
9 de agosto de 2018

Solar Eclipse and New Moon, August 11th, 2018 ~ The Turning Point

This Powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon on August 11th, 2018 Is in Leo at 6:57am ADT. This will be a powerful transformative influence of frequency. This Solar Eclipse supersedes the earlier Solar Eclipse on July 12th and its impact combined with the July Lunar eclipse will be felt till January 2019.
All New Moons are a new beginning, lasting 4 weeks, this one with the Solar Eclipse, is a profound New Beginning, again, with a lasting impact till January 2019.
During a Solar Eclipse the Moon Darkens the Sun. Since this is a partial Solar Eclipse, most of the Light of The Sun will still be visible. The impact is profound as a new beginning and with Mercury Retrograde, take your time before acting hasty in communications, and give yourself the freedom to slow down and relax more. The stress (if you feel it from Mercury Retrograde) may be felt even more powerfully at the beginning phase of this New Moon and Solar Eclipse.
Mercury Retrograde is conjunct the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, so please slow down as much as possible, go deep within and enter Harmony within.
With the Solar Eclipse Square Jupiter, moderating your energy will be helpful. Going deep within and reflecting on YOUR inner Harmony and peace with gratitude for now, will be a great Solace and healing balm for your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. 
Mercury Retrograde square Jupiter encourages you again, to slow down, and enter your heart more deeply (consciously) with greater compassion and love, with yourself and with all communications.
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon is Quincunx Pluto. With this powerful frequency influence, the opportunity to enter a NEW Turning Point in life will present itself. When experienced through humbleness and gratefulness, this may be felt as we enter greater love. Greater gentleness in our words and actions, through compassion. Be loving with yourself first, this is where it begins.
The rewards for going deeper within, having and showing gentleness and kindness in all communications, will mark a new beginning for YOU, one of your greater evolving into greater Light.
Greater love, greater harmony and peace. This is your inner temple, through your Heart. That catapults your awareness into greater love, peace and harmony, then everything transforms around you, in that pure heart and Soul Love.
Where you know yourself as the eternal you.
Your eternal Light.
Radiating its magnificence throughout the universe.
That magnificence of your Soul.
Your Eternal Glory, manifesting here through form.
Transforming all form.
Being the Divine Light that you are, your Light Body here.
In Love and Glory, opening all hearts to greater love, everywhere,
Here and Now and so you ARE Divine Light.
Breathe and receive now ~ the embodiment of Your Light. Your Love, your Glory. the NOW turning point for you.
Grace and Glory blessing you. The Eternal Divine Ascended Being. In love, forevermore and now. Feel always, through your breath.
And so it is. 
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