
21 de agosto de 2018

Yeshua message: The Unified Field

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Channeled by Judith Coates, July 12, 2018

Beloved, I am  Yeshua , and have been watching what you see on your screen as sporting events. I've learned quite understand some of their sports; for example, what you call  football American. Now, I'm not sure why they call  it football  (N.del T.  ball + foot ), because most of the action has to do with running, load and launch, and very little foot. But it's okay, it  's football American.
I was watching this because there were games in those days that you shared with me makes  two thousand years . We had games, but they were far more frightening. Now, I know that football can occasionally hurt those who play it , but not as much as gladiators two thousand years ago.
In addition, this season, I've been watching the game from the basket, you have to dunk the ball in the basket. These are today's gladiators are the highest of its population, almost as high as where the edge of the basket so they can easily put the ball

You have an extra sense of all around you.
It is very uplifting to observe those who are very good to tour the court and put the ball in the basket.They are the ones who subconsciously is not fully conscious ability have a view of the entire area, a view of the entire playing field. They have what you would call  an extra sense of all around him , so that may seem to be unaware, although it is within your consciousness. It is within your consciousness, even at a subconscious level. They are able to imagine the entire field in his mind. They are the ones who become the best athletes. They are those who know who's running behind them, who are around him. They are aware .
Its technology has produced what experts call its cloud . His  star  sports, as they are called, those who perform the many, are tuning cloud around him.There  is an extra sense.
And no, you missed it You're thinking: "Well, I got that sense when I was born." Yes, you got it, you got it It is part of the  extended human condition . And yes, it is. Do you understand what I'm saying;perhaps not so much in words, but  understand that there is an energy field around you, and you are able to tune in .

There is an energy field around you, and you are able to tune in.

An example: you walk into a room and everyone is sitting there very discouraged about something and have had a great discussion about things that could be wrong. And you can feel that energy .Sometimes you say to yourself: "I do not think I want to stay here , " and leave the group because it is not where you want to be.
Sometimes you walk into a room and everyone laughs and smiles, giving hugs. The energy is good and you stay.
You all have that certain sixth sense . You all have the extended field knows about him. You all  can feel energy .

You can feel the energy.

I observe, and I am your entertainer. I see the time when the  smile  appears on their faces, and perhaps inside think, "Well, you know, I could have had a life  easier  than this." Then comes the smile that says, "Well,  I'll do the best I can with it, and when you leave, look back and I will draw on Oct. 1 because Jesus would" . Yes, I will do it.
Ask yourself anytime they have a question:  "What would Jesus do? What you would Yeshua? "  And you know. They can remember it , because  two thousand years ago walked with me . They saw that there were times when the human condition was not so favorable for me, and there were times I could have complained about something. In fact, sometimes I complained. I told my Heavenly Father: "Why is this happening? What am I supposed to do?"

What would Jesus do? What would Yeshua?

When I finished complain of regret, I took a deep breath and I knew that  everything I experienced was a gift, a gift of creativity.  The biggest decisions you've made that you thought after repenting, are the greatest gifts in them, because itproves at least two things. It shows how creative you can be. Each condition you do for yourself, you've created. So you look around and say, "Wow, did not know it was so creative."
And every experience you have takes you to a place of greater understanding  about what the other brothers and sisters may be happening,  so you can help them  when they feel depressed. You can say: "I understand, but you know what ..." And then share with them a little  experience you've had, something that will take them to a place of understanding that do not suffer alone . Have you been there. You tell them: "I've been there. But, you know, I was not there, and you do not have to stay there. "
And they say, "Oh, yes, I know."  And you will laugh, because you know that in the morning, or the next day or next week (may take a little longer) will come when they look back, because you know that's what has happened with you and for you.
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Human life is a gift.  Every day you give the gift of waking in the morning. You know you leave the body at night? Leave a small pilot light on to keepthere whenwantcome to pickup again in the morning, and you rehaces at that first moment when you wake up. Think about that for a moment: how powerful you are to rehacerte yourself.
Usually  what you do is remember  how you were the day before and pick up all these thoughts and feelings to yourself, but you can improvise,  and I've seen improvise. I've seen you choose. You have the power to choose.  And yes, there are times when it seems you do not have the power to choose. I also understand that feeling.

You have the power to choose.

In the Garden of Gethsemane,  "Please, can we do this differently? I do not want to be on the cross. There must be another way of doing what I'm supposed to do with this life. There must be another way to teach the disciples and all who have come to listen to me ... there must be another way. "
So I heard otherwise, and I heard silence . I asked Father once again. I said, "Hey, we're very creative, and I've only met 33 years, and I would not mind having a few more years to travel more. Think of all with whom I can interact, and I can give your message to those in other countries. Do not you think it would be a good idea? We can leave tomorrow pass. We do not have to do the resurrection. I mean, we'll do it later, but maybe ... " Iheard, but no answer.
So  finally , after I agonized - and did - what  I decided, "Okay, if that's the way, not be traveling alone. I know the power and spirit of the One is what activates every day of my life.  So, we go ahead and do whatever it takes ". So after the crucifixion I left the grave. Redid the body, just like you do every morning. Move your toes, stretch your arms, etc. Check everything. Put it all together as you remember.

I know the power and spirit of the One is what activates every day of my life

However, the way it was the day before does not have to be today.  Now,  take that deep within consciousness . What you've experienced before bedtime does not have to be picked up the next day.I know that the teaching of the human condition says: "Well, chances are that if you had a sore shoulder, would be there the next day." And with that thought , with that thought manifests right there - because he knows what you expect.
Now,  how do you change that? Practice, dear;practice, boy. Practice. What I tell them is to be encouraged. Now, if you is not happening, do not blame yourself. Do not say, "Oh, well, I'm very weak, do not know enough, etc." That's not true.

There is always a purpose for everything that you experience

There is always a purpose for everything that you experience, and sometimes you will not know the purpose until after releasing the body.  Not always have to wait so long, but sometimes yes. However, I will share with you that  at some point, either in time or out of time, you will understand the meaning of what they have experienced, and see who truly was a gift.
I know when one is going through some pain, whether physical or emotional, can feel like hell itself. But again,  you are the creator. You're creative.  And even if you really hurt, call  it good .
Every experience that you create, receive, first gift, "Oh, my God, I've done it again. I have slipped and fallen. I feel the pain in my shoulder. I'm sorry again ,"Then you stop, you take a deep breath and say." Geez, what am creative. " And you get your notebook and you put a 10 because,  "I've been creative again."

You're creative.

In the first instant of the day, you have been creative. Then you say: "How will continue the rest of the day" and at the end of the day you get your notebook and write down what you have done on that day, how it was, and how many times you've been able to smile through it because it is a gift you give to yourself: smile. Every time you smile, you get a thousand points in the sky. It is true. So keep smiling.
Have I smiled? Actually I did on the cross. Now, there was previous training he had done with teachers in what you call the Far East on pain in the body and if you have to feel it or not. You can train yourself to be out of the body. You can see what is happening with the body, and you can remove your close association with the body to observe.
It usually does not happen the first time. Walking on water was not the first time. Start with a small puddle on the floor and  try first . Same with everything else that you experience you want tochange. Allow yourself approach it from a different point of view, a different perspective.
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Allow yourself to be as energy are activating all energy field. Put yourself in that whole field, and then allow the energy to be scattered so that it is not so limited.
The expansion of its energy  to the whole energy field is one of the training that teachers shared with me so that I could, when I was on the cross with those big nails in my hands,  raise my consciousness , my being aware,  outside the body and being in a space of love.  I knew the centurion who was digging me that big nail in hand made itout of fear, because if I did it to me, I would make it.Therefore, I was motivated, but  did not want  to.And he, for half a second, could feel any pain I had been feeling, and changed forever.
He has returned to this life, and we have found. We exchanged the embrace. He has wondered if some lives would be forgiven, and lived some lives after the crucifixion as a human being worthless. He did everything you would consider negative, because I felt worthless.

You never feel that any experience you've had has been a punishment

But after a while he went through all that, and then began to be the sage who taught the smaller or higher who were lost that  is well bottoming.Because when you hit rock bottom, then bounce you back up;  maybe not immediately, but sometimes, yes, immediately.
You never feel that any experience you've had has been a punishment. Even when you bump into something and you hit your knee, do not feel guilty and say, "Oh, that 's it, I've done it again, that clumsy of me." No, you do it to prove to yourself how fast you can heal. Have you ever thought of it in those terms? You do to prove to yourself how strong you are , even to the point of saying, "Well, I must be very, very strong, because look what I just happen."That's a good way to see it, because  you're the winner.
Everything in human -this condition is good point-'s going on It is not, it happens.  Is fulfilled. So look at it that way, and not so heavy. Has happened. You have written in your Scriptures, that things happened. "It happened that one night a certain star in the heavens predicted there would be some interesting events ...." You can make history for yourself, and you do it every day. You are writing your own story. Make it fun. Hazle some jokes. You can do it.

You are writing your own story. Make it fun. Hazle some jokes. You can do it.

They have around the whole field of energy to extract whatever they want . You think you know -and human lives that have lived- beginning to think: "I'm just a point of being." But  you are, indeed, theentire field . Surges of the whole field of  Being , which recently someone tried to explain [Stephen Hawking] unified field. Now, indeed,  the unified field is you . It is where you come, is where you go after you take away the focus on individuality.  The unified field, ie you, also known as all of you, you Unit.
The unified energy field is indeed your divinity. There are many theories about how the energy field is and how it becomes obvious, how it becomes real, how you can interact with itself, because that's really what it does. You can try to delineate and say, "Well, there is this field and there is this field, and they act together." But really, if you look a puddle of water, a water line is not separated from the opposite edge of the water, and this is the great truth of the unified field.

The unified energy field is indeed your divinity.

What does that tell you even in the words? Unified Field: all are one . But if you look at one edge of it, with certain characteristics perhaps, and view other edge of it, it can be described in a way, and yet it is a unified field,  all interacting with everything else, taking effect on everything else,  so which you, as an individual, taking effect in this seemingly single individual and every other individual with whom youinteract apparent.
You are part of the unified field , perhaps an edge his or the central part or edge of the other side, all unified as energy expression. That's what  the body is  now. It is  energy that comes together in a way so that they can work with it , so they can do certain things with it.
But essentially, when you take even the smallest particle,  it is energy.  It is divine, divine energy, and is unified in your being as you call it That's his unified field ... .for a few years, by the time they want to live this life.

So have fun with it. Allow yourself to jump life.

Allow yourself to know that each and every one with whom you are unified energy fields are doing the best they can ; and they want to be recognized as the divine energy that are; not in those words probably because they do not understand those words, but  want the look and smile and acknowledge that you are a being in this day and time, and they are doing the best they can.
You can look at them and, on the scale of 1 to 10, say, "Well, I think they are like a 1½". But they are doing the best they can. In another life they can come back and be ten , as you have done. So  allow yourself to understand how great they are .
Allow yourself to realize that you  are the unified energy field ... that appears as an individual plot, and yet when you take that deep breath and feel the peace that comes with it, have allowed for a moment of time, the connection to the unified field of divinity. That's how great they are.
Beloved, I love what you are, because I know what you are . I know the times we have walked together and we laughed all the little things that happen in a human condition. Everything should be appreciated.Everything must be treated as energy and love one another as I love you.
So be it.


TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood.
SOURCE: Judith Coates.  Copyright © 2018 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is protected by copyright, but is free for anyone who wants to use it , as long as proper credit is mentioned, including our website address

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