerge the best of yourselves, so that its light comes out,

We are in a crucial moment, of conscience, in this important moment, of transformation of the Earth, where a thought, a feeling, a decision, is going to give an evolutionary leap that you will not be able to give in another life. But you have to know your decision well and choose well. Because we are in crisis, nobody has worried about their spiritual growth. They had everything, money, doctors, they had to travel to worry about the spiritual, the human being, when he is imprisoned for comfort, for opulence, he does not think about his brother, look at what is going on ...
Thousands and thousands of people come from Africa, from Syria ... and they will come coming because civilization is not doing things right, it is not possible that in a developed country that of having two cars, having several houses at the expense of the misery of underdeveloped countries, the one that you have a salary, that you can buy what you want is at the cost of misery, because they are exploited for their raw materials, exploit their labor, their natural resources, misery at the expense of industrialization. They can not remain that way.

The Earth is going to change, everyone is thinking "oh, when it's going to be three days and three nights, nobody knows when, but there will come a time that will be three days and three nights.

There will come a time when we will enter the neutron zone and that has not been said as if it were a story.
The big moneyed ones are building their bunkers, keeping food, they are doing it because they know that many things are going to happen and that they are inescapable.

The asteroids, there is no magnetic field on earth and so far, the biggest aliens are the aliens who have disintegrated them when they will recognize it. They remember the last asteroid as a ship broke it so that the impact on the earth was smooth.

The Earth is changing, everything is changing and you can not think that nothing happens on TV, nothing happens in the whole world, if it happens, and a lot and it continues to accelerate more and more.
And from 2020 onwards it will be a very important time to be fraternal, to help us and to show that we are beings of light. That is the call, and really the call is going to be before and the vibration will be stronger, and people will start to wake up.

And I tell you ... when the spiritual world decrees that there is a change of civilization, there will be, we do not know how, but there will be.

In the coming years there will be many changes, but now, knowing that it is a difficult time, knowing that many unforeseen things happen, more than now it is important that there are groups of people united working together in associations, in whatever, willing to help themselves and willing to help others. That is the most important thing we can do at this moment.

What would happen if all those who want to go to Germany enter through the strait and if it starts the same as now in Syria, Afghanistan and if they start to enter here? What's happening? Thousands and thousands you're going to do? Many challenges are going to happen, there are going to be many movements of people on earth in the next few years out of necessity, where those who have nothing, the countries that have, and the countries that have, what do they do, are preparing for the changes I can not say sui this will happen like that, it is a course, but obviously many things are going to change, the climates change, the agricultural production, the people change, the social issue changes, the people change, it is already changing, and whoever does not want To see him is that he is blind. Everything is changing, we are in a change, the only one, the best way to be sure of being safe is to be in groups,

Listen well to my words, I spoke of these changes when I was 20 years old, I have a friend who is now with me, he has returned after 30 years without seeing it and he says: "I came back because 20 years ago, all that is happening now and nobody he believed you. "

They do not have to wait that long anymore, I know that many people will not believe, that many people will doubt, that this seems like no one understands it, I often do not understand anything, and I do not want to know anything, based on objective things as I see the facts as they happen, I see that things will happen in 5 years, 4 or 7, but they will happen, many things that will happen, I just tell them, and I have told them many Sometimes, be united, form groups, help yourself because this is the greatest security you have in your life. There is no other, do not wait for governments, do not care, do not care. That is the best security and that is what the spiritual world wants in the face of adverse circumstances. They want us to join together out of necessity, because there is no other way.

Sorry for being very extensive, I do not want to put fear, I wanted to be clear and explain it as best as possible of things that are very complex.
They want to be beings of light, so prepare yourselves because the earth calls you

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