
12 de septiembre de 2018

What is and who is an enlightened person

Enlightened persons are those who have achieved their full potential as embodied beings, placing their consciousness at an intermediate point between matter and spirit, between the outside and the inside, between above and below, a space where the reconciliation of opposites is possible.

This strategic position allows us to recognize as "beings of both worlds", inhabitants of two areas that seem to be antagonistic but can be connected ( "enlightened") through consciousness. Therefore, the excellent writer Lee Lozowick speaks of an "enlightened duality" where there is a conscious passage from the ordinary duality ( "I see two worlds are irreconcilable") to an enlightened duality whose background is non-dual consciousness ( "I see two worlds but I can reconcile and find that at the bottom there is only the unit "). 

Although there are thousands of testimonies about the process of enlightenment, it is not easy to find enlightened beings. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who stood by renowned instructors, teachers and special spiritual beings,He revealed that he had only met three people lit throughout his entire life. 

However, although the shortage of enlightened masters is easily verifiable, many of them have told us their knowledge through "maps",describing them more or less precisely the ways of the land of the Spirit. 

These maps have been preserved and studied by the initiatory schools of East and West who have based their doctrines not mere intellectual speculations but on the reliable testimony of these noble walkers of the past. This transcendent mapping helps us to remember what we already know, helping us to re-find the path back home.

For this reason, initiatory schools are a kind of club of "amnesic anonymous" men and women who have forgotten their essential nature and are an effective method of training that allows them to recover memory, accompanied by brothers who speak the same language. 

However, it is worth clarify, schools are not formed by enlightened who have already reached the top but by pilgrims in transit, people who turn their efforts every day to find their own way from darkness to light. 

no-dualidad¿Llegará a time when initiatory truly enlightened schools are directed? I guess so, but I can not be sure. All I know is that as we seek to perfect us plumber is flooding the house.

There phrase well known in the spiritual realm: "When you are ready, the master appears", which has encouraged many search engines continue to work within.However, on many occasions this phrase makes us believe that therecome a exotic Master, robe and white beard choose us andsee that we are "worthy" to receive secret knowledge ... No, no and no! We must understand that the only worthwhile Master is the Inner Master and that all external teachers are valid as long ashelp us to recognize that teacher . 

The wisdom teachings are clear: all people, events and external events come to us to cover needs AlmaTherefore, all outside teacher (guru) is valuable only in this sense. But we must also recognize that we learn from all and sometimes teaching comes to us through the most unexpected channel: our son, our mascot and even a demanding boss. 

Some people all his life are passed waiting for "their" perfect Master squandering one by one the opportunities that present themselves to him and starring in a sad like mad who spent his life waiting for her beloved pier San Blas history. 

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