
9 de febrero de 2019

You Already Are An Ascended Master In The 5D!

#AshtarCommand #5thDimension You Already Are An Ascended Master In The 5D! There’s Is Nothing You Need To Do But Surrender To This Fact Dear Ones. #MagicCouncil One Of The Easiest Ways To Shift To A 5th Dimensional Timeline Is To Realize That You Already Exist There. Attuning Our Vibrations To Such Preferred Timelines Of Our Self And Grounding An Awareness Of Them In The Present Is One Of The Easiest Ways To Vibrationally And Energetically Reconstruct And Shift To A Timeline Of Your Choosing. #StarlightCouncil The Physics Of These Frequencies Will Only Increase And Get Faster From Here On Out! Decide Your State Of Resonance Wisely. #GalacticFederation #NamasteThank You For Receiving Another Transmission, We Greet You With Significant Gratitude! #5DEarth Your Waking State Is Continually Merging With Your “Dream State” Thus, You Are Becoming Your Own Realm Through The Majestic Frequencies Of Your Crystalline Consciousness. We Are Showered With Photonic Light Waves That Are Enabling The Acceleration Of Our Light Body Activation. We Are Indeed Experiencing 4th Density Like We Never Have Before. #4thDensity #5thDensity

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