
1 de enero de 2018

They have pulled strings from the shadows, BRICS against whom you been committing unimaginable atrocities

Alliance BRICS 

The BRICS alliance between the countries ... 

'Manifesting Unit " 

The alliance between BRICS countries, especially Russia and China, must be spearheading able to transform life on Earth, spreading prosperity funds, to be governed by what NESARA Law dictates the US, and GESARA for the rest of the world. 

NESARA & GESARA will go Manifesting as long as the unit expires inequalities. Who are part of the Critical Mass fighting for the welfare of the majority, are co-creating the following scenario based on Prosperity, on balance, in La Paz.

Are the countries (BRICS) -aliándose against those who threaten the life-those who are freeing humanity; China (The Dragon), India (The Phoenix) and Russia (Bear) among others ... who face the corrupt government -corporativo- United States (USA), and their mercenaries already in decline. 

Trust-as Benjamin Fulford cites in his recent report , that the arrests of the Khazars called 'That corrupt, cruel and ruthless elite, whose members are part of the "Cabal" - is ushering.

"The US military government, known worldwide as the administration of President Donald Trump, is about to declare martial law, Pentagon sources say. "The cabal remained in check, since Trump is ready for federalized the National Guard in case of riots or civil unrest , " said Pentagon sources, adding that "FEMA camps will be used for mass arrests, and GITMO (Guantanamo) can hold high - value targets "while military courts shipped quickly." 

Benjamin Fulford

It must be able each country and its citizens ... to muster the courage and needed to stop and arrest all those who have corrupted life on Earth, causing chaos and destruction of La Paz strength and Freedom ...

Fortunately ... corporate governance and corrupt US, and it will be cornered and disjointed, while many alternative media - and gradually the officers are exposing the crimes committed by the former presidents believe -Making veiling for the welfare of the population, of its citizens, with only the visible head of all those financed from the shadows ... 

US It is to achieve restore their Republic after dismantling the current corporation that ... only you have used the country as a base for their headquarters, trying to conquer and subdue the rest of the world ...

As the current government of the United States of America made official and public announcement of the return to the Republic -confiemos not be delayed any longer start-up will be announced Law NESARA being called this law "GESARA" for the other countries of the Earth. 

I am aware that it is not possible to keep up with everything shared. It may be incomprehensible to those who have disconnected from his being and spirituality. For this reason, I have to adapt what was written at that time and trends, to make it understandable.

At this time he has become aware Humanity, breaking their chains, which have enslaved him executioners imposed by those who have truly been terrorists who must be tried for their crimes against life on Planet Earth. 

At this time ... must be aware World Population of what has happened, of who the mercenaries, psychopaths and murderers who gave birth to this whole scenario through which the race of humans has been conditioned by the opinions of a few who 
They have pulled strings from the shadows, 
committing unimaginable atrocities

Expose these criminals, denounce and make justice stop them, arrest them and neutralize their hostile actions, it is the premise in this time when ... between racks are happening many positive developments that ultimately manifest the Earth Liberation and their habitants. 
At this time ... 
Justice no longer has to be blind ... 
at this time ... 
justice and not to be blind, 
and can not swing 
from one side to the other 
favoring injustice, 
irreparable damage 
a majority ... 
at this time ... 
it is no longer possible for a few 
violate Freedom
and the right to live with dignity 
that must be common 
to each and everyone 
on an equal footing, 
promoting the welfare 
of a race that ascends 
through the Unit ... 

* Text extracted from the introduction to the book NESARA & GESARA (X) I releasing Earth ... Life ... "the Event" ... today it is being written by the author of this article (link to the book. 

* Link Volumes NESARA & GESARA that have been written and published by Tomás Morilla Massieu and Alicia Morilla Massieu .

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