
4 de enero de 2020

Your vision of the world is no longer what it was: it has changed

Your vision of the world is no longer what it was: it has changed and, in fact, is constantly evolving, but more specifically in this case you have had an illumination or a revelation.

Resultat d'imatges de informe fulford 9 de septiembre de 2019

Stop trying to destroy or end the battle, start trying to find a way out that will allow you to compete for the sheer pleasure of the action.

Now you find inspiration in new spiritual concepts and you have stopped taking for granted some of the values ​​that until now seemed immovable.

With respect to certain truths that you had accepted, you are currently facing a total and absolute emptiness; new teachings are being established in your life and you are obliged to start from scratch in regard to the very foundation of your deepest convictions.

In this sense, you are called to leave behind a previous life that has clearly shown its great vulnerability; you must embrace new choices and access a more methodical and promising wisdom and experience,

You are someone who never abandons and that is what gives you your strength, your efforts must be constant and sincere.

You have the energy you need to move in new directions.

You must apply and continue following that balanced order and together with self-discipline and your intuition

You must defend your beliefs until the end, even against yourself.

You have to settle the principles, the spiritual options; Reorder priorities. A struggle to rationalize intuition in the end.

Live in the glow of the spirit.

Here is the paradox of freedom and uncertainty, multiple options on the spiritual level, but not enough to have a definitive direction.

The non-movement movement, an active pause. This paradox begins to play a more important role in its path.

In your world, it is you who has the powers, so fulfill your destiny. Your sustained efforts will be what will make you the person you will become.

© Joan Ashtar

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