
9 de septiembre de 2018

Lord Melchizadek and Archangel Michael Awakening to Your Own Divinity

In the physical world there are limitations; on lifespan, movement through time and space or on knowledge. Humans feel hindered by what they don’t know and feel they only have so many options available to them when it comes to accessing knowledge either from the past or that still remains hidden or unknown. In the ethereal kingdom, however, the possibilities are limitless and there are no boundaries on movement through time and space; all is available, should one believe it and avail oneself of it. All it takes is belief.
Humans are spiritual light-beings learning lessons in a physical body in the third dimensional reality of planet Earth. When their body dies, their spirit is released back into the light of Creation from whence they came, carrying all of the knowledge of their past existences with them. The soul carries the spirit from lifetime to lifetime, gathering wisdom through every lifetime until it reaches the stage of mastery, after which the soul is released from the karmic wheel and rebirth back into a human body is thereafter a choice, not a mandate. At this time, many masters of varying ages are walking the planet Earth in human form in a last-ditch attempt to bring the human consciousness to a state of oneness. Whether they are successful or not depends upon the ability of individuals to see beyond the physical body and to awaken to their own divinity.
The conscious mind sees only what is before it and remembers physical experiences from its current reality. The sub-conscious mind, however, is in touch with the spiritual body and sees, remembers and accesses memories from other lifetimes and other worlds. It is readily able to shift from reality to reality, paradigm to paradigm, dimension to dimension, potentially leading to profound dreams and an awakening of the person’s psychic abilities. This ability may, however, be extremely disturbing to the individual who is blocked by the physical reality of their existence and serve to shut their minds down to the possibilities that have been shown to them. This choice is always theirs and cannot be intervened upon by anyone, human or otherwise. Accepting one’s Divine Blueprint can only occur when one can see beyond the physical existence on Earth. Belief systems can be so indoctrinated in a person, usually from a very early age, that a soul who incarnated with the intention of awakening to their own mastery remains blocked for their entire lifetime, ultimately missing out on the opportunities available to them and on making the difference to the world they came in to do.
All humans will, at some point, be shown their psychic potential and their spiritual ancestry by their guides. Those who fully awaken and become wayshowers to others will usually have agreed to do so with their soul family before reincarnating, so their resistance or surprise level will be low. Some will awaken and be frightened or overwhelmed, needing the support and guidance of people who know what is happening and can guide them through it. There is never any mandate to stepping into one’s psychic gifts; there will be no judgement from the Creator as everyone is born with free will. However, those who do will be fulfilling their soul agreements to help others to awaken and to serve humanity to the best of their ability, while also living their own lives and lessons out as planned.
Psychic intuition and knowing is a birthright and not for the gifted few. There are many dimensions to the spiritual world and plunging into unknown territory without guidance is not recommended. If you are awakening to gifts you have been previously unaware of we, the Masters of Light, urge you to find a spiritual mentor or teacher to guide and protect you as you explore your gifts and the possibilities they offer. We also urge you to not be afraid, as fear will only block you and lower, rather than raise, your vibrations.
You are never alone.
We Are Lord Melchizadek and Archangel Michael

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