
16 de enero de 2018

The Defeat of the Elite

The witch hunt has begun, the elite is being: persecuted, arrested and condemned, they believed that this moment would never come, that they were unstoppable and untouchable and that the rotten system based on lies, manipulation, corruption and submission, money taken out out of nothing and the debt that enslaved us, would keep them always safe. Simply your New World Order will never be carried out, you are lost.
A new world order will be created! Yes! But not the obscure future prepared for us by the Zionist elite, which was none other than:the extermination of the majority of the world's population, the implantation of a chip and the establishment of a fascist world totalitarian state, its goal was to have only 500 million of humans, with implants and progressively eliminate their identity and humanity through transhumanism, becoming robots half human, half machines, to serve them.
They had several lines of projects at the same time: from Climate Engineering (Haarp antennas and chemtrails), vaccines, transhumanism, Social Engineering (complicating our sexual identity), Artificial Intelligence, Wars, Transgenic Foods, conflicts, crisis, hunger, various types of Mental control including the famous MK-ULTRA, etc ...
Lying in almost everything: the scam-lie of AIDS, the lie of Climate Change and Global Warming, provoking wars and conflicts with false flags, selling drugs that are really poisons, washing our brains through TV, movies and advertising, trying to get scared to control us, and part of that control are religions, politics, the media and the internet, through the main search engines and social networks, which spy on us absolutely everything, they have been rigging the elections and you you thought you chose
Almost everything is a lie, a huge manipulation in a world that is quite similar to the movie Matrix. Did the director of this film try to give us a warning? Or is it just a science fiction movie?
They have always been hiding us: The Cancer Cure, The Existence of Extraterrestrial Life, New Clean Forms of Energy, have been educating us badly, so that we only use the rational left side of the brain and at the same time to be in the thinking group , the fear of punishment, discipline and being obedient lambs that, like bullies, do not question anything. They have been inhibiting curiosity, inventiveness, creativity, so that we do not think too much about it, do not think for ourselves and just obey, but that's over.
None of that is going to happen, control is changing hands, humanity is getting rid of the cancer of the elites, which seemed unattainable, but it is still possible. During this 2018 these elites will be judged for crimes against humanity, some of them are being held in Guantánamo (Cuba) others in the Diego Garcia Base, located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, far from anywhere.
elites tried in guantanamo
At the base Diego Garcia will be located the other part of the elite, impossible to leave there, guard thousands of military, aircraft, helicopters, submarines and distances to anywhere are very large.
This year, despite the possible difficulties that could occur with the last throes of the beast, it will definitely be the year of our total liberation. You will ask, well ... and then what will happen? In this article you will have some answers: Transiting towards the fourth dimension

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...