
14 de noviembre de 2018

Contraindications of omega 3 supplements

Is it harmful to take omega 3?

The omega 3 are nutritional supplementsand have no toxicity. That is to say, these nutrients are found naturally in the food of the diet, therefore, their ingestion in the form of a supplement does not have a specific contraindication, just as the foods that contain it do not.
fish oil supplements epa and dha for vegetarians

Omega 3 supplements are in the form of oil beads

Main problems of omega 3 supplements

The main problems that omega 3 supplements have are:
  • They contain little amount of omega 3 , compared to food, which presents a nutritional and economic contraindication (more nutritious and cheap natural foods with omega 3).
  • Many of them have already oxidized omega 3 : omega 3 is a type of fat very sensitive to oxidation, which deteriorates easily. It has been seen that many supplements spend so much time on store shelves, without being consumed, that most of their fats are oxidized. The laboratories avoid it by adding antioxidants ( vitamin E ) to the capsules, but also, sometimes these supplements spend almost a year on the shelf. Therefore, look carefully at the date of manufacture of the product!
  • They contain a lot of mercury (only in the case of supplements of EPA, DHA or fish oils). This is because they are extracted from large fish, which bioaccumulate a lot of mercury . There are capsules free of heavy metals, but you have to look at the label.
  • Before considering the use of supplements with omega 3, it is necessary that the diet is healthy and naturally rich in this component . A supplement can never compensate for poor diet, which is the body's main source of nutrition.
The possible contraindications for the ingestion of omega 3 supplements that contain a high high dose of these principles are listed below :

Why are foods better than supplements?

The fact of preferring to provide omega 3 in the form of rich foods, instead of in supplements , has nutritional and economic advantages.
ground flax seeds

The ground flax seeds are very rich in fiber, omega 3 and other nutrients
The foods rich in omega 3 contain other macro- and micronutrients that improve the assimilation of that component. For example, nuts contain a lot of omega 3, along with phytochemicals and vitamin E , which are antioxidants and protect that omega 3 from its deterioration and prevent oxidative stress.
In addition, in natural foods there are other beneficial components: following the example of walnuts, they provide fi ber and phytosterols that help to eliminate cholesterol and collaborate in the improvement of cardiovascular health.
In contrast, an omega 3 supplement provides only one nutrient, outside its food matrix, so its effect is less potent and less physiological .
* See a comparison between supplements and foods rich in omega 3in:
omega 3 supplements

Do foods with omega 3 have contraindications?

Omega 3 fats are found in many natural foods and in vegetable oils . Eating foods with a lot of omega 3 does not present important contraindications, because in case of excess, the body would keep it in the form of body fat .
The main problem with the ingestion of a lot of omega 3 , which could be produced by the ingestion of flaxseed oilor by the ingestion of nut oil , is that these types of oils increase the formation of free radicals in the body (prooxidant). Omega 3 is a nutrient that deteriorates rapidly and should not be consumed in excess. The benefit is in the correct dose .
It should also be mentioned that when omega 3 is ingested through natural foods, for example, in some nuts , the food matrix contains phytochemicals, vitamin E and other natural antioxidants that help to preserve omega 3 better. That is, the omega 3 is better in the form of food than in oil .

What contraindications can omega 3 supplements have?

Some omega 3 supplements may have contraindications. These contraindications depend, basically, on the type of omega 3 they contain and on the quantity.
Depending on the type of omega 3, in the case of fish oil supplements , or supplements of omega 3 EPA and DHAthere are contraindications, although only when they have really high amounts of these principles, or high amounts that are ingested in a large amount .
contraindications supplements omega 3 oils fish

Summary sheet on the recommendations and contraindications of supplements with omega 3

Side effects of omega 3 supplements

Omega 3 supplements are safe at the recommended doses. They have very few side effects and are well tolerated for most people.
Among the possible side effects are:
  • Occasionally they may have a mild laxative effect or produce gastrointestinal reactions , a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, loose stools, etc. In these cases it is recommended to stop the treatment and consult with the professional.
  • Problems can also occur due to fish reflux or bad taste in the mouth when capsules of fish oils or cod oil are consumed.

Different types of omega 3

To understand the difference and the dangers of the different omega 3 supplements , you have to explain briefly how and for what the body uses omega 3:

How omega 3 works

In the liver , omega 3 (linolenic acid) is converted into two substances called eicosanoids, which are called "EPA" and "DHA". These components are a type of omega 3 and act as potent blood fluidizers , are anti-inflammatory and produce vasodilation.
The body regulates the production of EPA and DHA from omega 3:
  • If you take omega 3 supplements , the body can stop or slow down the manufacture of EPA or DHA.
  • But if you take supplements that contain directly EPA and DHA (fish oils), substances that are already active, can not be regulated and exert their effect on the body. These supplements have advantages, but in excess, or poorly used, can produce adverse effects, such as potentiate or multiply the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants .

Types of omega 3 supplements

The omega 3 supplements of plant origin do not contain EPA and DHA :
fish oil supplements epa and dha for vegetarians

Omega 3 improves circulation by providing elasticity to blood vessels and fluidizing the blood
Animal-based omega 3 supplements do contain EPA and DHA ( cold-encapsulated and heavy-metal- free supplements are recommended ):

Hazards or problems with EPA and DHA fish oil

Unlike supplements of plant origin, supplements containing EPA and DHA are active substances with vasodilator, antithrombotic and blood-fluidifying properties. These properties are advantageous in certain cases, such as in people with diabetes , hypertension , arthritis , inflammatory diseases, etc. The EPA and DHA supplements are very effective and in some cases they can reduce the dose of medication .
But EPA and DHA act directly, with the disadvantage that they can enhance the action of heart medications , circulation, varicose veins , etc. In these cases do NOT take these supplements, you should consult with the doctor.
fish oil supplements epa and dha for vegetarians

Omega 3 and vegetarianism

Healthy vegetarian people do not need fish oil supplements, but they are recommended to take foods rich in omega 3 every day. Click on the image for more information.

Contraindications of ALL omega 3 supplements

Supplements should be taken according to the doses or amounts indicated on the package . It is not recommended to exceed the recommended dose, unless your doctor tells you to.
Both fish oils and supplements of plant origin have the following contraindications:
  • Pregnancy : Consult the doctor beforehand.
  • Schizophrenia and epilepsy : Consult previously with the doctor. Especially when treated with epileptogenic drugs, such as phenothiazines.
  • Heart failure : Consult your doctor beforehand. It can interfere with the medication.
  • Medications : In case of taking anticoagulant drugs ( Sintrom ), heart medications, medication for circulation, or other types of medication, consult with the doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Do not take omega 3 before or after surgery or surgical operations ( pre and post operative )
Attention! Before taking omega 3 supplements you should consult your doctor because they can interfere with some medications. The supplements are not better or replace a diet rich in omega 3.
anti-inflammatory plants
More information on properties of fatty fish and omega 3 .
Other articles of interest
The material that works here is informative. In case of doubt, consult the doctor. 
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for the damages caused by self-medication

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