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Matthew Ward

Message from Matthew


August 18, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls this season, I am Matthew. Most of your questions and comments are about the private meeting between the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, so let's start with this. The meeting had to be private, only in the presence of the translators, because the nature of the most vital information they addressed required secrecy. That's what special aliens in intelligence / intelligence agencies have told us: Russia has countless computer files and recorded calls proving the Illuminati's crimes against humanity.
This gathering of evidence was crucial because Putin, one of the most powerful and knowledgeable people in your world, is leading the behind-the-scenes group to arrest and prosecute guilty individuals. In addition to the two presidents, other influential people in governments and in the economic, judicial, corporate, military, religious and media / media sectors are involved in this far reaching endeavor; and until all dominoes are in place (until all facts are proven), the most significant aspect of Putin's and Trump's talk at the Helsinki meeting can not be publicly disclosed.

However, the Illuminati dome felt that something was happening.Originally their accusations against Putin and against Russia for the creation of problems caused by illuminati lackeys were a revenge for Putin's repeated refusal to join forces with the same Illuminati. Now it was a matter of urgency to slander him as well as his country. The slogans "Russian interference in the 2016 elections in the United States" and "Creating divisions among voters through social networks" have been expanded to "Russia will try to manipulate elections in all democratic countries," "Putin fought cyberspace war "And" Russia can turn off power grids and create chaos. "

The purpose of this intensified propaganda against Russia is to convince people that nothing that comes out of that country can be trusted, nothing can be believed in what Putin says, so that when the evidence mentioned comes out, they will be rejected. This reaction is likely, as well as the vehement denials of the Illuminati, but in the end truth and justice will prevail. If you have heard or read about the possibility of arrests and charges, be aware - some of this information is accurate, some is not, and wherever the Illuminati controls media reporting, the accuracy of these facts is reported as a "conspiracy theory."

The ever-increasing vibrations are strengthening the collaborative effort to end its long reign of deception and control of the world through its International Empire of Evil. However, when this empire is only dust and debris, the effects of its economic devastation and social manipulation will endure for many peoples, and many others will still be oppressed by tyrannical regimes. Your mission as lightworkers continues to be vital! Sending love of light energy through your thoughts, feelings and actions and visualizing the Earth immersed in golden light will help to hasten the arrival of the day when all peoples can enjoy freedom and share the abundance of the world.

So now we want to always address your interests in world events, and in doing so in the context of universal laws and personal and planetary ascension, we raise your conscious awareness. Also the purpose of our messages is to provide clarification on other matters that are equally important to you, and we welcome all spiritual comments and questions.

 "I realize that I am a soul inhabiting a body, not the other way around. The problem is that I do not know exactly what a soul is or what it does and where it comes from. The few people I can talk to about metaphysics also do not seem to know it. What can Matthew tell us about the mysterious soul? " We do our best to clarify the "mystery." The soul comes from the Creator / Creator, the Creator is the Source of all that exists, Creation is the "product" of creative action. other assignments to the Supreme Cosmic Being, such as Wholeness, All That Is, I AM, and the Unity of All and All. Most people attribute these comprehensive terms to God, whatever the religions have given the soul who is the Supreme Being of this Universe, because religions claim that He and the Creator are one and the same entity and your Science does not make the difference between this Universe and the Cosmos which currently contains seven Universes of inestimable size.

We do not know what existed before the Creator's first self-expression, which is often referred to as the Big Bang. That same expression was the silent release of the most powerful force of the Cosmos, the pure essence of love-light from the Creator. This divine, infinite, and indestructible energy, which comprises the cosmic consciousness or the Mind of the Creator, is the Principle and the constitution of each and every soul existing in the whole Cosmos.

At one point, the Creator attributed to souls the gift of freedom and the inherent capacity of manifestation.This is the basis of life in this Universe, where souls are manifested by God, the chosen soul to be the ruler of this Universe, through their powers of  co-creation  with the Creator. God uses the energy of the Creator to realize His ideas; and, as microcosms of God, every soul of His universal family and all of them proportionately have the same capacity of joint creation as He.
The soul can live in a physical or etheric body or as a free and formless spirit, which remembers its origins and knows its mission of life. When a soul chooses a physical life, depending on the evolutionary statute of its consciousness, the choice can be a human body or any other form of incarnate civilization, any animal or plant species, a planet, a sun or other astral body. In any form and in any place in this Universe that a soul chooses to be, it is always an eternal and inviolable eternal being, and at the same time it is energetically and inseparably connected with God and the Creator, as well as with all other souls, in all the Cosmos.
Now let's look at this whole process on Earth, the present name of the planet that was chosen as the body of the soul called Gaia. Gaia is the source of life for everything that exists about her and within her body, and every soul that embodies it is the life force of her characters that she co-creates for the diversity of physical experience. When a soul produces a character, that soul becomes a "cumulative" soul or "parental" soul, and all knowledge acquired by each character in the lineage is available to all other characters. When soul characters produce affiliations or ancestry, they become cumulative souls, and as this "family" continues to increase, the store of wisdom, knowledge, and experience with which to equip each new character expands proportionally.
We designate as a cumulative soul   to indicate the addition / accumulation of characters in the lineage, but what actually accumulates are fragments and pieces of  knowledge remembered from the Principle . Knowledge  is within each soul, but all this is forgotten by the character, so that he or she can act according to free will and with the choices made.
But that does not mean that the soul is abandoning its progeny! Each character has access to everything that is accumulated in the storehouse of this soul family, as well as to the collective consciousness of Earth's civilization, to the mass consciousness of this Universe and to cosmic consciousness; then it is not a question of learning again, but of remembering what is known at the soul level and applying that knowledge to physical life. In addition, the soul gives your character a superb guidance system: consciousness, unlimited capacity for love, sense of honor, instinct for survival, intuition, inspiration, aspiration, creativity - all expressions of art come from the soul - and ability to communicate telepathically and to perform other "paranormal" activities. 
When the same souls choose to have many lives together, they can be designated as a grouping of souls, and these vary considerably in numbers.If a grouping has grown with many thousands of souls, relatively few share a specific life. Each soul that does it, makes a contract for its role - as father, son, grandfather, brother, other relative, spouse, teacher, boss, friend, co-worker, competitor, opponent. The various generations are easily assimilated because the souls are in the timeless continuum, where all existences are happening simultaneously, and collective contracts become the group's pre-birth agreement. Agreements are made with unconditional love and are projected with growth opportunities - karmic lessons - for each participant.
The soul is not harmed if its body is blown to pieces or devastated by disease, nor a soul is negatively affected by the abortion. The soul that chooses to assume the role of the woman in the agreement may have chosen to experience the range of associated emotions; and, with full awareness of this choice, a soul can enter the fetus, then go forth and enter another soul so that both can feel the same sensations that the woman feels - this brief exposition can serve both souls, as well as a physical life, to experience these emotions.
There is another important aspect of souls. Although generally God is referred to as "he," God is androgynous, the perfect balance of feminine and masculine energies. All other souls also have both these energies, but one is predominant during the process of advancement to androgyny - for example, Gaia is predominantly female and the soul embodied in the planet called Mars is predominantly male.
The characters have the same energies to varying degrees but, unlike souls, bodies have genres and sexual orientation, and are chosen by the soul according to what it wants to experience during this period of life.He can be like a heterosexual man with the predominantly feminine energy, which gives birth to a gentle and thoughtful nature and balances the life of the soul like a determined and aggressive man or woman. It can be like a woman with a mental and emotional constitution that is born in a male body - you designate the people who correct this incompatible transsexual / transgender dysfunction - or it can be a life in which homosexuality is the soul's choice of natural sexual constitution. The goal of all souls in all physical lives is to achieve balanced experience and,
Among the incarnations, the characters of souls live in a spiritual world, in an etheric body, which has no reproductive organs or sexual sensations. And some souls are so highly evolved that an infinite number of them live as a collective, in a formless state of group consciousness where there is perfect balance and harmony, a state of ecstasy beyond your imagination, or, more precisely, beyond your own current level of conscious awareness..
If our explanation still leaves the soul "mysterious", it is due to our way of saying. Reality can be summed up simply: By using the perfect energy of the Creator's light-love, God made the magnificent, divine, immortal being that you are: a soul.  
There is a finite number of souls in the collective bank of souls who will become human and they will only continue to recycle or reincarnate, always and forever ... or will some babies be born newly born to this Earth and will have a first incarnation at birth ? There is no finite number of souls in this universe, nor could there be, but this is not due to recycling or reincarnation - one who has made the transition from one life to the Earth does not return as the same person in a new body. The message of February 3, 2014 includes a comprehensive explanation.] Of course babies are "newly created" to be born on Earth!Although it may be the "first incarnation" of the soul - for the first time as a "cumulative" soul or "parental soul" - it is the only incarnation of this new little person or character. The "parental" soul will have other incarnations, and so it will be with the soul which it has just incorporated; all physical life is the "first and only" for each of the descendants of the soul character.
Let's answer here a related question from another reader. As the baby grows and personality traits and abilities similar to those of a deceased relative emerge, genetic inheritance plays a role, but following in the footsteps of this relative may be the soul's choice in the family's pre-birth agreement. Or, over the years, the child can develop other abilities and characteristics and seek different interests. While each soul comes with the abundance of knowledge we speak of in our explanation of the "soul," by divine elaboration all of this is quickly forgotten so that the child can grow according to his own ideas, choices, and goals.
 "Is there a way for a 3D brain to understand the relationship between the soul and the character and how can each character continue to exist independently? Does this mean that a character (over time?) Becomes a soul?" First, let's say, the brain is a computer. All the data entered - everything the person has experienced so far along with all the acquired learning and thoughts - are stored in the memory bank of the brain. When there is a need to recover any of these data, the mind accesses information related to the situation in question, so that the person can act or react comparatively.
However, the ability of a third-density brain to  accept  data is limited - information must fit the person's belief system or capacity for imagination - and, in Earth's civilization, the relationship between soul and character exceeds the limits of the brain. Therefore, there is no data available for the mind to recover and understand the multiple lives of the eternal souls happening simultaneously and independently of each other, even though they are inseparably linked at the energetic level.
According to other information in our message, you know that a character does not become a soul over time - each person is a soul throughout eternity
Dear brothers and sisters, we support you with unconditional love as you help the members of our universal Earth family to awaken to the awareness of your multidimensional deity.

Love and peace
Suzanne Ward

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