
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Corruption in Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Corruption in Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas

9 de marzo de 2018

ABERTIS moved to Madrid, and the capital of the kingdom were crushed and chopped opado. TORNA-HI!

ABERTIS left of Catalunya. Those of "seny" moved to Madrid. 
And there, in the capital of Spain, the highway concessionaire La Caixa, have been violated, opados and sliced ... Good 
riddance ...

I still remember how the old Convergència supported them in the famous  NO VULL PAY!  And that was the first sign that Spain was going to Francoland. The laws were changed to a highway worker could draw a fine ...

Well, the point is that ABERTIS had enjoyed great institutional and business support in Catalonia. With La Caixa as "cousin Zumosol" ... 
But outside of Catalunya protection ends ... 
The first thing I did when moving to the capital of Spain is oparla (Madrid does not pay traitors).Advantage of 155, although little pressure could have done the Catalan government about a company that was already part of Madrid ...

Florentino ACS and Italy's Atlantia have played so far the former Catalan dealership and, like two hyenas fighting for a piece of carrion, has finally broken.

All this reminds us of Endesa with Enel and Acciona ...

Chop depends on how it is very possible that we lengthen the Catalans concessions now would be terminated, and sufragaremos next signing of Real Madrid ...

Or this time we will have more gonads when VULL reactivate NO PAY?

Anyway, you see what facilitated the relocation of companies, to remove any Catalan Control ... 
The truth is that I give a higa, but may ABERTIS was one of the most important indigenous multinationals that have had Catalunya (although we fuck your business). 
A warning that Spain will try to destroy the whole Catalan economy but also out injured. So given that Europe sends them a check every month.

I fear that we will see other ABERTIS. 
Sabadell and La Caixa will be the next thing they 

24 de febrero de 2018

"The brand continues to make a monumental Spain ridiculous (What a week!):

1) Police Colonel insulting hooked on Twitter under Fake profile 

 2) Police comic confused with Puigdemont and almost stops him. 

3) European Parliament will investigate manipulation TVE ...  

4) far - right leader admits that españolistas demonstrations in Barcelona were financed by the government illegally.

 5) Amnesty International accuses Spain of violating human rights in Catalunya ... 

6) EU obliges AENA to review its ban on flights BCN-Tokyo. 

7) 5 members of PSOE "forget" to go to Congress and prevent the discussion of basic income that had proposed reactivating themselves .... 

8) Demonstration of retired because Guindos has smoked their pensions.

9) PSOE does a somersault after supporting the PP in the IFEMA issue and now says he is against. 

10) The Catalan children take the best Spanish notes of all multilingual communities ... And all this, the day after a judge prohibits a book (Farina), a rapper who is convicted, the PSOE de Andalucía has "lost" 2,000 million, Rajoy put the whiskers in the center of the plot and Ifema censure a work of art! Brand Congratulations Spain! " 

Xavier Sala i Martin, an economist.

18 de febrero de 2018

The confines of the empire

He has begun the attack on public media, especially TV3, and the educational model M point Rajoy announced last few dates as beneficial effects of 155. Hetook advantage of the time to warn the subjects of the monarchy that have been left without pensions and they will stay uneducated, thanks to its effectiveness. Actually, what wanted to speak on education in Catalonia if, with his mandate more, the Catalans, as good subjects, neither have education in Catalan or Tagalog?

It is the struggle for the maintenance of the rule, which they call Spanish nation, against the express will of more than two million forced compatriots. Behind the imposition of language in education (in the viceregal administration they have already done) comes the content. Aside censorship and indoctrination in the National Spirit for another. Spain, the empire, the anthem, the flag, the king, the glorious armed forces and the goat of the legion. 

For public media (separatists rats nests) similar doctrine. It is difficult, but TV3 should reach the level of quality, impartiality and journalistic professionalism of RTVE. It is true that the Reuters Institute of Oxford Uni, Spanish media stands at the bottom of the pond in terms of credibility. No care. Protestants have always tried to engulf Spain, one, great, free. Go Spain.

The government and opposition nacionalcatólica follow a policy of crushing the Catalan singularity. And what brings in the saddlebags of grays and backpacks national advertisers is the imperial Spain that takes 400 years contemplating the stars. An approval on the destination drive. A  Gleichschaltung  Hitlerite, if they could. The españolización not only of children but of all Catalans Catalans until the age of an increasingly later retirement without pension. 

They get if the block is divided Indepe. Therefore, all that does is to divide B155.If divided, it perishes. And if not divided, it is said, too. It's possible; the other, sure. So, supposed equality of results, it is best not divided. Catalonia needs a Govern. Appoint, on the understanding that it will be in unison from Barcelona and Brussels, the two temporary capital of the Catalan Republic.

Ramon Cotarelo

9 de febrero de 2018

They call it the rule of law and what is not ...

An independent report confirms the violence of españolistas in Catalunya (excluding police) 

February 9th, 2018 

Every day we see how to defend the unity of Spain everything is allowed: faithless judges, prosecutors tune, political prisoners, police violence, media dictation M. Rajoy government, boycott, get on a tank to threaten the President Puigdemont, buy from foreign countries, putting innocent people in jail ... and assaulting Catalans. 

In the directory of the great journalist Jordi Borràs makes a compilation of españolistas / unionist registered in Catalunya from September to December 2017. A total of 139 attacks violent attacks, with 86 physical assaults and at least two sexual assaults. Incredibly moment no one is in jail for these attacks.

Recall that Jordis that broke up a demonstration hailing a police car with permission from an agent take more than three months locked. The Spanish State has become a failed state, where many political parties as Cs and PP give shelter to these madmen to manifest his side and presented their lists. A similar role is played by Spanish media, so often congratulated by M. Rajoy, who do not report the violence españolista and try to pass the independence pacifism as violent. 

In Catalonia are almost 1,000 defendants for the "Procés" while violent españolistas remain free and M. Rajoy, Mr. X, Vera and Barrionuevo, Urdangarin, Billy the Kid, and many others. And then they call the rule of law.


16 de enero de 2018

Spain punishes Catalans with 23% fewer works in 2017 ("LLUVIA DE MILLONES" said Rajoy)

The tender for public works of the State in Catalonia fell to the minimum in 2017,with a decrease of 23% over the previous year, according to the data compiled by the Chamber of Contractors of Work of Catalonia (CCOC). In total, during 2018 the State requested offers worth 218 million euros, when in 2016 they exceeded 283 million euros. These figures include tenders from state agencies that have their own operating income and in many cases paid in part by users, such as Aena and Enai, Adif, the port authorities of Barcelona and Tarragona, Renfe and Correos. That is, the Catalan user pays his own investments, not even a cent comes from his taxes.

According to the CCOC, this figure of the state tender in Catalonia in 2017 is well below the average of the last 10 years and "of the expectations created by the announcement of the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy" when the past March in Barcelona announced the investment of 4,200 million until 2020, which was baptized as "rain of millions". In fact, the tender for public works of the State in Catalonia has fallen year after year in Catalonia since 2017, when it amounted to 2,636 million. From that moment, the worst year was in 2012, when it dropped to 172.5 million. The figure of 218 million in 2017 is the second worst year since the beginning of the crisis. We must remember that an independent Catalunya could spend about 4 investments.

In fact, if we analyze the data of the CCOC, the most important volume of public works tendered by the State is Aena, the quoted semipublic company that manages the airports, with 72.5 million, The second place is occupied by the Port of Barcelona, ​​with 54.8 million, and third place Adif -the railway infrastructure management company-, with 36.9 million.Renfe only tendered 11 million, and the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Development, 10 million. This means that Spain only invests in Catalonia through companies that earn a lot of money with Catalan users.

In spite of the bad data of licitation of public works of the State, the volume of the set of the administrations increased a 49%, when happening of 1,130 million in 2016 to 1,690 million in 2017. This was possible thanks to the impulse investor of the Generalitat and , above all, of the town halls. Thus, the Government and its public agencies tendered works worth 426 million euros, a figure that is 43% higher than that of 216. Growth in the case of municipalities was even more important than 90%, in passing 549 million in 201 to almost 1,046 million in 2017, something that the CCOC attributes to the electoral cycle, since the local elections will be in 2019.

As I said in another post, the Generalitat should not do the infrastructure that Spain does not build. The Government must create a public electricity for 2018 and crush that it is the State that does not invest anything. 
Even Spain has invented a system for not investing in Catalonia that consists in tendering works that no company will want to be awarded for the low price of them ... 
Read this interview: / 10573-la-davallada-de-l-obra-publica-de-l-estat-en-de-drama-l-economic-01-14-2018

Rajoy leaves Tabarnia without investments ...

28 de diciembre de 2017

relationship corrupt people in the covenant of Santiago Bernabeu conspire contralos Spanish, Catalan and all mankind

1.- Méndez de Vigo (13), Minister of Education and Culture; 

2.- Rafael Catala (4),Justice Minister 

3.- Cristina Cifuentes (6) 

4.- José María Aznar (20), former Prime Minister 

5.- Alonso Aznar (40)  Son of former government. 

6.- José Manuel Margallo (8) former foreign min. 

José María Michavila (33) Ex min of Justice

7.- Isabel Tocino (48) Ex min of Environment, Vice President of the Council Banco Santander Spain 

8.- Pedro Antonio Martín Marín (32), former Secretary of State for Sport in times of Aznar. 

9.- José Luis Martínez Almeida (20), PP spokesman in the city of Madrid. 

10.- Ignacio River (43),Aytmto PP councilor in Madrid for many years .. 

11.- Aleksander Ceferin (10)President of UEFA 

12.- Juan Luis Larrea (14), Acting President of the Football Federation Eng. 

13.- Juan Luis Cebrian (21), former PRISA, (BBC C +) with his partner; 

14.- José Crehueras (47), President of Grupo Planeta; (A3 Media)

15.- Antonio Asensio Mosbah (45), P resident of the Zeta group; 

16.- Santiago Bergareche (28) Chairman of the group Vocento 

17.- Casimiro Garcia Abadilla (7) director of 'The Independent'; 

18.- Eduardo Inda (31), director of 'OK Journal'; 

19.- Enriquede Ybarra, president of 'El Correo'; 

20.- Luis Maria Anson, former director of 'ABC'; 

21.- Ana I. Pereda (39), director 'expansion'; 

22.- Miguel Angel Noceda (24), of El Pais. Jose 

23.- Manuel Vargas (23), Former President of AENA 

24.- Inigo Meiras (49), CEO of Ferrovial; 

25.- Antonio Vazquez (36), President of IAG; 

26.- Rodrigo Echenique, Vice Banco Santander; 

27.- Fernando Martin (37), former President of Real Madrid and President of Martinsa; 

28.- Ignacio Lopez Iron (44), counselor Iberdrola and husband Maria Dolores Cospedal *; 

29.- Fernando Fernández Tapias (5) shipping and Vice President of Real Madrid;  

30.- Pedro Lopez Jimenez (9); Real Madrid manager and president of Fenosa 

31.- Manuel Manrique (38) Chairman of Sacyr, 

32.- Donato González (46). Gral Dir SOCIETE GENERALE Spain 

33.- Eduardo Torres-Dulce (29) Former state Attorney General 

34.- Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros (15) lto Commissioner Mark Spain

18 de diciembre de 2017

We can and Comuns: The Neverending SCAM, PP and PSOE are not far SHORTS

In their eagerness to support Spain and deny the Catalans rights, each of the Western media "liberal", The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Economist, etc. They have published articles on how to stop the Catalan independence, warning that allow it could lead to a wave of separatism in regions across Europe. These items never consider that perhaps if there really is a popular desire to create smaller states would be good respect. Also they exaggerate enormously the likelihood that some marginal movement path open, and do not distinguish between regions (which do not have the right to self-determination under Article 2 of the United Nations Charter) and people who do have that right .
All this is an exercise in disorientation. Smaller states are not a danger to anyone. The real danger is the crushing of democracy in Catalonia, the fascist greetings on the streets and the shameless return of Franco's doctrine. And it is a danger that is being seen across Europe. The far right is entering the government in Austria. AFD is returning Nazi doctrine the German parliament. Antisemitic slogans are infecting Italian football fans. Both in Poland and in Hungary, the repugnant right authoritarianism in Eastern Europe is in power.
An independent Catalonia or Scotland, or Wallonia, does not threaten Europe.
Lack of respect for liberal democratic values ​​is threatening Europe.
That threat is very real. It is epitomized by the fact that even extreme police violence against the Catalans and the suspension of democracy does nothing but get the nod from European politicians and EU centers.
They are dangerous times.

Notably, Craig Murray is a character of international prestige: historian, human rights activist and former British ambassador to Uzbekistan.
Murray was dismissed from the latter post by the British government in 2004 after denouncing the Foreign Office about the fascist regime of Islam Karimov in Uzbekistan and the widespread practice of torture.
Murray found that the British secret services themselves (MI6), used the services of Uzbek torturers themselves to interrogate prisoners.
This public denunciation, ended with a confrontation with the government of Tony Blair.
So, we are not facing a personajillo three to fourth. Your opinion, debatable like all others, must be heard.
Here in the Robot frontally we would discuss their vision of Podemos and its origins, which we consider totally wrong, as we have mentioned in several articles. WE CAN AND Comuns: The Neverending SCAM  )
Needless to say that the EU is basically an entity controlled by and for Germany, not in vain, the European Union has become the Fourth Reich, with literally children of Nazis at the top, like Jean Claude Juncker himself.
In this regard, there are two elements that attract our attention:
The first is that again, Germany is allied with fascism in Spain, this time creating a party as citizens and supporting a neo-Franco government as the PP, as it did in 1936, supporting instrumental Francisco Franco in his coup against the Spanish Republic. That makes us think that Germany, strategically, has always been interested to have a puppet state in southern Europe such as Spain, ready to obey without question the orders of the German master, in this case, Frau Merkel.
And this would indicate very clearly that those games look so patriotic, such as PP and Citizens actually engaged in selling national sovereignty to a foreign power.
But there is a second and more controversial additional element that can not miss.
And it arrived here, and amid growing suspicions that Citizens has been created by the secret services of a foreign power and receives direct funding to serve foreign interests, perhaps we should start talking about the crime of treason or high treason to Spain.
High treason is a crime that is to commit an act of extreme disloyalty to a country or its head of state.
The crime of treason to the law of Spain, is a category that includes, among others, the crime of aiding and abetting the enemy and espionage.
Treason is considered, which somehow affects the sovereignty and independence of this State.
So if the accusations of people like Craig Murray are true, you tell me: a political party created and financed by foreign secret services and serve directly to these foreign interests, could not be accused of espionage, favoring a foreign country and attack the independence and sovereignty of the state?
Could we consider that, if true these allegations, the political party Citizens would be committing a crime of high treason to Spain?

Obviously, to consider such a thing, would require us to consider Spain a sovereign country and not a puppet state, as is currently ... and above would require a population that could not be handled so easily, just waving four rojigualdas flags and did not have as unique sense of being, blind hatred to certain sisters identities

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