
25 de agosto de 2018

The World Economy ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have been waiting for quite some time to see major changes in the arena of your world economy and the economies of the major industrialized countries of the world. The changes in currency value and the economic structure of the major countries in the world have been topics of considerable debate.
There is now an understanding that leveling the playing field, so to speak, would be good for everyone. It is time for those who have been disenfranchised, not given the same opportunities as the privileged ones, to get their share.
Now the big question is how to do this, and the answer lies within you. You are an individual, and as an individual you have the ability to help create economies that work for everyone. You have the ability to see every person as deserving of having their basic needs met. You have the ability to create that world, and if you are one of the have-nots it’s time for you to feel your worth. It’s time for you to accept your value and receive.
Open yourselves up so that you can receive. Feel the abundance vibration flowing through you so that you can be the catalyst for a major change in the way the world operates financially. If enough of you do this, you will create that change. Don’t wait for others to fix the system. Don’t wait for anything to come along before you create the reality that you want to experience.
This is not about playing the same old game and being one of the winners. This is about acknowledging that the game has been rigged and creating an entirely new one.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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