
20 de enero de 2018


  ✍️MENSAJE Mattew 
The fate of the earth is to move towards peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with nature. 
You are flooded with historical amounts of information with conflicting reports, distortion omission of relevant facts, translations of bad language, opinions or interpretations as factual tricks and a lot of intentional misrepresentation. 

  Light ✍️Guias by Dominique Fihey 
have deep doubts about your Divine Reality. It also has doubts about the abundance that can happen in one way or another.
We say it is entitled to all possible abundance, but it depends on you, within yourself, understand the operation and impact of your thoughts continually give back to disabilities, non - recognition of your Divine Power 

  ✍️LOS Agarthans via Karen J. Vivenzio 
Heaven on Earth is coming dear children and comes through you. Because many have been oppressed, desperate and hopeless, and workers are light illuminating lighthouses in love. 
We will see you soon. Soon it will be safe for us to leave the sweet mother 's womb and join you in full bloom. 

  Updating the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy by Sheldan Nidle
It is expected an important event in the coming weeks to happen, so be prepared. Once everything is in place, ready for the sudden arrival of NESARA GCR RV / GESARA, including the rest of your promised prosperity. 
We look forward to the deployment of our plans and some poignant ads. They allow NESARA takes place in the world in general (GESARA). The time of your liberation is near. When everything is in place, we expect a number of transmissions to clarify its meaning for every man, woman and child.
Within one month from the ads will begin confidential disclosure. We ask for your help to educate those who were afraid as they learn of our existence. The revelation will change everything from religion to science, history and technology

  ✍️ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL by Ronna Herman
All negative emotions, impulses and beliefs such as anger, shame, guilt, lack of dignity, confidence, bitterness, etc. They come from the feeling of being separated from Love and Light. 
It's time to join the Legions of Light who are trying to create a new earth where peace and harmony prevail. You are much more powerful than you can imagine. 

  ✍️ASHTAR by James McConnell
Each of you are creating the New Golden Age at any time before you. With every thought you have, you are creating the New Earth; you are creating your new life here and on this planet. There are many things that are about to be transposed. 

  ✍️Mike Quinsey channeling your higher 
VR remains the focal point for much Alps and the wait continues, however, there are signs that the last days are upon us. 
Changes clearly have to start somewhere, and could well be the City of Light, we are very close to seeing the first manifested in Sedona. 
There are some great celebrations to come and when they do the joy and happiness that will be expressed, will overcome the disappointments of the past. 

We'll report a massive wave of light of love comes in a few days that will affect absolutely everyone on the planet in a positive way. Each person will go through a different process. Those who are not prepared to be transported to other planets to continue their evolution. 
Of the 7 billion humans there, only 8,000 live in a constant state of love and light. Thanks to these beings, we are achieving the goal of separate light from darkness. We're talking about legitimate unconditional love another human being, plants, animals, all
This "event" of which so much talk, has to do with a massive "wave" of light that will clean everything negative on the planet that has to do with 3D: manipulators, corruption, governments. We are a few days of that happening. 
The "veil" that has kept us for a long time avoiding contact with beings who are no longer, it is becoming increasingly thinner and eventually will fall. They will be able to have a conversation with them, they will be able to see them and also learn a lot of information from past lives. We are so close that everything that happens ...

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...