
23 de septiembre de 2018

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . 15359186256062812027 The latest ascension

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

The latest ascension symptom which I have been experiencing is amazing and expansive. On and off for the past 5-6 weeks, when I retire at night I experience a "funny" sensation in my head. It feels as if my brain is growing and is pushing against my skull. It hasn't been painful per se, more uncomfortable. My immediate response was to contain the experience which simply caused more frustration.
One night I thought, what if I expanded the boundaries of my skull and allowed my brain (?) or consciousness to flow beyond the barriers of my head?
Once I made that decision, it felt as if my jaw, then cheek bones, eye sockets, forehead and back of head melted away and my consciousness was freed!!!!! I could feel all boundaries of my physical body melt away.
It was an amazing journey after that. I traversed the Universe. The first thought I entertained was how familiar it all felt. I was in bliss ~ ecstasy ~ euphoria ~ rapture ~ Love ~ Heaven ~ One with All.
Actually there are no words to adequately describe the journey. I have enjoyed similar experiences before during meditation but this felt more real, authentic than ever before. The next night I didn't feel my brain expanding and wanting out of my skull but I tried to melt the skull anyway and begin another blissful journey. It didn't happen. I guess one cannot "make" it happen. I decided to be in gratitude for the experience. I say to the Universe ~ Thank YOU. Give me more.
My sister called me last night explaining how it felt that her head was growing or something. She didn't have the words. I explained my experience and she kept saying, Yes, you are explaining it so well. I shared with her about allowing the experience to take place and to try not to contain it. She was excited because that resonated with her. Another friend told me she was experiencing the same thing. So I thought I would share with all of you incase you too are or will have a similar experience. Hope it helps. Here's to a blissful journey!
Selamat Ja!

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