
24 de septiembre de 2018


According to the gnostic wisdom, Yaldabaoth is a vortex of accreting plasma hidden in the plane whose function is toconcentrate the remaining primary abnormality in this solar system around the Earth from the " error Demiurge. "If you could observe at a glance the plasma plane (a thin layer between the physical plane and the plane Etero), Yaldabaoth would look like a huge octopus enveloping the Earth with its tentacles. For decades, scientists have believed that this plasma structure exists, and in 2015 , a student of astrophysics at the University of Sydney for thefirst time managed to generate a three - dimensional image of the Yaldabaoth entity. According to Corey Goode -delator of secrecy and Joint Space Program Cobra -portavoz Resistance Movement Agartha- at this time the main target of the forces of Light is the removal of the "head" of plasma and primary anomaly Yaldabaoth associated with this entity. This is a very sensitive operation and completion collated come with sudden and unexpected advances that will precipitate " the Event " and release Planet millennial yoke of the Cabal.

Who or what is Yaldabaoth?

In February 2017, the spokesman  Resistance Movement of Agartha Network reported  that the forces of Light and managed to clean most of the primary anomaly of the solar system and beyond, although most of the plasma anomaly , with the restantes- toplets pumps is concentrated near the Earth, within 3 Earth radii around the planet. This area constitutes the head of Yaldabaoth, and the well of quantum anomaly is located just inside the Earth resides in a state of quarantine.

Cabal or Group Chimera  maintains this anomalous plasma in position by means of a scalar field where the resonant frequencies are more prominently in 11.76 Hz (corresponding to the alpha brainwaves) and 15.68 Hz (corresponding to brain waves beta ). These two frequencies are basic frequencies of the veil. And you can counteract some of the damaging effects of the veil scalar field with binaural tones of the same frequency: (1, 2, 3).

The "tentacles" of Yaldabaoth are not really tentacles, but plasma filaments that are constantly changing and are not being removed one by one, but all are being gradually dissolved while the light advances. You need to understand that the entity Yaldabaoth plasma is a parasite that feeds on healthy plasma constantly emanates from the sun, and is distributed throughout the solar system by the solar wind.

The filament density of plasma Yaldabaoth entity and pumps toplets scattered throughout the solar system have decreased to be almost completely dissolved, and only remains the "head" of Yaldabaoth. This "head" is composed of many layers of abnormal plasma that were placed over the last 26,000 years.

The forces of Light are intensely dissolving head Yaldabaoth

In an update in June 2017 , the spokesman ofResistance Movement of Agartha Network reported that the forces of Light are intensely dissolving Yaldabaoth head. The head is located within the vortex accumulation plasma anomaly near the surface of the Earth, with its outer edge about 3 Earth radii from the center of the planet. In fact conventional science has "discovered" this outer edge few years ago, as described below:

"Van Allen belts are two donuts seething radiation surrounding the Earth and has been found to contain an almost impenetrable barrier that prevents even the fastest energetic electrons reach Earth. But the radiation belts are not the only structures of particles surrounding the Earth. A giant cloud of charged particles called relatively cool plasma sphere occupies the outermost region of the Earth's atmosphere, from 600 miles high to the outermost belt Van Allen. The particles in the outermost boundary of the plasma sphere cause scattering belt particles outermost radiation, removing them therefrom. Van Allen belts are a collection of charged particles, grouped by the magnetic field of the Earth. They can grow and shrink in response to the energy from the sun, sometimes swelling enough to expose the satellites in low orbit radiation damage. The "drain" that acts as a barrier within the belt was discovered using probes Van Allen of NASA, launched in August 2012 to study the region. The research results were published in the journal Nature on 27 November 2014. "(Source: NASA).
Vortex plasma accumulation anomaly near the surface of planet Earth.
NASA admits that radio waves of low frequency man-made keep alive Yaldabaoth

Now NASA in an article entitled " The probes Van Allen NASA discovered a barrier made by man that is shrouding the Earth " has admitted that radio waves of low frequency man - made are forming the outer edge, creating efficiently the outermost barrier Velo:

"Humans have shaped the terrestrial landscape for a long time, but now scientists know that it is possible to change the shape of our environment near space environment. It has been discovered that certain communications -of very low frequency, or radio VLF- interact with particles in space, affecting how and where to move. Sometimes these interactions can create a barrier around the Earth radiation of high energy particles in space naturally. The results of the research described understandably human alteration of space weather were recently published in Space Science Reviews. "

If in the above quotation sutituyéramos the term "VLF radio" (for submarine communication transmitters) by the term "HAARP ELF transmitters and similar programs" we would obtain a clear picture of how the outermost barrier Velo is generated.
According PRMI a nominal filament plasma head together with pumps Yaldabaoth toplet engages the black stone, a condensate of quark-antiquark higher.  The black stone is a large hadron top / antitop quarks that were created by the Cabal / Chimera million years ago in huge particle accelerators (rings Dyson) capable of producing temperatures above the critical temperature of 2 trillion Kelvin necessary for the creation of black stone. For about 7 million years, the black stone was located on a planet orbiting the star system Rigel (which was the center of the cosmic anomaly during that time) and then was brought to Earth from Rigel through the filament of plasma Taurus in 1996.

You are now in the installation of the RHIC collider Chimera near Long Island, USA Anomalous interaction of plasma with black stone creates a huge vortex of negative plasma of approximately 800 km in diameter with its center in Long Island. This vortex is the purification station for the remaining primary abnormality in the earth's surface. The main members of the Cabal and many members of the Chimera are using the anomaly of this vortex as a shield against light and that is why the East Coast has the highest concentration of  Cabal  on the planet.

Sydney astrophysicists reveal a 3D image of Yaldabaoth

Cleo Loi, a student at the ARC Center of Excellence for Astrophysics (CAASTRO) at the University of Sydney, used information from high - tech radio telescopes to find a series of tubes of plasma in the inner layers of the magnetosphere and maquetarlos in three dimensions. After detecting the tubes giant plasma realized surrounding Earth hugging her as if they were the tentacles of some diabolical space monster and protrude from planet to high altitudes in the atmosphere, also along the lines of the magnetic field of the Earth. The tentacles reach up to 40 kilometers wide, hundreds of kilometers long and 600 kilometers. According to Cleo Loi: 

For over 60 years scientists believed that these structures exist, but this is the first time we have visual evidence that they are really there (...) I thought that possibly have a significant role in moderating energy of the radiation belts the earth."

 In the latest update of the Planetary Situation in July 2017 Cobra spokesman Resistance Movement of the "Forces of Light" reiterated that at this time the main aim of these forces is the removal of the "head" of plasma the Yaldabaoth entity toplets pumps, the black stone and the primary abnormality associated with it. This is a very sensitive operation so it can not provide much information until it is completed. But towards the end of this operation will be sudden and unexpected advances that will precipitate in the event.

What is 'The Event'?

The event is a result of a galactic pulse that happens every 26,000 years. In the non-physical plane there will be a wave of energy and light from the center of the galaxy, which in turn stimulate the sun, which will emanate a special kind of light will raise the vibrations of the planet and everything that lives on it, finally ending the primary abnormality. 

During the event, in three-dimensional physical plane we can expect: arrests of the Cabal, restarting the financial system, Revelation and full disclosure of extraterrestrial technologies and irrefutable evidence showing how they have been on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, the real history of humanity, a new system of governance, health, education, etc. 

Also it begins a process of healing the trauma suffered by the population of the area along all these millennia, the healing of the planet itself and accelerated spiritual growth.

It is also expected that in the event prelude to be a direct confrontation between the Chimera group also known as the Cabal or elite that globally increasing concern for the "invasion fleet Galactic Federation" is strengthening its defensive positions in low Earth orbit. 

They are behind the creation of the sixth branch of the US military . This secret agreement took many lawmakers by surprise.

Also,  the Air Force is preparing  for a possible confrontation between the Galactic Confederation and members of the Chimera group infiltrated in the air force, and make the last line of defense against the forces of Light in low earth orbit. Perhaps this is military confrontation just before the event happen and if ithappens will be brief, spectacular, limited in scope and willend in total defeat of the Cabal. Meanwhile, the Forces of Light are pushing full disclosure.
Joint Cobra and Corey Goode explain how the removal of Yaldabaoth come along with 'Event'
Corey : There is a plan that is part of the natural process of what will happen with energy waves that are coming into our solar system through our sun, going to an event that will completely purge the sign of our solar system occur at one point.
Cobra ". Event" This is exactly what I mean when I talk about the removal of the scalar field plasma Yaldabaoth, the entity octopus, and just that is when the plasma field is removed will be the moment of rupture compression (compression Breakthrough).
Corey : A solar event that will cause a lot of problems with electronic equipment and things like that, but it is necessary to take the signal as they reintroduce other advanced technologies that will not be as vulnerable to this signal.
Cobra : Well, according to my sources, the increase in solar activity Galactic Central is precisely intended to erase the sign of the galaxy. So that the increased flow of particles, and spoke physical and non - physical particles and energy waves is an effect purge Galaxy completely clean. Signal will no longer exist anywhere. It is an anomaly. It is an aberration, and will be removed. And this is what they refer to the Gnostics when they talk about " the correction of original sin " and the "original sin" consisted of an anomaly that should be corrected and will be corrected with this new energy that will heal the distorted space, structure time and its signal, which is only one aspect of cosmic anomaly.
Earth governments have already warned its inhabitants about 'The Event'

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