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10 de mayo de 2019

Sorcha Faal - Putin prepara Rusia por Trump-Qanon toma militar de los Estados Unidos

9 de mayo de, 2019 Putin se prepara Rusia para Trump-Qanon militar toma de control de Estados Unidos Por: Sorcha Faal y como lo informa a sus occidental suscriptoresFuente:  ¿Qué significa un nuevo infarto Consejo de Seguridad ( SC informe) que circula hoy en el Kremlin dice que la promesa del presidente Putin esta mañana para continuar el fortalecimiento de las defensas militares rusas  es una acción necesaria a la luz de Presidente del triunfo que acaba acusado a su asesor de Seguridad Nacional, John Bolton, de tratar de iniciar una guerra contra Venezuela sin su conocimiento

-Un hecho fatal: la colocación claramente de relieve que Trump puede no tener el control total sobre sus propias fuerzas militares y como ejemplificado además por el ex Jefe de Gabinete de la Casa Blanca de Trump, y el general retirado de Marina estadounidense, John Kelly haber acaba de emitir una amenaza que dice “ la familia de Trump necesita ser tratado “, una declaración aterradora para cualquier ex oficial naval de carrera para hacer (marines de Estados Unidos son parte de la marina de guerra de Estados Unidos) en contra de un presidente civil sentado, y viene al mismo tiempo, la  Marina de los EE.UU., también, sorprendentemente despedido su parte superior suboficial Comando Jefe Maestro Jonas Carter porque en broma preguntó a sus marineros a bordo del USS Harry Truman de “aplaudir como que estamos en un club nocturno” cuando el vicepresidente Mike Pence visitado su buque de guerra-Pero cuya parecer en las fuerzas de la Armada de EE.UU. rebelión apenas se han cumplido por el ex asesor de Seguridad Nacional de Trump, y el general retirado del Ejército de Estados Unidos, HR McMaster que sólo ha advertido de que rebeldes funcionarios de la Casa Blanca que rodean Trump ahora se han convertido en “ un peligro para la Constitución ” - --una Jefe del Ejército de EE.UU. peligro de personal general Mark Milley se está preparando para cumplir con su  pedido desplegado fuerzas militares del Ejército de EE.UU. altamente especializadas esta semana que sólo se puede comparar con equipos de asesinos -que ahora  unirse a las fuerzas del Ejército de Estados Unidos se prepara para poner en estado de sitio ciudades americanas rebeldes -y sobre los cuales elConsejo de Seguridad señaló el pasado diciembre-2018 cuando identificaron general Milley como siendo el líder de la organización secreta Qanon militar de apoyo Trump y se prepara para colocar los Estados Unidos bajo la ley marcial totales . [Nota: algunas palabras y / o frases que aparecen en las citas de este informe son aproximaciones en inglés de palabras / frases rusas que no tienen contrapartida exacta.] Jefe del Ejército de EE.UU. líder Qanon del Estado Mayor general Mark Milley (arriba) se prepara para el establecimiento de un régimen de ley marcial en Estados Unidos

De acuerdo con este informe, en los días anteriores a su toma de posesión, el presidente Trump comenzó a aprender sobre el intento de golpe “Estado profundo” contra él y comenzó a hacer preguntas, pero eran cuestiones líder del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos el senador Chuck Schumer advirtió Trump que dejar de pedir porque sobre los organismos de inteligencia corruptos y secretas de América “ tienen seis maneras de domingo a volver a ti ”, una amenaza impactante allá de hacer en una nación que supuestamente se enorgullece en el estado de derecho, pero cuyos servicios de inteligencia ilegalidad Schumer todavía sustenta- y cuya rabia se ha convertido ahora en partidarios de Trump que él llama “ despreciable ”, mientras que indica que se trata de “ una cuestión que se come a mí ”.

Con el fin de contrarrestar este “estado profundo” amenaza intento de golpe a América, este informe continúa, el Consejo de Seguridad había señalado anteriormente  que el veterano periodista de investigación estadounidense y autor más vendido,  el Dr. Jerome Corsi , había revelado que  un grupo de generales le dijo que Trump había sido reclutado por una unidad misteriosa y secreta de inteligencia militar de Estados Unidos llamado “Qanon” para funcionar en la elección presidencial de 2016, y, posteriormente, ayudar a eliminar corruptos funcionarios “estado profundo” de las posiciones de poder -que  arrojaron Dr. Corsi en una batalla con especial el abogado Robert Muellerwhom se negó a incluso hablar con -con el Consejo de Seguridad también revela que el poder inconfundible de “Qanon” obligado incluso el de izquierdaLa revista Time a nombrar como uno de los mejores 25 “personas” más influyentes en Internet para el 2018 . Este pasado mes de diciembre de 2018, este informe señala, entonces director de comunicación de la Casa Blanca Anthony Scaramucci abrió asombrosamente hasta partidarios leales Trump sobre quién es el líder de “Qanon” estaba con su declarar “ cuando se entera de quién es, no vas a creer que “la declaración: un estudio que, a su vez, permitió a los analistas de inteligencia rusos para determinar rápidamente que el único líder militar de Estados Unidos haber conocido a la mayoría de las veces con el presidente Trump y Scaramucci era el jefe del Ejército de Estados Unidos del estado mayor general Mark Milley, que estaba  siendo considerado convertirse en el próximo presidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto de Estados Mayores -y quien, apenas el mes pasado, el 9 de abril, fue 

nominado oficialmente por Trump para convertirse en el segundo líder militar más poderosa de América está sometido sólo al Presidente -a poderosa de correos general Milley asumirá el mando militar de el  1 de octubre de 2019  dándole todo el poder y el control de todas las fuerzas militares de Estados Unidos-y cuya  apertura de declaración de la guerra contra el “Estado profundo” que ya ha emitido órdenes para diciéndoles a sus fuerzas militares y prometiendo al pueblo estadounidense : el deber de los soldados y oficiales es a la Constitución de Estados Unidos, no cualquier partido político o figura. Somos el único militar en el mundo ... que no toma un juramento para un rey, una reina, un dictador, un presidente. No tomamos un juramento para un país. No tomamos un juramento a una tribu o un pedazo de tierra.

La esencia misma base del Ejército es que estamos comprometidos con ustedes, los ciudadanos. Estamos dispuestos a morir, a dar la vida, por una idea. Líder Qanon del Ejército de EE.UU. general Mark Milley (segundo desde la izquierda) se reúne todos Principio de EE.UU. líderes militares en todo el presidente Donald Trump en la muestra de lealtad La “idea” líder Qanon general Milley ha comprometido la vida de todas las fuerzas armadas de América a morir, este informe explica , es la  Constitución de los Estados Unidos -que está ahora bajo la mayor amenaza de la destrucción de toda su historia por los operarios de izquierda-socialista “estado profundo”, los medios de propaganda grande y el Partido demócrata-todos de los cuales ahora se han enfrentado a sí mismos contra el exceso 2 millones de las fuerzas militares estadounidenses altamente capacitados y motivados cuya solemne juramento estados

Juro solemnemente que apoyaré y defenderé la Constitución de los Estados Unidos contra todos los enemigos, extranjeros y nacionales; que voy a tener verdadera fe y lealtad a la misma; y que voy a obedecer las órdenes del Presidente de los Estados Unidos y las órdenes de los oficiales designados por encima de mí, de acuerdo a las regulaciones y el Código Uniforme de Justicia Militar. La ayuda de Dios. Órdenes Presidente Donald Trump  todas las tropas del ejército de Estados Unidos de nuevo en su II Guerra Mundial  uniformes (arriba) mientras se preparan para defender su juramento Con la  Primera Enmienda de la Constitución de Estados Unidos ahora bajo ataque de las fuerzas “estado profundo” de izquierda , que se une a la que ya están en continuo asalto Segunda Enmienda

, Este informe los detalles, más ataques (muy en particular por las fuerzas del partido de Demócrata) se han  lanzado contra el sistema de mandato de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos para la elección de presidentes llama el colegio electoral ataque -un contra el mandato de la Constitución de Estados Unidos durante tres poderes iguales de gobierno del Ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial que ahora ve  izquierdistas que desean embalar el Tribunal Supremo para que sea más poderoso que los otros dos -y la  trituración directa de la Cuarta Enmienda de la Constitución de Estados Unidos que protege al pueblo estadounidense de vigilancia del gobierno ilegal . 

La víctima más notable actual de trituración pura y simple de la Cuarta Enmienda por el “Estado profundo”, señala el informe, es el presidente de Trump-que fue espiado ilegalmente sobre por las agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos líder del Partido Demócrata senador Schumer advirtió que destruiría él, la última evidencia impactante de las cuales es la  acaba de descubrir memorando del Departamento de Estado de EE.UU., Hillary Clinton, en donde compró y pagó espía británico Christopher Steele instó a la liberación de su Trump-Rusia se encuentra antes de las elecciones 2016 para destruir Trump -que sorprendentemente el FBI ordenó entonces clasifica retroactivamente -y luego vio  demócratas director del FBI, Christopher Wray cómicamente reveladores en el Congreso de Estados Unidos que Trump no fue espiado-Que ahora pone Wray en el lado opuesto de Justicia de Estados Unidos William Barr  , que no sólo dice Trump fue espiado, pero ha abierto varias investigaciones criminales sobre -y, asimismo, lo coloca contra el ex fiscal general estadounidense Jeff Sessions,  que está de acuerdo con que Barr Trump fue espiado ilegalmenteCon intestina completa (mutuamente destructiva caracteriza por una gran masacre) abierta guerra política ahora consume Washington, este informe llega a la conclusión, el Partido Demócrata llevó “Estado profundo” ha  comenzado un asalto total contra el presidente de investigación Trump

-Que va desde su cómicamente dejar caer lo que llaman un golpe de efecto en la exposición de Trump que hace 30 años que perdió mil millones-de-dólares, pero que no necesitaban un artículo del New York Times para revelar como viejos vídeos de sus espectáculos de programas de televisión aprendiz Trump “admitir libremente perdió mil millones ”, para el más serio esfuerzo por parte de los demócratas en la Cámara la celebración de Fiscal general Barr en su desprecio por no liberar un Informe de Mueller-un redactado, que si lo hubiera hecho le habría hecho un criminal - y, lo más peligroso de todo, sólo un día después que el líder del Senado de Estados Unidos Partido republicano Mitch McConnelldeclared “ caso cerrado ” en la investigación Mueller, sierra asombrosamente Republicano del Senado, el líder del comité de inteligencia Richard Burr atacar a Donald Trump Jr. con una citación exigiendo que dan testimonio de “asuntos Rusia” -pero que, en lugar de escuchar el llanto de carrera anterior de EE.UU. oficial de la Marina-General Naval Kelly de “ trato con los niños de Trump ”, lo haría ser mejor que se escuche una de Presidente de Trump y los principales asesores civiles del Ejército de EE.UU. general Milley nombrado  Kevin Brock -el poderoso ex subdirector de Inteligencia del FBI y de la directora director Adjunto de los EE.UU. Nacional Centro de Contraterrorismo y quien, en su recién publicado artículo titulado “ James Comey está en problemas y lo sabe”, Establece la hoja de ruta precisa para la‘’próxima destrucción profunda de Estado, detallando sus crímenes y que, en caso de no aceptar su destino en paz, será verlos todos descendió sobre por militares ley marcial del general Milley fuerzas-a octubre-2019 siendo el mes que viene a temor, no sólo para el pueblo estadounidense, pero todos los demás en el mundo, también. El pueblo estadounidense no pueden decir que no fueron advertidos acerca de lo que va a ocurrir en 2019, sólo que ellos no escucharon! 9 de mayo de 2019 © Unión Europea y de los Estados Unidos Todos los derechos reservados. El permiso para utilizar este informe en su totalidad se concede con la condición de que se vincula de nuevo a su fuente original en WhatDoesItMean.Com.Contenido de base libre licenciado bajo  CC-BY  y  GFDL .

Nuestra misión en la Operación La divulgación es para lograr que noticias importantes y de inteligencia en bruto procedentes de diversas fuentes se centró en exponer el estado profundo / Cabal y su caída. También estamos enfocados en la divulgación de nuestros antiguos orígenes perdidos y el contacto extraterrestre. Exención de responsabilidad:  Todos los artículos, vídeos e imágenes publicados en la Operación Divulgación fueron presentadas por los lectores y / o cosechadas a mano por el mismo sitio con fines informativos y / o de entretenimiento. Todas las declaraciones, afirmaciones, opiniones y dictámenes que aparecen en este sitio siempre se presentan como verificado y deben ser discernidas por el lector. Nosotros no avalamos las opiniones expresadas en este sitio web y no nos apoya, representa ni garantiza la integridad, veracidad, exactitud o confiabilidad de cualquier contenido publicado en este sitio web.

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Sorcha Faal -- Putin Prepares Russia for Trump-QAnon Military Takeover of the United States

May 9, 2019

Putin Prepares Russia For Trump-QAnon Military Takeover Of United States

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Source: What Does It Mean

A heart-stopping new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin’s vow this morning to continuing strengthening Russian military defences is a needed action in light ofPresident Trump having just accused his National Security Advisor John Bolton of trying to start a war against Venezuela without his knowledge—a fearful fact placing into stark relief that Trump may not be in full control over his own military forces—and as further exampled by Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, and retired US Marine general, John Kelly having just issued a threat stating “Trump’s family needs to be dealt with”—a frightening statement for any former career US Naval officer to make (US Marines are part of US Navy) against a sitting civilian President, and comes at the same time the US Navy, also, shockingly fired its top non-commissioned officer Command Master Chief Jonas Carter because he jokingly asked his sailors aboard the USS Harry Truman to “clap like we’re at a strip club” when Vice President Mike Pence visited their warship—but whose apparently in rebellion US Navy forces have just been met by Trump’s former National Security Advisor, and retired US Army general, H.R McMaster who has just warned that rebellious White House officials surrounding Trump have now become “a danger to the Constitution”---a danger US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley is preparing to meet by his ordering deployed this week highly-specialized US Army military forces that can only be likened to assassination teams—who now join the US Army forces preparing to put under siege rebellious American cities—and about which theSecurity Council noted this past December-2018 when they identified General Milley as being the leader of the secretive QAnon military organization supporting Trump and preparing to place the United States under total martial law[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

QAnon leader US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley (above) prepares for establishment of martial law rule in United States

According to this report, in the days just prior to his taking office, President Trump started to learn about the “Deep State” coup plot against him and began asking questions—but were questions Democrat Party leader US Senator Chuck Schumer warned Trump to stop asking about because America’s corrupt and secretive intelligence organizations “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”—a beyond shocking threat to make in a nation that supposedly prides itself on the rule of law—but whose intelligence agencies’ lawlessness Schumer still supports—and whose rage has now turned on Trump’s supporters he calls “despicable” while stating that this is “one issue that eats at me”.

In order to counter this “Deep State” coup plot threat to America, this report continues, the Security Council hadpreviously noted that veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, had revealed that a group of generals told him that Trump had been recruited by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence unit called “QAnon” to run in the 2016 Presidential Election, and subsequently help remove corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—that threw Dr. Corsi into a battle with Special Counsel Robert Muellerwhom he refused to even talk to—with the Security Council also revealing that the unmistakable power of “QAnon” forced even the leftistTime Magazine to name it as one of the top 25 most influential “people” on the internet for 2018.

This past December-2018, this report notes, then White House communication director Anthony Scaramucci stunningly opened up to loyal Trump supporters about who the leader of “QAnon” was with his declaring “when you find out who he is, you're not going to believe it”—a declaration that, in turn, allowed Russian intelligence analysts to quickly determine that the only US military leader having met the most times with President Trump and Scaramucci was US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, who was being considered to become the next Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs—and whom, just last month, on 9 April, was officially nominated by Trump to become the second most powerful military leader in America subordinate only to the President—a powerful military post General Milley will assume command of on 1 October 2019 giving him full power and control over all American military forces—and whose open declaration of war against the “Deep State” he’s already issued orders for by telling his military forces and vowing to the American people:

The duty of soldiers and officers is to the US Constitution, not any political party or figure.

We are the only military in the world…that does not take an oath to a king, a queen, a dictator, a president.

We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe or a piece of dirt.

The very core essence of the Army is that we are committed to you, the citizens.

We are willing to die, to give our life, for an idea.

QAnon leader US Army General Mark Milley (second from left) gathers all top US military leaders around President Donald Trump in show of loyalty

The “idea” QAnon leader General Milley has committed the lives of the entire America military to dying for, this report explains, is the Constitution of the United States—that is now under the greatest threat of destruction in its entire history by leftist-socialist “Deep State” operatives, the mainstream propaganda media and the Democrat Party—all of whom have now pitted themselves against over 2 million highly trained and motivated American military forces whose solemn oath states:

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

President Donald Trump orders all US Army troops back into their World War II uniforms (above) as they prepare to uphold their oath

With the First Amendment of the US Constitution now under attack by leftist “Deep State” forces, that joins thealready under continuous assault Second Amendment, this report details, further attacks (most particularly by Democrat Party forces) have been launched against the US Constitution’s mandated system for choosing Presidents called the Electoral College—an attack against the US Constitution’s mandate for three co-equal branches of government of Executive, Legislative and Judicial that now sees leftists wanting to pack the Supreme Court to make it more powerful than the other two—and the outright shredding of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution that protects the American people from illegal government surveillance

The most noteworthy current victim of the Fourth Amendment’s outright shredding by the “Deep State”, this report states, is President Trump—who was illegally spied upon by the US intelligence agencies Democrat Party leader Senator Schumer warned would destroy him—the latest shocking evidence of which is the just discovered US State Department memo wherein Hillary Clinton bought and paid for British spy Christopher Steele urged the releasing of his Trump-Russia lies before the 2016 election to destroy Trump—thatshockingly the FBI then retroactively ordered classified—and afterwards saw FBI Director Christopher Wray comically telling Democrats in the US Congress that Trump wasn’t spied on—that now puts Wray on the opposite side of US Attorney General William Barr who not only says Trump was spied on, but has opened multiple criminal investigations into—and, likewise, places him against former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions who agrees with Barr that Trump was illegally spied on

With full internecine (mutually destructive characterized by great slaughter) open political warfare now consuming Washington, this report concludes, the Democrat Party led “Deep State” has begun an all-out investigative assault against President Trump—that ranges from their comically dropping what they call a bombshell on Trump exposing that he lost billions-of-dollars 30-years ago, but they didn’t need a New York Times article to reveal as old videos of his Apprentice television programme shows Trump “freely admitting he lost billions”—to the more serious effort by theDemocrats in the US House holding Attorney General Barr in contempt for his not releasing an un-redacted Mueller Report, that if he had done would have made him a criminal—and, most dangerously of all, just one day after Republican Party US Senate leader Mitch McConnelldeclared “case closed” on the Mueller investigation, stunningly saw Republican Senate intelligence committee leader Richard Burr attacking Donald Trump Jr. with a subpoena demanding he testify about “Russia matters”—but who, instead of listening to former career US Marine-Naval officer General Kelly’s cry to “deal with Trump’s children”, would be better advised to listen to one of President Trump’s and US Army General Milley’s top civilian advisors named Kevin Brock—the powerful former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI and Principal Deputy Director of the US National Counterterrorism Center—and whom, in his just published article titled “James Comey Is In Trouble And He Knows It”, lays out the precise roadmap for the “Deep State’s” coming destruction by detailing their crimes—and who, if failing to accept their fate peacefully, will see them all descended upon by General Milley’s martial law military forces—with October-2019 being the coming month to dread, not only for the American people, but everyone else in the world, too. 

The American people can never say they weren’t warned about what is going to happen in 2019—only that they didn’t listen!

May 9, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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28 de febrero de 2019

Light will literally come to Earth for all´: the dark forces

Soon people will discover who and what has really been happening, and who they really are, when we discover our true origin ..

Many people do not understand what is really happening, since most of them are still asleep and every day goes by like any other day.

America has two types of armies; the non-corrupt army, the Forces of Light, the Patriots that are making a great effort to eliminate the negative forces as soon as they can and that serves their Commander in Chief, President Trump, and the Deep State Army, (which they have an almost unlimited free reign on the surface of the planet and they have had it for tens of thousands of years) known as the MIC - Military Industrial Complex, with the army of the Secret Space Program, which is part of the remains of the Paperclip of the Nazi Group , who were secretly transferred to America after the Second World War.

The military industrial complex, the MIC, which is run by draco-reptilian officers, also known as the Dark Forces, who are sabotaging positive initiatives, making it impossible to break the negative quarantine.

There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes and now it has become more secure for the good ones to act, eliminating the dark forces that make up the Deep State.

The mass arrests will show the world the truth about the banking institutions, our government and the atrocious crimes against humanity on the part of the clique.

Many phenomena that were hidden will be revealed, and much of the lost history will be found and revealed again.

To name some things; Free energy, interstellar travel, TeleTime Travel, a monetary system backed by assets, natural cures for the problem of chronic diseases on the planet, such as cancer, methodologies to cleanse the atmosphere of poisonous and disastrous effects of geoengineering. and the exposure to the danger of GMO foods with a turn to 100% organic foods, which provide nutrition without poisons, in other words, for an incredible future, that is real and will happen.

Light will literally come to Earth for all

publicado por Everth Thenansehed 1er oficial de la Federación galáctica de mundos libres a través de Joan Ashtar © misteri 1963 Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación puede reproducirse libremente a condición de respetar su integridad y mencionar al autor como fuente de la misma y se incluya esta URL y el aviso del Copyright

14 de enero de 2019

Rinus Verhagen -- Transformation of the UN into the Counsel of Free Earth

In order to give world peace a fair chance, we must replace the UN.

The UN is Deep State related, so not compatible with GESARA.

The UN was founded by the FED shareholders, their task was very misleading and destructive to the Earth and all life Humanity, Animals and Nature.

To fairly represent the interests of all this, a group of people per continent would need to include 30 people as the council of wise men who watch over the earth and for their own continent in this session on Honour title, to exclude corruption.

Divided into different task groups of disciplines, Trade, Health, Nature, Nutrition, Engineering, Science. Welfare and prosperity. Environmentally Conscious Industry, Space Development, Global Defense, Galactic Cooperation, World Bank, World Independent Fair News Media.

They represent their continent, for coordinating on voluntary independent cooperation.

Eurasia (comprising the continents of Asia and Europe), Africa, America (North and South America), Antarctica and Australia.

From the continents, people will have to be nominated to serve as representatives for their continent for a certain period of time.

Where the utmost transparency is required in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

Religion or life views should not influence a jointly-determined policy proposal for mutual continents, doing justice in respect of different cultures or races.

With the aim of ensuring a peaceful society on Earth, and combating conflicts through cultural differences and religion.

We must learn the lessons of history, in which an attempt has been made deliberately to provoke tensions over religion.

In this way, through mutual cooperation and mutual support in development and prosperity will come to rest, whereby the evolution of the whole of humanity will progress by leaps and bounds towards a balanced society in relation to Galactic powers, which are now far ahead of us in this consciousness status.

When we begin to think about this, we can jointly shape it further to create an optimal consultative organ for our planet.

Kind Regards

Rinus Verhagen.

9 de enero de 2019

“Deep State” In Panic As Mexico Deploys Thousands Of Troops After National Emergency Declaration, Trump Prepares To The Same, And ClintonBody Count Grows

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the ordeal currently ongoing to grant captured American spy Paul Whelan access to officials from the countries he’s a citizen of—that’s complicated by the fact he’s claimed being a citizen of the USBritainCanada and Ireland—states that this issue is being subsumed by the globalist “Deep State” being in panic and disarray because Mexico declared a national emergency and deployed thousands of troops after 6 Mexican States ran short of gasoline following massive thefts—an action they know supports President Trump’s plan to declare a national emergency to protect his nation’s border with Mexico before these massive crimes overtake the United States—all of which are occurring at the exact same time the infamous “Clinton Body Count” has risen after the body of a lifeless black homosexual man was found in the home of one of Hillary Clinton’s top donors for the second time in two years.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with Hollywood being the center of economic power for demonic “Deep State” aligned Democrat Partypoliticians—who use the well-worn formula for political movies and television programmes of “White + Male + Conservative=Bad Guys—it was no surprise this past week when top actor Christian Bale thanked Satan during his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes award ceremony, that quickly earned him the praise of the Church of Satan when they proclaimed “Hail Christian! Hail Satan!—but which occurred at the same time top Hollywood-Democrat Party fundraiser Joe Buck was discovered with yet another body of young black homosexual man in his home—the second such discovery made in 2-years, and that the MoFA warned would happen after police refused to prosecute this vile crime—and as we reported about in our 10 August 2017report titled “Hillary Clinton “Turns To God” As Trump Plea Deal Looms And Democrat Death Scandal Erupts”.

Top Hollywood fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and Democrat Party, Joe Buck, turns home into death camp for young homosexual black men

With no one being able to answer the question as to how many young black people these elite globalists like Hillary Clinton, the “Deep State” and Democrat Party are allowed to murder before they’re prosecuted, this report notes, President Trump has charted a course to destroy them all—with his, most importantly, and in essence, telling the elite globalists in Europe that “You're Vassals And I Don't Care About You”—powerful words that hit aEuropean continent seeing no end to the protests erupting against its globalist leaders, sees gun ownership surging as its citizens seek to protect themselves against a wave of Islamicterror and illegal migrant crime—and sees France in total freefall as it’s citizens have reached their breaking point—but whose greatest fear of these globalists is the fact of Trump’s approval ratings now towering above these embattled elite European leaders.
As President Trump prepares to address the American people in his first nationalized presidential address since taking power nearly two-years ago, this report details, the MoFAexpects him to begin laying the groundwork in preparation for his declaring a national emergency in order to protect his country’s border with Mexico—a more than justified action as Mexico has now been categorized as being the world’s deadliest conflict zone after only Syria—but in order to stop Trump, now sees globalist “Deep State” leader Pope Francis, just hours ago, railing against a resurgence of nationalist and populist movements—a not at all surprising move, the Ministry of Defense pointed out, as this supposed holy man is best known as the “Globalist Pope” who is leading the attack on all national sovereignty to bring an end to all national borders in favor of “Total Global Disorder”, ostensibly for the good of the planet and the poor.

At the same time President Trump is doing everything in his power to save America and its peoples, however, this report concludes, the “Deep State” aligned Democrat Party is doing everything in their power to destroy it—as evidenced by their pushing new legislation to raise the US corporate tax rate into the stratosphere to kill Trump’s economy that has lifted tens-of-millions out of poverty, along with their preparing to enact a punishing new law to tax every second the American people sit in their cars—and who are now being aided in their “Destroy America Plan” by the “Deep State” aligned American Psychological Association who have just officially declared that the traditional values followed in the USare a mental illness—thus leaving it unknown as to when tens-of-millions of Christian-Americans will be marched into reeducation camps so they can be cured of this “illness” after they’re first stripped of all rights, money and power—and explains why neither the “Deep State” or Democrat Party will allow the American people to know that this exact same thing is now happening in China—otherwise the American people would know what horrors await them if Trump is destroyed. 

3 de enero de 2019

Trump’s NIAC Advising Americans to Prepare for Deep State Disruptions

The President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) was tasked to examine the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from a catastrophic power outage of a magnitude beyond modern experience, exceeding prior events in severity, scale, duration, and consequence.” -NIAC Advisory, December 2018
This advisory has been distributed for purposes of mitigating the potential damages arising from any Deep State retaliation as the critical foundations of the criminal cabal, i.e., political and financial, are in the final stages of being brought down.
In the last few weeks, there have been a slew of directed energy weapons attack, e.g. California “Wildfire” and the NY “power transformer breakdown”, which when investigated further than the mainstream media is telling the public paints a totally different picture.
Weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin is not even hiding its Tesla technology, directed energy weaponry anymore.
Harnessing the Power of Lasers
Lockheed Martin is moving at light speed to position these capable systems for success on the battlefield. We have developed innovative fiber lasers, sophisticated beam control and auxiliary technologies. Combined with expert platform integration, these advances enable offensive and defensive capabilities against a growing range of threats to military forces and infrastructure.
Our technology today is ready to defend against small rockets, artillery shells and mortars, small unmanned aerial vehicles, small attack boats and lightweight ground vehicles that are approximately a mile way. As fiber laser power levels increase, our systems will be able to disable larger threats and do so across greater distances. When operated in conjunction with kinetic energy systems, these systems can serve as a force multiplier.
Positioned for Success on the Battlefield
Lockheed Martin’s proven platform integration expertise includes the auxiliary technologies needed to field laser weapons systems on military aircraft, ground vehicles and ships.
“Our fiber lasers operate with an efficiency that generates less heat and exists in a smaller package allowing easier incorporation into various defense platforms. Our ALADIN laser has operated in the field for two years with no need for realignment, proving both the lethality and the reliability of our solutions.”
– Dr. Rob Afzal, Senior Fellow, Laser Sensors and Systems
So, it’s not just science fiction anymore. They’ve been using this technology in all its variants for controlling the weather, injecting earthquakes, agitating dormant volcanoes, altering our mood and outright mind control, at least that’s how proud they are in showcasing their logos, or icons, above,  having earned the bragging rights to their maniacal appetite for global domination.

How Does A Directed Energy Weapon [DEW] work?

The mechanics of how the directed energy weaponry works is simple enough for most people to understand. Here are the steps to do it:
  1. Choose an electromagnetic wave frequency that can produce heat,  which can be done just by copying the operating principles of the microwave oven, or that same electromagnetic wave frequency used in industrial laser cutters;
  2. Amplify or scale up the system with components that are able to withstand those very high voltages. (Nikola Tesla has documented to have used 200 million volts at least in his experiment to light up the Atlantic sky in his frustration from JP Morgan’s withdrawal of support, and for Thomas Edison’s burning of his laboratory);
  3. Use a lens that can withstand the high energy generated from steps 1 and 2, and is capable of focusing the generated energy into a coherent beam, which can be directed to any point of interest.
Tesla lighting up the night sky? Well, here’s that same technology being blamed to a “power monitoring system malfunction”…
Aside from this DEW attack on a New York power plant, the FCC has also launched a federal investigation into telecommunications company CenturyLink after a failure of the company’s systems in Louisiana led to 911 outages across the US on Thursday, December 27/28th.
Customers in several areas were left without internet , and vital services like 911 were down temporarily, with local police departments urging residents to call their local numbers with emergencies.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has ordered the investigation, calling the outage “completely unacceptable, and its breadth and duration are particularly troubling (though he may need to wait until the government shutdown is ended before the investigation can begin in earnest).”
Incidentally, the heat generating microwave frequency is allocated under the S-Band alongside your Bluetooth headphones and all other mobile devices. But it is still considered a conspiracy theory that you’re being induced with brain tumors from using these consumer gadgetry.
These directed energy weapons can also be scaled down for the infantry:
HUDSON, N.H.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The U.S. Army has awarded BAE Systems a $13.5 million order to begin producing the new Family of Weapon Sights-Individual (FWS-I) thermal weapon sight for soldiers. Under the low rate initial production award, the company will deliver more than 100 weapon sight systems as part of a previously announced five-year contractfor the Army’s Enhanced Night Vision Goggle III and Family of Weapon Sight-Individual (ENVG III/FWS-I) program.
“These advanced weapon sights will allow soldiers to conduct surveillance and acquire targets in any light or weather conditions, increasing mission safety and effectiveness,” said Marc Casseres, director of Imaging and Aiming Solutions at BAE Systems. “This production order means that soldiers are one step closer to receiving this mission-critical technology for use in-theater.”
The BAE Systems-developed FWS-I solution integrates the company’s first-to-market 12-mircon technology, which helps make its offering smaller and lighter while providing superior image quality. The uncooled infrared thermal weapon sight allows soldiers to clearly view targets at more than 1,000 meters away. The clip-on sight can be mounted on an M4 carbine, M16A4 rifle, M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, M136 AT4 rifle, or M141 Bunker Defeat. It can also seamlessly connect with the ENVG III for increased survivability and lethality.
When combined with the ENVG III system, BAE Systems’ FWS-I and Rapid Target Acquisition (RTA) Module solution can greatly reduce target engagement time. The innovative RTA solution uses a wireless connection to integrate the weapon sight view directly into the soldier’s goggle so targets can be quickly located and engaged from any carry position, without needing to raise the weapon to the eye. This allows soldiers to accurately engage targets while still maintaining full cover.
It is important to understand that when it comes to electromagnetics, it is just a matter of varying the frequency and raising the amplitude of the signal being emitted to achieve a specific purpose. The vehicle to deliver the lethal and non-lethal signals could come from the same equipment.
Meanwhile in Indonesia…
Due to its built-in plausible deniability, it is highly imperative for the public to have a government under the care of people with high integrity always. But, are they still around?
Current developments indicate that they are still here. In fact, they have bonded and acted together to put the Deep State filths in the right place.
Happy New Year’s Day, everyone!!!

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