
6 de enero de 2018

The moon has not done this in 150 years

full moonIf you amazed the moon New Year, hold your pants.
On January 31, around midnight, the full moon will not only be super, it will be a blue moon blood moon
Blue moon comes, as it will be the second full moon in a month. That happens every two and a half years, hence the saying "once in a blue moon".
But wait, wait: these two celestial events, and Blue Moon Supermoon also coincide with a total lunar eclipse.
And with Earth between the sun and the moon, the sunlight must pass through the Earth 's atmosphere, which scatters green light to violet scattered more than red light. Then the moon appears red, a moon of blood.
There are three great moments of the moon on a glorious night for sky watchers. The best place to see it,   according to  , will be in central and eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia.
The last time the three events perfectly aligned this was more than 150 years ago. According to Canon lunar eclipse, the last time humans saw a total eclipse of a blue moon was on March 31, 1866.
I know. UU. the entire show will be lost because the eclipse will occur too close to the setting of the moon.
You can see where the eclipse will be visible in the chart below.
Times northern hemisphere can be found  here  . For Australia, the point of greatest eclipse occurs around 23:30 AEDT. The entire last about 1 hour and 16 minutes.
lunar eclipse January 31, 2018

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