
6 de enero de 2018

The succession of God, Intelligent design, Philosophy and the State ...

One of the most momentous questions that humanity has done throughout history God's existence copper ...

Beyond the different religions the idea and concept of  a supernatural being created the universe and the life was the subject of great debate in antiquity and remains valid today.

But then, how can we explain this reality in which we live? In principle can only be three (3) answers to this 
important question.

The first (1st) God does not exist, and therefore it is not possible to prove its existence (atheism)

The second (2nd) God exists, but it is impossible to prove their existence. (agnosticism).

The third (3rd) God exists and is possible to prove their existence (theist)

If we see the planet Earth, flora and fauna that dwell therein , they show a level of complexity that seem to have such a design as modern buildings. Following this logic, some see in this clever design the hand of a creator. The architect of the universe.

On the other hand, there are those who see design flaws, as evidence of the absence of the creator. Ensure that the complexity observed is a product not a designer, but rather a process natural.

THE THEORY OF NATURAL SELECTION (biological evolution) 

proposes , among other things, the possible absence of God. 
Others , however,think they can prove the existence of God through philosophy, the teleological argument (order, complexity and physical laws) raises the need for a God as the first cause.
The ontological argument raises the need to be God. Thomas Aquinas and five (5) ways to prove the existence of God.


The moral argument, since all moral code no sense without the existence of God. Most of these arguments are in turn counteracted by skeptics.

Terrorist attacks, the existence of evil and suffering contrasts with a good and omnipotent God.
Similarly, the apparent contradiction between the various sacred texts make it clear that most religions are 
Fortunately, most social states rights advocate freedom of worship.

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