
15 de septiembre de 2018

Maitreya: An Urgent Message to Earth Humanity

Lord Maitreya EraofLightdotcom
Greetings Earth Humanity. This is Maitreya. I am transmitting this message to Elizabeth Trutwin, who many of you know as a medium for Sananda messages as well as others such as Ashtar and Mother Sekhmet. We are beginning a new set of messages through me, Maitreya. All who are reading this message have come in contact with me in some form at Earth or perhaps your Home Planet some time in the past and likely the super ancient past. The time has come to transcend all science and religion by integrating Space Law. We have in past explored messages from other Star Masters who are all Ascended Masters who have perfected The Way of the Buddha; Sananda, Ashtar, St Germain, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, Vishnu and Shiva, Mother Sekhmet, Lincor, Salvington, Soltec, Lady Athena, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and so many others. The Way of the Buddha is Universal Law throughout space amongst intellectual Life Forms friendly with one another. The Ascended Masters are all a part of the Galactic Federation and Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Where they are, every Being associated with them, human, non human and otherwise are all Enlightened and are working on or have attained the level of Buddhahood also known as being Christed Beings. The names are different and they mean the same thing. It is a knowledge higher than science or religion. Every Human living on Earth now was required to have attained Christ Consciousness/Buddhahood before coming to Earth for the beginning of the New Era, The Golden Age. Not all who appear human on Earth are human. There are many who are nonhuman. These ones include the few trying to control the many and are the root cause of evil we see attacking commerce, the environment, religions and every sector of life on Earth. This is an urgent message to help each one of you make it through the turbulence which is on the horizon for Earth.
There are two issues facing Earth now which outweigh all other issues involving the survival of the Planet. This new series of messages will provide information regarding the severity of the problems as well as exploring extremely vital guidance on surviving.
There are an untold number of off-Planet or otherwise known as friendly Extraterrestrials and Angels assisting Earth mitigate the issues at hand, within the setting of worldwide war and environmental impact as an ongoing mission. In order for Earth to survive the coming cataclysmic changes Earth Humankind is completely responsible for saving themselves. That is Universal Law. Some call it the Prime Directive which states that each Planetary Civilization cannot have interference from those not living on their Planet except where there is mass psychological attack, such as was the case on 09/11 or nuclear war. This transmission is to alert those reading to the fact that Earth needs the help of a Human Network who are Enlightened to act as nodes forming a network over Earth, as if holding hands transmitting the highest energies of love and thanksgiving to Mother Earth and all sentient beings living on and within her.
In Earth’s very beginning she was a water world. This was the time of the first Atlantis period. At that time Earth had only begun forming an outer crystalline crust which would become many millions of years later, a solid shell of surface Earth as we know today. In the first period of Atlantis those who lived here also were not living in the material Human form that we have today, their bodies were transparent.
During that period the Atlanteans were very pure and were fooled into the Grand Experiment through naivete where malevolent Beings interfered and took over Earth from almost the beginning. A bubble was formed around Earth which scientists have discovered today and have no explanation for. Any who incarnate at Earth become stuck within the anomoly bubble where the Soul cannot see past entering a new life on Earth through reincarnation. There have been ongoing conflicts due to this which resulted in the rise and fall of Atlantis twice as well as Lemuria having two cataclysmic endings in two different periods. Earth’s history goes much further back than is acknowledged by your world civilization today. This is part of the perpetual forgetting which happens in the suffering of cyclical birth and death as is experienced in the enslavement of reincarnation to keep Souls bound to continue to never be free of the shackles holding them to Earth.
Ever since the second demise of Atlantis, which today we know as Egypt, advanced technology has been taken off Planet to allow Earth Humanity a chance to heal the wounds it heaved on Mother Earth with nuclear attack which sank a great part of a continent. This happened when two factions on Earth bombed each other with nuclear missiles. One faction was in China and the other, the Americas. All who have reincarnated to Earth in the years since hold the memory of that cataclysmic event within the code of their individual Human Genome. No one can escape responsibility to help heal Earth now before it is too late. The first unescapable large issue Earth faces now is the very real magnetic pole reversal which is now underway. This is not the same thing as a pole shift. Magnetic pole reversal on Earth is a natural phenomena which occurs, as scientists have proven, about every quarter of a million years. Often it results in an ice age. It has been over 3 times longer since there has been a magnetic pole reversal so scientists are saying Earth is overdue. The Sun works in harmony with the Planets in the Solar System. There is a phenomena called the Solar Cycle where the Sun naturally reverses it’s magnetic poles every 11 years. Since the last reversal which happened in 2012, the Sun has been building up plasma and it continues to build without being sloughed off in the natural way. This is having an impact on Earth as well as the entire Solar System. It is preparing Earth for her magnetic pole reversal due to a build up of energy being transmitted to Earth each day. What can trigger a reversal is an Earthquake or a Volcanic Eruption or other large event. The most likely candidate for now is the geiser in Yellowstone Park in the United States as well as Mt Fuji in Japan.
In the event of a magnetic pole shift which is imment the surging energy will take out the electric power grids which supply energy to the large cities, your home, our military facilities, food supply, ability to pump water for drinking. In other words unless there is a river or well within walking distance of your home, it undoubtedly will become very intense very quickly. Besides losing the power grids there also will be no computers in these areas which we rely on for health and safety as in hospitals, pumping gas into cars and airplanes or in highrise buildings, the potential loss of computers and phones is a major issue in this case. Science museums have displays of the ice age showing few people survive and dinosaurs and birds survive without interruption. It does not mean the magnetic pole shift will be that intense this time, there is no way to know until it happens. Getting off grid and self sufficient for those who can is a very good plan.
The other major problem we must address is removing all remaining nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants must be closed. The nuclear energy must be contained and rendered harmless in the proper way. We have already seen what happened at Fukushima after a large Earthquake and resulting Tsunami. All of the nuclear power plants are a danger due to Earthquakes. The results of the leaking of nuclear material from Fukushima has been a significant poisoning of our oceans Planetwide along with killing off unknown numbers of species of wildlife including plants, minerals and animals of all kinds. Our oceans are Mother Earth’s lifeblood and their viability effects every single person living on her. It is time now Earth Humanity organize a Human Network with the intension of praying we resolve these issues quickly and safely. The return of advanced technologies to the Planet is more important now than it has ever been. This Human Network of those working on their Enlightenment and the Enlightened Beings here now can join forces to transmit love and thanksgiving to Earth both through prayer and personal practices. There will be a shift in world civilization practices and it will happen very quickly. How bad the cataclysmic event is all depends on what preparations we take today. Please contemplate these two issues and think about what changes you may make in your daily practice for yourself, your family and friends. We will continue to discuss these issues in great detail in future messages. We will keep the conversation going.
That is a lot of new information to take in so let’s end this with a prayer. First please connect to all who are reading this now or in future. Take a moment to close your eyes and slow your breath thinking about connecting with the beautiful Human hearts solidly on this mission with you. Your Earth Soul family. Now the next part is best done during the day and outside if possible. It can be done once in the morning and once near sunset. It can be done inside and at night as well. Please stand to allow your feet to point towards the center of Mother Earth’s heart. Clasp your hands together, palms together and hands in front of your heart as the Namaste mudra. Now focus your attention on the giver of life, your Sun, the Father. Imagine the stillness inside the center of your heart. Then, focusing on the Sun connect with the stillness in the center of the Sun, the heart of the Sun. Realize that Source energy constantly and instantly beams down from the end of your Universe, into your Sun and then right into your heart. Allow yourself to focus and perceive this energy going first into your heart and next out your feet into the ground and combining your love and thanksgiving transmitting the energy right into the heart of Earth. Focus and continue to stand doing this meditation prayer for five minutes or more as you are comfortable. This is an action you can do everyday, twice a day is best, to begin and end the time you spend taking actions each day which will mitigate the effects including the loss of life of all forms. We will begin through these transmissions to form our Human Network of love and thanksgiving for Mother Earth and laser focus our attention on problem solving and cooperation. Please take time to research what has been said here regarding Earth changes and see the issues at hand. Also, you may form a Planetwide network by sharing the concerns you have with your family and your friends. Peace to all on Earth. This is Maitreya.
August 15, 2018 Telepathic Transmission from Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved.
Elizabeth Trutwin has been transmitting messages on Cosmic Ascension since 2003. She is an author of a series of books, Sacred Galactic Scripture; Pistis Sophia, Jatakas, Upanishads, Ramayana, Masnavi, Mazzaroth, Ramban’s Pentateuch, The Emerald Tablets, Corpus Hermeticum, as well as The Rainbow Bridge, Awaken the Guru Within, Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth.
Elizabeth is a research scientist working with Unified Physics model as presented by Physicist Nassim Haramein. She has written a series of articles on Unified Physics which may be explored on her website, She has been meditating since age 16 and has practiced breathereanism as well as applying her knowledge within the teachings of the Eightfold Path. Elizabeth Trutwin continues to volunteer to provide messages and is available for private sessions with Maitreya. Please email her for more information at eltrutwin @ gmail .com All inquiries are welcome.
dna light activations eraoflight
3rd Density Collective Consciousness – All Hell Breaks Loose. Alternate Realities Available. 5D Consciousness (and above) is the Opposite (as always)
I prefer not to write this stuff, yet it’s important to assist those collectives finding themselves “challenged” with their own Consciousness/physical reality. I will explain, paint a “picture”, so all can read/see, and then CHOOSE: HOW to experience all… from inside… as Shifting your Energy/Consciousness, shifts your overall vibration, therefore your body’s transmission, therefore your physical experience…
This is not to create fear, it’s quite the opposite. It’s to create awareness, which can resolve the fear, through Intentional Conscious Expansion, which give you the power to then shift your own consciousness/act from a different space inside, therefore shifting the vibration of the reality and experience, by applying a different mindset to the reality, one that doesn’t hold judgment/fear/lack and emanate from the survival mode/root chakra area of Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra area of the body (hips/legs/feet too).
Conscious Awareness returns each’s power. Judgement/fear is a dis-empowered state. These are opposites. One allows you to act from your higher vision/you, the other is you acting/beliefs, from your lower dimensional/ego aspect. Choose.
The 3rd Density was a reality, a frequency bandwidth, created out of a level of (un)consciousness. If your body is in 3D, it’s going to be pure hell. If you are holding onto anything, beliefs, things, people… this is fear/attachment and lack. Root chakra-based… heart closed/mind closed. No/little deep inner-connection on a Soul Level. Fear/control/judgment rule these realities that increase “collapse mode”.
As the constructs for 3D timelines continue an accelerating process of dissolving/dismantling/deconstruction phase (template), the realities built on these go too. Judgement is an ego game of “blame/outside’s fault/I’m a victim” and complete disempowerment. This is a huge energy that all hold prior to physical body ascension can occur. It’s up to each to SEE this energy and choose not to play that lack game/program out anymore.
The human ego LOVES to judge and be a victim to outside being the fault. This is pure separation and it perpetuates the old until all the judgement goes. The conscious being OBSERVES the judgment and the mentalities stemming from this and comes to realize the game involved, which is “I’m not taking responsibility for my own Energy and owning my own reality. Instead I’m going to blame and gossip and point the finger at that/them, because if I don’t, I actually look at myself and realize it’s my lack of power/connection”. Judgement carries the stories on and re-inforces the “belief”. Pre-judging is each creating an opinion on all and bringing forth these “pre-judgments” based upon something not of the current vibrational experience (presence), because of some program still playing inside that individual/collective.
Judgement is PURE VICTIM mentalities/energy that loves to make everything “someone else’s” fault. Example: “I’m broke, they charge too much.” or “I’m not capable/they did this to me”. It’s an EXCUSE not to stand in your power and take responsibility for your own Energy/REALity as LOVE, abundant, infinite and Sovereign. There’s always a dualistic blame/fault/victim/perpetrator…. which perpetuates the 3rd/4th Density Experience…. which will become heavy, create chaos and take each to a “breaking point”. When instead, observing the judgment means we see it, yet it’s not our reality anymore.
I awoke to observing many Collectives, Cosmic Energies and “what’s to come” for 3D/4D realities maintaining a level of unconscious programming still. I share for each to understand, that shifting/expanding our consciousness, completely shifts this as “reality”…. to an alternate/very different one.
So, here we go: (3D/4D Consciousness). I’m making all as direct as possible. No fluffy stuff.
  • Harshness is “coming” (vibrational response) to all holding judgment/ego lack games still
  • Harshness means that those timelines/templates have collapsed and the experience is to clear the energy still held within.
  • Harshness is a word to describe a vibrational experience relative to unconsciousness
  • Harshness doesn’t “have to occur”, if each will CHOOSE to shift vibrationally/expand
  • This applies to still trying to make reality conform to old limited lack-based beliefs
  • Holding onto old ways
  • Allowing “Lack” to rule, therefore transmitting out for “lack” to be returned
  • Judgement is an Ego-Projection reflected back for each to observe/clear/see
  • Hearts closed/minds closed… which means the only reality available has to be as strong or stronger to get the heart/mind open finally/again. This can be soft/beautiful or harsh/rough. Our energy/level of consciousness dictates this.
  • Not self-accountable for own Energy (leaving from presence to “go off” and get caught up in something “outside”).
  • There is a “caged animal syndrome” (my phrase) that occurs, when the human ego aspect gets boxed in or realities are collapsing/control no longer works. This will increase for those deeply unconscious and trying anything to avoid opening their hearts and standing in their power as LOVE.
  • “Forced Change” is how the human ego experiences up-shifting and heart opening, because there is so much refusal/resistance energy held. Technically, on a Quantum Scale, it’s Energy relative and of a greater “force” to break those old constructs down and “break/dissolve” that energy…. yet the human aspect cannot understand this, because of the dis-empowered state of consciousness it lives in. This is going to increase as 3D templates go.
  • 3D = All HELL breaks loose on a collective/individual level (3D Version of Earth too). Closing your eyes, going deep inside, pulling away on an energetic level and shifting/tuning in to a higher state of consciousness can assist with shifting the actual experience, unless “you waited” too long, then the physical may play itself out, because of the amount of energy still held inside. (Unconscious programming/separation/dualistic energy).
  • 3D Energy has to fully clear. 4D is where all maintain “one foot in each reality” until all of this duality can clear on a physical level, for the (Light)Body to vibrate/Merkaba full activate (occurs over months/years), for Physical 5th Dimension to become HOME.
  • 5D/5th Density and above – Opposite realities from 3D. Flourishing, vibrant, abundant and alive, because the BEings here don’t operate from fear/lack-based programming anymore. This is called Transcendence…. and the whole physical reality is an alternate dimension and different frequency bandwidths only visible as each elevates their consciousness to see (then experience NEW Earth). First in dream/meditative state, to expand each’s consciousness, open hearts/minds and DNA/body template to re-write/build itself according to Quantum Geometrics (non-linear).
  • For Heaven to materialize, hell must dissolve inside. Hell was hidden for a long time. It started as an etheric thing, yet becomes a physical reality to held clear these energies/programs where they were housed in the physical body, often “undetected” for eons/years, masked by ignoring, pretending and suppression…. until no longer an option.
  • 3D/4D/5D (and way above) are accessed through each’s body….. Learning how to open access and clear this deep seated programming is an immense process for us all.
  • A complete re-education through higher consciousness practices and application is required. The whole body will go through a massive process to accomplish multi-dimensionality here.
  • The physical body “weights” (anchors) each in the lower dimensional realms of unconsciousness (amnesia/veiled). Each must get their body’s vibration high enough to “leave” the lower dimensions/frequency bandwidths “once and for all”.
  • Free-will (Choice). Human aspect “thinks” it has a choice or “thinks it doesn’t”, depending on the perspective/current dimensional experience. The only “choice” each has is within the present moment, fully connected or disconnected and dictated by which aspect/version is in charge/command. Human ego is unconscious, therefore technically the choice is unconscious too, which is not in full alignment on a SOUL LEVEL, therefore returning a distorted reality to experience (out of sync timeline/parallel). As a Higher Self (or in conjunction with our higher selves/aspects/Universe, depending on our own current vibration and “where” our higher aspects are “located” (within or out/up there), the decision is aligned on a Soul Level, therefore the reality created is fully aligned too. Any variance from this can create an alternative parallel to experience, splitting off from a fully aligned reality to experience something “necessary” to learn/dissolve separation/unconscious programming. One can step right back into the primary aligned timeline, if it’s still available or “have to wait” until another portal is opened for a different/similar opportUNITY to become available again. Sometimes it never will, as it wasn’t that important on a higher level/bigger picture kinda of thing. If it’s necessary for the bigger picture/highest dimensional existence, then it will. The human ego aspect won’t know which is which. Only the Soul Level Avatar/Higher Self can understand/see and intentionally activate/call this forth here. Free-will is misunderstood by the human ego aspect, as it thinks this is “control” and “what it wants”, when in essence it’s the opposite. It’s exercising vibrational choice and action (or conscious non-action) to shift a reality/timeline vibrationally and comes from a deep sacred respect, integrity, honor and love. The human ego aspect doesn’t have this capability. Each choosing which aspect/version is “in charge”, determines how all of this plays out. Control is removed when the linear/ego constructs “have to dissolve/collapse”, forgo the desperate ego, trying everything it can to “get out of” the current experience…
  • 5D Light BEings… This is a frequency bandwidth emanating from Sacred Love and Respect. Judgment does not come into play here. If it does, then it’s not 5D. It’s lack programming again and each has shifted “back” into a 3D/4D Level of Consciousness again.
  • The integration of the 12D template within us and Gaia is what “causes” these lower frequency bandwidths to collapse/dismantle/disengage…. WE are in a Vibrational reality where all now is being re-aligned to match this 12D Template (we are building continually from this). The “merging” of the 12D Axiotonal Lines are pivotal for this and all. For the lower dimensional realms of consciousness
Carrying “others” with your field… this is going to get “heavier”, meaning cutting those cords of attachment and “hanging on” will occur “faster”, because many were using each other to maintain/get through/get by… words don’t matter. The mentality/energy does. No more carrying others. Each has to stand on their own two feet (energetically), come into their own POWER and open their hearts fully… experiencing exactly what is necessary to assist with this.
The more Light held, the more others love to attach, be in that energy and live off of that…. it’s easy, abundant, magical and happy…. yet if all are not wide open and contributing, there are distortions/imbalances and you won’t be able to “carry others” anymore… It will “get too heavy” and weigh on you. Literally, your body will put on weight…. You will be carrying “heavy” with your body and your field, and your field can’t spin in the direction/at the speed it must in order for you to expand…. if you are the one relying on someone else’s field/energy/anything, then you may notice them pulling away, shutting doors and ending relationships, closing out realities/timelines… your human will be shocked, even go to judgment or blame, when in essence it was YOUR ENERGY… so observe yourself and what you are transmitting out.
Warp Speed and slowing all down to a halt: Quantum Jumping, Quantum Realities are at warp speed/the Speed of Light. Maneuvering and Mastering can only be done from WITHIN THE PRESENT MOMENT and functioning in Universal/Cosmic flow…. Zero Point Field is where all is CREATED FROM… if you are scattered, not present and separated off into other places, times, things… if you’ve attached to something outside or anything, when the geometrics/Light Codes for your current reality activate to change the structure of your reality, you won’t be aware of this and it will “appear” all is collapsing, because you are trying to “hold on” to something going… instead of embracing what’s newly/now available and ready to come forth, the moment your heart/mind are fully open and you are on-board with ALL OF YOU….
NEW EARTH IS QUANTUM…. multi-dimensionality is Quantum… there’s absolutely nothing linear here. We all have to learn how to function in non-linear states, from a Quantum State of Consciousness in order to Master the Physical here. This is through practice, applying much higher consciousness knowledge to your current reality, through the Light Encoded Teachings/Sharings available and created/shared to “make all easier” for those who VALUE this. It takes awhile to learn/understand how all works… as it’s all completely different than before. Your old ways won’t work…. and we all do have to choose NEW EARTH over Old Earth… at some point. The “sooner” we do this, the easier all is…. as all can align their entire reality on a Soul Level themselves…. instead of the “alternative” options that the ego aspect requires, due to refusal to open up to multi-dimensionality as a whole new “real existence” now.
3D = Ego Experience. Control. Narcissism. Fear. Judgment. Blame. No inner power/connection.
4D = Duality Experience/Transition phases while DNA repair/re-writing occurs. Higher Self becomes audible. “Other dimensions” (etheric realm) presents itself dependent on each’s awakening process (Battle of Armageddon between Heaven & Hell, Good and Evil, Dark & Light begins. Outside and inside until inside aligns fully, then outside can begin.
5D = Higher Self is birthed/takes over/moves inside (descends into your form/emerges from within)
6D & Higher begin after 5D Embodiment has occurred… everything is birthed from within
NEW EARTH is beyond the 3D/4D Mentalities/Limits and Judgments, where bliss, magic, pure JOY, Harmony and infinite everything exists. It comes forth from within you…. as you awaken to your highest aspects/versions and START TO LIVE THIS FULLY NOW.
Unity – Love – Consciousness is our NEW Way. Sharing, caring, respect, kindness, compassion, generosity… supporting, receiving as a vibrational response to each’s ENERGY, which is Quantum (non-linear)…. our entire reality is fully aligned with this. There is zero feeding the old, allowing the old to play out. We don’t “carry others” or tell them what to do. We allow all to decide their own reality to live out on whatever Earth they choose, whatever dimension/vibrational timeline. We don’t “criss-cross” like before. We see each’s purity, each’s abilities and each’s unconscious/conscious actions/energy CREATING REALITIES to occur and we honor this. We do have to separate all out, otherwise human ego aspects will impose and bring their karma/unconscious programs forth and dump them on our table/on our doorstep for us to “deal with”, which is an unconscious program on all’s part… where this is allowed to play out.
This is a multi-dimensional experience where an open heart means each is kind, each is contributing, each is sharing, each is holding their own/pulling their own wait and showing up fully….. there’s zero lack… as that’s an ENERGY and everyone has the ability to manage, master and shift their own energy. Only the human ego says it can’t. ♥
I love you… you won’t see me writing on this anymore (unless it’s mega important for collectives), as my focus is on those who are embracing, ready and not playing the lack/judgment/blame/victim games anymore. My focus, as are all that I unite with, is NEW EARTH and Unity and our amazing realities we already live. My focus is supporting those in return, who have decided what is important and VALUE all as LOVE. My focus is fulfilling much higher roles/purposes here and we work daily to accomplish for all of humanity here. Those who truly value themselves, each other and are ready to live the most amazing realities too, are not arguing, fighting, judging and letting lack mentalities “control” their choices, because they understand that lack breeds more lack. Gratitude, abundance, appreciation and re-prioritizing creates and activates the highest timelines through the exchange of Light Codes to awaken within one/their field, for integration, application and living our highest vibrational DREAMS and Heaven on Earth fully… because we can.
You won’t find us going small and catering to human lack programming…. because that’s Old Earth… which is “dead”. Literally… NEW EARTH IS VIBRANT, ALIVE, THRIVING and miraculous. Yet we all have to CHOOSE TO BE HERE… and all here… we have/did.
NEW EARTH is not experiencing 3D/4D (Density/Dimensional) Realities, because they are relative to our own Levels of Consciousness held/Embodied…..
See your OWN DIS-EMPOWERING JUDGMENTS…. and resolve these yourself. Clear this energy and open your heart fully. You can’t bring judgment to NEW Earth. You must leave it at the gates…. to enter/walk through. ♥
p.s. I have a saying.. If you are Judging then you are not Doing…. You can’t do both. Pick. ♥
p.p.s. This article is not a judgment. It’s a Light Encoded Activation/Clearing to assist collectives with transcending the suffering that judgment creates/perpetuates, a Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Report directly speaking to an Unconscious 3D/4D Program/Energy (Clearing Process) for all holding this still. ♥
Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...