
13 de septiembre de 2018


Disclosure - Endgame

Wilcock ) There is convincing evidence that multiple reliably sealed charges more than 51,000 may be about to become mass arrests.
This includes very sensitive time Q Anon data and other sources, indicating that we must prepare for an emergency, possibly in September, and spy satellites Deep State  have been eliminated.
That material will be covered in Part Three, it's something you can not miss.
In this section, we will review some of the most important data we publish on this site about the likelihood of future mass arrests.
We have also been linking these anticipated events with a disclosure of the presence of UFOs / ETs also for many years.
This section is intended partly as a resource for beginners and journalists to catch up, as this may be about to become a huge news.
Even if you are a regular reader of this site, you may not have read all these articles or could not see how all the pieces fit.
It will take time "homework" and read the articles linked, but if you end up happening mass arrests, everything will be worth it.

"EBOOK THE END GAME RELEASE" published in late 2009

In late 2009, I got a lot of new information from Pete Peterson and a trusted person we call "Jacob" regarding the ongoing effort to defeat the  Deep State through mass arrests.
Some of the most important data was written to Disclosure Endgame, on December 13, 2009 .
There was great hope by the complainants that President Obama would work to expose and arrest the Deep State , as I was writing at the time.
If McCain and Palin had won, we were told that things would have deteriorated much faster.
During our first meeting with Pete Peterson in June 2009, we obtained convincing information leaks that Obama would make a formal announcement of UFO disclosure on 27 November 2009.
It had reserved air time for all major television networks in the nation and around the world.
Although we were warned sternly that this date should remain secret, Bill Ryan leaked on stage during his lecture  at the conference Project Camelot Zurich , on July 10, 2009.
We had already agreed that we should never give this date, but it just slipped while on stage at the conference. Here is the transcript:
Bill: David reminded me more than Dr. Pete Peterson told us about the end of this year.
What Dr. Pete Peterson told us that President Obama would reveal the reality of extraterrestrial contact before year-end.
He said people had told him they knew time television networks had already been booked. The date told us, if I remember correctly, was on 27 November.
What also he told us was that it was one of these ritually significant dates, numerologically.
Obama said he would talk about was the reality of contact with six different breeds of ET  [Humanoid] friends .
When we asked why he used the word "friendly" he said, "Well, some of them are unfriendly, but most are friendly".


I was horrified that this was leaked in such a public and irreversible manner, as they most likely meant that the revelation would not happen at that time.
I refused to answer hundreds of emails asking if it was true, for months.
Bill Ryan and I are still working together as colleagues after this, and he apologized in private for leaking date.I do not want to cause trouble here, and we've all made mistakes.
I knew that once a grand plan like this was leaked to the public, was very unlikely to actually happen. Such leakage can also cause the death of people.
This was just one of several cases in which, as I discovered later, the leaks I participated directly or indirectly caused serious problems for the Alliance.
For the same reason, I've become much, much more careful with what I say and how I say it.
This is not a game, and people like me is not central to this effort. We are fortunate to get a lot of everything in terms of intelligence, and scope of these operations is much greater than we can imagine.
If people like me get in the way and disrupt these operations, we can receive significant threats, be completely disconnected from all internal access, or worse.


After this security violation, the date for the announcement of disclosure came forward secretly in less than two weeks, until 10 December 2009.
The big "revelation" was going to happen right in the middle of Obama's speech ... when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize.
Disclosure - Endgame  presented strong evidence that Obama's life was actually threatened just before this event in a very visible and dramatic way.
We present conclusive scientific evidence  Disclosure - Endgame  that the Norway Spiral was generated deliberately by a HAARP facility in the area called EISCAT.
The astonishing precision circular symmetry of the brightest spiral here is not caused by a Russian rocket out of control.
You can clearly see that this phenomenon is spreading into the air from a location in the nearby mountains:
In the image above, you can clearly see the beam that shines from the mountains.
Pattern matching mountain with Google Earth revealed that this location is where EISCAT.
HAARP can produce bright aerial phenomena with exactly this kind of a spiral under proper atmospheric conditions.
As the aerial phenomenon continued turning, the center opened in a mysterious black mathematically perfect circle, as seen in many images of the era.
Agents  Deep State  / left saberle Obama cabal that this was a visible example of portal technology in action.The black circle in the middle was apparently a traversable wormhole.
Rotation of that area of ​​the sky with these beams of high power microwave was apparently enough to open a hole in the fabric of space and time.
Obama was threatened that if he dared to say a word about aliens or UFOs in the Nobel awards ceremony, would open a portal in front of the Air Force One while he was on board.
He and his crew would be killed instantly. No one would know where he went or what happened. His revelation later be discredited and covert.
I did not receive this information until after disclosure wrote - Endgame, but came from a highly reliable source, who had not even read the piece.
Although, initially, Obama tried to expose the deep state and create the disclosure, the strength of handling, control, blackmail and death threats were too large for him to move.


Interestingly, the assets of the  Deep Stateimmortalized this whole series of events less than a year later in the first episode of a television series called big - budget "The Event" on September 20, 2010.
Note the signature "33" on the E word "Event" as well as marking the letter V: a tribute to the television program describing the invading aliens disguised as humans reptiles.
The premiere episode literally presented to the President of the United States, a black man, about to make a massive announcement of disclosure ET humanity.
This included introducing us to an alien woman human-like from another planet.
Just before he was about to present a plane flies towards them, reminiscent of the Sept. 11,  only to disappear through a portal immediately before the strike.
The resulting chaos disrupted the president's plans to create disclosure. Never happened.
You can not even imagine how awesome it was for me to see it, particularly after the briefings I received on the Norway spiral and hard data that supported.
It is entirely possible that Obama had human aliens waiting in the wings, ready to be presented in the same Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway.
Remember, the original report we received from Pete Peterson included the idea that six different groups would be presented in the opening speech.
That makes the inaugural episode of "The Event" is another striking example of Obama being threatened with a cheeky and public so that nobody would understand.
This is what the perpetrators may have intended to say:
"Look what we can do. The public is so brainwashed that can show exactly what is happening, but no one would ever believe. President? And that. Simply you disappear. "


What follows is an original extract from the time I wrote about all this, complete with pictures.
The final plan of "The Event" was apparently demonize and blame them for aliens on 11 September and plans for massive "depopulation".
[They also wanted to make the concept seem scary and evil Ascension where these aliens would be activated in "The Event," but the rest of us die].
It may seem crazy that a show like this implies that 11-S was the work of aliens so blatantly obvious way.
However, if the Alliance was about to reveal the truth about aliens and UFOs, in this case through Obama, the Cabal wanted to set their own crimes in their angelic adversaries.
So, people who may have been waiting in the wings to be presented at the Nobel Prize ceremony could be quickly demonized and blamed for their own misdeeds of the cabal.
Here is an excerpt of the article where this was discussed:
5/7/11: Media Disinformation about revelation and ascension
In the first episode of "The Event", entitled "Do not I have told you everything" from the September 20, 2010, the aliens were responsible for hijacking an airliner and use it as a weapon.
Literally they tried to fly a plane directly to where the president was just as Revelation approached, with the president introducing the world to a female ET.
The plane then sagged through a 'portal' just before impact, and the whole story was later covered by mainstream media.
Everyone who watched the show obviously could feel, at some level, this was a significant nod to September 11, but it was not clear why he was making this connection.

The building imploding

The 'synchronicity' became much stronger in Episode 6, "Loyalty" of October 25, 2010.
In this episode, we used the same technology portal ET a building collapse into its own footprint, like WTC Building 7 fell freefall speed during 11-S.
Is this a coincidence? Given the amount of money invested in this program, both in production and marketing, and the seriousness of the charges against the Old World Order, I think not.


To understand what is happening, you must think with the mind of people who appear to be planning this.
Say you are in fact responsible for 11-S, and is concerned that public hearings will emerge that will make you guilty of it.
Let's say that aliens are working with terrestrial governments, ie, the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), to provide the necessary to make him face the public force.
[I've been documenting this in the series of articles on Sorpresas October China and are very important things happening in future will present lectures and articles.]
What better way to cloud the legitimacy of the aliens, their inquisition and accusations spreading propaganda that makes them seem responsible for causing 11 September first?
In this way, you confuse the public. People do not really think much about it until the disclosure occurs. Now they will face the reality of human aliens who visit and interact with the Earth as "sleepers", long before the official announcement was made.
Does September 11th was really an "inside job" by government forces on Earth? Or, was it part of a large, sinister conspiracy of negative aliens to discredit our elected governments, our protection, in their attempts to take over?
-End extractors


Another series of significant items in the "canon" of our oldest work on mass arrests titled  China 's October surprise , as mentioned in the above extract.
The first article in this series has more than 350,000 unique views at the time of writing this article.
In it, we detail the many efforts that China was doing to force the Deep State to reveal the truth about UFOs, free energy, advanced technology and the presence of ET.
Chinese leaders delivered packages worldwide in 2010, with plans for free energy and threats that if not released, follow severe attacks.
The resulting EMP coercive efforts included multiple, strange and highly visible attacks on military and civilian targets that did not kill anyone, but sent a very strong message.
This included the complete shutdown of 1/9 of the entire arsenal of nuclear missiles US
The Chinese also fired a missile off the coast of Los Angeles, California on November 9, as another dramatic warning.
Here are links work the four sections for easy reference:
[Note that we had countless attempts to  Deep State  to hack and destroy this site over the years, and we had to spend significant amounts to ensure their safety.]


Here is the complete list of strange and anomalous events that occurred during this time, as summarized in Part III, with links.
The idea that all these weird things happen in such a short time is definitely not a coincidence.
Someone was behind this, and our intelligence experts had passed before all this started to happen:
9/30: 6 million computers and 1,000 companies affected by the virus in China (opposing factions - Internal War) /
30/09: Launch of Bushehr nuclear power plant Iran delayed by virus
(11/26): almost incredibly sophisticated Stuxnet Virus (Designed alien?) 
10/21: Exxon Mobil Oil Refinery, near Chicago, has equipment failures joliet-refinery.html
10/22: Oil refinery in Rodeo, CA has equipment failure
10/22: The new nuclear submarine UK "HMS Astute" loses power and is away from Scotland
10/23: 1/9 US Missile Arsenal offline for an hour
10/23: Lost Command US 1/9 of Nuclear Arsenal - Failure unprecedented huge
10/28: French warship will join the US fleet - the escalation of tensions in the Persian Gulf
10/31: A French nuclear aircraft carrier falls en route to the Persian Gulf, he loses all power systems, dies in water
11/3: power failure causes the largest nuclear power plant shuts down US -returns-to-service-112901.aspx
11/4: Quantas Airlines Airbus A380 lands all after an engine fire in Indonesia
11/5: Engine problems hit the second Quantas plane - a Boeing 747-400 This time
11/7: 911 system failure emergency equipment in Atlanta
11/8: Quantas view more engine problems
11/8: "Complete Match" as two different nuclear plants closed in one hour - New York and Vermont ixzz14hcA0Qyw
11/8: Destroy propulsion systems and communication Carnival Splendor cruise, ship stranded for days nightmare.html
11/8: The equipment failure causes 15 channels of Time Warner (if not all) freeze for 90 minutes
11/8: Time Warner Blackout interview included George W. Bush and NBC television show "The Event" failure-for-frozen-screens-last-night /
11/9: massive launch of missiles produced outside the Coast, even without explanation
11/9/2007: a Chinese submarine appears in the exercise of the US Navy - High impact and shame (the same day as missiles 2010) exercise-leaving-military-chiefs-red-faced.html
11/10: Mystery Contrail may have been an airplane (no)
11/10: Expert Rocketry Mystery Contrail was confirmed that a missile Solid propellant
11/10: The strange line "fire" hangs in NY Skyline (scalar weapon Technology / beam New threat to New York) 
Did You See The Fire In The Sky NYC?
15.11: Texas BP Oil Refinery fails and releases hydrogen sulfide html
28/11: The oil refinery Kansas has equipment failures, releases hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide refinery-reports-equipment-failure.html
12/4: The Louisiana oil refinery has an equipment failure fire in-louisiana.html

They WERE TREATED, outreach delayed

Deep State proceeded to hold talks with the Chinese were intended to pave the way for the revelation that the Alliance was looking for.
All this was happening behind the scenes. Numerous promises broke thereafter.
Many underground bases of different Cabal were destroyed as a result of the betrayals. This created anomalous earthquakes and other phenomena.
Normal earthquakes increased to a maximum intensity over time. Underground nuclear tests create earthquakes beginning to the fullest.
The smallest black graphic is an example of a normal earthquake. The largest green graph is an underground nuclear test:
We saw two of these exact types of spontaneously appearing massive earthquakes in less than 24 hours.
The first was a 5.3 on the Richter scale,  with an epicenter 180 miles south of Denver airport in Trinidad, Colorado , at 11:46 pm on August 22, 2011.
This is within the region of associates and underground bases accessible from Denver International Airport.
This was the destruction of a luxurious and highly favored for DC elites, known by connoisseurs as underground base  "Crystal City" .
These events were covered in  imminent disclosure?Two underground bases destroyed NOM , on September 17, 2001, now with over one million unique views.
The story became even more interesting in  Imminent Disclosure Part II: many more destroyed basis , the October 13, 2011, the first anniversary of the October surprise China.
I said six more bases were destroyed immediately after the first two and published this information in Part II.
I also said that another 20 disappeared after six too, but not leaked that information at that time.

Continued DESTRUCTION OF BASES, AND counterattacks HAAP killed many birds and fish

We cover an earlier example of attacks underground base at  War by the disclosure in Critical Mass: Deaths of birds, fish and political , on January 15, 2011.
In this case, satellite beams were used. This technology may not have been large-scale destruction of the bases, as we saw in the previous examples.
The Cabal HAARP technology used to deflect attacks beam weapons against underground facilities, but created massive and suspicious deaths of birds and fish in the process.
The bodies of the birds had a brute-force trauma that broke bones and was larger than what would have happened to hit the ground.
Strange earthquakes indicated that other underground bases were completely destroyed after the Cabal broke the treaty, starting on August 23, 2011.
We report on this  on September 17, 2011  and again on October 13, 2011 .
Again, later we heard that at least 26 major underground facilities were destroyed between August 2011 and January 2012.

This turned into a major television documentary THREE HOURS

Our latest intelligence suggests that large-scale devastating attacks against underground facilities have continued happening since.
The battle has heated up so much that now it is no longer possible to obtain precise figures on how many facilities are missing.
However, Pete Peterson has leaked the US alone has more than 200 underground bases worldwide.
This has largely paralyzed, if not eliminated, the possibility that the cabal organize a "fake alien invasion" to try to install their "New World Order".
In that sense, the damage that has occurred underground-and off-planet in the shadow of World War III will be much greater than we think.
All major and comprehensive mission-critical facilities are no longer on the surface, and have not been for quite some time.
And now, it 's been eight years since  the October surprise China  in 2010, and efforts by China and other countries are now reaching a visible result on the surface.


Note that the massive and continuing destruction of the foundations of the Cabal and the Alliance is the most violent part of the "Third World War in the Shadow" being waged.
One year later, on March 28, 2012, I interviewed a new informant named Drake who had received detailed reports on the upcoming mass arrests.
The audio has been stolen by criminals countless times on YouTube. Many hundreds of these copies have accumulated 100,000 plays or more.
Unfortunately, these criminals cut the beginning, where I date, and deceive listeners to believe that it is a current and innovative history.
They publish misleading titles that say it is "new" and put the date on which published it in the title, all to generate a small amount of advertising money from YouTube.
Due to the incredible smuggling that this has generated, this interview may be the most popular transmission've created.


You are about to see an excerpt from the interview Drake detailing of what we can expect to see when the mass arrests occur.
If you read the full story, it begins with a briefing paper Drake seeing five inches thick in 1979 called "The Plan" outlining a plan for mass arrests.
This document had been developed in secret since there was a great treason against the US military in the Korean War.
US generals realized that the battle plans that were required to inform the United Nations were being intercepted by the enemy in North Korea.
This led to massive deaths of soldiers through ambushes. North Korea knew too much about where and when the soldiers would arrive. It was devastating.
By planting disinformation in his battle plans, the US military discovered that the UN was leaking this information to North Korea. It was an unimaginable betrayal.
G. Edward Griffin Legendary covered this story of betrayal in his classic book, The Fearful Master, 1964.
Copies are available on  and  PDF , but nothing is better than having a physical book in their hands.
John F. Kennedy was well aware of the enormous information document called "The Plan." He had tried to carry it out, just to pay the ultimate price.
The folder already had five inches thick when Kennedy saw it in about 1961.
Pete Peterson had many specifics about the same folder and its contents, when I started talking to him in 2009.
I was very happy to find someone else who knew about this, and published the interview with Drake immediately.


We will resume at the point where Drake tells us what he read in the five-inch folder for "plan" and the discussion that regard with senior military officers:
-Start extractors
DK: The plan was simple. The military was willing to support, with civil authority, a resurrection of what we started originally in government terms ...
DK: Now, the plan is this.
The military will support [civilians] ... and believe me, must involve the army. Like it or not, makes no difference ...
Military support us through Marshals [US Marshals], which will contact the local police.
The police really makes arrests ...

NO HITS, without direct military action, AND NO MARTIAL LAW

DK: This does not include any military coup. It does not include any military action, and does not include martial law.
None of that will happen.
What will happen is that federal marshals will support the forces of local law enforcement take people into custody.
There may be a group of troops, in case they need additional bodies to arrest someone who decides to flee.
Or, let's say there are plenty of people in a building, and did not know that there were 7,000 of them.
You'll need an extra hand to imprison these people, you upload the bus and send them wherever they need to go.
Then the military will act alternatively, somehow ...


DK: What is happening is this: the intent and purpose of this plan was to minimize the chaos involved in the action.
Now, when you arrest several thousand people in a city, you create a bit of a fuss.
People will see the military. You'll see a lot of cops doing their job, and this will be on video.
I mean you're going to have CNN and all the local news. Everyone will have some sort of video of these things.


DW: And I assume that these policemen in riot gear are likely to be, they will have black uniforms and scary-looking things.
DK: Maybe. That depends on whether you expect problems who are trying or not. Generally not, because it is not a situation of unrest.
DW: Good.
DK: Could vovlerse that way. They bring the equipment. I mean, you're in the trunk, most likely ...
The plan basically is to arrest these people. Without destruction. No shootouts. No shootings or any kind of violence, if possible.
The idea of ​​this is without chaos, without violence, but a legal way to do so a legal way to conduct the operation ....
DK: The Plan also provides protections to keep the lights on, make the Internet work, the phone works, you can flush the toilet, you can go to work and not have to worry about that ...


DK: There [laughs] a considerable number that needs to be removed from office or responsibilities: content, detained and arrested

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

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