
7 de septiembre de 2018

The Spiritual Influence Of The Virgo New Moon Energies

Dear Friends,on September 9th we will be collectively experiencing a New Moon at 16 degrees and 59 minutes in the zodiac sign of the Virgo. This New Moon event is bringing a particularly grounding and earth orientated energy field into our world, helping us anchor all the I AM light and intense insights we have generated over the last two month of the eclipse season and Lions gate impact.
For the collective awakening process of humanity into the Golden Age of Aquarius, this is an important moment for many beings to reconnect with earthly wisdom and understand planet earth again as partner in creation, rather than an ever giving source of personal comfort and wealth.
Take a walk in the woods my friends and allow yourself to notice the deep exchange that naturally is happening between the surrounding trees, animals, plants, the light and our human emotions. We are at any time united in one field of existence on this planet, and if you truly want to experience this knowledge as a feeling, the Virgo New Moon field is the perfect time to do so.
Our emotions affect the atmosphere around us, and other people, because emotions influence the electromagnetic field our heart emits.
Sam Owen
Any patch of sunlight in a wood will show you somethingabout the sun which you could never get from reading books. These pure and spontaneous pleasures are ‘patches of God light’ in the woods of our experience.
C.S. Lewis
Think the tree that bears nutrition:
though the fruits are picked,
the plant maintains fruition.
So give all the love you have.
Do not hold any in reserve.
What is given is not lost;
it shall return.
Kamand Kojouri
The Libra New Moon field right now is not only providing us with the amazing opportunity of finding back to a loving oneness with the forces of mother earth, but also for a renewed relationship with our physical body. A profound homecoming in understanding the sacred sanctuary that the physical body truly is for each of us. Its a perfect time to check your eating habits, your exercise pattern and take time to contemplate what you can do to increase your physical health.
Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat any time and by yourself.
Hermann Hesse
The keys to health and weight-loss: stress reduction, sleep, deep breathing, clean water, complete nutrition, sunshine, walking, stretching, meditation, love, community, laughter, dreams, perseverance, purpose, humility, action.
Bryant McGill
Last but not least, the Virgo New Moon is inviting us to take a very close look at all of our human relationships, and to profit from the healing energies it is delivering to us. Take this brillant chance and make yourself familiar with the power of forgiveness in our life, for example with a practice cycle using the Hoʻoponopono phrase.
The Hoʻoponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice centered around forgiveness. We can use this energy field that so many beings have prayed to before us already, in order to evoke a deep experience of transformation and letting go.
This is how it goes: Start with breathing into the heart, visualizing each breath coming in and out of your higher heart. Then visualize being in the same room as everybody you might want to offer your forgiveness and all you feel like owning an apology as well. Start by looking deep into the eyes of each and every one of them and than whisper the classic Hoʻoponopono phrase. Repeat the Mantra as often as it takes for you to feel the energy changing within your heart.
“I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.”
If you are already in touch with any of the Ascended Masters active on the violet flame, than you might also enjoy working with this healing prayer, designed to combine inner alchemy with the purification of mother earth.
Violet Flame Prayer for the Earth
I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity God desires.
Earth is a planet of violet fire
Earth is the purity God desires.
Dear ones, I hope this bits and pieces of insides into the spiritual background of the upcoming New Moon in Virgo are helping you navigate the energy field these days. I hope you all feel strong and inspired to use the powerful earth forces present right now, and take yourself a step further along the way of manifesting your true soul dreams!
Love and Moon Blessings

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