
14 de agosto de 2018

Accelerated Death Cycles for the Human Body (3D/4D) as "Body-Aging Death" Increases: 5D (Light) Bodies are the Opposite


I write this to assist with those preparing to transition "out of body", or those "still here", as well as having loved ones transition out. This is a "Cosmic/Quantum HOW" all now accelerates and some "why's".... for this now.

There are infinite truths.... each "believes" according to their own conditioning, programming and truth. This is different. This is not "human truth". This is Universal/Cosmic "truth". This is our MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EARTH Existences..... now.

Flow with me, as there are many pieces and parts of the "puzzle"/bigger picture, many fractals to unite, in order to provide "new" (higher dimensional) understanding for the acceleration processes we have now entered into with the integration of 9D Earth Templates, and progressing now to integrate 12D Earth on the Vibrational TimeTables we all set forth for "this now".

Physical body death occurs where the Light of each's SOUL is unable to fully integrate within the body, for the whole BEing-Body to transition over to 5D intact.

Life and death cycles are different in 3D/4D ... and 5D and what all means/how all occurs is very different too.

The human body has what we call a "Body Clock", which operates differently in each dimension occupied. These increased timelines dissolving, increase the body's "aging" process substantially too. In 3D/4D, the human & body operate at a different oscillation rate than the 5D+ body templates do.

Therefore the aging/regeneration process is very different as well. In "the old days", when the Earth operated at a lower frequency bandwidth, then aging "seemed" normal too. Yet, as the Earth awoke, as it became conscious, our bodies awoke/awaken too. Our "body-clocks" accelerate our aging process when it's time to transition out of 3D/4D fully, either with or without our bodies.

Human body death occurs for the human body that is not able to transition over to 5D. The determining factor? How awake each's SOUL is and able to integrate into the body fully, before the body shuts completely down, from being DEPRIVED of the breath of Life/Light.

The carbon-based body was able to sustain before, partly because it used "other things" to keep the body going, for fuel, for energy, that fed the body's fuel cells differently and temporarily, for that day or those hours or few days. Yet, now the body can't sustain as it did before, because those things "won't work" like they did before.

With the vibration of our Earth raising SO high now, the physical body has to raise it's vibration in order to stay alive and "come along". Those of us who have already transitioned over, have gone through this immense "death cycle" already, many times... with the amount of density/separation determining "how harsh" the journey/ride/experience is/was.

With the increased oscillation rates of our now Vibratory Earth/Atmospheres, physical body density is "more affected" than before. Accelerated Aging Processes increase for 3D/4D bodies. This will apply to organs, cellularly, skin, body systems, bones, eyes, brain, heart... all. The body will "age" and "seem to be dying", without out any "plausible" explanation for what it going on. It's kind of like an energetic "death", because it is.

This process "reverses" once the 5D body template has fully "installed" and the 3D/4D Body templates are completely re-worked. Then one enters "different" aging/death/rebirth cycles that are energetic, instead of as physical, like before.

Each SOUL chose a body to incarnate into/walk into, for the human experience (some awaken/some asleep & completely veiled), yet Ascension is very different than "being awake". We could walk in/incarnate/birth in "awake" and still live deep beneath the Veils of Amnesia without any awareness of this. Achieving an Ascended State is the first step that "starts" physical body ascension processes to accelerate even more. For those SOULS UNABLE/NOT CHOOSING to Ascend Fully within this physical incarnation, then "leaving the body" (physical death) occurs, where different cycles begin.

I will go with "re-incarnation" for this explanation, then move to a different one. Once we reach the 5th Dimension with our physical bodies, these cycles no longer exist, as all timelines & existences converge/collapse into ONE, so the "how" changes substantially here. The death cycle changes from full body death to death of programs held within our cells and regeneration processes, re-birthing processes that constantly occur. Here, every moment is death and rebirth, yet occurring on a different level. There's no pain or suffering anymore, as there is with 3rd & 4th Density Bodies. Physical pain is a cellular program breaking down and sacred geometric light codes being embedded within the body on a cellular/molecular level. Because of the LightBody, pain is felt differently and is rare, except for huge "extractions", if you will. When we get deep into the teeth and bones, for the much higher dimensional Light Bodies, it can be intense for awhile, yet even that eventually goes.

For those SOULS unable/not choosing to awaken from inside of their bodies (hearts open fully), then the body experiences actual physical death. Some go through NDE's, so they can "see & understand" and then "re-enter" the body, to do "life" differently and accelerate their own awakening process, yet they still have to evolve their body, go through the Trials and Tribulations/Initiatory Passageways of EXPERIENCE to clear the programming from the body, so the body can fully awaken and come online/transition over to 5D Earth too.

For those SOULS that "lay dormant" within the body, suppressed and "not allowed" to emerge, then the body shuts down and dies. This is how physical death actually occurs. Each's LIGHT was stifled/ignored/refused and the body has "no choice" but to do, because the BREATH OF LIGHT and PURE LOVE is what keeps it alive. 1% of Light won't keep the body alive. The body must BUILD IT'S LIGHT QUOTIENT to 100% to transition over to NEW Earth, which is where each's LightBody & Merkaba comes in.

For those "not choosing" to awaken fully in this Life-Cycle in order to ascend, then the next processes apply (there are others, yet this is the short version). However awake each became in this life-cycle will determine WHICH DIMENSION they re-incarnate back into when "returning" again. If 3D, deep asleep was the most one was able to accomplish, then that SOUL will re-incarnate/walk back into a 3D Consciousness Experience (Hell), to resolve this separation from Self as Pure Source Light, then transition to 4D (Purgatory), then eventually 5D and beyond.

Souls are not "bound" to linear dimensions like human body's are. All SOUL merge to become one and the whole Unified Field of Consciousness upon death. It's the timeline cycles that become relative here. Physical body death is freedom for the SOUL... pure peace, pure love, pure everything... Soul's do not suffer, that's the human reality/perception.... Our Soul's are PURE and do not "live in separation" like human ego aspects believe. That's all a matrix program too.

Yet, if a SOUL is to re-incarnate to return to this planet to assist in any way, to become a part of "another human experience", they "return" to the "last dimension" "cleared/achieved" in the previous human cycle, that's still available on our Multi-Dimensional Earth here. If they were able to "make it to 4D" (Purgatory/Bardo/The Dimension in-between 3rd & 5th/Duality), then they re-enter the 4th Dimension to complete/resolve/dissolve that separation, to transition over to 5D at some point. Those who were able to achieve a certain level of consciousness prior to physical body death, may re-incarnate as our Crystal/Rainbow Children here, yet how awake/conscious the family or circumstances are, is relative to the previous incarnation of life-cycles completed prior to physical body death.

Our beautiful crystal & rainbow children come in with activated codes, different body templates and to awaken others through more purity and love. Their bodies cannot "take" the harshness of unconsciousness, so their bodies will "reject", fight back, shut down and have a harder time, because the lower vibrations are "out of sync" with their body clocks....

Our body clock operates on "Time Cycles" that correlate to life and death cycles, and in each Dimension/Density, these are different.

Due to the increased VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY OF OUR EARTH, these "time cycles" (Life spans) on old earth now "Shorten" considerably.

I will explain a bit here to assist. Every organ, every cell of our body, holds "the separation of time" within it (3D/4D), which makes up our body template and the gridwork within our bodies that dictate the Dimensional Version of Earth Density that we actually walk on/live in/exist in/vibrate at. Our body's systems, organs, cells, blood, oxygen... every particle of us are a part of a massive SYSTEM that works either in-unison with our beloved Gaia/Universe or SEPARATE from it, which is where separation dictates "time". This "separation" actually "goes against" all things nature/natural and Universal/Cosmic Laws. This separation, held deep within our bodies, is what actually facilitates "physical body death" to occur.

Our Light awakens through our PURE HEARTS and ignites on a cellular level inside. This ignition can be felt. It's electrical, hot/cold, energetic.... As our hearts open, our "light" is "released". It's more than just our hearts though, it's every cell of our body that opens up... it's our neurons, our receptors and every particle of who we are... awakening from inside of our BODY... and it's an immense process of clearing old deeply held programming/belief systems and where all was "housed". As our hearts and minds fully open, our light is able to move through our bodies, repairing, tuning and re-calibrating/re-coding everything MULTI-DIMENSIONALLY.... our bodies go through a lot for this to occur.

For those keeping their hearts closed, in protection mode, living in fear and unable to re-connect, the body goes into "starvation mode" as there's no Light to FEED the body and keep it alive/sustained. This is where each organ starts to fail and the body starts to shut down. This is the body screaming for love, attention, self-care, nature, nurturing, kindness... yet the human-ego won't listen... other things are more important or it's an "inconvenience"....

WE'VE ENTERED INTO ACCELERATED DEATH CYCLES... which correlates in various ways. Each dimension is different. For the 3rd/4th Dimensional human body, it will "appear" to go haywire even more. The old ways won't work AND it won't make any "sense" to the human either. This is because what is occurring is on a Cosmic/Quantum/Multi-Dimensional/Vibrational level... a cellular level and "the cure" is not as humans "think" or believe.... Human aspects won't listen, often UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS to get their attention, take their "power" of ignoring/ignorance/refusing to listen/honor away... (ego).

This is a part of the ego death cycle that now accelerates too. As humans, we call it "Dark Night of the Soul", when in essence, it's DEATH OF OUR EGO, and everywhere it was "housed" in our bodies... those emotions, those mentalities, those beliefs, those fears, that lack.... all of that "separation" and "duality"... deeeeeep deeeeeep deeeeeeep within. Mass Consciousness Awakenings equates to Mass Ego (and physical) Death too.

What's important now is to UNDERSTAND many things, and to shift those perceptions from your human perceptions to your own SOUL KNOWING and SEEING... therefore actually shifting your own DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE here.

These ACCELERATION DEATH/REBIRTH CYCLES take on many forms... each dimensional body's experience different than others.....

These ACCELERATIONS also equate to those NOT CLEARING KARMA IN THIS LIFETIME/LIFE CYCLE.... now start to transition out faster and in greater numbers too. For those Souls transitioning with their bodies, we clear our Karma fully, on every level, which makes up various Akash's.... Human Karma, Galactic Karma, Abundance Karma, Twin Karma, Relationship Karma, Christed/God/Angelic Karma, Gaia/Elemental Consciousness Karma, Universal and more.... each clearing is necessary for the body to "stay alive". There is a huge Reversal Process that occurs with each one as well.

What I "offer"/provide (here and through my/our work) is a way for each to REVERSE THIS PROCESS and CLEAR THEIR OWN KARMA easier.... so that either transition can be "easier"... either out of body or with the body. Karma is just unconscious programming held on a cellular level, yet the energy each holds and functions from dictates this. Full ascension of Consciousness will start to clear all human karma, then we don't "create" anymore... then our bodies get to ascend, we won't have/experience any "karma" for awhile, then we go deeper on a SOUL level to access all of the other existences of Karma and to clear all of those, before we can achieve Avatar Consciousness/OverSoul Embodiment here.

HOW DO YOU CLEAR YOUR KARMA ---- to Ascend Your Own Consciousness, to then Ascend in the Physical or Transition from a higher dimensional space/place/timeline... so that "IF" you choose to return/re-incarnate back into form "later", you can come in at a 5D EXPERIENCE to start with....

You open your heart fully, you make amends for all you've "done", you transcend the duality within you and you REVERSE ALL yourself. You actually start to CARE as a SOUL and allow your own light to come through. You find the hugest way that you can contribute, the ways that support HUMANITY/GAIA and elevating Consciousness and you step-up/do from your absolute highest place/aspect of you.... You merge with LOVE inside... you honor your body and all as LOVE, you allow your LIGHT TO ACTIVATE YOUR OWN LIGHTBODY and support your body while it re-codes/re-configures itself to "leave" 3D/4D densities.... You re-connect with YOUR OWN SOUL and let it guide you/tell you what to DO..... there will be small ways and huge ways for you to REDEEM yourself for all.

All of that hate, hurt, victim, being wronged, all that separation... that is what "kills your body" and dims your Light and your body can't survive without it's breath.... This breath is CONSCIOUSNESS... it's ALIVE... and it moves through you, if you will honor it, allow it and increase it, for your body to THRIVE....

The body in "survival mode" functions on very little "connection". This separation/lack of connection inside, with all things as love is how our bodies physically die.

The 5th Dimension is the literal HEAVEN ON EARTH... yet to get here, it has to awaken within you, birth from within you, through that spark of LIGHT and that LIGHT has to flow through you, without disruptions, without being shut down, ignored or depleted anymore....

Your linear mind/human ego... keeps your body in a 3D/4Density, which still functions within "time". This separation is how your body dies.... because your body-clock-template still lives in the separation of time still.

There are different types of death.... and all are natural cycles too. For physical body death, the ego maintained control and LOVE could not "move in" fully for the physical body to stay alive. For Physical Body Ascension, you activate a higher state of consciousness and "hold this", while your body works to clear the density of separation held within. This is where "ego death/dark night" kicks in. For physical body ascension, then the emotional body must "die", the "mental body" dies, the physical body "dies" differently.... "over the separation of time". These acceleration cycles, now increase the death/rebirth cycles in each dimension. 5D & above, is different, because the physical body has transcended death, whereas it's death of the old in every moment and re-birthing the new in every moment too. Birthing new realities into/through conscious creation, birthing new everything... through Unity Love Consciousness...

The cellular body experiences each dimension differently. Each's Light Quotient dictates the dimension the physical body occupies. How long it takes for the physical body to reverse, repair and move to a re-generative process of cellular de-generation (aging) and re-generation (de-aging), is determined by how much separation is still held.

Each can choose to shift their consciousness and actually affect the physical body/reality to re-generate "faster" and "easier".... by releasing all ego/separation/programs beliefs intentionally.

I write this because we have entered a "karmic debt" cycle above all others, where each must FORGIVE KARMIC DEBTS fully.... otherwise each is bound to the karmic cycle themselves.... over and over and again and again until all of this energy clear or the body dies and each returns to do it again.....

Forgiveness is for all.... what each is holding onto.... if you desire to be forgiven, you must first fully forgive, as you are unable to fully receive (and integrate your own Light) until you do. Full forgiveness means everything... every action ever done until "this point". This moment, right here... what each is DOING NOW... this is what matters as this is what dictates the dimension your body is bound to... vibrates at... exists in.... and whether it LIVES IN FULLY UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS with all of life, thriving and free and awake and kind ... or if it exits this life cycle and you "return" later.... and what dimension you incarnate into when/as you do.

Right here, right now.... all have the capability to shift... all have the capability to CHOOSE, as each's EXPERIENCE is a vibrational response to "this". The more each "holds on" to the old, the "faster" cellular de-generation occurs. The way to re-generate life is through LOVE, PURITY and re-connecting on a SOUL Level... so that your SOUL can breathe through you... fully... and all of the old can dissolve/die easier... without your body going with it... and having to go through "full body death" to wake you up. ♥

p.s. 5D Body templates and above, this means "faster" acceleration of death/rebirth cycles for us as well, yet not a physical organ/body part/ego death, like before... death of old realities/timelines as fast as we create new through our own "breath of life and love" for all of humanity here. Birthing more, birthing "faster and more powerfully than ever before.... Cosmic Birth Cycles increase, Star BEings/Soul BEings/Light BEings awakening "faster" withing their bodies too... for all to REMEMBER FULLY and UNITE as LOVE here to continue to increase/strengthen our NEW EARTH NETWORKING SYSTEM as we all continue to BUILD/ANCHOR/BRING FORTH/EXPERIENCE more NEW EARTH REALITIES.... so keep holding your light, building your light, sharing your light and uniting all through LOVE, while dissolving/resolving and transcending those old realities/timelines as fast as you can too!

In every moment, each one of us can always shift, into a much higher state of consciousness and hold that as our new realities here. As we each do, our physical realities/dimensional experiences do too. ♥

5D is where Embodied SOULS live, walk this Earth and work together as love, play like children and fulfill much higher dimensional Soul Purposes/Galactic Missions/HUman roles here. It's where all is in-service to hUmanity, just the level at which we function differs, based upon the levels of consciousness we've been able to achieve/maintain within ourselves and with our entire physical reality as well. 9D is where we start to UNITE more, as the Star Councils and Soul Families are ready to work together for the bigger picture for us all. The space between 5D & 9D are important experiences.... for each to "grow up" as Higher Selves/Unified BEings, reconnect with Gaia's Consciousness/Universal Consciousness and be ready for these phases now.... Each "works" to hold the much higher states of consciousness, Christed/God/Galactic/Celestial/All.... becoming intentional Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Embodied Guardians, Ancient Elders and Celestial Bodies and Various Star Councils (Unified Councils of Light) here.

Remember, 3D/4D/5D and way above... all equate to the metaphoric dimensions of Heaven or Hell on Earth. The physical experience is a vibrational representation by way of each's experiences now. 2012 Gateways opening up changed this for us all, when Physical Body Ascension became a possibility/"REAL"ity/CHOICE for us all.

3D = Hell EXPERIENCES and Energy
4D = Purgatory/Bardo/In-Between Experiences/Dualistic EXPERIENCES and Energy
5D = Heavenly, magical and beautiful inner-connected EXPERIENCES and Energy

5D opens up all possibilities and much higher dimensions for experiencing here. It's where we start/the beginning of "after death" cycles.... it's walking in the waking dream, after sleeping ourselves awake and being thrust/catapulted/shocked and shaken awake too. We've completed the 9D Light Body Template in conjunction with Gaia and those achieving this with their bodies will too. Now we move into a 12D template project that is "slated for completion" with the December 2018 Gateway that carries us into January 2019 to accelerate higher dimensional LightBody templates, in order to "achieve" the 2020 timelines set forth before we all birthed/incarnated/walked in/materialized into form here.

I love you! Love your SOUL-Body as it works to evolve at an accelerated rate and DNA re-writing accelerates continually too.

You can REVERSE ALL through your own UNIFIED ENERGY, ACTIONS AND PRESENCE here too. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


"New" Cosmic Timetables have become visible/available for us to see and start to activate through our own consciousness, and intentionally participate in anchoring within each one of us, as well as our entire physical reality here too.

These accelerations are to "complete" energetic re-gridding processes, along with Universal Gaia's Cosmic LightBody and template building, simultaneously, on a "Cosmic Timetable" for TEMPLATE COMPLETION to occur. ↓↓↓

In observing mindsets, we start to re-map our entire belief systems, non-linearly... all vibrational and based upon all new realizations and seeing what we could not see before... ENERGETICALLY. This means we are starting to shift our own perceptions, in many ways and start to create a "new networking system" within us... by way of SEEING how things are connected, affected, support, contribute, create... on an energetic level (a Quantum one), instead of a linear one, like before (3rd/4th Dimensional bodies).

Your "new" body, your Light Body, operates and functions very different than your carbon-based human body does/did. Through Light, through Presence, through your deep-inner-connection, you hear/see/feel/know on a whole new level.... another dimension, another version of "reality", alternate ones.... where what is not visible to the human eye (yet), is visible from deep deep deep inside, (where your Soul/Light Lives).

Accessing the "other dimensions", takes focus, presence and requires you to maintain that connection in order to truly see, feel, know and understand. Part of this process, is by way of PHOTONIC LIGHT, working through your body and re-coding, re-configuring, re-structuring everything completely differently than it was. You are a very important part of this process, because the more you tune-in (are in-tune), the more you get to participate, consciously and work in unison with your body, for this very important evolutionary process that occurs from within you.... all day every day now.

Re-Association with your own mind, means observing the "lines" that used to connect and re-working these to be "different" understandings than you had before. By looking at a "picture" from inside, you can see the "picture" of how things "work", which means that you can start to see on a Quantum Level, instead of an old limited, fixed, attached and unconscious one.

For example, how you spend your money. You used to "think" you were buying a product, when in essence, you were receiving a physical thing that you deemed important, and you placed importance on this thing, which then placed a value on this thing, where you then decided to spend your money, that you place value on, on that thing, because you value what?

Used to be, you spent money to buy a thing, yet in evolving our consciousness, we see that we are not buying a thing, we are receiving a physical thing in EXCHANGE for a physical thing we place value on/in, to receive something that then affects our physical vibration.

With this scenario, we get to SEE, that it's not about the money, it about who/what we are supporting when we spend that money, the purpose of the thing we are "exchanging something for", this case "physical money", to gain/acquire/achieve a "thing" that we place value on, and in essence, we've purchased physical matter that represents a vibration, our priorities, what we care about and so many other things we could not see before....

All of a sudden, we have NEW AWARENESS, of what our priorities are, what our perceptions are, why we do the things we do and where we come from when we "support", how we "support, "who" we support..... ourselves, each other, old earth/unconsciousness/fear/lack or New Earth, ourselves, each other, love/Unity/Consciousness/our BE-Loved-d Gaia/Earth, our LightBodies, our Souls or something else....

How we spend our money matters. Our human doesn't take this into consideration, because it's fixated on "the thing", what they are getting, without a clue of what all VIBRATIONALLY MEANS.

On a Quantum Level, how we receive matters too. Why something is given or offered, if there are expectations, hidden agendas, attachments, then we don't "take" those things, as they are not PURE.

When we see/get to the higher dimensional realities, we start to understand, yes EVERYTHING IS FREE, yet not in the way it once was. It's "given" or "exchanged" freely, as a means of appreciation, gratitude, respect, support, contribution, caring and a way to accomplish the work we came here to do... it's nothing like it was when we were unconscious before. Everything has a vibration....

I used "money" for this example, because this is what many focus on, or what gets "attention", what matters to humans and one of the first questions many want to know. How to make more "money".... MONEY IS ENERGY, it's a RESPONSE to our own Vibration, it has a PURPOSE and SUPPORTS OUR NEW EARTH EXISTENCE.... just like anything else. Money is not the "issue" here, our ENERGY IS..... Our priorities, what we truly care about, what we support with it, what we create with it, how we share it and utilize it to make a difference too.

As our PERCEPTIONS CHANGE, our energy changes, our mentalities change, where we come from changes, what we value changes, what inspires us changes, what matters changes, the importance we place on "things" changes and how/what/when we receive changes too, as all is VIBRATIONAL and ENERGY here. Everything is relative to our energy, how much "energy" we put into "things", how open we are, how much we share and how much karmic/unconscious programming we still carry within us that still has to be cleared.

We have to reverse and re-identify all.... we shift our perceptions, our consciousness off of the physical and onto the VIBRATION and ENERGY of all. We see the lack, the cords, the attachment, the need, the manipulation, the mis-use of power, the words that are masked with "untruths" and we choose not to participate in this behavior anymore.

There are REALities that are based upon FREE, where everything is FREE.... yet our human doesn't understand what FREE means... because it focuses on the "thing", instead of the "things" are an ENERGETIC REPRESENTATION of what we hold inside, how much we share, reciprocate, how much we contribute, care... nothing like the Old Earth, where we worked hard for a thing... as what we receive, when we receive, how we receive in completely non-linear.... it comes "out of nowhere", just like "magic", from every direction and multiple SOURCES... as we achieve, hit that vibration, portals open and "things come through those portals".... how cool is that?!!!

We do EVERYTHING THIS WAY... we look at the ENERGY OF ALL, the VIBRATION OF ALL and we determine if "that" is aligned on a Soul Level, is it PURE, does it support fully, is it FREE OF ATTACHMENTS AND CORDS.... does it serve the highest purposes vibrationaly or is it of "the old".... and this is how we make decisions.... regarding everything.

Every thing in our lives... is about the VIBRATION AND ENERGY and is that open, pure, free and highest aligned? Is it there to contribute, support, share or is there a lack/need/hidden agenda there? Is IT PURE, or does it come from the "root chakra" of lack, survival/just get by/me mode ... is it truly FREE?

When we first come into consciousness and see the higher dimensional realms, we do see that everything is supposed to be free, and at some point it will be, as we all come to function from a deep sacred place of connection, caring, support, respect and realize that we all have to contribute, we all have to step-up, we all have to Unite to share what we have access to, for all of hUmaNITY, yet not like humans "think" we do.

There's no supporting or feeding lack/give to me/do for me ENERGY...there is providing the opportUNITY for each to CHOOSE, to be re-educated on a SOUL LEVEL for what is appropriate ENERGETICALLY and what is not. Kindness, consideration, respect and opening the DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY for each to CHOOSE a different way... this is how all of our Universes work and as we all become the UNIVERSE (and more), these are the ROLES we play here too... as each other's higher selves, as another UNIVERSE.... opening portals of opportUNITY, sharing ideas, inspiring, creating and uplifting and CARING....

We utilize our re-SOURCES, our gifts (natural abilities), our higher consciousness knowledge/everything to assist, guide and SHOW (WayShowers), allowing each to come to learn to respect, appreciate and step up/forth to contribute, share, be a part of OUR NEW EARTH too.... when they are READY... when their ENERGY SHOWS UP READY... not their human mind in lack/selfish/control mode.... as the answer will be "no" every time, until that energy shifts, that heart opens and they are truly ready to "tow the line", just like we all did... There's no coddling or doing the work for others, there is opening up the door of opportUNITY and leaving it open (or closing it if that timeline has played itself out).....

Re-associating in our MIND is a necessary part of this process for us all. To sit, observe and see the ENERGY of what we are creating, supporting, allowing.... and CHOOSE to SEE differently than before.

Here we care about each other, our planet earth and every sentient being, yet we can also see THE DIMENSION we are in, when there is an exchange and determine if that reality is an old unconscious one to clear an old program (say no/shift the vibration/bring all into full consciousness) and to shift all into into a much higher vibrational one ourselves.... all of us together, or us, if the "others" are not in a place for this yet (vibrational)....

We have no attachment to any realities, to no "thing".... we have love, kindness, respect, integrity and we care. We can also see the cords of attachment that unconsciousness transmits out, how much lack there is, how much need and how "short term" the exchange needs to be, based upon unconsciousness, or "long term" based upon full consciousness, being in-tune and having common/similar Soul Purposes and Roles to play out together, as long as that TIMELINE remains intact. The moment the vibration changes, the timeline changes too. If there is any duality/unconsciousness, the timeline dissolves/disintegrates/collapses/closes out, unless each is ready to bring all into full consciousness WITHIN THEMSELVES and then together too. The amount of energy this takes, will be relative to each's consciousness/unconsciousness/programming still held. The more "time" we spend on something, the more energy it takes, the more invested we are in it.... which correlates to physical everything.

For humans, their SOUL is not a tangible thing, it's not important or valued... their LIGHT is not important, because they do not understand, that their LIGHT feeds their body, keeps it alive, transmits out into the entire external "reality" to "play" a "Virtual-turned-physical" Experience out, from the programs held inside, the beliefs, the frequencies transmitted out.... which is how the external becomes "solid"....

So the question is... Is YOUR SOUL A TANGIBLE THING?Follow the light, the energy, observe and see as far/as much as you can see... to realize more of what you could not yet see before.

What we focus on matters to us, therefore activating "matter" to take form. It is that easy... Yet, for humans they can't focus their energy/Consciousness and "affect" the physical at-will, because there are so many other programs transmitting from their body... a WIDE RANGE OF CONFUSION.... so the outside doesn't have a clear signal of "what to do".... The energies/transmissions of fear, hesitation, lack, not sure or a focus on the physical first, anchor the physical body in an unconscious dimension to play all of those doubts, fear, lack of inner-connectedness-power out.....

Re-mapping/re-associating is KEY for each one of us.... to look at/observe EVERYTHING on an ENERGETIC LEVEL FIRST...... observe "that relationship" or "that job/business", that home or that Exchange... See the ENERGY, the attachment, the cords, the lack, the need, the purity, the kindness, the respect, the INVESTED ENERGY of each and where there are ENERGETIC IMBALANCES too. See everything..... See that Job that you do, the JOY, the Bliss, the opportUNITIES to make a difference, touch lives, show others how important they are too, how much you care (without lack/needing anything), see how much TIME YOU SPEND ON "THAT"... do you realize that TIME IS ENERGY and all is YOUR INVESTMENT, which EQUATES to your own phsyical reality and everything you call ABUNDANCE here?

The amount of TIME you put into everything, the amount of ENERGY... this is your INVESTMENT, this is your creation of what you VIBRATIONALLY EXPERIENCE here. Do you value others, their TIME/ENERGY too? Do you reciprocate or take take take for you? Do you only show up when YOU want something (human/ego/unconscious programming) or do you SHOW UP to offer, support, contribute and become the NEW EARTH NETWORKING SYSTEMS, STRUCTURES, INFRASTRUCTURES here?

Are you fully INVESTED IN YOUR OWN SOUL here, the SOULS of others, not from a place of lack, yet from a space of love, kindness, support, respect? Are you FULLY INVESTED in your NEW Earth realities, with your precious TIME/ENERGY/BREATH too... do you realize your breath, your chi, your energy, this is your SOUL LIGHT.... that you are either nourishing or depleting, honoring or wasting... as is the ENERGY of all others... do you hold RESPECT for the ENERGY (TIME) OF others, do you VALUE THIS?

Do you love and respect your bodies for all the "work they do" to carry your SOUL LIGHT here? Our bodies go through an IMMENSE PROCESS of repairing and fixing everything we've done for our whole human existence here. Those muscles, organs, cells..... all have to UNDO everything we did and clear the separation/linear/unconscious/karmic/every existence codes held inside and re-code with all new ones.... breaking down y/our old mindsets on a cellular level... breaking down those linear constructs on a cellular level, breaking down all of those fixed mentalities, programs and beliefs, all of those limits, that hidden fear, lack of love/self respect/integrity, so that it can LINK UP TO NEW EARTH FULLY.... so that your whole body can vibrate at a frequency high enough to shift into a whole new frequency bandwidth, as that density clears... it's all that programming....

As you re-map, as your neural pathways open up, as your heart walls dissipate/come down, as your UNIVERSAL MIND comes online, your Universal Heart, Your Gaia's Heart, Your Cosmic Heart, Higher Selves Hearts.... your Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Divine Child, Pure Source Creator aspects awaken from INSIDE OF YOUR BODY, as a part of your Soul.... Sitting and observing and remapping your own associations with how you correlate reality, this is an important part of the process for us all, in order to open up Universal Corridors, Universal Consciousness, which will expand into other consciousnesses, where all ego/separation/duality/distortions are resolved/dissolved for full UNIFICATION to occur.

We been in OverSoul Consciousness/Avatar Consciousness these last years. Yesterday, new codes came through... new Avatar Codes, which will be activated within each, as their body reaches the vibration for these to be activated inside of each's physical body, until then, they float around in each's field of Consciousness, for each to expand their consciousness into. Holding this expanded state continually, for the body to re-work itself/re-code itself and for the entire Physical reality to be re-tuned/re-coded for the physical dimension to take new shape to MATCH THIS NEW OVERALL VIBRATION... is up to each one of us... to accomplish/hold/be/do here. There were many different codes activated/released/made available, all relative to wherever each one of us "currently are" vibrationally... each will "receive"/activate these new codes for themselves, as their own consciousness expands from their hearts and out into the UNIFIED FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS for each to hold this space/this state in every exchange here. Embodiment is through Purity, a level of purity that can't be "given" by another... it's a purification process by EACH AS A SOUL, of each's own human ego programs still held within the body, which each must do themselves.

Those of us who do "this"/what we do, we hold/provide/transmit/intentionally activate the Key Codes (Light Encoded Information) to assist each with embracing/choosing/utilizing this. We expand our fields out to connect with yours and when you TUNE IN to RECEIVE... you activate these codes within yourselves "easier", consciously, instead of having to "wait" until "one day" or after a bazillion experiences to "teach you" what we've already "learned" and share with all of hUmaNITY as a part of our own higher purposes/missions/roles here. Every word we write, every exchange, every class we teach... is important, serves a purpose and assists humanity on multi-dimensional levels... as do you. ♥

Honor your body, how it's shifting vibration, reversing eon's of existences on a cellular level, as well as building more of your own PURE SOURCE LIGHT from inside. Your Divine Essence, your PURE BREATH.... as you VALUE THIS, you come to VALUE THIS IN OTHERS and you birth a whole new respect, appreciation and connection from within you, to yourself, each other, all of us here... and your whole REALity changes too!

I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Codes pouring in since "my" yesterday afternoon, the next phase of this Lion's Gateway is preparing to open, as the grids charge and we get ready to rock and roll more awesomeness!

p.s. Pay attention to your resistance/your body/your muscles/your heart/your mind... how open/closed you are, how defensive you are, how quick you are to "assume" or blame or "think you know"... how much you trust/don't trust... live from survival/just get by mode... how much you "take advantage" of others, how much you "take" and don't reciprocate, where you have an attachment to an outcome before you will trust, listen, do .... where your ego "needs to know first", before you will listen/honor/do... Pay attention to what inspires you, where you focus your own energy and choose to contribute/don't, what "matters" to you, what your own priorities are, as these are very visible energetically and on a Quantum Level.... what/where you focus your attention, your thoughts, your energy... this is what you keep re-creating/creating to experience in your own reality here.

KEYCODE: Take your focus off the "thing" and focus on your energy, the energy of "that", the vibration it represents and then FOCUS YOUR ENERGY on INTENTIONALLY CREATING, so that all you truly need, desire and "deserve" (on a very different level), can come to you easily too! ♥

p.p.p.p.p.p.s. Our LightBodies (Gamma Bodies/Photonic Bodies/Soul Bodies), give us the ability to focus Gamma Energy/Rays with precision and like a tractor beam "pull" realities here. As a Light BEing, you can PULL all into a higher state of consciousness (each other), yet it gets exhausting if you spend all your precious energy "pulling" others who's hearts/minds are closed and their BODIES are in "resistance" mode, pushing back or hearts closed/walls up... blocking/stopping/not wanting to hear/see/feel/own/shift/deal.... You start realizing that your precious energy can be ore productive creating, sharing, inspiring.... both alone and with others holding/possessing this ENERGY too, this excitement, this openness, this SHARING, SHARING and CONTRIBUTING ENERGY too... This is where we Unite from... as the Light Councils here... as PURE SOURCE LIGHT CREATORS... ready to come together to create/share/expand more....

These recent codes (and all upcoming ones) are activating the EMBODIED UNIFIED COUNCILS OF LIGHT, in physical form here. Ready to step-up/forth and unite in all new ways... to fulfill much higher purposes as Soul-Star-Light BEings here. ♦

We now move into 12D Earth Template ... another immense re-gridding, re-structuring, re-coding and re-calibration process for us all, in conjunction with Gaia, as she does this too. All of us as Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Emmisaries/Ambassadors, Guardians, Ancients are doing work on every dimensional level constantly, as well as our walking/waking state here. Keep it up! It's important for us all. I love and appreciate all that you do as LOVE too! ♥

Remember, re-associate EVERYTHING... nothing is as you once "thought" it was. There's a Quantum Reality that's very different and works completely differently too. NEW Earth is a whole new Value System, being re-worked from inside of each one of us/me/you/all here. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

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