
16 de enero de 2018

Spain punishes Catalans with 23% fewer works in 2017 ("LLUVIA DE MILLONES" said Rajoy)

The tender for public works of the State in Catalonia fell to the minimum in 2017,with a decrease of 23% over the previous year, according to the data compiled by the Chamber of Contractors of Work of Catalonia (CCOC). In total, during 2018 the State requested offers worth 218 million euros, when in 2016 they exceeded 283 million euros. These figures include tenders from state agencies that have their own operating income and in many cases paid in part by users, such as Aena and Enai, Adif, the port authorities of Barcelona and Tarragona, Renfe and Correos. That is, the Catalan user pays his own investments, not even a cent comes from his taxes.

According to the CCOC, this figure of the state tender in Catalonia in 2017 is well below the average of the last 10 years and "of the expectations created by the announcement of the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy" when the past March in Barcelona announced the investment of 4,200 million until 2020, which was baptized as "rain of millions". In fact, the tender for public works of the State in Catalonia has fallen year after year in Catalonia since 2017, when it amounted to 2,636 million. From that moment, the worst year was in 2012, when it dropped to 172.5 million. The figure of 218 million in 2017 is the second worst year since the beginning of the crisis. We must remember that an independent Catalunya could spend about 4 investments.

In fact, if we analyze the data of the CCOC, the most important volume of public works tendered by the State is Aena, the quoted semipublic company that manages the airports, with 72.5 million, The second place is occupied by the Port of Barcelona, ​​with 54.8 million, and third place Adif -the railway infrastructure management company-, with 36.9 million.Renfe only tendered 11 million, and the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Development, 10 million. This means that Spain only invests in Catalonia through companies that earn a lot of money with Catalan users.

In spite of the bad data of licitation of public works of the State, the volume of the set of the administrations increased a 49%, when happening of 1,130 million in 2016 to 1,690 million in 2017. This was possible thanks to the impulse investor of the Generalitat and , above all, of the town halls. Thus, the Government and its public agencies tendered works worth 426 million euros, a figure that is 43% higher than that of 216. Growth in the case of municipalities was even more important than 90%, in passing 549 million in 201 to almost 1,046 million in 2017, something that the CCOC attributes to the electoral cycle, since the local elections will be in 2019.

As I said in another post, the Generalitat should not do the infrastructure that Spain does not build. The Government must create a public electricity for 2018 and crush that it is the State that does not invest anything. 
Even Spain has invented a system for not investing in Catalonia that consists in tendering works that no company will want to be awarded for the low price of them ... 
Read this interview: / 10573-la-davallada-de-l-obra-publica-de-l-estat-en-de-drama-l-economic-01-14-2018

Rajoy leaves Tabarnia without investments ...

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